Cream together 2 cups sugar, 4 tablespoons butter, 2 eggs, add 1 cup raisins, cut small; 1 cup milk, salt, 2/3 teaspoon soda, 1 1/3 teaspoon cream tartar, 1 qt flour. Drop small spoonfuls on buttered tins, sprinkle thick with mixed sugar and cinnamon; bake. -L.E. Dennis.
The recipe I used over the years did not include the milk or raisins and the cookies could be rolled into balls and put on the baking sheet. These were too sticky to be rolled. And they don't look like the ones I was used to either.
I baked them at 350 for about 8-9 minutes. They turned out ok, though I prefer my regular recipe. I shared them with a group at the church that went Christmas Caroling.
The recipe submitter was Miss Louisa E. Dennis. She was born in 1845 and was baptized into the UP Church as an adult in 1864. In the 1910 census, she was living with her sister Hellen and working as a milliner. By the 1920 census, she was living on her own, her sister having died in 1913. And she was not listed as having any occupation. What happened to her after that I do not know. Nor do I know much more about her background, such as who her parents were. But we have her recipe....
Tim Mallery had trouble posting this, so I'm passing it along. He found a bit more about the Dennis family:
ReplyDeleteSince Helen is buried in the Yendes cemetery, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume this is Louisa's family?
DENNIS, Annie Julia 15y September 10, 1854 ..."We Miss thee at home"
DENNIS, George T. 9d May 25, 1819 Son of Thomas & Louisa Dennis
DENNIS, Louisa S. 79y August 20, 1881 "Blessed are the ded which die in the Lord"
DENNIS, Helen M. 78y 1913
DENNIS, Thomas W. 82y October 27, 1882 "They rest from their labors"
you should post the Suits Us Farm oatmeal cookie recipe :]
glenn levy
I hope you will post more old recipes!