Monday, July 22, 2024

A Week with Bovina People - July 1899 - 125 Years ago from the Andes Recorder

Here’s what was happening in Bovina 125 years ago, July 1899, from the pages of the Andes Recorder.

July 7, 1899

Henry Raitt arrived in town Friday.

Robert Oliver was seen in town Friday.

Richard Smith returned from Walton Monday.

David J. Miller was at the county Seat Monday.

William C. Oliver and wife were in town Thursday.

D.M. Coulter, of Andes, was in this place Thursday.

John Blair and Richard Smith were at Delhi Saturday.

Misses Anna and Bertha Phyfe returned from Oneonta Monday.

Alexander Bailey and wife were here Thursday, from DeLancey.

Frank Dickson, of the Little Delaware, was in this place recently.

Mrs. David J. Miller and Miss Jennie Campbell visited relatives at Walton the first of the week.

A.C. Seacord recently caught a trout 15 inches in length which weighed one pound and two ounces.

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Miller were at Andes Wednesday.  While there Mr. Miller purchased a Deering mowing machine.

Mrs. James Archibald died Saturday morning, July 1.  Rev. W.L.C. Samson officiated at the funeral which was held Monday. [She was the former Ethel Haynes. She died of Bright's disease, a disease of the kidneys. She was 28 years old and had been married to James William Archibald for only a few months before her death.]

Quite a number of new mowing machines have bought this year.  Besides those mentioned last week they are Walter Biggar, a McCormick, E. Burgin, an Osborn, James Coulter a Walter A. Wood and F.C. Armstrong, a Buckeye.

Married, on Wednesday evening, June 28, at the home of the bride, by the Rev. Howard F. Brown, Miss Helen A. Bailey to William D. Ceas. The occasion was an unusually pleasant one for those who [were] privileged to attend. The couple went to New York city and New Jersey on their wedding trip. 

Almost a Blaze

Friday afternoon as Mrs. Ireland who is stopping at Herman Rotermund’s was curling her hair the flame of the lap ran down into the oil fount. Mr. Ireland, who as in the room seized the lamp and hurled it through the window before it had time to explode. His presence of mind undoubtedly averted a serious fire. – Utilitarian. 

July 14, 1899

T.E. Hastings is done haying in the Centre.

William T. Black was at Bloomville last Thursday.

William Bramley, of Delhi, was in town on Sabbath.

Gideon Miller went to Andes Tuesday to help his father in haying.

Rev. James Black and wife are visiting his brother, William T. Black.

Alex Hilson, F.R. Coulter and Elliott Thomson were at Delhi Monday.

Lisabel Donnelly, of Davenport, is visiting her grandfather, D.L. Thomson.

David F. Hoy and wife, of Ithaca, arrived in town Saturday for a short visit. 

Raymond Ballantine, Nelle More and Ida Glendenning were in town Friday.

Rev. Brown, who has been preaching at New Kingston, was in this place on Sabbath.

Mrs. Charles St. John, of Denver, Colorado, has been visiting relatives in this locality.

Six new members were received into the United Presbyterian church at the last communion.

Rev. J.K. McClurkin, D.D., of Pittsburg gave an excellent address on Egypt Thursday evening.

Miss Carrie Kaufman arrived home from New York Wednesday, where she has been for some time. 

Mrs. John R. Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. David F. Hoy and Jennie Hoy, were in Andes the first of the week. 

A.B. Phyfe has gone to New Kingston to assist John Archibald in haying. He has worked there for a number of years. 

July 21, 1899

Rev. Slater was at Delhi Monday.

Wilson Raitt was at Delhi Tuesday.

Frank R. Coulter was at Delhi last Friday.

Miss Nellie Butts arrived in town Monday.

George Gladstone was at Delhi Thursday.

Adam Scott, of Delhi, was in this place Friday.

A number of our farmers have finished haying.

E.J. Turnbull was in town from Andes Thursday.

Mrs. Amos Northrup is visiting at Walton this week.

David Oliver was at Delancey the latter part of the week.

Thomas Gordon and Berry S. Miller were in Fall Clove Friday.

James Hannon, of Oswego, has been visiting friends in this vicinity.

Mrs. John Hilson and Mrs. Albert Butts were at Delhi on Monday.

Rev. T.M. Slater now drives a fine bay horse and Albert Butts a black.

Thomas Gordon has purchased the Stott house in this village of George Stott.

Robert Robson recently had his leg badly bruised by being kicked by a horse.

Mrs. Samson has gone to visit her people and to attend the marriage of her sister.

The family of William Rogers are at his residence at Lake Delaware for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. G.D. Miller were at Andes on Sabbath attending the funeral of her uncle, James Dickson.

The Town of Bovina now has a safe in which to keep its books and papers.  John Irvine was at Delhi after it on Monday.

It is expected that J.K. McDivitt, of Andes, will conduct services next Sunday in the Methodist Episcopal church and also at Lake Delaware.

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Adee, of New Kingston, who were for many years residents of this town, will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage, September 13, 1899.

Mrs. J.B. Hastings has in her possession a gold nugget recently received from her brother John, who is located eight miles from Dawson City. Mr. Sherman stated that he was in excellent health and prospering finely. At present he and his companion, a young Englishman are getting $12 per day. – Davenport Correspondent to Independent

July 28, 1899

William Mable was in town Tuesday.

Alex. Myers was at the County Seat Friday.

James A. Gow was at Andes Wednesday.

G.D. Miller was at New Kingston Tuesday.

Thomas Gordon was down at Delhi Saturday.

James Turnbull was seen in this place Monday.

Robert Liddle, of Cannonsville, was here Monday.

Ephriam Worden, of Andes, was in town Tuesday.

William Black and Elliott Thomson were at Delhi Thursday.

Alex. Liddle and wife, of Andes, were in this place Thursday.

William Richardson and Charles Palmer were at Delhi Thursday last.

Halsey, the Hobart creameryman, was here Monday trying to engage milk for his creamery.

Joshua K. McDivitt preached in the Methodist church on Sabbath and at Lake Delaware in the evening.

Mrs. Charles St. John, who has been visiting here, started Monday to return to her home in Denver, Colorado.  

Rev Miller, who has been preaching at New Kingston, preached in the United Presbyterian church on Sabbath evening.

Charles Carman and Ed Hanlon were here Tuesday repairing the damage recently done by lightning to the telephone at Strangeway’s store.

John Blair, Leonard Sloan, Andrew Seacord, Leslie McNee and George Douglas were in Delhi Friday to witness the ball game between Hamden and Oneonta.

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