Monday, July 22, 2024

A Week with Bovina People - July 1899 - 125 Years ago from the Andes Recorder

Here’s what was happening in Bovina 125 years ago, July 1899, from the pages of the Andes Recorder.

July 7, 1899

Henry Raitt arrived in town Friday.

Robert Oliver was seen in town Friday.

Richard Smith returned from Walton Monday.

David J. Miller was at the county Seat Monday.

William C. Oliver and wife were in town Thursday.

D.M. Coulter, of Andes, was in this place Thursday.

John Blair and Richard Smith were at Delhi Saturday.

Misses Anna and Bertha Phyfe returned from Oneonta Monday.

Alexander Bailey and wife were here Thursday, from DeLancey.

Frank Dickson, of the Little Delaware, was in this place recently.

Mrs. David J. Miller and Miss Jennie Campbell visited relatives at Walton the first of the week.

A.C. Seacord recently caught a trout 15 inches in length which weighed one pound and two ounces.

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Miller were at Andes Wednesday.  While there Mr. Miller purchased a Deering mowing machine.

Mrs. James Archibald died Saturday morning, July 1.  Rev. W.L.C. Samson officiated at the funeral which was held Monday. [She was the former Ethel Haynes. She died of Bright's disease, a disease of the kidneys. She was 28 years old and had been married to James William Archibald for only a few months before her death.]

Quite a number of new mowing machines have bought this year.  Besides those mentioned last week they are Walter Biggar, a McCormick, E. Burgin, an Osborn, James Coulter a Walter A. Wood and F.C. Armstrong, a Buckeye.

Married, on Wednesday evening, June 28, at the home of the bride, by the Rev. Howard F. Brown, Miss Helen A. Bailey to William D. Ceas. The occasion was an unusually pleasant one for those who [were] privileged to attend. The couple went to New York city and New Jersey on their wedding trip. 

Almost a Blaze

Friday afternoon as Mrs. Ireland who is stopping at Herman Rotermund’s was curling her hair the flame of the lap ran down into the oil fount. Mr. Ireland, who as in the room seized the lamp and hurled it through the window before it had time to explode. His presence of mind undoubtedly averted a serious fire. – Utilitarian. 

July 14, 1899

T.E. Hastings is done haying in the Centre.

William T. Black was at Bloomville last Thursday.

William Bramley, of Delhi, was in town on Sabbath.

Gideon Miller went to Andes Tuesday to help his father in haying.

Rev. James Black and wife are visiting his brother, William T. Black.

Alex Hilson, F.R. Coulter and Elliott Thomson were at Delhi Monday.

Lisabel Donnelly, of Davenport, is visiting her grandfather, D.L. Thomson.

David F. Hoy and wife, of Ithaca, arrived in town Saturday for a short visit. 

Raymond Ballantine, Nelle More and Ida Glendenning were in town Friday.

Rev. Brown, who has been preaching at New Kingston, was in this place on Sabbath.

Mrs. Charles St. John, of Denver, Colorado, has been visiting relatives in this locality.

Six new members were received into the United Presbyterian church at the last communion.

Rev. J.K. McClurkin, D.D., of Pittsburg gave an excellent address on Egypt Thursday evening.

Miss Carrie Kaufman arrived home from New York Wednesday, where she has been for some time. 

Mrs. John R. Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. David F. Hoy and Jennie Hoy, were in Andes the first of the week. 

A.B. Phyfe has gone to New Kingston to assist John Archibald in haying. He has worked there for a number of years. 

July 21, 1899

Rev. Slater was at Delhi Monday.

Wilson Raitt was at Delhi Tuesday.

Frank R. Coulter was at Delhi last Friday.

Miss Nellie Butts arrived in town Monday.

George Gladstone was at Delhi Thursday.

Adam Scott, of Delhi, was in this place Friday.

A number of our farmers have finished haying.

E.J. Turnbull was in town from Andes Thursday.

Mrs. Amos Northrup is visiting at Walton this week.

David Oliver was at Delancey the latter part of the week.

Thomas Gordon and Berry S. Miller were in Fall Clove Friday.

James Hannon, of Oswego, has been visiting friends in this vicinity.

Mrs. John Hilson and Mrs. Albert Butts were at Delhi on Monday.

Rev. T.M. Slater now drives a fine bay horse and Albert Butts a black.

Thomas Gordon has purchased the Stott house in this village of George Stott.

Robert Robson recently had his leg badly bruised by being kicked by a horse.

Mrs. Samson has gone to visit her people and to attend the marriage of her sister.

The family of William Rogers are at his residence at Lake Delaware for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. G.D. Miller were at Andes on Sabbath attending the funeral of her uncle, James Dickson.

The Town of Bovina now has a safe in which to keep its books and papers.  John Irvine was at Delhi after it on Monday.

It is expected that J.K. McDivitt, of Andes, will conduct services next Sunday in the Methodist Episcopal church and also at Lake Delaware.

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Adee, of New Kingston, who were for many years residents of this town, will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage, September 13, 1899.

Mrs. J.B. Hastings has in her possession a gold nugget recently received from her brother John, who is located eight miles from Dawson City. Mr. Sherman stated that he was in excellent health and prospering finely. At present he and his companion, a young Englishman are getting $12 per day. – Davenport Correspondent to Independent

July 28, 1899

William Mable was in town Tuesday.

Alex. Myers was at the County Seat Friday.

James A. Gow was at Andes Wednesday.

G.D. Miller was at New Kingston Tuesday.

Thomas Gordon was down at Delhi Saturday.

James Turnbull was seen in this place Monday.

Robert Liddle, of Cannonsville, was here Monday.

Ephriam Worden, of Andes, was in town Tuesday.

William Black and Elliott Thomson were at Delhi Thursday.

Alex. Liddle and wife, of Andes, were in this place Thursday.

William Richardson and Charles Palmer were at Delhi Thursday last.

Halsey, the Hobart creameryman, was here Monday trying to engage milk for his creamery.

Joshua K. McDivitt preached in the Methodist church on Sabbath and at Lake Delaware in the evening.

Mrs. Charles St. John, who has been visiting here, started Monday to return to her home in Denver, Colorado.  

Rev Miller, who has been preaching at New Kingston, preached in the United Presbyterian church on Sabbath evening.

