Sunday, June 30, 2024

This Day in Bovina for June 2024

Here's the compilation of the Town of Bovina Historian Facebook page entries for the month of June:

Thirty years ago today, the June 1, 1994 Catskill Mountain News carried this item, likely written by Ann Cairns: 

This picture was taken in the Bovina UP Church basement 47 years ago today, June 2, 1977. I'm not sure what the event was, but I recognize most of the people, including from the left Eleanor Archibald, Mary Archibald, Mary Burgin (likely behind the pillar) and her husband Ted, Fletcher Davidson standing. And facing him I think are the McKenzie sisters, Janet and Elizabeth. At the other table are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hall and Cecil and Isabell Russell. 

Eighty-one years ago today, the June 3, 1943 Delaware Republican Express's Lake Delaware column had the following items: 

Forty-nine years ago today, the June 4, 1975 Stamford Mirror Record had an article entitled "Rescue Squad to Hold Fund Campaign." The article went on to say "Everyone will be receiving an information letter concerning the Bovina Rescue Squad early next week. The week of June 6 through 14 there is to be a house-to-house canvas for funds. Be generous when your neighbor calls, your life may depend on it some day! Mrs. Byron Trimbell is chairman of the Fund-Raising campaign."

128 years ago, the Andes Recorder reported in its Bovina column for June 5, 1896 that "Telephones will be put in by T.E. Hastings and A.T. Strangeway, in their residences." Hastings and Strangeway were both merchants in town at that time. In the same column and in another telephone related report, "Perhaps there is no other town in the county that has much more telephone line than has Bovina.  Now the talk is of running a line up Coulter Brook to New Kingston, and another line up Pink street and connect with Almeda [South Kortright]."

Seventy-two years ago today, the June 6, 1952 Catskill Mountain News, in its weekly Bovina column, reported that "Mr. and Mrs. John Bathen and children, Linda, John and Carl, of Woodmont, Conn., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hummel and three children of North Haven, Conn., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sig Bathen."

144 years ago today, on June 7, 1880, as later reported in the Bovina column of the Stamford Mirror, "Two of our 'worthies' had a tussle with hard cider last Monday, and got rather the worst of it."

124 years ago, the June 8, 1900 Andes Recorder reported that "Several years ago a number of persons subscribed money and a telephone line was built from Bovina Centre to Margaretville via. The Butt End and New Kingston, but the line was never incorporated and was always out of repair and for some time has not been working at all.  A new stock company we understand has been formed to reconstruct the line and expect to have it completed in about a month."

139 years ago, the Bovina column of the June 9, 1885 issue of the Stamford Mirror reported on a couple of Bovina residents traveling in the west. "T.R. McFarland is enjoying an extended trip through the far West," while "Miss Jennie Russell has gone to Dakota to spend the summer with her brother John K. Russell." McFarland likely was Thomas Russell McFarland (1845-1915). Jennie and John K. Russell likely are the children of Stephen and Jean (Bryce) Russell.

185 years ago today, on June 10, 1839, Allen Ballentyne "was found drowned in a well on a place adjoining the farm on which his family lived" in Bovina. As later reported in the June 19 Delaware (Delhi) Gazette, it was thought to be a suicide. The story about Allen’s tragic death and that of his father is in the Bovina NY History Blog at

104 years ago today, the June 11, 1920 Bovina column in the Andes Recorder reported that "A Buick touring car from South Kortright collided with the iron bridge at Lake Delaware, and was saved from falling into the stream by one wheel being caught in the bridge."

152 years ago today, on June 12, 1872, Michael Miller and F.C. Armstrong, Assessors and Fence Viewers for the Town of Bovina settled James Ormiston's claim concerning a lamb that was killed by dogs. Fence viewers, who adjudicated disputes about boundaries and maintenance of stone walls, also had the job of determining how sheep or lambs were killed. They looked at the lamb in question and interviewed witnesses to determine that the killing was done "by dogs and in no other manner." The viewers certified "that the amount of damages sustained by the said James G. Ormiston in consequences of the killing of said lamb as afoursaid is $6.00." There was a town fund to reimburse farmers for such killings when it could not be determined whose dog did it. 

Eighty-four years ago today, June 13, 1940, as later reported in the Bovina column of the Delaware Republican, "Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jardine attended the circus at Binghamton…"

141 years ago today, on June 14, 1883, the Armstrong family reunion was held at the house of F.C. Armstrong. The Stamford Mirror reported the reunion and had noted that "John Armstrong, wife, and daughter, of Salinas, Cal., are visiting friends in town.." and attended the reunion. John Graham Armstrong was the son of John C. Armstrong (1797-1864), an early settler of Bovina. John G. Armstrong died in Salinas in 1904. F.C. Armstrong was John's younger brother, Francis Coulter Armstrong. He died in Bovina in 1925.

