Tuesday, October 31, 2023

This Day in Bovina for October 2023

Eighty one years ago today, the Delaware Republican Express for October 1, 1942 published this Bovina column: 


120 years ago, the October 2, 1903 Otsego Farmer (Cooperstown) had the following report: "Prosperous Delaware county creameries are those of the co-operative companies at Bovina Centre and Bovina. The one at Bovina Centre receives 17,500 pounds milk daily. Average test, 5.2. The patrons receive the skim milk back free if desired. Twenty-four and one-half cents was paid for butter fat for the month of August. At the Bovina co-operative creamery, 70 cans of milk are taken in each day, the average test is 5.2, and the price paid for butter was 22 cents a pound. Patrons are allowed both skim milk and buttermilk back free. The butter is put in one-pound prints for the Philadelphia market." The Bovina Center creamery is the one in the hamlet. The Bovina creamery was on Bovina Road and closed sometime in the 1920s. The building has been gone for some time.


159 years ago today, on October 3, 1864, as later reported in the Delaware Gazette, "A McClellan Club was formed in Bovina…and the following gentlemen elected as officers: F.McFarland, President; James McFarland, Michael Dickson, Vice-Presidents; E.A. Boggs, Secretary; R.F. Scott, Treasurer." McClellan clubs were formed to support the candidacy of General McClellan in the 1864 presidential election. McClellan lost the election to Abraham Lincoln, who was re-elected to his second term. In Bovina, McClellan lost, too, receiving 67 votes to Lincoln's 210.   


141 years ago today, on October 4, 1882, as later reported in the Bovina column of the Delaware Gazette, "a shameful - yes, disgraceful affair took place in town on Wednesday night. Two parties began the small business of running horses, kept it up until they reached the village, where it ended in a smashup, turnover and runaway. Two outside parties might have been killed, but fortunately escaped with knocks and bruises; children endangered; Prof[essor] given a lively run to escape, and the doctor's fence badly demolished. Such a history should be a lesson to such young men." Who the professor is I cannot determine.


199 years ago today, on October 5, 1824, Thomas Landon posted the following ad in the Delaware Gazette: "Merino Bucks for Sale. The subscriber has for sale at the Fish Lake [Lake Delaware], a number of full bred MERINO BUCKS, of pure blood as imported from Spain. Those who wish to purchase, must apply previous to the first of November, as on that day such as are unsold, will be removed to the eastward." In case you don't know, Merinos are a breed of sheep, popular in Bovina's early history.


Seventy-nine years ago today, the October 6, 1944 Walton Reporter in its Bovina column reported that "Mr. and William Samderson and children of Delhi and Miss Leona Edwards of Turnwood were week end guests of their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boggs." The same column also reported "Old clothes were collected in town Thursday by the drivers of the milk trucks, and taken to the community hall. After being sorted and packed by a committee consisting of Mrs. Floyd Aitkens, Mrs. John Hilson and Mrs. Agnes Draffen, they will be shipped to New York, where they will be sent to help the people of European countries."


139 years ago today, the Bovina column of the October 7, 1884 Stamford Mirror reported "A grand banquet was held at the residence of A. Liddle one fine evening recently. Waterville was well represented and tripped the light fantastic until the wee sma hours had rolled around." Waterville was a briefly used term for the Butt End of Bovina.


114 years ago today, an ad appeared in the October 8, 1908 Catskill Mountain News: "For sale - The hotel at Bovina Centre with 4 1/2 acres of flat land adjoining. Only hotel in town. Posession given Nov. 1, 1909. J.L. Dickson, Bovina Center." This hotel was located across Maple Avenue. It was demolished around 1920 and the residences of Jim and Margaret Hilson and Julie Hilson and Mark Schneider stand on the spot where it was located.


138 years ago today, on October 9, 1885, the "baseball clubs of Hamden and Bovina" were due to play the "last game for the best two in three on the fair grounds" in Delhi. The Delaware Gazette reported that "they have played two games…that at Hamden was won by the Hamden club, and the one at Lake Delaware by the Bovina club." The paper concluded "as they are quite evenly matched the game will be watched with interest." I have not been able to find the result of this final game.