Charles Carman and Ed Hanlon were here Tuesday repairing the damage recently done by lightning to the telephone at Strangeway’s store.

John Blair, Leonard Sloan, Andrew Seacord, Leslie McNee and George Douglas were in Delhi Friday to witness the ball game between Hamden and Oneonta.

Monday, July 15, 2024

"She has a club laid up to break Mike's head:" The Quarrels of the Agnews

The February 17, 1880 Bovina column in the Stamford Mirror carried this item:

Last Sunday seems to have been a high day for family quarrels in Brushland. A row was begun that day … between Robt. Agnew and wife. Agnew is a blacksmith by trade, and located here some time last fall. This worthy couple have been in the habit of quarreling occasionally ever since they have been here, and on Sunday (according to Mrs. Agnew’s story) Agnew shut her up stairs, and kept her there all day, with nothing but two cold griddle-cakes to eat. On Monday, she went up to Mrs. Boyd’s (a relative of Mrs. Agnew’s) and returned home on Tuesday. Agnew came from his shop in the evening, and finding his wife at home, the quarrel was again commenced, when Agnew put his wife out of doors, and threatened to kill her if she came in again. Soon after this, Thomas Miller was crossing the stone bridge, near Strangeway’s store, and heard a noise, as if some one was trying to break the ice, and going down the stream a short distance found Mrs. Agnew, who acted as if she intended to drown herself. She was then taken to M. Dickson’s, where she remained over night. The next day she went to Boyd’s, and is there at present, but is said that she intends to leave Agnew and go back to her mother, who we believe, lives in Scotland.

It seems that Robert left first. In the Stamford Mirror for August 17, 1880, it was reported that “Robert Agnew, blacksmith, has sold out to McPherson & Salton.”

Mrs. Agnew showed up in the papers again a week later in the August 24 issue. It seems she ended up staying at Dickson’s and overstayed her welcome. 

Michael Dickson having obtained a judgment against, Mrs. Agnew served, an execution on her Monday last, and levied on "three silver dollars, also the potatoes and apples in the garden at present occupied by her," and ordered her to vacate the premises within three days.  The three days have expired and she is still in possession of the premises, and says she has a club laid up to break Mike's head with if he troubles her again."  

We don’t know much about Mr. and Mrs. Agnew. They were both from Scotland. Mrs. Agnew’s maiden name was Margaret McBurney. In 1871, they were living in Renfrewshire, Scotland with their one-year-old son Robert. Mr. Agnew came to the U.S. in 1873. We don’t know when Mrs. Agnew came but by 1880, they were living in Bovina with their ten-year-old son Robert and three-year-old daughter, Margaret. The information on daughter Margaret is confusing. Her death certificate in 1963 gives her birthyear as 1879 and her birthplace as Renfrew, Scotland. 

At this point, Mr. and Mrs. Agnew disappear from local newspapers. Robert appears to have headed on to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In September 1885, a Robert Agnew died in an accident working on the railroad in September 1885 in Pittsburgh. This likely is the same Robert who briefly was a blacksmith in Bovina. 

In June 1914, the Andes Recorder reported “Robert Agnew, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, was a visitor here this week.  His father had a blacksmith shop in Bovina some thirty years ago.”

What happened to Mrs. Agnew I cannot determine. 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 1924 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

Here's what was happening in Bovina 100 years ago from the pages from the Andes Recorder.

July 4, 1924

Milton Hastings is having a radio installed.

Mrs. Ida Burgin is having concrete floor put in her barn.

Three imported sheep were received Tuesday at the Gerry Farms at Lake Delaware.

Miss Carrie Dumond has gone to Stamford to work in the Kendell boarding house.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Boggs in Upper Bovina, June 19, a daughter, Mary Elinor. [Mary Eleanor Boggs married Sig Bathen in 1948 and had three children. She was widowed in 1998 and died in 2007.]

The King reunion with a picnic dinner, was held Tuesday at the home of Fred Thomson. 

Mr. Harrington, of Margaretville, and assistants are plastering the new house of Mrs. Alex Hilson.

Mrs. Thomas Fuller has had her residence newly sided and it is now receiving a new dress of paint.

Mrs. and Mrs. Lloyd Filkins and daughter, of Syracuse, were guests at Frank Miller’s the first of the week.

The uptown branch of the Willing Workers motored to Hobart on Thursday and held an all day meeting with Miss Mary Thomson. 

William S. Gordon has received word that he has successfully passed the entrance examinations to Pratt’s Institute in Brooklyn. [William was the son of Thomas Gordon and brother of Margaret Gordon.]

Bovina real estate transfers recorded are William H. Clement and wife to John Jarvi and wife $1,500; A.L. O’Connor (Referee) to Chas A. McPherson $3,000.

The Risley Lumber Company finished their lumber job on Dickson Mountain on Monday and moved their mill over on the other side of the hill in Bovina.

Mrs. S.F. Ferris and her mother, and Mrs. M.M. Boggs have arrived in Bovina to spend the summer and are occupying furnished rooms in William F. Boggs’ house.

Mr. and Mrs. David Cameron and two children, of Los Anges, California, have been visitors in town. Mrs. Cameron will be remembered as Alma Scott, daughter of the late Wilson Scott.


Arthur Hoy Passed Away June 29 After Long Illness

Arthur D. Hoy, a farmer residing on the former Aitken farm up Pink street in Bovina, passed away June 29, after an illness of several months from tuberculosis. He was a son of Thomas Hoy and Julia Ann (Tuttle) Hoy and was born on the farm adjoining the one where he died on March 2, 1872. He is survived by his wife, who was Jennie I. Currie, and two sons. The funeral was held Tuesday with interment in the Bovina Center cemetery. [Hoy's wife Jennie would die less than a decade later in 1933.]

July 11, 1924

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cowan, of Andes, were here Wednesday.

Mrs. Godfry Olson of New York is visiting her father, F.W. Hyatt.

Miss Caroline Dickson expects to leave soon for a business trip to California.

Miss Gladys Worden has gone to Cortland Normal to attend summer school.

Milton Hastings motored to Cortland this week, combining business and pleasure.

Ralph Barnhart was on a business trip on road grading matters to Canada the past week.

