Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A Week with Bovina People - May 1899 - 125 Years ago from the Andes Recorder


Here’s what was happening in Bovina 125 years ago, May 1899, from the pages of the Andes Recorder.

May 5, 1899

Thomas Luddington has been quite ill.

Richard Smith went to Walton Saturday.

Thomas Taylor is in very poor health at present.

John R. Hoy was down at Delhi on Thursday.

Farmers are busy with their sowing at present.

Mrs. Lauren’s hotel is receiving a new dress of paint.

Rev. and Mrs. W.L.C. Samson were at Delhi last week.

David Oliver and John Robertson were at Delancey Tuesday.

Rev. Rusk has been preaching in the Reformed Presbyterian church.

Mrs. William W. Hoy, of Oil City, Pa, is guest at John R. Hoy’s.

Elliott Thomson and son, William, visited at Downsville over Sabbath.

Misses Mary Ann and Maggie Storie are having a barn built on their lot.

Remember the date of the W.C.T.U. convention here is May 9 and 10.

William H. Maynard now drives out with a fine $250 pneumatic tire buggy.

Mrs. John G. Russell has returned from Walton, where she has been visiting.

David Taylor was in this place on Sabbath from Canada Hollow, to visit his father.

John G. Thomson recently visited his son, Elmer, at Bridgehampton, Long Island.

Miss Emma Campbell was home over Sabbath from Roses Brook, where she is teaching.

Gray Brothers are doing the stone work on Albert McPherson’s cellar for his new house.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Miller, of Oneonta, were guests at G.D. Miller’s the first of the week.

F.R. Coulter, William Coulter and Andrew Strangeway were all over at Andes on Tuesday.

Rev. Philip Germond, D.D., presiding elder of the Kingston district, held the first quarterly conference on Tuesday last at the Methodist Episcopal church at 10 a.m.

May 12, 1899

F.R. Coulter was at Bloomville on Monday.

Several frosts have been experienced the past week.

John G. Laing is in town from Delhi for a few weeks.

Miss Jennie Gladstone came up from Delhi on Saturday.

David Sloan and son, Leonard, were at Bloomville Saturday.

William Bramley and family visited at his father’s on Friday.

A Mr. Sprague is working for Charles Palmer in his cooper shop.

Mr.s Charles Barker and children were in this place Saturday.

George Hinman was up from Delhi last Thursday on a fishing trip.

On Saturday Alex B. Jardine and wife were here from Glenburnie.

Richard Smith it is said expects soon to go to California and make his future home there.

Mrs. Alex r. Myers and daughter, Miss Nellie, made a trip down to Delhi on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Coulter and Mrs. Wilson Scott were at the County Seat, Saturday.

John R. Hoy is on the sick list at this writing.  Thomas Luddington is also quite poorly.

Mrs. Alex. Hilson and son, John, and Miss Maggie Archibald visited at Delhi on Saturday.

Amont those at Delhi on Tuesday were, John Blair, wife and son, Charles McPherson and Alex. Hilson.

Miss Anna Phyfe has secured a position as teacher of languages and science at Little Falls, N.Y., for next year.

Leonard Thomson has returned home from Medical School at Philadelphia, having, with the work formerly done at Princeton, completed two years of his course in one year.

Rev. Pritchard, a son of the editor of the leading Covenanter journal, preached in the Reformed Presbyterian church on Sabbath, and will continue to be the supply the remainder of this month.

May 19, 1899

Dr. Huyck was in this vicinity Saturday.

Charels Johnson was in town Thursday last.

Joseph L. Hughes was in town on Monday.

Ed. Miller, of Shokan, was here on Thursday.

Professor R. Eston Phyfe was here on Sabbath.

Alexander Crosier was over at Andes Thursday.

James Gladstone was seen in town from Andes on Sabbath.

William H. Liddle and wife visited relatives here Wednesday.

Thomas Gordon and David J. Miller were at Delhi Thursday last.

Mrs. Dr. McMcNaught of Hobart has been visiting relatives in town.

G.D. Miller and wife visited G.A. Frisbee, in Gladstone Hollow Thursday.

John W. Blair is in New York city this week with a carload of hogs and calves.

A.D. Liddle and wife and Mrs. Ira Hyzer, of Andes, were visitors here on Friday.

Ansel White was up from Delhi on Saturday. William Sloan was up on Sabbath.

Mrs. John Doig, of Walton, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Duncan Campbell.

Miss Jennie Hastings stands at the head of her class at the Delaware Literary Institute this year.

B.S. Miller, delegate from England Post G.A. R., is attending the State Encampment at Syracuse which met there Wednesday and Thursday.

A young child of Robert Robinson, aged about eighteen months, fell over backward into a pail of boiling water Saturday and was so badly burned that it died.  The child was buried on Tuesday.  [Note, this actually is Angie Robson, daughter of Robert Robson.  Buried in Bovina cemetery.]

Among those at Delhi Friday were James Ormiston and family and Mrs. James Ormiston, Sr., Mrs. Frank Gowanlock, Miss Fannie Bell Thomson, Maggie Aitkin, David and Leonard Sloan.

Rev. W.L.C. Samson will be absent two Sabbaths attending the meeting of the General Assembly at Philadelphia. Rev. Martin, of Almeda, will supply his pulpit next Sabbath and Rev. King the following Sabbath.

A missionary Concert, consisting of speaking and singing will be given at Strangeway’s Hall on Friday evening, May 26, by J.K. McDivitt. He will be assisted by the ladies Quartette of Bovina and the Arion Quartette of Andes. A collection will be taken at close.

May 26, 1899

Alexander Hoy visited Andes Wednesday.

Thomas Dennis made a trip to Delhi Saturday.

Frank Armstrong was over at Andes Tuesday.

William L. Clark, of Andes, was in town Friday.

Robert F. Thmson was down at Delhi Friday.

Rev. E.M. Milligan was a visitor here last week.

Douglas Davidson was at the County Seat Monday.

Thomas Luddington continues in very poor health.

Alexander Hilson has been having his lawn regraded.

Mr. and Mrs. Hull, of Margaretville, passed through town Saturday.

Rev. Martin preached in the United Presbyterian church on Sabbath.

Berry S. Miller started the fore part of the week for a trip to New York city.

Frank R. Coulter and Jennie Miller will have their residences painted this summer.

Cooke and Currie are digging the cellar for Archie Maynard’s new carriage house.

David Finkle has returned from a New York hospital where he had been for treatment.

Monday morning David Sloan took the early train from Delhi to return to his home in Crested Butte, Colorado.

The weather for the past week has been of several varieties but now has every appearance of being more settled and warmer.

Invitations are out for the marriage of Professor Duncan C. Lee to Elizabeth Williams, at Sage Chapel, Ithaca, Tuesday noon, June 8. 

A Missionary Concert consisting of [sentence missing] Strangeway’s Hall on Friday evening, May 26, by J.K. McDivitt.

NOTICE – the above concert has been postponed-ED.

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