Here's what life was like in Bovina 100 years ago this month – September 1924 – from the pages of the Andes Recorder.
September 5, 1924
• Miss Jane Archibald has gone teach[ing] at Ossining to teach the coming year.
• The interior of the United Presbyterian church is being decorated this week.
• Miss Catherine Hastings of Oneonta visited her uncle, Milton Hastings, the past week.
• The Bovina annual town picnic was held last Thursday. The Delhi band furnished the music.
• The Bovina Center school opened on Tuesday with Gladys Worden and Edith Liddle as teachers.
• Edward L. Coulter, a native of the town, was here this week from Sidney, calling on old acquaintances.
• Mrs. and Mrs. Raymond McNair, of Binghamton, spent from Saturday until Monday at John McCune’s.
• Edith Erkson, daughter of Claude Erkson, living up-town, is visiting her grandmother in Johnson City.
• Rev. H.K. Galloway, a former pastor of the United Presbyterian church, now of Buffalo, with his family, were visitors here last week.
• R.G. Peck, a former principal of Bovina Center school, now of Springfield, Illinois, accompanied by his wife, were recent callers here.
• James W. Archibald and wife of Ilion, spent over Labor Day with his sister, Mrs. Boggs, and niece, Mrs. S.K. Ferris. Mr. Ferris was also here from Albany.
• Dr. and Mrs. Trader and children have been visiting her father, Jas W. Thomson. Mrs. Trader is also a doctor and they are located at the Craig Colony, Sonyea, N.Y. [Mrs. Trader was Ella Mabel Thompson. Born around 1889, she married William Trader in 1918. She died in June 1934 after an operation. Her husband died 8 years later.]
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers and Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson, of Endicott, visited at Alex Myer’s over Labor Day. Mr. Myers returned home with them to do some painting.
• Bovina real estate transfers recorded are Jane Lauren Dickson to Thomas C. Strangeway, $2,500; Executors of John M. Miller to William S. Redman $425; William S. Redman and wife to John H. Hilson and another $1.
• Those who entered Delaware Academy this week are as follows; Courtney Currie, Arthur and Grace Coulter, Marjorie and Marian Ormiston, Ross and Grace Bramley, Harold Aitkens, Margaret Gorden, Helen and Ruth Gladstone, James Hoy and Donald Boggs.
September 12, 1924
• Miss Jane Hilson left Tuesday for school duties at South Orange.
• Miss Emily Hyatt, of New York, is spending her vacation with her father F.W. Hyatt.
• William J. Crosier has gone to Steubenville, Ohio, to spend several weeks with his son.
• Wallace Hyatt, who has been in New York for the past two years is here on a vacation.
• Mr. Hitchcock who has been working in [the] dry milk plant [this was behind the Bovina Center creamery], has gone [to] work for the Dairymen’s League.
• James C. Mabon has a new Chevrolet car, and with his wife and son enjoyed a trip to Oneonta on Saturday.
• Jack Myers, who is traveling salesman with headquarters at Springfield, Mass., spent a few days with his parents recently.
• Mrs. Fred Thomson underwent an operation [for] the remove of her tonsils at Oneonta last Thursday, and came home on Friday.
• A number of the friends of Captain Billings, superintendent of the Gerry estate attended a birthday party held in his honor Tuesday evening.
September 19, 1924
• Ted Fuller and wife, of Utica, were recent visitors here.
• Clark Hillis and Don Covert, of Delhi, were in town on Sabbath.
• Mrs. John Hilson and James Hilson were at Oneonta on Wednesday.
• Miss Grace Hyatt, of New York, is spending her vacation in town.
• Mr. and Mrs. G.D. Miller were visitors at the County Seat on Monday.
• Robert E. Gladstone and Robert E. Thomson spent the day Wednesday at Andes.
• Mrs. William Armstrong, Mrs. Geo Decker and Mrs. Arthur Decker were Walton visitors Tuesday.
• The Woman’s Missionary Society held an all-day meeting with Mrs. C.S. Gladstone on Wednesday.
• Frank Armstrong, of Walton, is visiting his son, William Armstrong, and old acquaintances in town.
• Lauren Dickson, who recently graduated from Yale Law School, left Wednesday for Saratoga where he will enter a law office.
• Mrs. Robert Brown and Mrs. Harvey Hafele, from Fall Clove, spent over Sabbath with Mrs. Thos Gordon, the cousin of the first named.
September 26, 1924
• Mr. and Mrs. D.G. Miller were Andes callers last Saturday.
• Mrs. James T. Aitken, of Andes, was a visitor here on Wednesday.
• Mrs. and Mrs. Robert R. Gladstone spent Friday with Andes relatives.
• Quite severe frosts visited this section Wednewsday and Thursday mornings.
• John Aitken’s is having an addition built to his residence, which was the former Kennedy house.
• Mrs. Joseph S. Forrest and Miss Mary Davis, of Andes, spent Wednesday calling on friends here.
• Edward Gladstone, of Andes, has rented the rooms in G.D. Miller’s house and will move next week.
• Mrs. Thos. Gordon has closed her house and will spend the winter with Mrs. G.J. Dickson, who is also alone.
• Mrs. Cora Tripp, of Oneonta, spent the weekend with her sisters, Mrs. Frank Brown and Mrs. C.S. Gladstone.
• David Currie has purchased what is known as the Cable house, adjoining the Firemen’s Hall. He had rented the place.
• William S. Gordon left Monday for Brooklyn where he entered Pratt’s Institute to take a course in mechanical engineering.
• Harry Robinson has rented his house in the lower part of the village to Mr. Martin, of Hamden, who will run the pan at the dry milk plant of the Bovina Center Co-Operative Creamery.