Sunday, June 10, 2018

June 1918 - 100 Years Ago "in That Thriving Town"

Summer 1918 came to Bovina. John Miller is trying to replace his barn lost in a fire the previous month. Services for Clark Miller (no relation to John) were held - Clark had been killed in France the previous month.

June 7, 1918
·       Memorial day was observed in Bovina last Thursday.  There was a union meeting in the United Presbyterian church at 11 a.m.
·       Last Thursday as Rev. H.K. Galloway and Douglas Davidson were making the turn at Thos C. Strangeway’s coming toward the Center, the car tipped over on its side throwing both the occupants out.  No special damage was done. 

Bovina Man Has Auto Accident

H.A. Ayres had an auto accident Wednesday with his Ford car while going over Dickson mountain.  When well up the mountain his engine failed to work and his brakes would not work.  The car started down the grade and Mr. Ayres attempted to stop it by running it into the bank. The result was that the car was over-turned and the occupants throw[n] out.  The top was smashed but otherwise the car was but slightly injured.

June 14, 1918
·       Herman Joshlin is now employed by the Dry Milk Company to drive the auto truck. 
·       John M. Miller is experiencing considerable difficulty in getting carpenters to work on his new barn.
·       A large number from Delhi and other villages attended the memorial services for Clark G. Miller last Sabbath.  Forty of Sheldon Rifles from Delhi, and our firemen attended in a body.

June 21, 1918
·       Nelson Reynolds will be boss carpenter on John M. Miller’s new barn and Mr. Dibble will build the foundation.
·       The friends of Miss Kathryn Reynolds made her a shower Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller.
·       For the month of May patrons of the Bovina Center Co-Operative Creamery received 62 cents per pound for butter fat.
·       The directors of the Bovina Co-Operative Fire Insurance company have ordered an assessment of $4 on the thousand to pay the loss occasioned by the burning of the barn of John M. Miller and killing of cows of Robert E. Thomson by lightning.
June 28, 1918
·       Miss Angelica Gerry has arrived at the Gerry summer home at Lake Delaware.
·       Robert G. Thomson, superintendent of the Dry Milk plant in the Center, is to be transferred to the dry milk plant at Adams, N.Y., about July 1.

Native of Bovina

Mrs. James B. Oliver died at Delhi, June 20 from Bright’s disease, aged 48 years.  She as the eldest dauter of the late Walter Amos of southern Bovina, and is survived by her aged mother, a sister, two brothers and two sons and a daughter.  He husband died four years ago.

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