Ninety-two years ago today, on October 10, 1931, the house of Dr. Sarle was damaged by fire. The house is now the home of Chef Deanna at 1645 County Highway 6. Here's the report of the fire from the October 15, 1931 Stamford Mirror. 


158 years ago today, on October 11, 1865, a team from Delhi and Bovina played against a Hamden and Walton team at a game of Quoits in Hamden. It appears the Delhi and Bovina team prevailed. Here's the scoring from the Delaware Gazette:



Seventy-nine years ago today, the Bovina column of the October 12, 1944 Delaware Republican-Express reported that "Mrs. Robert Erkson and Mary Anne Snell of Albany were here on Friday. Mrs. Erkson stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Erkson and Miss Snell with Mrs. Frank McPherson."


Fifty nine years ago today, on October 13, 1964, as later reported in the Delaware Republican Express, "…Mrs. John Hilson was honored at a luncheon at the home of Mrs. William Storie by the King's Daughters' S.S. Class of the Bovina United Presbyterian Church. She has retired as a teacher after many years of faithful service…In the afternoon letters from absent friends were read, games were played and much time spent in reminiscing."


160 years ago today, the October 14, 1863 Delaware Gazette reported on the premiums won at the county fair and awarded by the Delaware County Agricultural Society. Miss Minnie Graham of Bovina won $1.00 for "1 crayon sketch, 1 water color sketch, 1 oil painting."


157 years ago today, on October 15, 1866, Jane Archibald Boggs, wife of Thomas R. Boggs, gave birth to a daughter, Margaret E. Boggs. Margaret would marry Thomas J. Ormiston  on Christmas Day, 1890 and would have seven children, including two sets of twins.  Her daughter Ruth Ormiston married Henry Monroe on her parents' 30th wedding anniversary and daughter Lois would marry Fletcher Davidson. Margaret was widowed in 1919 and would die in 1966, less than three months shy of her 100th birthday. Her grandchildren include Frances Monroe Burns, who turned 100 in July and Ed Davidson, who was 96 at his passing in 2019. Must be those Ormiston genes. Here's a clipping from the Walton Reporter for October 14, 1965 reporting on her 99th birthday. 


173 years ago today, on October 16, 1850, Bovina farmer John Laughran was nominated for the State Assembly as a Democrat. As later reported in the Delaware Gazette, he "was nominated against his wishes, but has consented to accept the nomination…." The paper went on to report that "he is a farmer of Bovina, possessed of good talents and a business man of the right stamp; just such a man as we need in the Legislature - fearless, upright and high minded…" In another item in the same issue, a letter from a democrat in Roxbury noted that "The nomination of Mr. Laughran, for Assembly, meets the warm approval of almost every Anti-Renter…He will carry this town by a large vote." Laughran ultimately lost the election, though the November 13, 1850 Delaware Gazette noted that Laughran "made a gallant run and well nigh upset his competitor. He may well feel proud of his vote."


Seventy years ago today, on October 17, 1953, Lauren Monroe married Lois Hogg from Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. Happy 70th Wedding Anniversary Lauren and Lois! Here is the announcement of their marriage and a picture from the wedding. 


136 years ago today, on October 18, 1887, Michael Miller received this bill as Bovina highway commissioner from T.E. Hastings for 300 feet of planking. The same day he received another bill from D.L. Thomson for another 240 feet of planking. Planks were used for roads in the 1840s. By this time, the planks were more likely used for bridges. 


119 years ago today, on October 19, 1904, as later reported in the Catskill Mountain News, "Miss May Belle Logan and David G. Currie were united in marriage at the bride's home in Bovina Center, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. They are very estimable young people." David and May Belle would be married until May Belle's death in 1953. David died in 1958. Both are buried in the Bovina cemetery. Here's the invitation to their wedding, received by Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hilson:  


171 years ago today, the October 20, 1852 issue of the Delaware Gazette reported in its list of premiums awarded by the Delaware County Agricultural Society at its Annual Fair that "Miss M. Laidlaw, Bovina" won a $2.00 premium for "worsted bureau cover, crotchet mats, worsted footstool cover, etc." I'm not sure who M. Laidlaw was, but the most likely candidate is Margaret Laidlaw, daughter of David Laidlaw and Helen Hart. She married George Currie in 1859 and would have six children. Sadly, four of her children all died in 1870, one in March and three in December. Her last two children were born after the death of the other children. They would both survive to adulthood.


