Sunday, April 10, 2022

April 1922 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

A century ago, in April 1922, Bovina lost another young man from injuries received during the First World War. And that same month, the contract for the construction of St. James' church at Lake Delaware was awarded.

April 7, 1922

John B. Lee was at Mt. Vision last week to see his son, Clarence Lee, who is in a sanitarium.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Boggs, in upper Bovina, March 29, a daughter, - Anna Elizabeth. [This is Anna Boggs Hobbie Lounsbury. She died in 2009 at the age of 87.]

William Todd, who is employed on the Gerry estate at Lake Delaware, has moved his family from Delhi to the Dickson place up Pink street.

Captain Billings, superintendent of the Gerry estate at Lake Delaware, has returned from Washington, D.C., where he had been undergoing eye treatment.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Filkins have moved here from Trout Creek and are occupying room sin Mrs. Thos Gordon’s house.  Mr. Filkins will make cheese at the creamery.

Mr. Berchevsky, of Brooklyn, who is manager of the cheese room at the Center creamery, is in town for a few days.  There will be a suspension of cheese making for ten days or two weeks and the skim milk will be condensed.

Resurfacing Bovina Road

The contract for resurfacing of the Bovina state road, 2.34 miles in length, has been let to DeGraff & Hogeboom, Inc. of Kingston, for $32, 433.  There are ten bidders, the highest being $40, 282.  The engineer’s estimate for the work was $42,779.

April 14, 1922

Marshall Scott, who last fall moved from Bovina to a farm a short distance from Oneonta, was calling in town.

Mr. Hemmingway and wife and Mr. Homer and wife have moved from the Maynard farm, up-town to Youngstown, Ohio.

Walter G. Coulter, superintendent of highways, has commenced work on the town roads. Under orders from the state he has measured all bridges in the town.

Another Victim of World War

Clarence Lee, of Bovina, passed Away in Hospital April 5

Clarence Lee, son of John B. Lee, of the town of Bovina, died on Saturday morning, April 8, at the Mt. Vision sanitarium.  His original illness was tubercular periodontitis, for which on February 20, he underwent an operation at the Fox Memorial hospital in Oneonta.  Four weeks later he was taken to the Mt. Vision institution for general treatment, but nothing could be done for him.

He was a soldier of the world war and in the great drive in the summer of 1918, he was 63 days continuously at the front.  In September of that year he was reported missing, but later was found severely gassed in a military hospital, where he remained for seven months. His age was 29 years.

The surviving members of the family are his father, a twin brother, Clifford, in Andes, a half sister, Margery, teaching at White Plains, and four half brothers, Donald, Edgar, Charles and Romaine, at home.

The funeral was held Tuesday at the family home above Lake Delaware and burial made in the Bovina Center cemetery.  [Note: His half brother Donald was a veteran of the war, dying at the age of 99 in 1995, Bovina’s last surviving World War I vet.]

April 21, 1922

Sloan Archibald is slowly convalescing.

A can washer has been installed at the Bovina Center creamery.

Miss Angelica Gerry and Robert L. Gerry and a party spent over Easter at Lake Delaware.

William F. Boggs is making changes on the interior of his residence – moving partitions, etc.

James Ackerley is again at work on his house after being laid up several weeks with rheumatism.

The Camp Fire Girls will give an entertainment Thursday evening, and a social hour afterwards.

Carrie Dumond has finished her work in the tea room of Bramley and Waugh at Delhi, and returned home.

Ernest Smith, who has been doing condensing at the creamery, has finished condensing and returned to Franklin this week.

There was a very large attendance at the Easter services in the Episcopal church at Lake Delaware last Sabbath and chairs had to be carried in.

They Pleased Audience

Bovina Center Entertained by Geneva Glee Club

The Geneva Glee Club, representing the Covenanter College located at Beaver Falls, Pa., entertained the people of Bovina Center last Friday evening with an attractive programme.  The town hall was well filled with an appreciative audience.

Sixteen young men were on the platform, under the direction of T. Early Yearsley, all at their best, overflowing with vim, mirth and music.  Songs by the Club, readings, quartettes, renderings on the piano and the violin, and crayon sketches, all were given in an excellent spirit and drew from the audience prolonged applause.  The Geneva Glee Club surely did please Bovina Center and failed not to do credit to the college represented.

April 28, 1922

Two representatives of the Maple Syrup Producers Association were here the past week.

A number of our young people gave a party at the town hall in honor of Marjorie Forman of Delhi.

Everett Wickham, on the Decker farm at Lake Delaware, has commenced making improvements on his barn.

Fred Thomson and Dixon Thomson will install a Delco lighting plant and will light several residences in addition to their own.

Harvey Burgin is making improvements to the interior of his residence, changing partitions, etc.  He is also wiring it for electric lights.

Herman Joslin has taken a position as truck driver for the creamery at Frasers and has moved from Lake Delaware to a house on the Hulbert farm below Delhi.

The two men names Ezorack, who last year purchase the Fine hunt farm up Coulter Brook, have dissolved partnership and one man moved his household goods to Middletown on Wednesday.  

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Russell entertained about 30 young people in honor of Miss Thelma Northrop, the occasion being her 15th birthday.  Games and music were enjoyed by all and later refreshments were served.

New Church For Lake Delaware

A telegram was received Tuesday by Rev. Edgelow, rector of the St. James Chapel at Lake Delaware, from Miss Angelica Gerry, of New York, stating that the contract had been let for the new memorial chapel and other buildings which are to be erected on the Gerry estate at the point where the road from that estate comes onto the state road.

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