Here’s what was happening in Bovina 125 years ago, June 1899, from the pages of the Andes Recorder.
June 2, 1899
• Mrs. James Archibald is very ill.
• John Hoy is able to be out again.
• Decoration Day was not observed here this year.
• A number of Bovina people were at Delhi Saturday.
• Thomas Gordon visited Walton the first of the week.
• John Blair took a carload of stock to New York Monday.
• John Douglas of Delhi and family drove through here Sabbath.
• Charles F. Smith visited friends in Walton the first of the week.
• A goodly number attended Decoration exercises at Andes Tuesday.
• Elliott Thompson and family visited his brother at Downsville this week.
• Dr. Walter Phyfe wife and son visited friends in town Sabbath from Delhi.
• William Ward and wife of New Kingston passed through town on Monday.
• Walter Coulter is expected home from the west about the middle of June.
• Commissioner Adair was here last Thursday and Friday visiting schools in town.
• Miss Lillian Miller, of Andes visited her brother and other friends here the last of the week.
• Oliver Dickson and sister, Miss Jennie have moved from Delhi to their summer home on Pisga.
• The Hotel of Mrs. Lauren has received a coat of paint which improves its appearance very much.
• The Rev. Mr. King preached a very interesting sermon lass Sabbath morning from Rev. 1 chapter 17 and 18 verses.
• Bovina has a number of fine houses and now another is to be added to the list, that of Albert McPherson which when completed will be one of the finest. The main body is 14 x 24 feet with two extensions on wings 14 x 20 feet and 12 x 14 feet with a veranda extending along the front. It will be finished in cherry and oak and southern pine. [This is up on Bramley Mountain Road – maybe near or on the Burnett farm.]
• Thomas H. Luddington, one of the oldest residents of this town, died on Monday with a complication of diseases, and was aged about 75 years, and has always been a resident of the town, living until after the death of his wife a few years ago, on the old homestead above the Hook, but has been a resident of this village for a short time. The funeral was held Wednesday, Rev. H.F. Brown officiating.
June 9, 1899
• Mrs. James L. Coulter visited Delhi Monday.
• Elmer Hastings was at Shavertown Saturday.
• John E. Gladstone was a visitor here over Sabbath.
• Jennie Miller has gone to Walton for a months’ stay.
• Mrs. David Liddle and son visited Andes Wednesday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schelly visited in Bainbridge last week.
• T.W. Miller, wife and son were here Sabbath from Andes.
• Rev. and Mrs. W.L.C. Samson returned home Saturday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert D. Miller visited at Oneonta this week.
• Reed Dumond and George Elliott, of Andes, were here Saturday.
• Mr. and Mrs. John O. Gladstone, of Delhi spent Sabbath in town with relatives.
• Mrs. Charles R. Knapp, of Union Grove, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Archibald.
• Among those at Delhi Monday were William Ruff, Peter McNair, John E. Gladstone.
• Charles F. Smith visited at Walton last week. He had not been there before in fifty years.
• John G. Laing has gone to Madison J.J., where he has taken a position on the stock farm of H. McKay Twombly.
• A child of Thomas Jackson was kicked by a horse Monday and a gash cut across it forehead, but was not deep. A narrow escape.
• B.S. Miller returned Friday from a trip to Washington, the Capital city, and New York city, and reports an enjoyable trip and much sight seeing. He spent Decoration Day on the battlefield at Gettysburg.
• … the Boggs boy and nearly causing his death, but denies the charge. He was held to appear for trial June 13. Crosby & Palmer appeared for the people and H.J. Hewitt for defendant.
June 16, 1899
• Nathaniel Arbuckle was in town on Friday.
• Elmer Close was at Bloomville on Friday.
• James McFarlane visited Delhi on Monday.
• Charles A. Lee was at Roses Brook Monday.
• F.C. Armstrong was at Shavertown Tuesday.
• Gilbert D. Miller has been haying it this week.
• Adam Scott was up from Delhi on Saturday.
• Frank R. Culter was at Hobart last Thursday.
• B.C. Friel, of Delhi, was in this place Tuesday.
• Robert McNaught was in town from Delhi Saturday.
• Charles Knapp and wife were in town on Sabbath.
• Marshall Scott and sisters were down at Delhi Saturday.
• Superintendent of the poor Smith was in town Monday.
• Mrs. James Archibald is still quite poorly at this writing.
• A.E. Liddle and wife, of Andes, visited in town Thursday.
• Mr. and Mrs. William D. Thompson visited at Delhi this week.
• Rev. and Mrs. T.M. Slater returned from their vacation Saturday.
• William T. Black and Miss Maggie Sloan were at Delhi Tuesday.
• Charles Tuttle and Oliver Dickson were at the County Seat Monday.