138 years ago today, the October 21, 1885 Delaware Gazette carried this ad for the sale of the farm of Jonathan Adee. The ad ran for several months. In 1887, Adee leased the farm to Joseph Birdsall. The farm was finally sold by his daughter after Adee's death in 1907. The farm was at the top of Cape Horn Road. 


183 years ago today, on October 22, 1840, the Democratic Whigs of the Town of Bovina met at the home of P.G. Vanderberg. "Hon. James Cowan being called upon to address the meeting. [H]e preferred reading to the meeting the speech of W.H. Harrison delivered at the great meeting of the Whig at Chilicotha, Ohio." A committee of five was "appointed to draft resolutions expressing the sense of this meeting." The committee comprised A. Cowan, John Erkson, Jr., James Rich, Jr, Walter Coulter and A. Storie. Harrison was elected President of the United States the following month, only to die one month into his administration. In Bovina, the Harrison received 149 votes, while the Democrat candidate, President Van Buren received 104 votes. 


118 years ago today, on the evening of October 23, 1905, the Montauk Ladies Quartette gave a concert at the Bovina Methodist Church. The concert was part of a concert/lecture series held by the church. Image of the Montauk Ladies Quartette from University of Iowa. Libraries. Special Collections Dept., Redpath Chautauqua Collection. 


135 years ago today, the October 24, 1888 issue of the Delaware Gazette reported the following sad story: "William A. Amos, of Bovina, and Mrs. Matilda Gibbs, of Harpersfield were married October 3. She was soon taken ill with typhoid fever and died Oct. 10, aged 24." A little over a year later, William was married to Mary A. Dowie. In 1910, William applied for a homestead in Alberta, Canada and settled his family there. He died in 1934 and is buried in Saskatchewan, Canada.


168 years ago today, on October 25, 1855, as later reported in the Delaware Gazette, "Thomas Secord, of Bovina, crossed the Ferry from New York to Jersey City, intending to take the cars on his way home…..and in stepping from the boat his foot slipped and was caught between the boat and dock, crushing the leg from the knee downwards, in a shocking manner. He was taken to the New York Hospital, where, we are informed, he is doing well, with a prospect that the limb may be saved." Unfortunately, Thomas died on October 31st from his injuries. The November 7, 1855 Delaware Gazette reported his death, noting his remains were brought to Bovina for interment, though where he is buried, I cannot now determine.  Thomas was listed in the 1855 census as a speculator.


195 years ago today, the October 26, 1828 Delaware Gazette published a letter from James Cowan of Bovina. Dated the 21st, it concerned his nomination by the Republicans to run for the state assembly: "Dear Sir, Your communication in regard to my nomination for a member of Assembly, has taken me on surprize, and is what I have neither asked for nor expected. I have made it the rule of my conduct, not to decline any station to which it may be the pleasure of my friends to call me. If my name, therefore, will add any thing to the cause, you are at liberty to use it. Allow me to assure you that I appreciate as I ought the honor which my friends have conferred on me, and ma fully sensible fo the kind manner in which you have been pleased to communicate the result of their deliberations. JAMES COWAN" At the time of the election, Cowan was the Bovina Town Supervisor. I can't find the results of this election, but it seems Cowan did not win, since he was reelected Bovina Town Supervisor the following February.