The Dickson store building is receiving a new dress of paint. Alex Myers is doing the job. [The Dickson store is now the Brushland Eating House.]

Lauren Dickson, who recently completed his law course at the Yale Law School, is at his home here.

John Shaver and family, of Pepacton, spent Sabbath with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver.

Rev. and Mrs. Charles Lay and children, of Mundale, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo H. Miller.

Mrs. Jennie Shaver and Mrs. Eliza Sprague, of Pepacton, were recent guest of their cousin, Mrs. George H. Miller. 


From our Bovina Correspondent

Miss Marjorie Dickson, daughter of Mrs. G.J. Dickson, of this place and Wilbur Archibald, son of Thomas A. Archibald, of Walton, formerly of Bovina, were married Saturday, July 5. They will reside at Warren, Pennsylvania, where the groom has a position. [They later settled in Poughkeepsie, NY where Wilbur was a teacher. He died in Poughkeepsie in 1982. Marjorie died in 1979.]

Church to be Consecrated

St. James’ Church, at Lake Delaware, the new memorial church given by Miss Angelica L. Gerry, is to be consecrated on July 25. Bishop Nelson and Bishop Oldham are expected to be present. The pipe organ will be installed before that date. The cornerstone was laid July 25, 1922. 

July 18, 1924

Workmen are engaged in putting a fireplace in Mrs. Alex Hilson’s new house.

Mrs. John Aitkens and son Floyd spent the past week with friends in New York City.

Bovina real estate transfers recorded are Margarat (sic) Hoy (administrator of) to Jennie I. Hoy $1.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gow, of New York City, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas A. Gow.

Mr. and Mrs. Millard Gow, of Binghamton, accompanied by her parents, spent Sabbath with his parents here.

J.D. Burns, who is trying to gain an accredited herd, had another test recently and nine cows and nine heifers were condemned.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, of Binghamton, and Mr. Startup, the Liberty marble man, were over the week end visitors at Alex Myers’.

George Shaver had one of his fingers cut a few days ago by getting it in the knives of the mowing machine, while working for Hilson Bros.

Ray Jardine, son of A.B. Jardine at Lake Delaware, fell on a scythe last Saturday and cut a bad gash in his leg at the knee. Dr. Latcher and Dr. Ormiston had to take several stitches to close the wound. 

Ralph Mabon, who was operated on at the hospital in Delhi for an abcess at the appendix, removed three years ago, was able to leave the hospital on Monday and is stopping at the home of his grandfather, James Mabon, in Delhi. 

A Bovina Estate

Estate of Arthur D. Hoy, late of the town of Bovina, letters of administration issued to Jennie I. Hoy and David Hoy. Estimate $4,000 reall and $2,000 personal. Widow and two sons the heirs.

July 25, 1924

Rev. F.N. Crawford was at Oneonta last week and had his tonsils removed.

Arthur Dibble and family, of Bloomville, spent Sabbath at Lancelot Thomson’s.

Misses Kate and Freda Muller spent over the week end at George Cable’s in Delhi.

United States Senator Peter G. Gerry has been at his summer home at Lake Delaware.

Harry Robinson has a new enclosed Studebaker, and Walter Coulter and William Burns have new Overlands.

Mrs. Mary Crosier, who keeps house for her son, Dr. James Crosier in Philadelphia, is visiting relatives and friends in town.

Mrs. R.P. McIntosh and her son, Robert, of Delhi and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low, of Brooklyn, were visitors here on Sabbath.

Arnold VanDusen, son of Frank VanDusen of this place, and Mrs. Mae Johnston, formerly of upper Bovina, were married recently at Utica.

Mrs. John Hilson had her tonsils removed at Oneonta on Tuesday. She is stopping for a few days with her sister, Mrs. Leon Taggart in that city.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Myers are visiting their daughter and two sons at Endicott. Mrs. Arthur Decker is the operator at the central telephone office in Mrs. Myers’ absence.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Currie at Delhi on July 21. The mother is a daughter of William Mable and a granddaughter of the late John T. Miller of this place. [The son was named William Howard Currie. The couple previously had a daughter Jean, who died when only a few weeks old. William died in 1998.]

Sunday, June 30, 2024

This Day in Bovina for June 2024

Here's the compilation of the Town of Bovina Historian Facebook page entries for the month of June:

Thirty years ago today, the June 1, 1994 Catskill Mountain News carried this item, likely written by Ann Cairns: 

This picture was taken in the Bovina UP Church basement 47 years ago today, June 2, 1977. I'm not sure what the event was, but I recognize most of the people, including from the left Eleanor Archibald, Mary Archibald, Mary Burgin (likely behind the pillar) and her husband Ted, Fletcher Davidson standing. And facing him I think are the McKenzie sisters, Janet and Elizabeth. At the other table are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hall and Cecil and Isabell Russell. 

Eighty-one years ago today, the June 3, 1943 Delaware Republican Express's Lake Delaware column had the following items: 

Forty-nine years ago today, the June 4, 1975 Stamford Mirror Record had an article entitled "Rescue Squad to Hold Fund Campaign." The article went on to say "Everyone will be receiving an information letter concerning the Bovina Rescue Squad early next week. The week of June 6 through 14 there is to be a house-to-house canvas for funds. Be generous when your neighbor calls, your life may depend on it some day! Mrs. Byron Trimbell is chairman of the Fund-Raising campaign."

128 years ago, the Andes Recorder reported in its Bovina column for June 5, 1896 that "Telephones will be put in by T.E. Hastings and A.T. Strangeway, in their residences." Hastings and Strangeway were both merchants in town at that time. In the same column and in another telephone related report, "Perhaps there is no other town in the county that has much more telephone line than has Bovina.  Now the talk is of running a line up Coulter Brook to New Kingston, and another line up Pink street and connect with Almeda [South Kortright]."

Seventy-two years ago today, the June 6, 1952 Catskill Mountain News, in its weekly Bovina column, reported that "Mr. and Mrs. John Bathen and children, Linda, John and Carl, of Woodmont, Conn., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hummel and three children of North Haven, Conn., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sig Bathen."

144 years ago today, on June 7, 1880, as later reported in the Bovina column of the Stamford Mirror, "Two of our 'worthies' had a tussle with hard cider last Monday, and got rather the worst of it."

