Tuesday, January 7, 2025

January 1925 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

Here’s what was happening in Bovina 100 years ago this month, as reported in the pages of the Andes Recorder. 

January 2, 1925

George Gladstone has been visiting his son, Walter, at Delhi.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reinertsen, December 21, a daughter [this would be Gladys, who later married Clark Lay].

Jason McCumber, who lives with his son uptown, suffered a shock recently.

Miss Jane Archibald, who slept for several days last week, is now recovering.

Attorney Lauren Dickson was home from Saratoga for Christmas and went back on Sabbath.

Nelson Reynolds went to New Kingston on Tuesday to attend the funeral of John Reynolds.

John R. Aitkens and son, Floyd, and Miss Helen Gladstone went to New York City last Friday.

William Gordon was home from the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, for the holidays and returned on Sabbath. [William was the brother of Margaret Gordon, who taught at Delaware Academy for many years.]

Miss Ruth Gladstone has returned from Oneonta, where she had spent over the week end with her aunt, Mrs. Tripp. [Ruth later married Thomas McGowan. Mrs. Tripp was the former Cora Coulter, Ruth’s mother’s sister.]

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fancher at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, on Christmas Day, a son – Ward Jr.

Millard Gow, of Brooklyn, and Willard Gow, of Binghamton, returned to their homes Monday, after spending over Christmas with their parents.

Jane Hilson, accompanied by her friend Mary Flansburg, is home from East Orange, N.J. Mable Thomson is home from Winsted, Connecticut.

Mrs. Lucy Coulter was called to New Kingston on Monday by the death of her sister, Mrs. Nettie Archibald, who had been in poor health for some time. [Lucy was the former Lucy Ward, married to David H. Coulter. Her sister was Janette Ward, who was the widow of James Archibald (who died in 1895).]

George Baldwin, of Spring Valley, N.Y. who had been spending a week with his wife at the home of her mother, Mrs. G.J. Dickson, went to Syracuse on Monday. 

Mr. and Mrs. Thos R. Boggs, who live in upper Bovina, celebrated the 59th wedding anniversary December 25.  Their four children and families were present for the occasion.

Delaware County voter Enrollment for Bovina: Republican 264, Democrat 74, Socialist 4

January 9, 1925

Frank Miller was over at Andes on Monday on business errands.

The Delaware Academy students returned to their studies Tuesday.

Week of Prayer is being observed this week in the Church of the Covenanters.

Miss Jane Hilson and Miss Mary Flansburg returned to East Orange, N.J., on Sabbath.

Town Clerk David Currie issued during the year 1924 only 38 hunting licenses, all of them resident.

Mrs. Julia McPherson received word Tuesday of the death of her brother, Fuller, at Lakewood, N.J. [Julia was the daughter of Richard and Ann Fuller. Julia was the widow of A. Fitch McPherson. Her brother was Henry Ferris Fuller, better known as Ferris. He died in Lakewood, Wayne County, Pennsylvania.]

Mrs. George Decker, who several weeks ago had her hip injured by a fall, can now set up in bed. [This probably was Ada H. Tompkins, the daughter of Helson and Maria Tompkins. Mrs. Decker passed away 19 years later in 1944.]

Communion services were held at the U.P. church last Sabbath. There was an accession of four the membership.

Anna Dickson went back to Cornell University on Saturday and Mrs. Geo Baldwin went to her home at Spring Valley.

Peter McGregor, who works for Wm. T. Russell on the former Dysart farm, had his shoulder dislocated one morning last week by being thrown from the milk wagon.  He was enroute to the creamery when one of the lines broke and the team ran away.

Gerry Superintendent Returns – From Our Bovian Correspondent

Captain J.E. Billings, superintendent of the Gerry farms at Lake Delaware, who a few weeks ago underwent a serious operation in Roosevelt hospital, New York, and since had been at Atlantic City, accompanied by Mrs. Billings, arrived at Lake Delaware on Wednesday. 

