Monday, July 8, 2019

July 1919 - 100 Years Ago "in That Thriving Town

July 4, 1919
·         Haying is in full blast.  Some day hands are receiving $5 per day.
·         The assessors found 150 dogs in Bovina this year.  Last year the number was 142.
·         Dr. N.B. Whitcomb has sold his house to Mrs. Hamilton Russell.  The price is said to be $3,000.
·         Miss Jane Hilson, who has been teaching at South Hampton, is attending summer school at Columbia University
·         William Archibald, at the arch bridge, is putting concrete driveway, cow beds and feeding floors in the stable of his barn.
·         Harold Robinson has leased rooms in George Gladstone’s (Kennedy) house and he and his bride will commence housekeeping therein.
·         The town assessors met Wednesday [July 2, 1919] to complete their roll.  They succeeded in adding considerable personal property to the roll – 51 being caught.  It is stated that the town of Hancock lets the personal slip and only has 3 assessed personal in the entire town.
·         The team of Mr. Ganger, on the Bouton farm up-town, ran away Tuesday afternoon [July 1, 1919] at Rema Hobbie’s.  Miss Ganger, who was driving, was thrown out and when found was lying by the roadside and unable to rise.  A physician was summoned and found that her injuries were not serious and she was around the next day. 

Bovina Lad Has Narrow Escape

Lloyd Oliver had a narrow escape Tuesday [July 1, 1919] from going off the high wall at Alex Myers’ in his car.  Something was wrong with the car and Terry, the garage man, towed it backwards to the top of the pitch and he started to coast down.  In front of the Myers house a rod dropped down careering the car into the air so that only one wheel was on the ground and when it righted itself it was on the wall and less than a foot from the edge.  Mr. Oliver who had no brakes, succeeded in guiding the car along the wall and it was stopped in front of Elliott Thomson’s. 

July 11, 1919
·         James A. Gow has purchase a new Buick six roadster.
·         Sugar is scarce.  Hilson Brothers expect to have two tons August 1st.
·         Fred Thomson was at Oneonta this week taking an examination for chauffer.
·         Mrs. Betts, who was formerly Hannah Cathels, of Bovina, and her dauter, from South Dakota, are visiting in the vicinity of her old home up Pink street.
·         Henry Archibald, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Craddock and son, motored here from New York City and spent the past week with relatives.  On their return they were accompanied by Mrs. W.J. Crosier of this place, and James F. Forman, of Delhi.
·         Fire Chief Alex Myers wishes to give warning to the parties who on the morning of July Fourth broke out the glass over bell rope at the fire house and rang the bell, that further tampering with the alarm will lead to unpleasant consequences.
·         Will Johnson, who lives up-town, left his auto standing into front of Hilson’s store Monday [July 7, 1919] night and it was run into by the car of an out of town party, who did not stop to see what damage had been done.  The Johnson car sustained a smashed fender and the steering gear was bent.  The stranger was minus a hub cap.

Lots of Noise in Bovina

Dynamite Used – One citizen Frightened by Sheep in Bedroom.

If noise was an indication of a celebration Bovina had it in the early hours of the fourth of July.  As usual the fun resulted in damage to property by the use of dynamite.  At Gideon Miller’s a tree was ruined and at his blacksmith shop glass broken out.  At Mrs. W.R. Miller’s the glass was blown from the front door and panes of glass and flat stones at George Gladstone’s and much other damage done about town.

The joke of the morning was the taking of Rank Miller’s sheep and putting it into Dixon Thomson’s bedroom window. Mrs. Thomson was awakened by the noise of the sheep moving about and told her husband that there was someone in the house.  Mr. Thomson had the scare of his life when he reached out his hand and put it on something soft by the side of the bed and supposed that it was a burglar in a fur coat.

July 18, 1919
·         Harry Martin of the Dry Milk force went to Trout Creek on business Tuesday.
·         J. Clifton Irvine, his brother Lloyd, and J. Millard Blair, started for Seattle, Washington, on Tuesday [July 15], expecting to remain.
·         Bovina real estate transfers recorded are James R. Honeywell and others to Alfred E. Luckhurst, $250; Ralph S. Ives and wife to Elizabeth Cumming, $1.

July 25, 1919
·         The sugar famine has struck Bovina.
·         Arthur Kellam now owns a Ford runabout.
·         Robert Fiero of the Dry Milk plant, is on the sick list.
·         Miss Jean Hume is now the proud owner of a Dodge car.
·         Miss Jennnie E. Miller is confined to her home with a severe cold.
·         Harry Martin and family intend to move into part of Miss Louisa Dennis house.
·         William A. Hoy is having his residence, the Pressley house, treated to a new dress of paint.
·         Thursday, August 28th, has been decided upon as the date for the community picnic which Bovina people hold annually.

Last of Her Generation

Mrs. William B. Thomson died at her home in upper Bovina early Wednesday morning, July 23, from disease of the kidneys, at the age of 77 years.  Her maiden name was Nettie McEachron and she was the last of the family of Deacon Alex McEachron.  She was born on the farm now owned by Fred Henderson and had always resided in the town.  Besides her husband she leaves two sons, Alex Thomson at home and Dr. Leonard Thomson at Torrington, Conn.  The funeral was held Thursday. 

Bovina Girl Wins Scholarship

The scholarship for Delaware county at Cornell, which entitles the holder to four years of free tuition in Cornell University, was won by Miss Marjorie Dickson, of Bovina Center, a daughter of the late Dr. G. J. Dickson.  Her record was 271 ½ point.

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