124 years ago, the June 8, 1900 Andes Recorder reported that "Several years ago a number of persons subscribed money and a telephone line was built from Bovina Centre to Margaretville via. The Butt End and New Kingston, but the line was never incorporated and was always out of repair and for some time has not been working at all.  A new stock company we understand has been formed to reconstruct the line and expect to have it completed in about a month."

139 years ago, the Bovina column of the June 9, 1885 issue of the Stamford Mirror reported on a couple of Bovina residents traveling in the west. "T.R. McFarland is enjoying an extended trip through the far West," while "Miss Jennie Russell has gone to Dakota to spend the summer with her brother John K. Russell." McFarland likely was Thomas Russell McFarland (1845-1915). Jennie and John K. Russell likely are the children of Stephen and Jean (Bryce) Russell.

185 years ago today, on June 10, 1839, Allen Ballentyne "was found drowned in a well on a place adjoining the farm on which his family lived" in Bovina. As later reported in the June 19 Delaware (Delhi) Gazette, it was thought to be a suicide. The story about Allen’s tragic death and that of his father is in the Bovina NY History Blog at

104 years ago today, the June 11, 1920 Bovina column in the Andes Recorder reported that "A Buick touring car from South Kortright collided with the iron bridge at Lake Delaware, and was saved from falling into the stream by one wheel being caught in the bridge."

152 years ago today, on June 12, 1872, Michael Miller and F.C. Armstrong, Assessors and Fence Viewers for the Town of Bovina settled James Ormiston's claim concerning a lamb that was killed by dogs. Fence viewers, who adjudicated disputes about boundaries and maintenance of stone walls, also had the job of determining how sheep or lambs were killed. They looked at the lamb in question and interviewed witnesses to determine that the killing was done "by dogs and in no other manner." The viewers certified "that the amount of damages sustained by the said James G. Ormiston in consequences of the killing of said lamb as afoursaid is $6.00." There was a town fund to reimburse farmers for such killings when it could not be determined whose dog did it. 

Eighty-four years ago today, June 13, 1940, as later reported in the Bovina column of the Delaware Republican, "Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jardine attended the circus at Binghamton…"

141 years ago today, on June 14, 1883, the Armstrong family reunion was held at the house of F.C. Armstrong. The Stamford Mirror reported the reunion and had noted that "John Armstrong, wife, and daughter, of Salinas, Cal., are visiting friends in town.." and attended the reunion. John Graham Armstrong was the son of John C. Armstrong (1797-1864), an early settler of Bovina. John G. Armstrong died in Salinas in 1904. F.C. Armstrong was John's younger brother, Francis Coulter Armstrong. He died in Bovina in 1925.

104 years ago today, on June 15, 1920, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "Mrs. Christopher S. Gladstone and Mrs. Fred Thomson were operated upon Tuesday at the home of the last named for the removal of their tonsils.  Dr. Goodrich and Ormiston were the surgeons." More on this story and something else these women did on the same day years later is in the Bovina NY History blog at

113 years ago today, the Bovina column of the June 16, 1911 Andes Recorder reported the destruction of a barn in Lake Delaware: "The old barn of Alonzo Tuttle at Lake Delaware was struck by lightning and burned during the storm of Monday night. The building was used mainly as a place in which to store farm machinery and a few stalls had been put in for extra horses. In addition to the building a ton or two of hay and machinery was destroyed. There was no insurance. The barn was built by Thomas Wight and had probably withstood the storms of nearly three-quarters of a century."

131 years ago today, on June 17, 1893, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "M. Robertson raised his new barn last Saturday." This likely is a gentleman named Marion Robertson. Born in 1857 in Hamden, he was in Bovina from the late 1870s to 1901, when he relocated to Meredith. The farm was actually his father-in-law’s, David Oliver's, up on East Bramley Mountain Road. This later was known as the Banuat farm.

Two hundred and nine years ago today, on June 18, 1815, Adam Scott died. A native of Scotland, he was married to Janet Ingles and had three children. He is buried in the Associate Presbyterian Church cemetery. Here is his stone: 

128 years ago today, the June 19, 1896 Andes Recorder had the following item under the title Known in Bovina: "Report comes from Bloomville that James M. Campbell had been suspected of theft and on searching his premises two dozen brooms, one dozen bushel baskets and one dozen mowing machine guards were found, and a warrant issued for his arrest." This likely is James Campbell who was born in 1834. What happened to him specific to this warrant I cannot discover. He left Bovina at some point and in 1905, the year before he died, he was living with his son Forsythe in New Lisbon in Otsego County. He died there in 1906 and was brought back to Bovina for burial.

Eighty-six years ago today, on June 20, 1938, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "Margaret C. Coulter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Coulter, graduated Monday from Cornell University at Ithaca.  Walter Coulter, and daughter Mrs. William Parsons, and Elizabeth Strangeway, the latter an aunt, attended the exercises." Margaret was better known as Celia. She passed on April 21, 2015 at the age of 99. This is her senior picture. 

Forty-six years ago, the Bovina column in the June 21, 1978 Stamford Mirror-Recorder, written by Ann Cairns, reported the following item: "The Bovina transfer station is now in operation at the site of the land fill. Hours are Saturday from 9 to 4 and the station will also be open on Wednesdays from 1 to 4 during June, July, and August. Permits are required to enter the transfer station and can be obtained at the Town Clerk's office."

102 years ago today, on June 22, 1922, "Lloyd Irvine and Millard Blair, who have been visiting their parents here, left….for their return to Seattle, Washington." Lloyd was the brother of Isabell Russell; Millard the brother of Helen Thompson.

130 years ago today, on June 23, 1894, Dick Johnson was badly injured in an accident at a saw mill, likely the Johnson family mill. As later reported in the Andes Recorder, "he was running the saw in the mill and a stick flew from the saw and struck him on the side of the head, cutting his face and mouth quite badly.  He was unconscious for some time, but it is thought he will recover." How this Johnson was related to the Johnson family is not clear.

Fifty-nine years ago today, the Lake Delaware column of the June 24, 1965 Delaware Republican-Express had two items concerning the Hewitt family: "Mrs. Stanley Hewitt and son, Lawrence, were dinner guests of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Pondolfino of Oneonta last Friday. Norma Jean Hewitt attended a slumber party at Donna Parsons' home in Bovina Center last Friday evening."

