Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 1913 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

Political news starts to appear, with nominations for local offices. The creation of a water system for the Bovina Center hamlet progressed.  And there were a couple of reports about Italian laborers. 

October 3, 1913
•    Ellsworth Tuttle is the champion oat raiser in this locality, having harvested 900 bushels this season. [Tuttle's farm was somewhere in the area of Lee Hollow.]
•    Dr. Scott, the town health officer, is visiting the schools of the town and examining the teachers and pupils in compliance with the new law. 
•    The directors of the Bovina Center Water Company held a meeting Monday evening and organized by electing the following officers:  J.W. Coulter, president; Alex Hilson, vice president; Thomas Gordon, secretary; Andrew T. Doig, treasurer; Walter G. Coulter, manager.  The company will at once being the sale of stock, and take steps for putting in of the reservoir on Coulter Brook.  The $15,000 capital stock of the company is already nearly all subscribed. 

October 10, 1913
•    Bovina Progressives have filled the nomination of Walter G. Coulter for Superintendent of Highways.
•    Josh Hafele, near Tunis Lake, was quite severely injured last week, while trying to put the belt on the threshing machine.  Both hands were caught be[tween] the belt and pulley and the thumb on hand was broken and the wrist of the other arm was severely bruised.
•    The State road people started in last Sabbath to work near the Hook and on complaint the Sheriff succeeded in arresting twenty Italians.  Bail was furnished and Monday when arraigned before Juistice Strangeway all plead guilty and each one fined $5.

October 17, 1913
•    Charles Hafele is one of the few in town this year to have apples.  Last week he exhibited nine varieties at the Delhi fair and received five first and four second premiums, in competition with an orchardist from Newburg. 

October 24, 1913
•    The total [voter] registration this year is 249.
•    Superintendent of Schools Hamilton was here Tuesday.
•    Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Burns in upper Bovina, October 18, a son.  [Actually, this was the birth of daughter Mary.]
•    Commodore Elbridge T. Gerry and family, who have been at their country home at Lake Delaware, returned to New York last Friday. 
•    Miss Evelyn Dickson, of Arena, commenced teaching in the Ed Coulter district Monday.  The former teacher was related to the trustee.
•    An Italian contractor is here putting up a building for the Italians who will dig the ditch for the Bovina Center Water Works.  The company will not let the contract but will hire by the day.  As much preliminary work as possible will be done this fall, but it is doubtful if any digging will be done until spring.

October 31, 1913
•    Every voter in Bovina, irrespective of party, should vote for Hamilton J. Hewitt for District Attorney.
•    J.D. Burns, who has been living in the sap house since his house burned, has moved into the Margaret Hoy house until his new house is completed. [This later was the home of Charles and Leona LaFever, 2299 County Highway 6, latitude 42.260583, longitude -74.777173.]
•    Rev. and Mrs. A.I. Robb and little child, who have been in mission work in China, are visiting relatives here.  Rev. Robb is to conduct communion services on Sabbath in the Reformed Presbyterian church.  Mrs. Robb was formerly Miss Jennet Campbell of this place.
•    Attorney Palmer, of Delhi, was here Wednesday securing the deeds for the right of way for the water main of the Bovina Center Water Company from the reservoir up Coulter Borok to the highway at the U.P. Church.  Robert E. Thomson receives $300 for the site of the reservoir and land flooded by it.  Frank Coulter, who sustains damages by reason of the taking of the water above him, receives $300.  Some of the others receive small amounts. 

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