Thursday, September 30, 2021

This Day in Bovina for September 2021

Here's the compilation of the daily entries on the Town of Bovina Facebook page for September: 

Fifteen years ago today, the September 1, 2006 Delaware County Times carried this photo of Bovina Fire Queen Faith Burns serving iced tea at the Bovina Fire Department's annual chicken barbecue on August 24.  


Seventy-eight years ago today, the September 2, 1943 Delaware Republican reported in its Bovina column that "Warren Sarle of Chicago is spending a few days with his father, Dr. W.C. Sarle, who recently submitted to an operation for cataracts." Dr. Sarle had been the doctor in Bovina since 1927. He left Bovina not long after the surgery and died in 1946.


154 years ago today, the September 3, 1867 Bloomville Mirror carried this curious item from a Bovina correspondent, dated August 25th, 1867: "Having been a constant reader of your paper for many years, and never as yet having submitted anything through its columns to the public, I thought I would follow the example of others, and send you for publication the following problem. And, although it may have come under the observation of many of your readors, yet to others it may be new, and for the consideration of which, we submit it. It may be that your Bovina correspondent, Mr. Rutherford, he who solves problems as slick as Lincoln got out of the theatre, (or some one else) can solve the following one, as slick as Mr. Butler gained renown by stealing silver spoons :

A person has a wagon with a mechanical contrivance, by which the difference of the number of revolutions of the wheels on a Journey may be determined. It is known that each of the fore wheels are 5 1/4 feet, and that each of the hind wheels are 7 1/8 feet in circumference. Now when on a journey the fore wheel has made 2,000 revolutions more than the hind wheel, how great was the distance traveled." It was signed A.D.

A response was received and published the following week from someone in Kortright Centre: "The fore wheel is 5 1/4 feet in circumference, and makes 2,000 revolutions, which is 10,500 feet. Now the fore wheel is 1 7/8 feet shorter in circumference than the hind wheel, and if it loses 1 7/8 feet in one revolution it would make as many revolutions as 1 7/8 is contained in 10,500, which is 5,600, or the number of revolutions made by the hind wheel in the whole distances, and 5,600 x 7 1/8 - 39,900 feet, or 7 miles and 183 3/4 rods, the whole distance traveled."


121 years ago today, on September 4, 1900, Fred Bramley, of Bovina, and Lucy Jackson, of Andes, were married at Delhi. The Andes Recorder noted that the "marriage occurred just ten months to the day after the death of his first wife." His first wife, Margaret, died in November 1899. They had been married for seven years and had two children, both who died young. His marriage to Lucy lasted 14 years until her death in 1914. They would have five children. Fred would marry a third time, but waited nine years before marrying Christina Close in 1923. He would be widowed a third time when she died in 1943. He died the following year.


179 years ago today, September 5, 1842, Bovina resident Henry Luddington was drowned in the Delaware River near Delhi at the age of 59.  He is buried in the Brush Cemetery in the Bovina Center hamlet.


Thirty-five years ago today, the September 6, 1986 issue of the Daily Star (Oneonta) carried this article by Diane Galusha about Hilson's Store.  


120 years ago today, the September 7, 1901 Delaware Republican had the following item of news ('borrowed' from the Andes Recorder): "Needle in Her Foot - For some time Mrs. Joshua Hobbie, who resides in the upper part of Bovina, has been suffering severely with swollen foot, it was thought she would have to go to the hospital and undergo an operation. Last week she was rubbing the afflicted member when she felt something sharp in the foot and called to others of the family and an examination showed that the point of a needle protruded and when pulled out by Mr. Hobbie it was found that with the exception of being broken at the eye the needle was intact. How the needle got there is a mystery, as Mrs. Hobbie has no recollection of ever running a needle into herself. She still has a very bad foot." This likely is Matilda Pangburn Hobbie. Born in 1862, she survived the needle and died in 1927.


Ninety-seven years ago today, September 8, 1924, Hillis's garage in Bovina submitted this bill for $10.45 to the Town of Bovina for a tire and tube.  This garage later became Thomas's garage and is now owned by Tom Hetterich.  


Fifty-six years ago today, the Bovina column in the September 9, 1965 Delaware Republican-Express reported that "Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns and older daughter, Amy, have been on a seashore vacation and other places of interest. Mrs. Jack Burns kept the baby in their absence." The baby was daughter Colleen.


