The bodies of two soldiers, one an 80 year old Civil War veteran, the other Bovina's first fatality in World War One, came back to Bovina for burial.
March 4, 1921
• B.G. Morrison, the blacksmith, continues on the sick list.
• Harry Robson has opened a garage in the building across the street from his residence in lower part of village.
• Word had been received here of the death of Henry Hogaboom in Soldiers Home in Dayton, Ohio. His age was over 80 years.
• A petition has been circulated for a special town meeting in Bovina to vote on the question of buying a roller for use on the highways of the town.
• Mrs. John A. Irvine and sister in law, Mrs. W.T. Black of Delhi, who have spent several weeks with the sons of the former at Seattle, Washington, and homeward bound, and are now in Denver, Colorado.
March 11, 1921
• Nelson Reynolds has returned to town again.
• Thomas Gordon is at Delhi this week as court crier.
• Beatrice Hoy and Anna Dickson have recovered from the measles.
• Miss Margaret Hoy, who has been ill, is improving and is able to sit up.
• The remains of Henry Hogaboom, who died at the Soldiers Home in Dayton, Ohio, were brought here last Friday for burial. During the civil war he served in Co. E. 144th Regt. For many years he lived on the farm now owned by J.K. Russell at Lake Delaware. In his younger days he was in the note “shaving” business.
Death of an Esteemed Woman
Mrs. J.B. Lee Passed Away Feb. 12th in Scotland
Saturday this community was saddened by the news of the death at her home in Comrie, Scotland, on February 12, of Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell Lee, widow of the late Rev. J.B. Lee, D.D. Her age was 79 years.
Dr. Lee married her in Scotland and took her to his charge at Franklinville, N.Y. After he retired from the ministry, they came to Bovina to end his days in the midst of the scenes where he had labored so many years as pastor of the U.P. church. Mrs. Lee proved herself an earnest servant of Master by identifying herself with every work done for the honor of His name and the uplifting of humanity. In 1907, she formed the Y.W.M.S. and our women owe her a debt of gratitude for her wise counsels and aid. She will long be remembered for her kind and loving sympathy in times of sickness and bereavement and her readiness to help in every case where a wise counselor was needed. In an address at a recent town picnic Duncan C. Lee paid a beautiful tribute to her in the home and her care of his father in his last days.
After the death of Dr. Lee in 1914, she returned to Scotland, where all her people resided.
March 18, 1921
• James Bramley, on the Bloomville road, has had a DeLaval Milking Machine installed.
• George Miller has received word that the remains of his son, Clark Miller, who was killed in action in France are enroute to Bovina.
• Sloan Archibald, who recently purchased the Jennie Miller house, is making numerous alterations to the interior – taking out and changing partitions, etc.
Married 50 Years – Feb 8, Mr and Mrs John P. Dennis of Holdcroft, VA, formerly of Bovina Center, celebrated their 50th anniversary at the home of their daughter, Mrs. R.B. Mallory, in Williamsburg, VA……
March 25, 1921
• Still some cases of measles in town, and whooping cough on Coulter Brook.
• The remains of Clark G. Miller, who was killed in action in France, arrived in Delhi early in the week and burial will be made here at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon.
• Stephen Shabloski has sold the Ruff farm of 320 acres in upper Bovina, Mrs. Mary Webber, Carona L.I.. The sale includes 60 heard of stock and all equipment. The new owner will take possession April 1.
Voted to Buy Roller
Saturday at the special town meeting in Bovina 97 taxpayers cast their votes, and the proposition to purchase a steam road roller at a cost of $4,400 was carried by 19 majority. The vote stood 58 for and 39 against.
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