137 years ago today, the October 27, 1886 issue of the Delaware Gazette printed the following letter from Bovina Center dated October 23, 1886: "Editors Gazette: - Can you explain why D.L. Thomson, the great temperance Republican, when challenged for a joint debate by the Prohibition candidate, has not a word to say? Yours for the right, Anti-Saloonist." Thomson (usually Thompson) was elected to the Assembly the following month but his career there was brief. More about David Low Thompson is in my blog at https://bovinanyhistory.blogspot.com/2019/03/i-dont-know-whether-i-dare-to-go-back.html


125 years ago today, on October 28, 1898, Allison Crosier died at the age of 90 from old age. She was born in Scotland and came to the U.S. in 1839 on the ship Carroll of Carrolton, sailing from Liverpool to New York City. She traveled with the Andrew Chisholm family, listed as a servant. She stayed with the family the rest of her life, listed on various census records as the housekeeper. Andrew had been married to Annie Crosier, who died in 1843, so it's likely that Allison was a relative of Andrew's wife. Allison is buried in Bovina next to the Chisholm family.


103 years ago, the October 29, 1920 Bovina column in the Andes Recorder reported that "Voters in Bovina next Tuesday will receive four ballots - presidential, the state ticket, amendments and a town proposition." The town proposition was for the purchase of a "Steam Road Roller." The result for the vote on the purchase on election day was a tie. At a special town meeting the following March voters finally approved purchasing the roller.


Ninety-six years ago today, on October 30, 1927, Charles Loughran Dickson died in Binghamton. Born in Bovina in 1887, he was the son of Dr. Gilbert Dickson and Jane Loughran Dickson. He went to law school and became an attorney in Binghamton. His death was unexpected. As later reported in the Catskill Mountain News, he had attended a play with some friends and had just said goodbye to them about a half hour before he was found dead in his room. He was dressed for bed when death came. The paper went on to note that "He began the practice of law in Binghamton only recently, but had already established an excellent reputation for himself and was said to have a brilliant future before him."


127 years ago today, on October 31, 1896, James A. Gow tendered this resignation as Justice of the Peace for the Town of Bovina. 



Friday, October 20, 2023

Bovina Bicentennial Art Project, part 8

As part of the Town of Bovina’s Bicentennial Celebration, Brooke Alderson enlisted a group of ten local artists to create paintings of Bovina Landmarks. The artists were invited to paint their own interpretations of photographs of different Bovina buildings that are no longer in existence or have been altered. The resulting ten paintings were mounted on easels by Brooke and Scott Hill and were displayed throughout the hamlet during the Celebration at the site where the original structure stood (or still stands).

Over the next few months, I will be doing a series of entries highlighting the buildings and the paintings. The paintings are on display at the Bovina Public Library, where you can order prints of any that catch your fancy for $80, all proceeds going to the library. And stay tuned for an auction of the original works being planned for this fall. 

Kinmouth Store painted by Tim Cunningham

This house possibly was built by John Kinmouth, who was a carpenter from Perthshire, Scotland. John came to the US around 1836. His brother, Alexander, who probably helped his brother to build the house, lived in it for many years, running a grocery store from it. He likely died in the house in 1882.  

The home was later owned by George Miller – he made some changes to the veranda. The house later came to George’s grandson, Clark Lay. Clark and Gladys lived in the home for many years. The house has had several owners since Clark and Gladys’ time, including Tim Cunningham, the artist of this painting. 

Timothy Ashton Cunningham    Born and raised on the south shore of Long Island. A lifelong waterman, sportsman, operating room nurse and artist. I work with acrylics, watercolor and line drawings. I also use my creative energy in woodworking and clay. 1669 Main Street, Circa 1850 has a history of being a cooperage and a general store as well as my first residence in Bovina. It was also my subject for this project. Bovina became our full-time residence when we purchased the abandoned Ganger Farm on Cape Horn Road in 2012. The farmhouse has become our passion and with the help of local artisans we have lovingly restored the building. We have named it the Sleeping Grouse Farm. My latest art project is a series of Tuscan and Sicilian market scenes. They are the product of our Italian adventures in a fiat 500. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

October 1923 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

October 5, 1923

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lewis September 22, a daughter.

Mrs. John Miller and two daughters of Walton spent the weekend in town.

Bovina real estate transfers record are Tennes Larsen to Andreas Reinertsen, $1.

Arthur Decker and wife and George Decker attended the Cobleskill fair last Thursday.

Mrs. Thos. C. Strangeway visited her daughter, Mrs. Leon Taggart, at Oneonta last week.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Titsworth at Lake Delaware, recently. The mother is a daughter of James A. Liddle in upper Bovina.