173 years ago today, September 10, 1848, John W. Seacord died. Born in 1794, he was the son of William Seacord and Lydia Ganoung. He married Jeanette Fuller in 1821, who survived him. John is buried in Brush cemetery.


Roxanna A. Hobbie, the three year old daughter of Joshua Knapp Hobbie and his wife Sarah, died 186 years today on September 11, 1835.  She is buried in the Bovina Cemetery.


132 years ago today, the September 12, 1889 Hobart Independent had this item: "Archie Maynard, of Bovina, who has been roaming about this vicinity during the summer, and ‘cutting up’ peculiar capers, has been adjudged insane by a commission—which consisted of Dr. Buckley of Delhi, and Drs. McNaught & Odell of Hobart"


131 years ago today, the September 13, 1890 Delaware Republican in its Bovina column reported that "Several of our farmers have refused 22 cents for their butter. From the experience of last year it seems as though they ought not to refuse such an offer as that."


134 years ago today, the Delaware Gazette carried this item in its September 14, 1887 issue: "When the Delaware and Otsego railroad is completed to the county line all the towns will be touched by railroad except Bovina, the richest of them all."


On September 15, 1858, 163 years ago today, Rhoda Davis died in Andes.  As reported in the Bloomville Mirror on September 21, Mrs. Davis was the widow of Samuel.  She was 88 years old at the time of her death.  The paper went on to report that "She was one among first settlers in Bovina.  Her exemplary life endeared her to all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance."


111 years ago today, the September 16, 1910 Catskill Mountain News carried an article entitled "Kindness of the Gerrys." "Through the kindness of Miss A. Gerry, daughter of Hon. E. T. Gerry of Lake Delaware and New York, about twelve children from Bovina and Bloomville and vicinity were sent in care of a matron Tuesday morning, to be placed in various institutions of learning in the city, where they will receive instructions. The liberality of the different members of the Gerry family has been manifested where necessary among the people in the vicinity of their summer home as well as among the poor of the city."


Fifty-three years ago today, the September 17, 1968 Daily Star (Oneonta) included this photo and caption of the new barn being built by Jack and Bob Burns. The barn still is in use by Dominic and Laurie Gullow. 


Forty-seven years ago today, the September 18, 1974 issue of the Stamford Mirror Recorder carried in its Bovina column this item: "Mrs. Charles LaFever, Miss Janet McKenzie, Mrs. Francis Tatem and Mrs. Ernest Russell attended the four county book selection committee meeting on Thursday of last week at the Andes library." The same column also noted that "Miss Kate Birdsall of Albany spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Roberts."


120 years ago today, on September 19, 1901, a memorial services was held at the Bovina United Presbyterian church for recently assassinated U.S. President William McKinley.  As later reported in the Andes Recorder, the service was presided over by the church's pastor, Rev. Samson.  "Charles Arbuckle read the scripture lesson; Margaret Swart read the President's proclamation, and addresses were made by Rev. Slater, R.E. Bergman and Rev. Samson."


105 years ago today, September 20, 1916, Cecil Russell was married to Isabell Irvine. Here is the invitation to the wedding received by Henry Monroe and his sister Martena. 


Fifty-one years ago today, the September 21, 1970 Binghamton Press carried this notice: "The Bovina Ski Club will sponsor a round and square dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday at the Bovina Center Community Hall. Music will be by Ernie Russ and his orchestra."


105 years ago today, September 22, 1916, the J.W. Coulter Hose Company had a ball game, a Chicken Pie supper and an entertainment in the evening to raise funds.


Sixty-eight years ago today, a newspaper (unidentified) reported in its September 23, 1953 issue that "The first meeting for lessons in first aid was held at the fire hall Wednesday evening, Sept. 16, with 11 enrolled in this course. The beginners course will last for eight weeks and the advanced course will take another four weeks with mettings to be held once a week. This course is being taught by Earl Many and Harold Morse of Hobart. Those enrolled are Mrs. Floyd Aitkens, Mrs. Victor Rose, Mrs. John Renner, Mrs. Howard LaFever, Mrs. Leif Reinertsen, Mrs. Clifford Hall, Mrs. Norton Forrest, Mrs. Magdalena Rosa, Victor Rosa, Floyd Aitkens and George Storie."


