Monday, August 10, 2020

August 1920 - 100 Years Ago "in that Thriving Town"

In August 1920, Bovina saw several cows sicken (with one death), a Coulter Family Reunion and the birth of a noted Bovina citizen. Here's how it was reported in the Andes Recorder:

August 6, 1920
A.M.Redmond, of Arena, has moved into Mr. Mitchell’s tenant house.
Alva Shultis has purchased a new auto truck.  The price is reported at $3,200.
Millard Gow, who is employed in New York, has been visiting his people here.  He was accompanied by a friend.
Harry Robinson is moving into the John R. Hoy house, which he recently purchased of Harry Martin, who moved Saturday to Charlotteville.
William Johnson, of Kansas, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Alex Crosier.  He went west 14 years ago and is now employed by an oil company.
G.D. Miller had the second and third fingers of his left hand severely injured last Thursday, while handling some timbers from the old Stott cooper shop.

August 13, 1920
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hilson, August 5.  Miss Delamater is the nurse. [This is Jack Hilson, later a noted Bovina merchant as half of Hilson Brothers.]
Alva Shultis moved this week from the Jennie Miller place below the Center, to Delhi, where he has a job of hauling lumber.
On Monday evening a meeting was held at the Fire House to make arrangements for the annual Town Picnic, to be held Thursday August 26.
Lauren Dickson and William Gordon arrived home Tuesday after an absence of about a month.  During their absence they visited New York, points in the New England States, Montreal, Canada, etc.

August 20, 1920
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson attended the Davidson reunion held on Saturday on Platner Brook.
Elliott Thomson has rented his blacksmith shop to Mr. Morrison, of Charlotteville, who will begin operations Monday.  He is also a wood worker.  He has rented W.A. Hoy’s tenant house and will move his family here about October 1st.

Bovina Cows Poisoned
A number of cows in Bovina have been sick and Mrs. Kate Barnhart had one die.  Veterinaries diagnosed the trouble as poisoning.  It is supposed that the trouble came from something in a “balanced ration” which was being fed in the dairies affected.  

Coulter Reunion
Will be held Wednesday, August 25, at Grant Maxwell’s on the Little Delaware.  Please bring cup, fork, spoon and sandwiches for family; also one other article.

August 27, 1920
Douglas Burns is preparing to put concrete stables in his barn.
David F. Hoy, registrar of Cornell University, with his wife have been with Bovina relatives the past week.
R. Eston Phyfe, a native of this town, for many years principal of the Hartford, Connecticut, high school, has been visiting his brother, A.B. Phyfe.
Mrs. (Dr.) Trader, who is herself a physician, with her daughter, is visiting her father, Jas W. Thomson.  She and her husband are at the Craig Colony, located at Sonyea, N.Y.

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