Life in Bovina 100 years ago this month, as reported in the Andes Recorder:
March 6, 1925
• Mrs. George Shaver was a Walton visitor Monday.
• Roy Thomson, is ill with pneumonia at his home up-town.
• Orrin Todd has moved his family to Roses Brook from the Burger farm.
• Thomas Miner has moved from Harry Robinson’s house to the Arch Phyfe house.
• Everett Joslin has moved from the village to the farm of Fritz Burger, (the former Armstrong place).
• Mrs. D.C. Worden, who several weeks ago underwent an operation for goiter, is much worse this week.
• Mrs. J.D. Burns, who has been at the Delhi hospital for several weeks, for treatment, returned to her home last week.
• Harry G. Robinson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Thomson moved from Andes this week back to their home in Bovina Center.
• Miss Edith Russell, daughter of Mrs. W.T. Russell, was operated upon last week at Delhi hospital for disease glands of the neck. Dr. Stein, of Albany, was the surgeon.
Bovina Has Two Runaways
Thursday the team of Fritz Burger on the Armstrong farm in Bovina, ran away from the Ed Coulter farm and were stopped after going a short distance by the wagon colliding with a fence and holding them. Mr. Burger, Jas Bramley and F.W. Hyatt had been to the Coulter place after a large hog and had it loaded in and went into the house and left the team standing. The hog was not spilled out.
The team of F.W. Hyatt took fright at the creamery one morning recently and ran away. They struck a hydrant breaking a wheel and left the wagon. One horse outran the other and they ran in back of the residence of Alex Myers.
Born in Bovina
John J. Dean D.D., who was born in Bovina 88 years ago, died at his home in Kingston, February 25, having been in feeble health for some time. He was for many years a Methodist clergyman and retired several years ago.
He is survived by his wife who was Georgia Fiero, and one son, William Dean, who is a broker in New York, and also one brother E.C. Dean, of Delhi.
March 13, 1925
• Mrs. Dixon Thomson is on the sick list.
• Wilber Archibald is now driving a new Overland coupe.
• Mrs. Vivian Davis, of Andes, is employed at George Decker’s.
• The Home Bureau held a meeting with Mrs. George Russell on Tuesday.
• Mable Parsons was here from andes and spent Sabbath with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Parsons.
• Mrs. John Aitken returned Monday from the Delhi hospital, where she recently underwent an operation.
• The Willing Workers will give a play, Arrival of the New Minister, in the town Hall on Friday evening.
• Mrs. Roland, the mother of Mrs. Ralph Barnhart, underwent an operation at Delhi hospital on Monday.
• Mrs. Ella Telford has moved her household goods form rooms in part of William Boggs’ (Gow) house to Delhi.
• Monday as Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Archibald were enroute to Bovina from Franklin in their car was stalled in a snow drift on the Meredith hills.
• Hugh Galland and wife will move from rooms in Mrs. Julia McPherson’s house the rooms in William Boggs’ house, vacated by Mrs. Telford.
Bovina Woman Dead – Mrs. D.C. Worden Passed Away on March 7 – had operation
Mrs. D.C. Worden died at her home near Bovina Center late on Saturday, March 7, after a long illness. Several weeks ago she underwent an operation for goiter, and complications caused her death. The funeral was held on Tuesday, with Rev. Thomson, pastor of the R.P. church, officiating.
Her maiden name was Hattie Boyd and she was born in Bovina about 60 years age. Surviving her, besides her husband, are two sons and four daughters, viz: David Worden in Kortright; Mrs. Clifford McMullen, on the Little Delaware; Mrs. Tolley, teaching at the Toll Gage; Roy and Gladys Worde, the latter principal of the Bovina Center school, both at home, and one daughter in the west.
March 20, 1925
• George Shaver was at Andes on business errands Saturday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Archibald were County Seat visitors Tuesday.
• Mrs. James A. Gow and Mrs. Elliott Thomson were at Andes the first of the week.
• James L. Coulter, of New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, is a former Bovina resident, is renewing acquaintances in town.
• Mr. and Mrs. John W. McCune spent over the week end with her brother Raymond McNair at Binghamton.
• Born to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Storie on Saturday, March 14, a son – John Douglas. Mrs. Henry Little is the nurse.
• Mrs. Lucy Coulter returned home Saturday after a two months’ visit with her sons at Delhi and Walton and her sister in Franklin.
• Mrs. Anna Ruff, formerly of this town, mother of Mrs. Chauncey McFarland, has been confined to her home in Delhi, for several weeks with bronchitis.
• Miss Edith Russell, who recently underwent an operation on the glands of the throat at Delhi, is recovering at the home of her uncle, Ed Russell in that village.
Ad: Wanted – 200 Chestnut fence posts. Alfred G. Russell, Bovina Center, N.Y.
Native of Bovina – Mrs. Carline Fowler of Hamden, Passed Away March 12 – Special to the Recorder
Mrs. Caroline Fowler died at the Fowler home in Covert Hallow, town of Hamden, March 12. Burial was made Saturday in the Hamden cemetery beside her husband.
Her maiden name was Caroline Tuttle, and she was born in the town of Bovina 86 years ago, being a daughter of the late Benj Tuttle. In the early sixties she married Alexander Fowler, and as a bride went to the farm where she died. She is survived by one Watson Fowler, on homestead farm, and a brother, Alonzo Tuttle at Lake Delaware.
March 27, 1925
• Miss Edith Liddle spent over the week end at Ilion.
• Nelson Siring has been doing some mason work for Hilson Bros.
• Leon VanDusen spent a few days the past week with his brother in Ilion.
• Mrs. G.J. Dickson is putting in a cess pool and installing a toilet in her residence.
• Mr. and Mrs. George Decker spent over the weekend with relatives at Margaretville.
• Joseph Fay, from the west, was an over the weekend guest of his niece, Mrs. Hugh Galland.
• William Johnston, formerly of Bovina, is ill with erysipelas at his home at South Kortright.
• Bovina real estate transfers recorded are Elizabeth T. Miller to Mary A. Russell (cemetery) $1.
• There is no school in the Ed Coulter district, owing to scarlet fever in the family of C.B. Hoolihan.
• William S. Gordon, who is attending Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, is home for a weeks’ vacation.
• Mrs. Thomas Gordon, collector for Bovina; was at Delhi last Friday and settled with the County Treasurer.
• Mrs. Gideon Miller and son, Reginald, of Hamden, spent Sabbath with her aunt, Mrs. Lancelot Thomson.
• Walter G. Coulter was at Washington, D.C., the past week regarding a patent on a stone spreader for road work.
• Mrs. Dixon Thomson is confined to her bed with neuritis. Her daughter, who teaches in Connecticut, has been called home by her illness.
• Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Gladstone have moved from rooms in G.D. Miller’s house to part of Mrs. Mary Forrest’s house in lower Coulter Brook.
• Miss Jennie Biggar has moved her household goods from part of Mrs. Mary Forrest’s house to the Margaret Hoy house which she has purchased. [This house later was the home of Charles and Leona LaFever.]
• Mildred, daughter of Wallace Smith is ill with scarlet fever. There are also cases in the families of Earl Fisk and John Quinn, at Lake Delaware. The disease came from Walton.
• Claude Hensen of Bovina, is one of 18 boys and girls of Delaware county who as township champions for Junior Field days, will have expenses paid to Field days at Ithaca.