Thursday, August 8, 2019

August 1919 - 100 Years Ago "in That Thriving Town"

100 years ago saw a soldier return from the Great War and a doctor and a minister depart Bovina.

August 1, 1919
·         Supt. Of Schools Arthur Hamilton was here Tuesday [July 29, 1919] taking the trustees reports.
·         Rev. Walter D. Strangeway, of Watervliet, is spending his vacation with Bovina relatives.
·         D.C. Worden had another sheep killed by dogs Tuesday night [July 29, 1919].  He had two killed a few weeks ago.
·         Geo Van Dusen has completed his work for William Archibald and has gone to Wallace Smith’s, up-town.
·         Nelson Reynolds and Walter Counter have commenced the work of altering and remodeling the basement of the United Presbyterian church.

Dr. Whitcomb Will Go to Egypt

Dr. Norris B. Whitcomb, who for about seven years has been practicing in Bovina, has been accepted for service as a medical missionary in Egypt by the board of the United Presbyterian church.  He will leave Bovina about September 1.

August 8, 1919
·         Fred Thomson now drives a new Oakland car.
·         William A. Hoy had his son James to Oneonta on Sabbath for medical treatment.
·         John W. Blair is having his village residence treated to a new dress of white.  Alex Myers is the artist.
·         Millard Gow and John Miller have arrived home from France, having received their discharge from the army. 
·         Harry Martin, employed by the Dry Milk company, is at Trout Creek, where the company has a plant, installing machinery.
·         Douglas Davidson has received a telegram announcing that his son, Fletcher Davidson, had arrived safely from overseas and was at Camp Mills.

Bovina Without a Physician

Dr. and Mrs. Whitcomb left Tuesday morning for New Wilmington, Pa., at which place the doctor will take a course of instructions preparatory to work as a medical missionary in Egypt, to which place he expects to go the later part of September.

August 15, 1919
·         George Barnes moved this week to the Margaret Hoy farm.
·         Rev. Thomas E. Graham has resigned as principal of the Bovina Center school.
·         George VanDusen has hired to work for A.P. Lee during the fall and winter.
·         Harry Martin has purchased what is known as the John R. Hoy house on the Dennis corner. 
·         A refrigerator machine using the ammonia process is being installed at the Dry Milk plant.  The huge fly wheel on the compressor weighs 5,300 pounds.
·         The work of remodeling the building left by J.W. Coulter for a public library, has been begun.  Walter G. Coulter is in charge, assisted by Nelson Reynolds.
·         George H. Miller is making improvements on his residence (the Kinmuth house).  Previously the front of the basement came out flush with the varanda of the house.  He will put front back even with the main sill of the house and the varanda will be supported by brackets.

Bovina Farm Sold

John M. Miller has sold his 250 acre farm, (John R. Thomson place) located up Pink street in Bovina, with stock and farm machinery to Rupert Brothers of Canada.  Possession is to be given next month.

August 22, 1919
·         The town picnic has been postponed to Friday, August 29.
·         Fletcher Davidson arrived home last Thursday from France.  He was on five battle fronts.
·         Miss Jane Hilson  has returned from Columbia University, where she has attended summer shool.
·         One hundred and fifty relatives attended the Archibald re-union held on Wednesday at home of William J. Archibald.
·         It is stated that the trustees of the Bovina Center school have secured Prof. James Hastings as principal for the coming school year.
·         Thomas Gordon was at Delhi on Wednesday on business connected with their 144th Regiment re-union to be held at Delhi on August 27.
·         Postmaster Lauren Dickson went to New York last Thursday and his sister Mary Dickson, who has been attending summer school at Columbia University, returned home with him.

Bovina Pastor Resigns

Rev. Thomas E. Graham, who for several years has been pastor of the Covenanter or Reformed Presbyterian church of Bovina, announced his resignation as pastor last Sabbath and further stated that he had accepted a call to become pastor of a United Presbyterian church.  His resignation came as a complete surprise to the congregation and to the community.

August 29, 1919
·         Herman Joslyn will move into part of the Dennis house.
·         Chemical toilets are being installed at the school house in the Center district.
·         Stone is being crushed with which to make blocks for the foundation for the public library building.
·         Miss Kate Craig, who is nursing in Albany, is spending a week’s vacation with her mother and sisters here.
·         Miss Caroline Dickson has returned to Washington, D.C. where she is employed in one of the government bureaus.
·         James Hastings has purchased of George Gladstone what is known as the Kennedy house in Bovina Center. John R. Aitken will move into the house.
·         George H. Russell and wife arrived home the first of the week from Racene, Wisconsin, where he had been with a party after autos.  He drove a Mitchell thru to Delhi, having a fine trip across the lakes.

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