• Mr. and Mrs. John K. Russell were visitors here from Delhi Tuesday.
• Charles McIntyre has been assisting John Oliver in the cooper business.
• Born to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Archibald, Wednesday, June 7, a daughter.
• Jacob Pintoff has been in town delivering pictures which he has been enlarging.
• Mrs. Walter Dunn of Binghamton has been a guest of her sister, Mrs. Peter McNair.
• William McCune attended the Arbuckle Cavin wedding at Bloomville on Wednesday.
• Bovina never had a candidate for school commissioner before, but now has a worthy one in James A. Gow.
• A pretty home wedding took place Wednesday at the residence of Edwin Scott, when his daughter, Miss Eva, was united in wedlock to William Maynard, Rev. W.L.C. Samson officiating.
June 23, 1899
• The Centre school closed last week.
• T.H. Johnson has been to the city.
• Dr. Gladstone was in town Friday.
• O.S. Nichols was in town Thursday.
• John Douglas was in town Sabbath.
• Barna Johnson was over from Andes Monday.
• E.J. Turnbull was seen in town Monday.
• Thomas Rich, of Hobart, was here Saturday.
• John Blair took stock to New York city this week.
• John King, of Rose’s Brook, was in town Saturday.
• Albert Scutt and son, Charles visited in town Sabbath.
• Walter Coulter arrived home from California Monday.
• Robert Biggar and R.F. Thomson were at Andes Thursday.
• Andrew Franklin and Nelson Grey were in this place Friday.
• Mr. and Mrs. George Liddle, of Andes were visitors here Saturday.
• Miss Emma Campbell finished her school last week in Rose’s Brook.
• W.W. Hoy, wife and child, of Oil City, Pa., arrived in town Monday.
• Miss Leona Thomson Graduated from Delaware Academy this week.
• William Maynard and bride returned home Saturday from their wedding trip.
• Children’s day was celebrated in the Methodist Episcopal church last Sabbath.
• James A. Thomson finished his school at Bovina on Friday of last week.
• John Telford of Hobart is doing a job of mason work for Albert McPherson.
• Miss Anna Phyfe received her graduation diploma from the Oneonta Normal School this week.
• Michael Miller and George Cable were at Delhi Wednesday last to meet with State Assessors.
• Miss Jennie Hastings graduated from Delaware Literary Institute this week as salutatorian of her class.
• Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter and children and Mrs. William Reynolds and child, of Downsville visited at William Cook’s over Sabbath.
• The channel of the brook at Thomas Hilson’s is being changed and William Armstrong and William Moore have the contract to put in a new bridge there.
• Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Helen Bailey, of Lake Delaware, to William D. Ceas, of Bloomville, at the home of the bride’s parents Wednesday evening, June 28.
June 30, 1899
• Ed Hanlon was in this village Monday.
• George Douglas was a Delhi on Monday.
• E.J. Turnbull was seen in town Friday last.
• William Maynard and wife visited at Delhi Monday.
• Philo Benedict, of Delhi, was in this place last Friday.
• Miss Effie Rose has an art school in Strangeway’s Hall.
• William C. Oliver and wife were here Friday from Andes.
• Mrs. Robert R. Scott has been visiting relatives at Delhi.
• E.C. Dean, wife and child, of Delhi, were visitors here Friday.
• Prof. Duncan C. Lee and bride arrived in town Monday for a visit.
• Communion services were held in the Reformed Presbyterian church las Sabbath.
• Clifford Benjamin, Miss Georgina Spiers and Miss Moore, of Andes, were here Thursday.
• Lots of farmers were at Delhi Monday with stock for Blair who went to the city this week.
• Misses Maggie and Rosa Strangeway are visiting their brother, Rev. Walter D. Strangeway.
• A heavy hail and rain storm passed over this place Friday and in some places it cut garden stuff quite badly.
• The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be dispensed in the United Presbyterian church the second Sabbath in July.
• Bovina has chosen her first candidate for school commissioner – James A. Gow. May he Gow in and win – Chronicle.
• F.R. Coulter and B.S. Miller were up at David Liddle’s Tuesday and adjusted the loss on his barn by the lightening last Friday.
• George McNair, charged with furnishing liquor to the Boggs boy, was discharged Friday by Justice, who held evidence was not sufficient.
• John W. McCune and wife are now comfortably ensconced in their new home. The rooms they vacated will be occupied by Andrew T. Doig.
• Alex. Burns returned home last Wednesday from Potsdam St. Lawrence County, where he purchased a thorough bred Jersey bull calf, from the herd of George W. Cisson, Jr.
This reads just like Gramma Boggs ( Margaret Coulter Boggs ) diary ! Exactly the same format !