Monday, December 15, 2014

December 1914 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

From the Andes Recorder

December 4, 1914
Mrs. Margaret K. Palmer, of Andes, visited her brother, George Gladstone here this week. [Margaret was the widow of Roman Palmer, who was killed in the Civil War in December 1864.]
Wm. H. Maynard has hired Charles Thomson to help on his farm in upper Bovina. He will occupy part of the big house.
James A. Gow moved his household goods this week back from Springfield Center to his house in Bovina Center. He will only take a part of them to Halcott Center where he will manage a creamery.
Mrs. G.D. Miller was severly injured Thursday by a fall at her home in the Center. She had started down the walk at the end of the house and slipped on some ice and fell striking her head and cutting a gash which it required four stitches to close.  She lost considerably blood.

Had Exciting Experience
   C.J. Russell, son of R.H. Russell, of upper Bovina, a clerk in a drug store at Deerfield, Illinois, had an exciting experience recently.  Two men entered the store and drawing revolvers proceeded to help themselves.  Young Russell was so closely covered by one of the ruffians that he felt the revolver pressed against his head.  The thieves took $30 and got away, but were later captured.  Mr. Russell is now visiting his brother Herman Russell, in South Dakota. [C.J. Russell likely is Charles Russell, brother of Cecil Russell.]

December 11, 1914
The David Oliver farm on the Bloomville road has been sold to Anthony Banuat, of Andes, and the writings were drawn Tuesday.  The price including some hay is said to be about $3,300.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gladstone who for the past four months have been on the farm with their son C.S. Gladstone, returned Monday to their home in the Center. Mr. Gladstone has been in poor health, but is much improved.
A horse owned by John Hilson and driven by James Hilson ran away Wednesday morning. The horse which was hitched to a cutter took fright and ran from the street onto the flat below the creamery.  Some damage was done to the cutter.
A small fire about midnight Monday night did about $15 damage in the residence of Howard McPherson, adjoining Elliott Thomson’s blacksmith shop. During the evening the chimney had burned out but at 11:30 everything was apparently all right.  Half an hour later Mrs. McPherson heard something fall and on going upstairs found the rooms filled with smoke. Mr. McPherson was not at home and she aroused the neighbors. The fire was in the partition and was put out by the use of several pails of water.

December 18, 1914
The town tax collector is after your sheckels.
Invitations have been issued for a masquerade ball in the town hall on New Year’s night.
Thermometers registered 2 above zero Tuesday morning, and Wednesday morning it was zero.
The Bovina Center Water company has sent out its first bills to patrons.  The rate per family is $12 per year.
Mrs. Estella Oliver has moved her household goods from the house on the Oliver farm to the Michael Dickson house on Pink Street.
Dr. Goodrich, of Delhi, was called here Wednesday in consultation with Dr. Whitcomb, in the case of Herman Coulter, who has pneumonia.
The Bovina Center fire district has been authorized by the board of supervisors. The sum of $500 has been appropriated for purchased of cart, hose and rent of hydrants, etc.

Finger Amputated - Geo Decker, of Lake Delaware, Has Serious Results From Felon
George Decker, who lives on what is known as the Purdy place near Lake Delaware, has been having a serious time with a felon on the middle finger of left hand, having been laid up for over nine weeks.  Ten days ago he was taken with chills and blood poisoning developed. Saturday Dr. Whitcomb amputated the finger at the first joint and the bone was found to be dead. [A felon is an infection inside the tip of the finger that can lead to an abscess.]

Burglars At Gerry Summer Home - Residences of Robert Gerry and E.T. Gerry Entered Monday Night.
Sometime during Monday night the summer home of Robert L. Gerry in southern Bovina and also that of Hon. E.T. Gerry at Lake Delaware, were entered by burglars and ransacked.
At the Robert Gerry place entrance was gained by breaking out a glass in one of the French windows.  Only the main part of the house was visited and it is not known what booty was secured.  The silver is kept in a vault and was not disturbed.  From the tracks only one man had been there and he had gone from there to the E.T. Gerry house.  Mr. Carpenter who sleeps in the house and heard nothing and did not discover the burglary until the next morning.  It is not known how many men may have been in the homestead.  The sheriff was notified.
The burglars were evidently familiar with conditions in both houses. Bureaus, desks and closets were broken open and contents strewn on the floor.

December 25, 1914
Monday, according to the almanac, was the shortest day of the year.
A Christmas tree and exercises will be held at the Methodist church on Thursday evening.
William Rogers, of Lake Delaware, has gone to New York to spend the holidays with his family.
Miss Louise Dennis will have a special sale of millinery on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of next week.
The center school closed Wednesday for the Christmas vacation.  A Christmas tree for the school was held Wednesday evening.

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