Edgar Lee, son of John B, Lee, who has been employed in the drug store of Merrill & Humphries at Delhi, has entered the Albany College of Pharmacy. 

Rev. A. M. Thomson, who has been living In California for a few years, has accepted a call to become pastor of the Church of the Covenanters and begins his duties at once.

Jenet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Laidlaw, who was operated on for appendicitis July 9, was taken-to Delhi and operated again Monday, A sack which had healed over was taken out.

At the Republican caucus Saturday Thos C. Strangeway was re-nominated for supervisor; David G. Currie, town clerk, and Walter G. Coulter, superintendent highways. Mrs. Thos Gordon was named for collector. The Democrats have nominated Wallace Smith for Supervisor, Harold Campbell for superintendent highways, and Kate Muller for collector.

Bovina Lad Injures Eye

Harold Hall Falls on Corn Stubble Which Narrowly Misses Eye

Harold Hall, the five or six year old son of Harrison Hall who lives on the old Soper farm in Bovina, sustained a severe cut just below the eye Sabbath morning. The lad had started for Sabbath School at Lake Delaware and while going through the fields between his home and his uncle Ellsworth Tuttle's he fell in a corn field and a corn-stubble made a severe wound just below his eye. He was taken to the home of his grandfather, Frank Kinch in Delhi and the doctors feared that he might lose the sight of the eye. Through the kindness of Miss Gerry a

specialist came from Albany and he gave assurance that the eye could be saved. The lad broke his arm a year or two ago and an older brother broke his arm a few weeks ago.

Bovina Girls’ Narrow Estate

Willimina Archibald Thrown When Horse Falls on State Road

Miss Willimina Archibald, daughter of William Archibald, of Bovina Center, was injured Friday morning, when the unshod horse that she was riding fell on the State road at Hilson Bros store. She was rendered unconscious and was carried to the home of her aunt, Mrs. Alex Hilson. The doctor who was summoned found no broken bones but it required ten stitches to close a wound in the leg. It was a very narrow escape. 

October 12, 1923

Pat Fay is now driving a Ford coupe.

The children of Mr. and Mrs. John Hilson have chicken pox.

Misses Kate and Freda Muller spent over the week end at Schenectady.

Marshall McNaught attended the Dairy Show at Syracuse the past week.

Miss Elizabeth Saxoner, of Cabin Hill, \spent over the weekend end at Fred Thomson’s.

Mrs. Dixon Thomson suffered a shock last Friday afternoon, but is now improving.

James Hilson was at Whitney Point on Sabbath after Emily Archibald, who is teaching there, and was called home to see her sister.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fancher of Kortright, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo H. Miller, on October 8, a daughter.

Bovina real estate transfers recorded are Hamilton J. Hewitt, referee (Everett C. Hemmingway and others) to William H. Maynard, $2,000.

The large pine tree in front of the U.P. church was recently struck by lightning and damaged. The tree was planted by Dr. Lee over fifty years ago.

While Ross Bramley was enroute to Delhi a spindle bolt on his car broke and threw it against the bank but fortunately the car did not overturn and no damage was done.

Raymond Kinch crashed into the guard fence above Wm. J. Storie’s with the large truck of Sheffield Smith on Monday and broke three or four posts and stripped off the boards but did not go over the bank. 

William M. Johnson and Miss Mary Thomson, of Hobart, were here Sabbath and he had the bad luck to break an axle on his car as he was driving up the hill to Douglas Davidson’s on the Russell road.

Edward Burgin of Bovina, and Carl Hamilton, of Andes, had a head on collision in the narrow bridge at Lake Delaware last Friday. Aside from a broken windshield and bent mud guards the damage was not great. 

Her Injuries Were Fatal

Miss Wilhelmina Archibald of Bovina died from Lockjaw Oct 8

Miss Wilhelmina Archibald, the youngest daughter of William Archibald and Sarah Hobbie died at their home at arch bridge at Bovina Center, soon after noon on Monday, October 8, as a result of injuries received ten days before when she was thrown from the horse which she was riding on the state road and sustained a wound on the leg just above the knee, which required ten stitches to close. She was apparently doing nicely until Saturday when lockjaw developed causing her death, she was born in Bovina on January 26, 1904. The services were held Wednesday, Rev, F. N, Crawford, officiating, and was largely attended.