Fifty-nine years ago today, on September 24, 1962, Rema Hobbie died on the family farm on Cape Horn Road in Bovina. His obituary was published a few days later in the Catskill Mountain News. [


141 years ago today, the September 25, 1880 issue of the Port Jervis (NY) Evening Gazette carried this item: "Thomas H. Ludington of Bovian, Delaware county, says he milked 17 1/2 cows, calling a two year old heifer half a cow, and he made and sold 240 pounds of butter to a cow, beside what they used in the family. They are paying in Roxbury for choice dairies now 30 cents. That would be $72 from a cow, saying nothing about the pork made from the buttermilk. The butter alone brought over $1,200. How is that for butter making?"


Eliza Atikin, the 31 year old wife of David Atkin, died 177 years ago today on September 26, 1844.  She is buried in the Old Reformed Presbyterian Church cemetery.


Seventy-four years ago today, on September 27, 1947, the Delaware County Jersey Club held its second annual Consignment Sale at the Charles McPherson Farm in Bovina. This was later the farm of Frank and Stella McPherson. Here's the cover of the sales catalog. 


Fifty-four years ago today, the Bovina column of the September 28, 1967 Delaware Republican-Express reported that "Mrs. Leon Tag[g]art of Albuquerque, N.M., is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Helen Hilson and Mrs. Frank Dickson."


Fifty-five years ago today, the Bovina column in the September 29, 1966 Delaware Republican-Express reported that "The Recreation Club met last Thursday for a luncheon meeting. Officers elected for the coming year are: Chairman, Mrs. Stanley Hewitt, vice-chairman, Mrs. Alex Rabeler sr., secretary-treasurer, Mrs. William J. Storie." The same column also reported that "Mr. and Mrs. Howard LaFever and son Allan took their son John to Canton last week-end where he will enter college for his freshman year. They also visited Mrs. And Mrs. Benson LaFever at Massena."


126 years ago today, on September 30, 1895, people around Bovina woke up to snow covering Bramley mountain and Mount Pisgah.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Bob Wyer Goes to Camp, Part II - Tunis Lake Camp

 A little over a decade after the Lake Delaware Camp was established, someone established a camp at Tunis Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mirski established a boys’ camp at the lake in 1922.  Unlike the Lake Delaware Camp, the Tunis Lake Camp had cabins for the campers. The Mirskis ran the camp until 1944, when they sold it to concentrate on the companion girls’ camp they established on Perch Lake in Andes.  The camp was owned in the 1950s and into the 1960s by George Kaye and Oscar Newman. It became a co-ed during their ownership. They sold the camp in the late 1960s. The last year the camp operated was in 1970. The property was sold to Eric Weidemeyer who created the Tunis Lake development.  Today, the area is occupied by individual homeowners, with the lake as a common ground.

This Wyer image of Mr. Mirski was taken in February 1939.

This first set of images are from the off-season in November 1940:

Wyer was back in the camp in July 1941:

In July 1945, he was back to photograph some indoor activities of the campers: 

In the summer of 1946, Wyer did a series of aerial photographs, including these three images:

Unfortunately, Wyer did not take any photographs of the camp after this time period, though it continued operating until 1970.

If anyone reading this has any memories of attending this camp, I would LOVE to hear from you. 


Friday, September 10, 2021

September 1921 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

September 1921 saw a couple of property changes in town while the spat between Hadley and Lifgren up on Pink Street continued.

September 2, 1921

The schools of the town will open next Tuesday.

Wilson Monroe spent the past week with cousins in New York city.

Attorney and Mrs. Ernest Bergman and son, of New York, are visiting his sister, Mrs. William T. Russell.

Miss Margaret Gordon who has spent the summer vacation at the Scott homestead in Fall Clove, has returned home.

Mr. and Mrs. Felix Crevier, of Paterson, NJ are now in possession of the Edward L. Coulter farm on the turnpike, which they have purchased together with the personal property.  The price is reported to be about $13,000.

The Bovina Town Picnic

The Annual Affair Well Attended Last Thursday

There was a large crowd – about 1,000 – at the annual picnic for the town of Bovina held last Thursday [August 25] and the day was an ideal one.

Following the picnic dinner Rev. F.N. Crawford, the president of the day introduced Assemblyman Lincoln R. Long of New Kingston, and he was followed by Rev. Marvin J. Thomson, of Troy and both gave fine addresses.

