From the Andes Recorder
A Bovina church celebrated its centennial and the victim of an accident involving a frightened horse back in July unexpectedly succumbs to her injuries.
September 4, 1914
• Patrolman Bouton is sweeping and oiling the Bovina State road.
• The schoolhouse at the “hook” is being painted by Keeley and Bailey.
• A heavy rain accompanied by a high wind did some damage Wednesday evening.
• Frank Dickson on the Little Delaware, is building an addition to his residence and is putting in a bath.
• The Center school opened Tuesday with Vera Davidson principal and Kathryn Reynolds primary teacher. The other schools of the town opened the same day.
• Robert H. Lewis, of Andes, who during the past summer has conducted an ice cream parlor and bakery in the McCune building, has sold his business to Leon VanDusen. [This building was later a barbershop and was owned for many years by Clayt and Florence Thomas. It is now owned by Tom Hetterich. 42.2622°N 74.7818°W]
Bovina Church Celebrates.
Reformed Presbyterian Congregation Established Sept 2, 1814
The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Bovina, was established September 2, 1814, and on Wednesday of this week the congregation celebrated the on hundredth anniversary. In conjunction with the anniversary Rev. Thomas E. Graham, of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, was ordained and installed as pastor of the church. At noon a picnic dinner was served and there were interesting addresses and a general good time.
The original church was at the Butt End, and the present church in Bovina Center was completed in 1861. The first preacher was a co-pastor with Kortright. Other pastors were James Douglas, Revs Pollock, Kennedy, Milligan, Robb.
Bovina Woman Expires Suddenly
Mrs. Robert Doig Passed Away at her Home at Tunis Lake, Sept 2
Mrs Robert Doig died suddenly at her home at Tunis Lake in the town of Bovina about 3 o’clock Wednesday afternoon, September 2, from heart failure.
On July 16, Mrs. Doig had both legs broken by jumping from the wagon when she became frightened by the horse starting suddenly when the umbrella hit against the spokes of the wheel. She was recovering and for three days had been up in a wheel chair, and was apparently doing nicely. That afternoon, she was feeling good but suddenly complained of a peculiar feeling in the chest and in ten minutes was dead. It is thought that a blood clot might have been the cause…. The funeral will be held Saturday at 11 o’clock at the house and 12 at the U.P. church in Bovina Center.
September 11, 1914
• It is expected that the water works will be completed in about a month.
• Mrs. Stewart, of Great Bend, Long Island, visited her father, A.B. Phyfe, a few days the past week.
• Mrs. William Rogers and Mrs. John L. Gordon and two sons, who spent July and August at the Rogers cottage at Lake Delaware, returned to New York on Tuesday.
• Miss Hazel Hoy, dauter of William A. Hoy of this place, stands third in the list of those entitled to a scholarship under the law of 1913. As Delaware county is entitled to five scholarships Miss Hoy will be one of the lucky ones.
• Tuesday, a horse driven by Mrs. Robert Kemp and Mrs. Thomson, of West Delhi, who were on their way to attend presbytery, took fright on the Hook bridge, when the auto of A.T. Doig came around the sharp curve. The horse turned on the bridge and both ladies were thrown out. Mrs. Kemp had her collar bone broken and was injured about the head. She was taken to the home of James Lunn and Dr. Whitcomb made her as comfortable as possible. She was taken home Wednesday. Mrs. Thomson escaped with bruises. The curve at that point is a very dangerous one and more accidents are likely to happen there.
Was Landscape Painter
Jack Elliott, a painter, died at Bloomville, September 6, from heart failure. He was a native of Scotland; a man of middle age. On coming to this country he spent some time in Bovina and painted numerous landscape pictures and portraits, and was a good artist. [The Bovina Historical Society has two of his Bovina paintings on display at the Bovina Museum. See this blog for August 31, 2012 for views of these paintings:]
September 18, 1914
• At Delhi fair last week Charles Hafele was awarded the blue ribbon on his fine matched span of chestnut colts.
• The part of appraisers who are looking up the assessments the towns of the county for use in the appeal of three towns from their equalized value, were in town again this week.
• William Strangeway has sold his farm on Federal Hill to an Italian, and with his mother will come to Bovina and make their home with Mrs. Strangeway’s daughter, Mrs. Charles A. McPherson. Mr. Strangeway will work at his trade – carpenter and builder. [The McPherson home is where Frank and Stella McPherson lived. Charles McPherson was Frank's father. 42.2619°N 74.7875°W]
September 25, 1914
• Six houses in Bovina Center are for sale at present.
• Alex Myers has had his residence re-shingled, using the galvanized shingle. [42.2619°N 74.7875°W]
• James E. Hastings has sold his entire dairy of Jersey cows to Len Smith of Bloomville, and they were taken away Friday.
• George Russell has purchased the Chisholm house in Bovina Center, the price paid being $1,700. The house if built today would cost several hundred dollars more than the selling price. [This is the Robson home, just to the right of the Brushland Eating House - 42.2623°N 74.7838°W]
• Thomas H. Elliott moved Tuesday from the John R. Hoy house to rooms in part of the Chisholm house. Rev. Thomas Graham, pastor of the R.P. church, will also have rooms in the other half of the house.
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