Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 1914 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

From the Andes Recorder

Work continued on the Bovina Center water system and started delivering water to homes in the hamlet.

October 2, 1914
Thomas Gordon was at Delhi on Saturday after the ballots for Primary election.
A daughter was born September 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Bradford, at Salt Lake City, Utah. The mother was Marjorie Bailey, youngest daughter of the late Jacob Bailey, of Bovina.
James W. Thomson, who sold his farm at Tunis Lake, has purchased the Charles R. Lee house and lot in Bovina Center. The reported price is $1,200. The place will be better known to some Recorder readers as the James Douglas place. [This is now the home of the Pelletier family. 42.2623°N 74.7836°W]
Seventy-seven votes were cast at the Primary Election held on Monday.  The vote by party was Republican, 56; Democrat 18; Prohibition 2, and Progressive 7. For governor Whitman received 46 of the Republican votes, Hinman 4 and Hedges 4.

October 9, 1914
Charles Palmer and wife, former Bovina residents, have been visiting in this vicinity.
William Mabon, below the Hook, is building a small addition onto the rear of his residence.
Robert Tweedie has purchase a second hand Overland touring car of W.T. Hyzer, the Andes dealer.
The remains of Rev. A.G. King was brought here on Monday and the interment made in the Bovina Center cemetery.
Miss Angelica L. Gerry, who has been spending some time at the Gerry country home at Lake Delaware, has returned to New York City.
The main pipe for the Bovina Center Water Works is all laid and the water has been turned into the main.  Numerous supply pipes yet remain to be put in, and water has not yet been turned into any of the supply pipes.

October 16, 1914
Lauren Dickson is seriously ill.
Mrs. Nancy Scott of Iowa, is visiting relatives here.
Charles Tuttle, on the Turnpike, is having his farm residence re-shingled.
John Quinn has moved from the Charles R. Lee house to the John R. Hoy house.
Mr. Yenson of Hobart, has rented the Phinney house and moves here to open a harness repair and shoe shop in J.W. Coulter’s building.
Alex Hilson is having a sidewalk laid along the front of his residence and also in front of the Hilson homestead, and John Hilson has also laid a new sidewalk.

Under Andes
James Calhoun, son of Daniel Calhoun of Andes, has engaged with the Cow Testing Association of Delaware County, for the coming year as tester and will visit the various dairies belonging to the Association. [Calhoun, the son of Daniel Calhoun, would marry Anna Bell Barnhart in 1917 and would die in action in France in October 1918 during World War I.]

October 23, 1914
The ladies of the Methodist church are preparing to hold a Fair.
Mr. Hyatt has returned from a visit at his former home in Yonkers.
Stanislaws Siliwniski and Nalvina Korowitz were united in marriage at Stamford, October 20.
Dr. Ormiston was called here Tuesday in consultation with Dr. Whitcomb in the case of the infant child of John Quinn, it being seriously ill with bowel trouble.
Bovina Center residents, who are patrons of the Water Company, now have plenty of water.  The filter is complete and water has been turned into the supply pipes.
Allen S. Kelsey and Miss Mildred Bouton were married at Arena October 15. They have purchased what is known as the Scutt farm in upper Bovina, from David Liddle.

October 30, 1914
Thomas Gordon has had a sidewalk laid in front of his residence.
There are numerous cases of measles in the upper part of the town.
Misses Belle Miller and Annabelle Barnhart at Delhi on Thursday.
The little child of John Quinn, which has been seriously ill, is apparently recovering.
Gamekeeper Marshall, at the Gerry estate, is in New York this week and will bring back a bride.
Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Doig, Mrs. John Storie, Mrs. William C. Russell were guests of James A. Gow’s at Springfield Center, Otsego county, this week, going in the former’s auto.

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