Monday, November 12, 2018

November 2018 - 100 Years Ago "in That Thriving Town"

Bovina 100 years ago this month was dealing with the influenza epidemic, celebrating the end of the First World War and mourning a few days later the loss in the war of James Calhoun. 

November 1, 1918
·   There are no new cases of influenza reported.
·   It is reported that the Amos farm in southern Bovina, has been purchased by the Gerrys.
·   Dr. and Mrs. N.B. Whitcomb are now considered out of danger and we hope to see them around as usual.
·   The questionnaires for the selected men are now being made received and filled.  Some of the first registrants were called to Delhi for examination Thursday.
·   The first death in town from the prevailing influenza epidemic occurred on Sabbath, October 20, when Mrs. Loron Maxim, passed away at her home on the Hewitt farm up-town.  The remains were taken to Hardenburgh, Ulster couty, their former home, for interment.

November 8, 1918
·   Mrs. James Calhoun and Mrs. Wm Storie were Delhi visitors Wednesday.
·   Mr. and Mrs. Alex Myers have heard from their son, John, who sailed for France 5 weeks ago.
·   T.W. Miller has secured Edward Lamb to work on his farm on Miller avenue, and he moved this week.
·   Robert Hunt and Lester Hoy, alto engage in a necessary industrial occupation have been classified A-1.
·   A letter from the front states that Millard Blair is in the hospital suffering fro poison in canned goods, but is improving.
·   About 100 of the 212 women voters voted Tuesday.  Their votes did not change results in the town except to swell the Prohibition vote by about 40.
·   Chancey Hyatt and little daughter of Wingdale, N.Y. has been visiting his father, F.W. Hyatt, this week.  His wife died recently and the little daughter will remain with the grandfather for the present.

Bramley Mt. Man Arrested - Muller Tells U.S. Commissioner of Lost Contracts

Jean Muller, of Bramley Mt., the story of whose arrest appears in the Recorder last week, was arraigned before United States Commissioner O’Neil at Binghamton on Monday, spring a surprise upon the court when he claimed to have lost two contracts, one by which the United States government owes him $40,000 and the other one by which the English government owes him $30,000, for valuable patents, and expert work done by him in developing warplanes. 

Muller is apparently a Swiss, who speaks German, and he was arrested at the request of the bureau of investigation, and it developed that he had only recently returned from France, and it was suspected that his recent trip to Europe means that he may also have gone to German quarters.  But up to the present time the chief thing materializing against him is that he failed to file his questionnaire. 

He told this story as to how he lost the contracts he had entered into with the United States and English governments: When he went away he had the needed passports, but somewhere they got lost and he had trouble getting new passports.  Accordingly, when he came back to Canada, he found it necessary to come right over the line when no one was looking.  Arrived on this side, he telegraphed back for the bag containing his private papers, and this bag was sent on to him without the valuable papers in question.  This happened right across from Lucy’s Point, on the Canadian order, and a quizzing of the United States and English authorities at Lucy’s Point fails to develop anything as to the whereabouts of the papers. 

November 15, 1918
·   Everybody rejoicing over the end of the war.
·   Bovina people are glad that Dr. N. B. Whitcomb will remain in town.
·   Robert G. Thomson, manager of the Dry Milk Company, was at Andes on business errands Thursday.
·   The sixth and seventh grades and the students taking high school work in the village school enjoyed a party Tuesday evening at the home of their teacher, Rev. Thos E. Graham.
·   Andrew T. Doig, who for a number of years has conducted a general merchandise business in the Thos E. Hastings store, has sold his business to Cecil Russell, who will take over the business January 1.

November 22, 1918
·   Wilber Archibald and Wilson Monroe have been home on furloughs.
·   Memorial services will be held at the U.P. church on Sabbath for James D. Calhoun.
·   Hilson Brothers are erecting a large concrete garage.  It is 48 feet long and constructed of concrete blocks.  Mr. Tweedie, of Walton, is boss on the job.
·   John Elliott has sold his house and lot in Bovina Center to Mrs. John A. Irvine.  Consideration $4,200, Mr. Elliott expects to move to the Thomas Miller house.
·   Mrs. John A. Irvine has sold her farm, the David Black place, up Coulter Brook, to Willis M. Kennedy, of Canada, and the new owner has taken possession.  The price paid was $20,000.

November 29, 1918
·   Ellsworth Tuttle had two cows die last week.
·   James Hilson was at Walton on Monday after a truck load of concrete blocks.
·   The Dry Milk company moved a large boiler from their plant here to Harpersfield.  The boiler weighs over four tons and three teams were used to haul it.
·   Miss Angelica L. Gerry has presented the St. James Chapel at Lake Delaware with a five branch candelabras, in memory of the late Rev. William A. Long.
·   The U.P church was filled to overflowing on Sabbath at the memorial services for Sergeant James D. Calhoun.  Rev. G.A. Forbs preached the sermon.  A delegation of Sheldon Rifles from Delhi were present.
·   Floyd, the 4-year old son of John R. Aitkins, was quite severely bitten by Harvey Hafele’s dog.  The child was playing with the Hafele children and they had been driving the dog which to escape further rough handling went under the porch.  Floyd went in after it with the result that he was severely chewed.  One ear was torn, one tooth narrowly missed the eye and a gash along the head above the ear required seven stitches to close it. 

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