The sports included a peanut hunt by the small boys, a wheelbarrow race, tug of war, races and broad and high jumping.  A ball game between the married and single men resulted in favor of the married men.  

September 9, 1921

Edward L. Coulter, who recently sold his farm, is storing his household goods in the small Dickson house in the Center.

Postmaster Lauren Dickson has returned from a trip to New Haven, Connecticut.

Mrs. G.J. Dickson has gone to Ossining, N.Y. to visit her daughter, Mrs. George Baldwin.

A thorobred Jersey heifer disappeared last week from the pasture of Will Storie and it is thought to have been stolen.

Thomas C. Strangeway has commenced digging the cellar for a new house on his lot just at the rear of the hotel building which he now owns.

The Hadley-Leftgren [Lifgren] feud still continues and the latest trouble was caused by Hadley’s calves straying onto the Leftgren land and he shut them up.

Bovina students who have entered high school at Delhi are: Mary Brown, Helen Gladstone, Jennette Laidlaw, Ruth Coulter, Beatrice Hoy, Francis Bell, Gladys Worden, Margaret Gordon and William Gordon.

At Rogers Cottage

Joseph Rogers, wife and son, and William Gordon and nurse, Miss Flyshour, of new York, arrived at the Rogers cottage at Lake Delaware last Thursday to spend a few weeks.  Mr. Gordon is slowly recovering from an illness of several months from blood poisoning and rheumatism.

September 16, 1921

John Blair, John Hilson and Will Archibald are attending the State fair at Syracuse this week.  

Alex Myers is painting the residence of James A. Gow, which stands nearly opposite the U.P. church.

Last week it cost A.E. Hadley $10 to get his calves which had strayed to the land of Gustave Lefgren.  Hadley has now has supreme writs served on Lefgren and his son.

The body of James D. Calhoun, who was killed in France during the world war, arrived here this week and burial was made Wednesday in Bovina Center cemetery.  Members of Calhoun post of Andes, acted as bearers.

Bovina Farm Sold

Walter G. McDivitt has sold his 228 acre farm up Coulter Brook, in the town of Bovina, to Paul C. Furhmann of Brooklyn.  The sale includes stock, tolls and crops, and possession is given October 1.  The place was formerly the William T. Miller and Robert Biggar farms.

September 23, 1921

Sheffield Smith has purchased another truck.

Mrs. Elliott Thomson picked a dish of ripe strawberries last week.

Sloan Archibald is building a new barn at the rear of his residence.

Paul Furhmann, who recently purchased the farm of W.G. McDivitt up Coulter Brook, arrived with his household goods Tuesday.

Thos C. Strangeway has the cellar completed for his new house and Al Boggs is putting up the forms for the concrete foundation.

Ford Over the Wall

Last Friday two women, strangers in town, whose names could not be learned, went off the road and over the stone wall in a Ford car, near where the Coulter Brook road meets the uptown road.  The car was upset but the women escaped injury.  Help was secured and the car gotten back on to the road and the women went on their way.

Bovina House on Fire

The farm house of John Thomson, up Pink Street was damaged by fire on Wednesday.  During the forenoon the chimney burned out and soon after noon fire was discovered in a partition.  Help was summoned by telephone and in addition to neighbors three or four cars went from the village and the fire was put out with comparatively small damage.  

September 30, 1921

George Cable and wife moved this week to Bainbridge, and have rented their hosue here.

Lauren Dickson will leave this week for New Haven, Connecticut, to take a course in the Yale Law School.

Jacob Gerkins, who has been on the Alex Bryden farm for the past two years, will vacate the place October 1.

William Gordon has purchased a Ford for the use of himself and sister in going back and forth to school in Delhi.

Galie Hafele will work with Al Boggs at the carpenter trade.  He has rented W.A. Hoy’s tenant house in Bovina Center.

Miss Louise Dennis is again confined to her bed and her niece, Miss Emma Dennis, of Walton, is here helping care for her.

Rev. and Mrs. Charles Lay and four children, who had spent two weeks with her parents, Mr and Mrs. George Miller, returned to Mundale o Friday.

A number of the lady friends of Mrs. John A. Irvine and Mrs. John McCune made them a surprise visit last Friday evening at the home of the first name.  The occasion was birthday of the two ladies – one falling on Friday and the other on Saturday.

Death of Infant

The two weeks old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bye died in southern Bovina last week of intestinal poisoning.  The mother will be remembered as Mary Mason.