October 19, 1923

Dorothy Paterson, of Mundale, is employed at George Miller’s.

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Burns and Chas Hafele were Andes visitors Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Russell and dauter of Delhi, were callers in town on last Saturday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomson in upper Bovina, October 11, a son – William D.

Homer Burgin, who has been employed on a chicken farm near Kinston the past summer, has returned home.

Communion services were held at the United Presbyterian church last Sabbath and four new members were received.

A son recently born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin at Charlottville. The mother will be remembered as Nell Oliver of this place.

Peter Robson has traded his farm with Leonard Smith for a house and lot in Bloomville. This is the former James Henry Dean farm [this was up in the Bramley mountain area]. 

Rev. and Mrs. F.N. Crawford, and Elder and Mrs. William J. Storie are attending the sessions of the synod of New York at Washington, D.C., this week.

Bishop Nelson of the Albany Diocese preached at the morning service at the St. James Episocopal church at Lake Delaware last Sabbath and confirmed a class.

Mrs. Donald Burns was taken ill on Saturday and on Tuesday was taken to the hospital at Delhi, the physician having diagnosed the trouble as appendicitis.

William T. Forrest, who over a year ago sold the Forrest homestead farm in southern Bovina, to Robert Gerry, moved this week to the house at Lake Delaware recently vacated by Rev. O. Edgelow. 

Native of Bovina Dies Suddenly

William H. Bramley Passed Away at Delhi on October 13

William H. Bramley, a member of the firm of Dean & Bramley company dealers in flour, fed and coal, at Delhi, died very suddenly at 11 a.m. Saturday morning at his home in that village. Mr. Bramley sustained a bad fall some months ago and from that time until his death his health had been somewhat impaired. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock from his late home, Rev. T.C. Bookhout, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church of which he was a member, conducted the services. The burial was in Bovina. 

William H. Bramley was the son of John W. and Margaret (McCune) Bramley and was born in the town of Bovina 73 years ago. During his early life he was a cattle drover and speculator but many years ago entered the firm of Dean & Bramley, Delhi.

He was a member of the Delhi board of trustees at the time of his death. He was a very quiet man, much devoted to his home. 

Surviving him are his widow, one daughter, Wilma, who is attending school in New York city, a son John, employed in the hardware store of A.W. Dubben, a brother, Fred, of Bovina, and several nieces and nephews. 

October 26, 1923

Archie Dickson, of Lewbeach, was here on Sabbath.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hilson, October 18, a son [actually, this was a daughter, Jane Doris Hilson].

David Adee, of New Kingston, was in town last Saturday.

F.W. Hyatt spent from Friday until Monday at Yonkers, his former home.

William J. Storie has torn the veranda off his farm house and will build a modern veranda. 

The receipts from a play given Monday night in the Community Hall at Lake Delaware were $59.

A son was born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Millard Gow at Endicott. The father is a former Bovina boy.

Arnold Bellows, who teaches at Lake Delaware, is conducting a night school and has six young men taking instruction.

Miss Angelica Gerry, who has spent several weeks at Lake Delaware, returned to her home in New York City last Thursday.

Bovina real estate transfers recorded are Peter G. Gerry and wife to Elbridge Gerry $1, Bennie DeBelles to Elixa Bononeitti, $1. 

Mrs. Harry Robinson, who is assistant bookkeeper for the New Andes Creamery Inc., is at home this week, suffering from neuralgia. 

Bovina Team Ran Away

Last Thursday morning the team of Charles A. McPherson ran away, but aside from a broken wagon wheel no damage was done. Mr. McPherson left them standing in front of Hilson Bros store while he went in to make some purchases and just as he came back out of the door the horses started from some unknown cause. They made the first turn at the Scott arch bridge below the village but could not make the second and went through the guard fence and into the field and did not try to run farther.