161 years ago today, June 25, 1863, Robert Thomson was born. He was the illegitimate son of Robert Dysart and Elinor Thomson. For more about Robert Thomson, visit the Bovina NY History blog at

136 years ago today, June 26, 1888, as later reported in the Stamford Mirror, "J.L. Ormiston and J.L. Coulter were at Syracuse….attending the Prohibition State Convention."

The Windham Journal carried an ad for "The Dairy Woman's Friend. The Gilt-Edge Butter-Worker." The ad included a letter from a Bovina farmer dated 146 years ago, June 27, 1878. The letter was from Robert J. Forrest and stated "Having been inquired of by many in regard to my opinion of the Gilt-Edge Butter-Worker, I wish to give it my unqualified endorsement. It is a success in every particular, and one of the greatest labor-saving inventions any farmer can place in his dairy. In doing the work of a dairy of twenty-two cows my wife insists that more than one-half the work is saved her by its use."

Fifty-one years ago today, the June 28, 1973 Walton Reporter carried this ad selling the Bovina Center creamery building. 

137 years ago today, June 29, 1887, during the installation of Rev. Milligan as pastor of the Bovina Reformed Presbyterian Church, "the floor of the audience room broke down at each end." Later reported in the Stamford Mirror, the report noted that "the distance to the ground was small and no one was hurt, and the exercises were continued as though nothing unusual has happened."

Eighty-four years ago today, June 30, 1940, as later reported in the Bovina column of the Delaware Republican, "Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Doig and children of Downsville were guests of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Doig…." That same day, Miss Virginia Decker, who has been spending a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Charles Scobie at Glenn Cove, L.I., returned home…."

Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Week with Bovina People - June 1899 - 125 Years ago from the Andes Recorder

Here’s what was happening in Bovina 125 years ago, June 1899, from the pages of the Andes Recorder.

June 2, 1899

Mrs. James Archibald is very ill.

John Hoy is able to be out again.

Decoration Day was not observed here this year.

A number of Bovina people were at Delhi Saturday.

Thomas Gordon visited Walton the first of the week.

John Blair took a carload of stock to New York Monday.

John Douglas of Delhi and family drove through here Sabbath.

Charles F. Smith visited friends in Walton the first of the week.

A goodly number attended Decoration exercises at Andes Tuesday.

Elliott Thompson and family visited his brother at Downsville this week.

Dr. Walter Phyfe wife and son visited friends in town Sabbath from Delhi.

William Ward and wife of New Kingston passed through town on Monday. 

Walter Coulter is expected home from the west about the middle of June.

Commissioner Adair was here last Thursday and Friday visiting schools in town.

Miss Lillian Miller, of Andes visited her brother and other friends here the last of the week.

Oliver Dickson and sister, Miss Jennie have moved from Delhi to their summer home on Pisga.

The Hotel of Mrs. Lauren has received a coat of paint which improves its appearance very much.

The Rev. Mr. King preached a very interesting sermon lass Sabbath morning from Rev. 1 chapter 17 and 18 verses.

Bovina has a number of fine houses and now another is to be added to the list, that of Albert McPherson which when completed will be one of the finest.  The main body is 14 x 24 feet with two extensions on wings 14 x 20 feet and 12 x 14 feet with a veranda extending along the front.  It will be finished in cherry and oak and southern pine.  [This is up on Bramley Mountain Road – maybe near or on the Burnett farm.]

Thomas H. Luddington, one of the oldest residents of this town, died on Monday with a complication of diseases, and was aged about 75 years, and has always been a resident of the town, living until after the death of his wife a few years ago, on the old homestead above the Hook, but has been a resident of this village for a short time.  The funeral was held Wednesday, Rev. H.F. Brown officiating.

June 9, 1899

Mrs. James L. Coulter visited Delhi Monday.

Elmer Hastings was at Shavertown Saturday.

John E. Gladstone was a visitor here over Sabbath.

Jennie Miller has gone to Walton for a months’ stay.

Mrs. David Liddle and son visited Andes Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schelly visited in Bainbridge last week.

T.W. Miller, wife and son were here Sabbath from Andes.

Rev. and Mrs. W.L.C. Samson returned home Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert D. Miller visited at Oneonta this week.

Reed Dumond and George Elliott, of Andes, were here Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. John O. Gladstone, of Delhi spent Sabbath in town with relatives.

Mrs. Charles R. Knapp, of Union Grove, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Archibald.

Among those at Delhi Monday were William Ruff, Peter McNair, John E. Gladstone.

Charles F. Smith visited at Walton last week.  He had not been there before in fifty years.

John G. Laing has gone to Madison J.J., where he has taken a position on the stock farm of H. McKay Twombly.

A child of Thomas Jackson was kicked by a horse Monday and a gash cut across it forehead, but was not deep.  A narrow escape.

B.S. Miller returned Friday from a trip to Washington, the Capital city, and New York city, and reports an enjoyable trip and much sight seeing.  He spent Decoration Day on the battlefield at Gettysburg.

… the Boggs boy and nearly causing his death, but denies the charge.  He was held to appear for trial June 13.  Crosby & Palmer appeared for the people and H.J. Hewitt for defendant.

June 16, 1899

Nathaniel Arbuckle was in town on Friday.

Elmer Close was at Bloomville on Friday.

James McFarlane visited Delhi on Monday.

Charles A. Lee was at Roses Brook Monday.

F.C. Armstrong was at Shavertown Tuesday.

Gilbert D. Miller has been haying it this week.

Adam Scott was up from Delhi on Saturday.

Frank R. Culter was at Hobart last Thursday.

B.C. Friel, of Delhi, was in this place Tuesday.

Robert McNaught was in town from Delhi Saturday.

Charles Knapp and wife were in town on Sabbath.

Marshall Scott and sisters were down at Delhi Saturday.

Superintendent of the poor Smith was in town Monday.

Mrs. James Archibald is still quite poorly at this writing.

A.E. Liddle and wife, of Andes, visited in town Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Thompson visited at Delhi this week.

Rev. and Mrs. T.M. Slater returned from their vacation Saturday.

