Thursday, April 12, 2018

April 1918 - 100 Years Ago "in That Thriving Town"

April 1918 was the first anniversary of the U.S. entry into World War I. Life went on in town, as reported in the Andes Recorder.

April 5, 1918
·        Al Boggs is here finishing John Hilson’s house.
·        Mr. and Mrs. William C. Russell and family took in the movies at Andes on Tuesday evening.
·        Miss Kathryn Reynolds is expected to resume her duties as primary teacher in the Center school Thursday.
·        Mr. Hamilton, of Philadelphia, who has rented Miss Jennie Miller’s house below the village, arrived on Tuesday.
·        The Dry Milk company is now receiving a large quantity of skim milk from Delhi and are running two shifts – a night and day.
·        David F. Hoy, registrar of Cornell University, and his son, have been spending a few days at the home of his sister, Mrs. Douglas Davidson.

April 12, 1918
·        The Telephone Central was out of commission the first few days of this week.
·        The Dry Milk company barreled the dry milk obtained from 2,700 cans of milk, last week.
·        H. Jalmer Johnsen has sold the farm which he purchased of Frank T. Miller a year ago.
·        Herman Johnson has hired to work in the dry milk plant.  He will move into part of Harvey C. Burgin’s house.
·        The Town Board of Education have appointed Wm. J. Storie, Robert A. Thomson and David Currie inspectors of election for the school meeting to be held May 7.
·        William F. Boggs has purchased from Mrs. (Dr.) G.T. Scott what is known as the Gow house and lot.  The price paid was $1,500.  Frank Miller has purchased of Mrs. W.T. Forrest the house and lot adjoining what was formerly the D.L. Thomson tin shop [this was later the home of Charlie and Eva McIntosh].

April 19, 1918
·        H.A. Ayers arrived home Saturday from Pennsylvania for a few days.
·        The Red Cross will give a warm sugar social in the town hall on Friday evening, April 19.  Special music.

April 26, 1918
·        John Galloway was the recipient of a Shetland pony Tuesday.
·        The Red Cross realized $30 from a social held Friday evening.
·        A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller make them a surprise visit Tuesday evening.
·        Mrs. G.T. Scott, who recently sold her house here, will move to Davenport next week, where she formerly resided and where she has a sister living.
·        The team of Lawrence Ruscoe started to run from in front of the Crosier hotel, but Mr. Ruscoe managed to climb over the back of the seat and getting the lines, stopped the team at Doig’s store [this is now Russell's].

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