Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Saving Your Electronic Records

This is a slightly unusual post for this blog, but part of my work in saving and sharing Bovina's history is to make sure your history is not being lost to posterity. It's personal photo albums and other files that I'm finding so many great tidbits to share about Bovina's past. I hate to see the history that we are all collecting today through our photos and videos lost to my successors as town historian.

A colleague of mine, Bonnie Weddle, who blogs as L'Archivista (http://larchivista.blogspot.com/), has suggested this new website from the Library of Congress as a good source for the lay person to go to for help in saving their digital treasures: http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/you/. Check it out. Don't let your stories be lost to future generations.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this wealth of information. We better to know how to save electronic records for our own good. :)