Bovina Man Dies

Fred Johnson died at the home of John Taylor on Elk Creek, Delhi, on Monday, 

January 5, aged about 72 years.  He was born in upper Bovina and practically his entire life had been spent in the town.  Several years ago he suffered a shock and had been practically helpless.  Since the death of his wife he had been cared for at Mr. Taylor’s.  The funeral was held from the Bovina R.P. Church on Wednesday, Rev. A.M. Thomson, officiating.

January 16, 1925

Charles Fuller now drives a new coupe.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hosa Sliter on January 10, a son – Donald Edward.

The Seniors of Delaware Academy enjoyed a sleigh ride up to Adam Laidlaw’s last Friday night.

Mrs. George Decker has so far recovered from her broken hip that she is able to be up in a chair.

Mrs. William Burns was taken to the Delhi hospital Thursday night and Friday morning underwent an operation for hernia and complications. [Mrs. Burns was the former Emily Elliott. She died in 1966.]

Attorney C.L. Dickson, of Saratoga was here over Saturday night. He had been at Binghamton on business for the firm and stopped on his way back.

Rev. F.N. Crawford will be absent for two Sabbaths in Argyle, Washington county, assisting in special services. The pulpit of the United Presbyterian church is being supplied by Rev. T.C. Bookhout, of Delhi.

Native of Bovina

Mrs. Ella Davidson died at the home of her son in Binghamton on January 11, aged 68 years. The burial was at Delhi on Wednesday. She was a granddaughter of the late John Murray of Bovina, and married Charles Davidson. [Ella was the daughter of James and Isabella Murray.]

January 23, 1925

Mrs. D.C. Worden, who some time ago underwent an operation for goiter, is very poorly. [Mrs. Worden, born Henrietta Ann Boyd, would pass away in March 1925.]

Three children of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Banuat were operated upon recently at Delhi for the removal of their tonsils.

Frank T. Miller, manager of the Bovina Center Co-Operative Creamery, was at Andes on business errands on Monday.

Several farmers have been filling their ice houses with fine ice from the Lake Mahiken, on the former Thomas Mabon farm.

There was no preaching at the U.P. church last Sabbath as Rev. Crawford was sick with a cold. He did not go to Argyle because of illness.

J.D. Burns and Wm. C. Burns were at the County Seat on Saturday to see their wives, who are both in the hospital, the wife of the first named for treatment and Mrs. W.C. Burns is recovering from an operation.

Gerry Family Give $100,000

The Gerry family of Lake Delaware, through Robert Livingston Gerry, has recently pledged $100,000 toward the completion of the Cathedral of St. John, the Divine in New York. It was stipulated that $90,000 of the amount should be used for the erection of one of the great piers in the nave. The remainder of the fund, $10,000, is to go to the general building fund. 

January 30, 1925

Thomas A. Raitt, of Andes, was in town Tuesday.

A good many of the farmers in town are putting in ice.

The trucks did not get through last Friday, but the roads were cleared so that they got thru Saturday.

Elliott Thomson, who is spending the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Harry Robinson, at Andes, was here Monday.

Mrs. Parsons and daughter, who resided on the former Wm H. Johnston farm, in upper Bovina, are visiting relatives in Connecticut.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Gladstone and daughter, Anna, are visiting Mrs. Gladstone’s brother, James A. Thomson, on the river road above Delhi, this week. 

Mrs. Jane L. Dickson, postmistress in Bovina Center, went to the hospital at Delhi on Monday and underwent an operation.  She is under the care of Dr. William Thomson with Miss Henderson as nurse. [Born Jane Loughran, she survived this operation, passing away in 1939.]

Tuesday at the annual meeting of the Bovina Center Co-Operative Creamer company the old directors were all re-elected. They are Frank T. Miller, Fred Henderson, Fred Bramley, Frank Coulter and Russell Boggs.

A Bovina Estate

Estate of Frederick Johnson, late of Bovina. Will admitted to probate and letters testamentary issued to Hamilton J. Hewitt. Estimate $4,000 personal and $4,000 real. To Emily Johnson McArthur and Elizabeth Miller is willed $2,000 each; residue to be divided equally among his nephews and nieces and wife’s nephews and nieces.