William T. Black and Miss Maggie Sloan were at Delhi Tuesday.

Charles Tuttle and Oliver Dickson were at the County Seat Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John K. Russell were visitors here from Delhi Tuesday.

Charles McIntyre has been assisting John Oliver in the cooper business.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Archibald, Wednesday, June 7, a daughter.

Jacob Pintoff has been in town delivering pictures which he has been enlarging.

Mrs. Walter Dunn of Binghamton has been a guest of her sister, Mrs. Peter McNair.

William McCune attended the Arbuckle Cavin wedding at Bloomville on Wednesday.

Bovina never had a candidate for school commissioner before, but now has a worthy one in James A. Gow.

A pretty home wedding took place Wednesday at the residence of Edwin Scott, when his daughter, Miss Eva, was united in wedlock to William Maynard, Rev. W.L.C. Samson officiating.

June 23, 1899

The Centre school closed last week.

T.H. Johnson has been to the city.

Dr. Gladstone was in town Friday.

O.S. Nichols was in town Thursday.

John Douglas was in town Sabbath.

Barna Johnson was over from Andes Monday.

E.J. Turnbull was seen in town Monday.

Thomas Rich, of Hobart, was here Saturday.

John Blair took stock to New York city this week.

John King, of Rose’s Brook, was in town Saturday.

Albert Scutt and son, Charles visited in town Sabbath.

Walter Coulter arrived home from California Monday.

Robert Biggar and R.F. Thomson were at Andes Thursday.

Andrew Franklin and Nelson Grey were in this place Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Liddle, of Andes were visitors here Saturday.

Miss Emma Campbell finished her school last week in Rose’s Brook.

W.W. Hoy, wife and child, of Oil City, Pa., arrived in town Monday.

Miss Leona Thomson Graduated from Delaware Academy this week.

William Maynard and bride returned home Saturday from their wedding trip.

Children’s day was celebrated in the Methodist Episcopal church last Sabbath.

James A. Thomson finished his school at Bovina on Friday of last week.

John Telford of Hobart is doing a job of mason work for Albert McPherson.

Miss Anna Phyfe received her graduation diploma from the Oneonta Normal School this week.

Michael Miller and George Cable were at Delhi Wednesday last to meet with State Assessors.

Miss Jennie Hastings graduated from Delaware Literary Institute this week as salutatorian of her class.

Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter and children and Mrs. William Reynolds and child, of Downsville visited at William Cook’s over Sabbath.

The channel of the brook at Thomas Hilson’s is being changed and William Armstrong and William Moore have the contract to put in a new bridge there.

Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Helen Bailey, of Lake Delaware, to William D. Ceas, of Bloomville, at the home of the bride’s parents Wednesday evening, June 28. 

June 30, 1899

Ed Hanlon was in this village Monday.

George Douglas was a Delhi on Monday.

E.J. Turnbull was seen in town Friday last.

William Maynard and wife visited at Delhi Monday.

Philo Benedict, of Delhi, was in this place last Friday.

Miss Effie Rose has an art school in Strangeway’s Hall.

William C. Oliver and wife were here Friday from Andes.

Mrs. Robert R. Scott has been visiting relatives at Delhi.

E.C. Dean, wife and child, of Delhi, were visitors here Friday.

Prof. Duncan C. Lee and bride arrived in town Monday for a visit.

Communion services were held in the Reformed Presbyterian church las Sabbath.

Clifford Benjamin, Miss Georgina Spiers and Miss Moore, of Andes, were here Thursday.

Lots of farmers were at Delhi Monday with stock for Blair who went to the city this week.

Misses Maggie and Rosa Strangeway are visiting their brother, Rev. Walter D. Strangeway.

A heavy hail and rain storm passed over this place Friday and in some places it cut garden stuff quite badly.

The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be dispensed in the United Presbyterian church the second Sabbath in July.

Bovina has chosen her first candidate for school commissioner – James A. Gow.  May he Gow in and win – Chronicle.

F.R. Coulter and B.S. Miller were up at David Liddle’s Tuesday and adjusted the loss on his barn by the lightening last Friday.

George McNair, charged with furnishing liquor to the Boggs boy, was discharged Friday by Justice, who held evidence was not sufficient.

John W. McCune and wife are now comfortably ensconced in their new home.  The rooms they vacated will be occupied by Andrew T. Doig.

Alex. Burns returned home last Wednesday from Potsdam St. Lawrence County, where he purchased a thorough bred Jersey bull calf, from the herd of George W. Cisson, Jr.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Death of Isaac Maynard, Esq

The June 20, 1876 Stamford Mirror carried almost a column and a half about the death of Bovina native Isaac Maynard, son of early Bovina settler Elisha Maynard. Isaac spent his whole life on the family farm in Upper Bovina. This is the article reporting on how Maynard died:

Fatal Accident-Death of Isaac Maynard Esq.

A sad accident occurred on Monday, June 12th, by which Isaac Maynard, of Bovina, was almost instantly killed. Mr. Maynard started, in company with Mr. William Cowan to visit his son at Stamford, in a buggy wagon, drawn by a spirited young horse. While descending the mountain near the Thomas Mill at South Kortright, they came to where a party of men were working on the road and as they were passing a yoke of oxen, the horse suddenly sprang to one side, upsetting the wagon and throwing out first Mr. Cowan, and soon after Mr. Maynard. Cowan escaped with slight injury. On raising up Mr. Maynard, be said he did not think he was much injured, but felt as though his back was hurt; Mr. McLean placed a Buffalo-robe to his back, and put him in as easy position as possible. In a few moments he said, "Oh! my back," leaned back, and breathed his last. It is supposed that he sustained some internal injury. The horse ran a short distance and stopped, slightly injured, but the buggy was badly broken. Mr. Maynard's body was conveyed to his home in Bovina, and buried on Wednesday. His funeral was largely attended by those who sympathize with the friends of the deceased, and mourn the loss of one of the oldest, most useful, and valued citizens of that town.

The other article in the Mirror, a tribute to Maynard, also appeared in the June 21, 1876 Delaware Gazette:

Death of Isaac Maynard, Esq , of Bovina.

