Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 1924 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

Here's what was happening in Bovina 100 years ago from the pages from the Andes Recorder.

July 4, 1924

Milton Hastings is having a radio installed.

Mrs. Ida Burgin is having concrete floor put in her barn.

Three imported sheep were received Tuesday at the Gerry Farms at Lake Delaware.

Miss Carrie Dumond has gone to Stamford to work in the Kendell boarding house.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Boggs in Upper Bovina, June 19, a daughter, Mary Elinor. [Mary Eleanor Boggs married Sig Bathen in 1948 and had three children. She was widowed in 1998 and died in 2007.]

The King reunion with a picnic dinner, was held Tuesday at the home of Fred Thomson. 

Mr. Harrington, of Margaretville, and assistants are plastering the new house of Mrs. Alex Hilson.

Mrs. Thomas Fuller has had her residence newly sided and it is now receiving a new dress of paint.

Mrs. and Mrs. Lloyd Filkins and daughter, of Syracuse, were guests at Frank Miller’s the first of the week.

The uptown branch of the Willing Workers motored to Hobart on Thursday and held an all day meeting with Miss Mary Thomson. 

William S. Gordon has received word that he has successfully passed the entrance examinations to Pratt’s Institute in Brooklyn. [William was the son of Thomas Gordon and brother of Margaret Gordon.]

Bovina real estate transfers recorded are William H. Clement and wife to John Jarvi and wife $1,500; A.L. O’Connor (Referee) to Chas A. McPherson $3,000.

The Risley Lumber Company finished their lumber job on Dickson Mountain on Monday and moved their mill over on the other side of the hill in Bovina.

Mrs. S.F. Ferris and her mother, and Mrs. M.M. Boggs have arrived in Bovina to spend the summer and are occupying furnished rooms in William F. Boggs’ house.

Mr. and Mrs. David Cameron and two children, of Los Anges, California, have been visitors in town. Mrs. Cameron will be remembered as Alma Scott, daughter of the late Wilson Scott.


Arthur Hoy Passed Away June 29 After Long Illness

Arthur D. Hoy, a farmer residing on the former Aitken farm up Pink street in Bovina, passed away June 29, after an illness of several months from tuberculosis. He was a son of Thomas Hoy and Julia Ann (Tuttle) Hoy and was born on the farm adjoining the one where he died on March 2, 1872. He is survived by his wife, who was Jennie I. Currie, and two sons. The funeral was held Tuesday with interment in the Bovina Center cemetery. [Hoy's wife Jennie would die less than a decade later in 1933.]

July 11, 1924

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cowan, of Andes, were here Wednesday.

Mrs. Godfry Olson of New York is visiting her father, F.W. Hyatt.

Miss Caroline Dickson expects to leave soon for a business trip to California.

Miss Gladys Worden has gone to Cortland Normal to attend summer school.

Milton Hastings motored to Cortland this week, combining business and pleasure.

Ralph Barnhart was on a business trip on road grading matters to Canada the past week.

The Dickson store building is receiving a new dress of paint. Alex Myers is doing the job. [The Dickson store is now the Brushland Eating House.]

Lauren Dickson, who recently completed his law course at the Yale Law School, is at his home here.

John Shaver and family, of Pepacton, spent Sabbath with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver.

Rev. and Mrs. Charles Lay and children, of Mundale, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo H. Miller.

Mrs. Jennie Shaver and Mrs. Eliza Sprague, of Pepacton, were recent guest of their cousin, Mrs. George H. Miller. 


From our Bovina Correspondent

Miss Marjorie Dickson, daughter of Mrs. G.J. Dickson, of this place and Wilbur Archibald, son of Thomas A. Archibald, of Walton, formerly of Bovina, were married Saturday, July 5. They will reside at Warren, Pennsylvania, where the groom has a position. [They later settled in Poughkeepsie, NY where Wilbur was a teacher. He died in Poughkeepsie in 1982. Marjorie died in 1979.]

Church to be Consecrated

St. James’ Church, at Lake Delaware, the new memorial church given by Miss Angelica L. Gerry, is to be consecrated on July 25. Bishop Nelson and Bishop Oldham are expected to be present. The pipe organ will be installed before that date. The cornerstone was laid July 25, 1922. 

July 18, 1924

Workmen are engaged in putting a fireplace in Mrs. Alex Hilson’s new house.

Mrs. John Aitkens and son Floyd spent the past week with friends in New York City.

Bovina real estate transfers recorded are Margarat (sic) Hoy (administrator of) to Jennie I. Hoy $1.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gow, of New York City, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas A. Gow.

Mr. and Mrs. Millard Gow, of Binghamton, accompanied by her parents, spent Sabbath with his parents here.

J.D. Burns, who is trying to gain an accredited herd, had another test recently and nine cows and nine heifers were condemned.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, of Binghamton, and Mr. Startup, the Liberty marble man, were over the week end visitors at Alex Myers’.

George Shaver had one of his fingers cut a few days ago by getting it in the knives of the mowing machine, while working for Hilson Bros.

Ray Jardine, son of A.B. Jardine at Lake Delaware, fell on a scythe last Saturday and cut a bad gash in his leg at the knee. Dr. Latcher and Dr. Ormiston had to take several stitches to close the wound. 

Ralph Mabon, who was operated on at the hospital in Delhi for an abcess at the appendix, removed three years ago, was able to leave the hospital on Monday and is stopping at the home of his grandfather, James Mabon, in Delhi. 

A Bovina Estate

Estate of Arthur D. Hoy, late of the town of Bovina, letters of administration issued to Jennie I. Hoy and David Hoy. Estimate $4,000 reall and $2,000 personal. Widow and two sons the heirs.

July 25, 1924

Rev. F.N. Crawford was at Oneonta last week and had his tonsils removed.

Arthur Dibble and family, of Bloomville, spent Sabbath at Lancelot Thomson’s.

Misses Kate and Freda Muller spent over the week end at George Cable’s in Delhi.

United States Senator Peter G. Gerry has been at his summer home at Lake Delaware.

Harry Robinson has a new enclosed Studebaker, and Walter Coulter and William Burns have new Overlands.

Mrs. Mary Crosier, who keeps house for her son, Dr. James Crosier in Philadelphia, is visiting relatives and friends in town.

Mrs. R.P. McIntosh and her son, Robert, of Delhi and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low, of Brooklyn, were visitors here on Sabbath.

Arnold VanDusen, son of Frank VanDusen of this place, and Mrs. Mae Johnston, formerly of upper Bovina, were married recently at Utica.

Mrs. John Hilson had her tonsils removed at Oneonta on Tuesday. She is stopping for a few days with her sister, Mrs. Leon Taggart in that city.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Myers are visiting their daughter and two sons at Endicott. Mrs. Arthur Decker is the operator at the central telephone office in Mrs. Myers’ absence.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Currie at Delhi on July 21. The mother is a daughter of William Mable and a granddaughter of the late John T. Miller of this place. [The son was named William Howard Currie. The couple previously had a daughter Jean, who died when only a few weeks old. William died in 1998.]

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