104 years ago today, on June 15, 1920, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "Mrs. Christopher S. Gladstone and Mrs. Fred Thomson were operated upon Tuesday at the home of the last named for the removal of their tonsils.  Dr. Goodrich and Ormiston were the surgeons." More on this story and something else these women did on the same day years later is in the Bovina NY History blog at

113 years ago today, the Bovina column of the June 16, 1911 Andes Recorder reported the destruction of a barn in Lake Delaware: "The old barn of Alonzo Tuttle at Lake Delaware was struck by lightning and burned during the storm of Monday night. The building was used mainly as a place in which to store farm machinery and a few stalls had been put in for extra horses. In addition to the building a ton or two of hay and machinery was destroyed. There was no insurance. The barn was built by Thomas Wight and had probably withstood the storms of nearly three-quarters of a century."

131 years ago today, on June 17, 1893, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "M. Robertson raised his new barn last Saturday." This likely is a gentleman named Marion Robertson. Born in 1857 in Hamden, he was in Bovina from the late 1870s to 1901, when he relocated to Meredith. The farm was actually his father-in-law’s, David Oliver's, up on East Bramley Mountain Road. This later was known as the Banuat farm.

Two hundred and nine years ago today, on June 18, 1815, Adam Scott died. A native of Scotland, he was married to Janet Ingles and had three children. He is buried in the Associate Presbyterian Church cemetery. Here is his stone: 

128 years ago today, the June 19, 1896 Andes Recorder had the following item under the title Known in Bovina: "Report comes from Bloomville that James M. Campbell had been suspected of theft and on searching his premises two dozen brooms, one dozen bushel baskets and one dozen mowing machine guards were found, and a warrant issued for his arrest." This likely is James Campbell who was born in 1834. What happened to him specific to this warrant I cannot discover. He left Bovina at some point and in 1905, the year before he died, he was living with his son Forsythe in New Lisbon in Otsego County. He died there in 1906 and was brought back to Bovina for burial.

Eighty-six years ago today, on June 20, 1938, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "Margaret C. Coulter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Coulter, graduated Monday from Cornell University at Ithaca.  Walter Coulter, and daughter Mrs. William Parsons, and Elizabeth Strangeway, the latter an aunt, attended the exercises." Margaret was better known as Celia. She passed on April 21, 2015 at the age of 99. This is her senior picture. 

Forty-six years ago, the Bovina column in the June 21, 1978 Stamford Mirror-Recorder, written by Ann Cairns, reported the following item: "The Bovina transfer station is now in operation at the site of the land fill. Hours are Saturday from 9 to 4 and the station will also be open on Wednesdays from 1 to 4 during June, July, and August. Permits are required to enter the transfer station and can be obtained at the Town Clerk's office."

102 years ago today, on June 22, 1922, "Lloyd Irvine and Millard Blair, who have been visiting their parents here, left….for their return to Seattle, Washington." Lloyd was the brother of Isabell Russell; Millard the brother of Helen Thompson.

130 years ago today, on June 23, 1894, Dick Johnson was badly injured in an accident at a saw mill, likely the Johnson family mill. As later reported in the Andes Recorder, "he was running the saw in the mill and a stick flew from the saw and struck him on the side of the head, cutting his face and mouth quite badly.  He was unconscious for some time, but it is thought he will recover." How this Johnson was related to the Johnson family is not clear.

Fifty-nine years ago today, the Lake Delaware column of the June 24, 1965 Delaware Republican-Express had two items concerning the Hewitt family: "Mrs. Stanley Hewitt and son, Lawrence, were dinner guests of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Pondolfino of Oneonta last Friday. Norma Jean Hewitt attended a slumber party at Donna Parsons' home in Bovina Center last Friday evening."

161 years ago today, June 25, 1863, Robert Thomson was born. He was the illegitimate son of Robert Dysart and Elinor Thomson. For more about Robert Thomson, visit the Bovina NY History blog at

136 years ago today, June 26, 1888, as later reported in the Stamford Mirror, "J.L. Ormiston and J.L. Coulter were at Syracuse….attending the Prohibition State Convention."

The Windham Journal carried an ad for "The Dairy Woman's Friend. The Gilt-Edge Butter-Worker." The ad included a letter from a Bovina farmer dated 146 years ago, June 27, 1878. The letter was from Robert J. Forrest and stated "Having been inquired of by many in regard to my opinion of the Gilt-Edge Butter-Worker, I wish to give it my unqualified endorsement. It is a success in every particular, and one of the greatest labor-saving inventions any farmer can place in his dairy. In doing the work of a dairy of twenty-two cows my wife insists that more than one-half the work is saved her by its use."

Fifty-one years ago today, the June 28, 1973 Walton Reporter carried this ad selling the Bovina Center creamery building. 

137 years ago today, June 29, 1887, during the installation of Rev. Milligan as pastor of the Bovina Reformed Presbyterian Church, "the floor of the audience room broke down at each end." Later reported in the Stamford Mirror, the report noted that "the distance to the ground was small and no one was hurt, and the exercises were continued as though nothing unusual has happened."

Eighty-four years ago today, June 30, 1940, as later reported in the Bovina column of the Delaware Republican, "Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Doig and children of Downsville were guests of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Doig…." That same day, Miss Virginia Decker, who has been spending a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Charles Scobie at Glenn Cove, L.I., returned home…."

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