Thursday, July 25, 2019

Bovina Bicentennial Celebration, Update 7

Our first big fundraising event, the Bovina Country Pie and Cake Auction, was a big success, with over $2500 raised. Thank you for everyone who helped with the pie and cake auction - Brooke Alderson, Pamela Benson, Briana Riera, Wendy Buerge and Maureen Krueger. And thanks to anyone who made a dessert. And also thanks to the assorted Riera kids who helped bring items to Chuck. And a huge thank you to Chuck McIntosh for sharing his auction skills.

I will be promoting the the Bicentennial Celebration at Delhi Telephone Company's annual community day event on August 7. 

I am still finalizing the order for the promotional poster. The plan is to offer a larger (18 x 24) high quality print version for $60, and a smaller version (12 x 18) for $15. I will be staffing a table at Bovina Farm Day to sell the posters. And by September, they also will be available via mail order, for an additional shipping and handling fee. When this happens, I will alert everyone through Facebook and this blog, with details of how to order.

Here's what the poster will look like:


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