The death of Isaac Maynard, Esq, of Bovina, on the 12th inst, at the ripe age of 81 years, was unexpected only in view of the violent and painful manner in which it occurred. On the morning of that day, with elated spirits and with no greater infirmities than those which had for years afflicted him, he left his home in company with a relative to visit a son and an elder brother residing at this place [Stamford]; and the first intelligence which his family received of the sad calamity that had overtaken him was the return of his lifeless body within four hours afterwards. It was a tragic close of a long, useful and honored life.

He was born upon the farm upon which he lived at the time of his death and was then the oldest native inhabitant of the town. Delaware county, when he first knew it, was little better than a primeval wilderness, and no man rejoiced more sincerely than he over its rapid and almost incredible growth in every element of material prosperity. It is to the sturdy manhood and sterling worth of men like him, that the county is largely indebted for its present advanced position in enterprise, intelligence and wealth. With his own hands he had subdued a fair portion of its territory and built up for himself a home, which to him was dearer, and more sacred than any other earthly spot. He loved the quiet and seclusion of his own fireside, where he had long calmly awaited the summons of his Master. It was his most ardent desire to be there permitted to close his eyes upon the scenes of this world, but Infinite Wisdom had determined otherwise. By the roadside, with a stone for his pillow, the messenger of death, clothed in a most terrible form came to him, but not to find him unprepared. In the supreme agony his last words were a prayer to the God, in whom he had so long trusted, for his saving mercy. 

His early opportunities for education and mental discipline were necessarily meagre, from the primitive nature of the times in which his youth was passed, yet he had a mind rich in native resources and a fund of practical common sense, which seldom failed him. He was the trusted counsellor of all the neighborhood, and his honest, homely, sensible advice was often followed, when that of men learned in the professions was discarded. He was a man of few words and of great simplicity, and transparency of character. Fearless and independent in defense of the right, his uncompromising, and untarnished integrity was a tower of influence wherever his name was known. Even the malice of an enemy never presumed to attack the stainless purity of his private life. Although politically in a feeble minority, for nearly a quarter of a century he was honored by his townsmen with an important public trust, the duties of which he discharged with fidelity and distinguished ability. His decisions were rarely questioned and never reversed. He died in the communion of the United Presbyterian Church, to whose ordinances and ministrations he had long been devotedly attached. 

The funeral services took place from his late residence on the 14th inst. A vast concourse of friends and neighbors assembled out of respect to his memory and their saddened countenances, as they looked for the last time upon his mortal form, testified how keenly and sincerely they mourned his departure. His pastor, Rev. J.B. Lee, who felt deeply the loss of a faithful friend and adviser, paid an eloquent and touching tribute to his life and character and personal worth, taking as the foundation of his discourse the inspired account of the death of the son Abraham; (Gen. 35:29). He was laid to rest in the beautiful valley where his life had been spent, and where will long survive the influence of his good works, and the fragrant and blessed remembrance of his many virtues. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

June 1924 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"


Here's what life was like in Bovina 100 years ago this month – June 1924 - as reported in the weekly Bovina column in the Andes Recorder.

June 6, 1924

Hilson Bros are having their garage painted.

Frank Myers and wife, of Endicott, were recent guests of his parents.

George Gladstone is visiting his son at Delhi and his sisters at Walton.

Alice Frayer, of Delhi, spent over the week end with her friend Margaret Gordon.

Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Gladstone and Mrs. Frank Brown spent Saturday with their sister, Mrs. Tripp, at Oneonta.

L.W. Thompson, from Massachusetts, is at Fred Thomson’s. His wife will be remembered as Jennie Lee.

A surprise party was held Thursday evening at Henry Monroe’s for Misses Mary and Marjorie Ormiston, and 41 were present.

Mr. and Mrs. S.K. Ferris, of Albany, were visitors here over the week end. They have rented the furnished house of her uncle, William F. Boggs, for the summer. [Mrs. Ferris was Margaret Elizabeth Boggs, 1887-1937. She was the daughter of William Boggs’ brother, Charles Boggs, 1848-1891. S.K. Ferris was Starr King Ferris. He died in 1966.]

Homer Burgin, who was moving into part of G.D. Miller’s house, has moved to the Richard James house at Lake Delaware, in order that he might be near his work at Gerry’s.

Rev. and Mrs. F.R. Crawford were at Oneonta on Tuesday. Mrs. Mary A. Russell, who recently had an operation for the removal of a cataract from her eye, returned home with them.

Was Born in Andes

From our Bovina correspondent

Mrs. James Ormiston died at her home in Oneonta at 6:30, Wednesday afternoon, June 4, after an illness of several months. She suffered a shock Tuesday. Her maiden name was Margaret Laing and she was born in Andes on July 3, 1865. She leaves her husband and three children, viz: Mary a teacher at Hastings-on-the-Hudson; Mrs. Ralph Davidson, of Oneonta; Ralph attending Troy Polytechnical school; also a sister, Mrs. Alex Myers, in Bovina, and two brothers, James, at Meridale, and, John, in Endicott.

June 13, 1924

The former Strangeway store now occupied by the Hillis garage, is being painted. [This later became Clayton Thomas’ garage and is now occupied by Tom Hetterick.]

Master Alex Hilson returned home last Friday from visiting his aunt at East Orange, N.J. [Alex in later life took over the family business with his brother Jack. Alex, born in 1915, died in 1990.]

James A. Gow is having his residence treated to a new dress of paint. Alex Myers is doing the job.

The Good Cheer Sabbath School class held a picnic with Mrs. James Monroe in upper Bovina, last Friday.

Hosa Sliter, of Andes, has moved his family into the house adjoining Elliott Thomson’s blacksmith shop.

Rev. A.M. Thomson and Rev. W. A. Robb attended the Reformed Presbyterian synod at Winona Lake.

D.W. Hitchcock, who is employed at the dry milk plant, has moved his family from uptown to Will Hoy’s tenant house. [I believe this was the house that was destroyed in the 1953 flood in the Bovina Center hamlet.]

Mrs. Peter McNair and Raymond McNair and family, of Binghamton, were recent guests of her daughter, Mrs. John McCune. [Mrs. McNair was the former Elizabeth Fowler, who died in 1940. Mrs. McCune was the former Ida McNair. She was widowed in 1942 and died in 1953. She was once the Bovina librarian.]

Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Maynard, of Canestota, and his grandfather, Edwin Scott, formerly of Bovina, were recent visitors here. 

The body of Low Thomson, who died a Syracuse a few weeks ago, was brought here Tuesday for burial. He had numerous relatives here. [This was David Low Thomson, who was born in 1847 in Bovina. He died on February 12, 1924.]

Bovina relatives who attended the funeral of Mrs. James L. Ormiston at Oneonta last Friday were, Alex Myers and wife, Chas F. McPherson and wife Frank Miller and wife, Mrs. Thomas Ormiston, Lloyd Ormiston, Henry Monroe and wife, Mrs. Fletcher Davidson and Ledger Myers.

Funeral of Renwick Russell

The funeral of Renwick Russell, who was drowned at Beaver Falls, Penn., on June 3, and the body found four days later, was held at the Russell home in Glenburnie on Tuesday. S. Foster

Beatty, a room-mate, and C. Brainard Mathesey, a member of the faculty of Geneva college, were present. Burial was in the Bovina Center cemetery. His age was 20 years. [Renwick was the son of Thomas D. Russell (1866-1937) and Jennie Gilchrist (1867-1935).]

June 20, 1924

Howard McPherson has a new Ford sedan.

William F. Boggs was Walton visitor last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robinson spent Sabbath at Bainbridge.

Mrs. David Currie was a caller at the County Seat on Monday.

Children’s day exercises will be held at the U.P. church on Sabbath.

Bovina real estate transfers recorded are Charles A. Tuttle and wife to Harold Cole, $1.

Charles A. Tuttle of Delhi, formerly of Bovina, underwent an operation for appendicitis last week. [This likely is Charles Archibald Tuttle, who was born in Bovina in 1864. He married Jennette Winter and they had two children. Their daughter Hildreth married Charles Russell, Cecil Russell’s brother. Charles died in September 1932.]

Mrs. E.A. Taber and son, Ralph Taber, and Mrs. (Dr.) Scott, of Davenport, were recent visitors in town.

A home talent play to complete the lecture course, will be given at the hall Friday night of this week.

Mrs. and Mrs. John Armstrong and his mother, Mrs. William Armstrong, were at Oneonta on Saturday. [Mrs. John Armstrong was the former Blanche Robinson (1900-1976). Mrs. William Armstrong was the former Mary Kaufman (1871-1929). John Armstrong, born in 1902, died in 1968.]

Mrs. William J. Storie is spending the week with her uncle, David F. Hoy registrar of Cornell University. [Mrs. Storie was the former Vera Davidson.]

Miss Calla Boggs has purchased a Chevrolet coupe of Howard Coulter, and John Burns a Chevrolet truck.

William Mabon Sr. well known here is ill with kidney trouble at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Walter Bingholm, in Delhi. [William, born in 1848, died in 1928. He had been widowed in 1920. His daughter actually was Mrs. Walter Ringholm. She was born Jennie Bell Mabon in 1888 and married John Walter Ringholm in 1912.]

Captain Billings, superintendent of the Gerry Farms, was at Washington, D.C. on a business trip from Thursday until Monday.

Mrs. and Mrs. William Hoy, of California, are visiting Bovina relatives. Mr. Hoy is a son of the late John R. Hoy and is a civil engineer.

An all day meeting of the Women’s and Young Women’s Missionary societies, Whitcomb Circle and Juniors was held Thursday with Mrs. F.W. Crawford.

Mrs. George Decker and Mrs. Arthur Decker were Walton callers Saturday, and while there the latter had the misfortune to sustain a severe sprain of her ankle. [Mrs. George Decker was the former Ada H. Tompkins (1867-1944). Mrs. Arthur Decker was her daughter-in-law, the former Beulah Armstrong (1894-1966).]

Saturday at the foreclosure sale of Charles A. McPherson against Jean Muller and others, the property, which consists of the former S.G. Bramley and Albert McPherson farms and personal property, was bid off by McPhersons for $3,000 above the mortgage.

June 27, 1924

Mrs. Everett DeSilva is ill with pneumonia.

Mrs. William Huber, of Delhi, is visiting her brother, Alex Myers.

Charles F. McPherson was at Fall Clove on Wednesday after a load of lumber.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos C. Strangeway and wife visited relatives at Hamden Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coulter, from Pennsylvania, are visiting at Mrs. Elizabeth Irvine’s. [Andrew was the son of James Leiper Coulter. His wife was the former Hattie Agusta Gladstone.]

Miss Gladys Wilber, of Andes, was a guest at Hosa Sliter’s from Thursday until Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hyatt and children, of New York City, are visiting their parents here.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, of Endicott, spent over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Myers. [Mrs. Frank Myers was the former Ethel Bingham.]

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low, of Brooklyn, spent the first of the week with his cousin, Mrs. Lancelot Thomson.

Mr. and Mrs. G.D. Miller went to Andes on Tuesday to spend a week at the home of her brother, A.S. Banker.

Miss Anna Dickson is home from Cornell University for the summer vacation. Miss Carolyn Dickson is also home.

Mrs. Arthur Decker and children, Mrs. George Decker, Mrs. James Ackerley and Miss Carrie Dumond were at Delhi on Tuesday. 

Bovina friends of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lunn, of Auburn, Washington, have received announcement of the marriage of their daughter Marguerite, to Lieutenant Owen Marriott, June 11. They will live at Camp Lewis, Washington, where the groom is stationed. [Mr. Lunn was a State Senator in Washington State. Owen was in the military until 1951, a year after the death of his wife Marguerite. She is buried in San Francisco National Cemetery. Owen died in 1977 in Arizona.]

Bovina Lad has Operation

From our Bovina Correspondent

Ralph Mabon, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. James Mabon, underwent an operation at the Delhi hospital on Wednesday. He had an operation for appendicitis some two years ago, and a bunch had formed in his side. [Ralph would survive this surgery. He died in 1972 in Lancaster, Erie County, Pennsylvania. He was buried in Delhi, NY.]

Games Keeper Gets Better Position

William Marshall, who for the past twelve years had been game-keeper on the Gerry estate at Lake Delaware, has taken a position as head game keeper on a large estate on Long Island, at a decided increase of salary. He has had a life-long experience in game-keeping having worked in Europe before coming to this country from his native heath – Scotland.