Here's what was happening in Bovina in February 1924, as reported in the pages of the Andes Recorder.
February 1, 1924
• Mrs. James A. Gow spent last Thursday with relatives at Andes.
• Thermometers here were 24 below zero and some even lower on Sabbath morning.
• Word has been received of the death at Salinas, California, of David Gill, whose early life was spent in Bovina. He was 84 years of age and went to California around 50 years ago.
• Alex. Myers has received announcement of the marriage of his nephew, George Kaufman. Mr. Kaufman, who lives at Saugerties, is surrogate of Ulster county. He is a son of the late Charles Kaufman, who was well known in this vicinity.
• The Annual meeting of the Bovina Center Co-Operative Creamery Company was held Tuesday and the following directors were elected, viz: Frank T. Miller, Frank A. Coulter, J. Russell Boggs, Fred H. Bramley and Fred J. Henderson. At a meeting of the directors, held the same day, Frank T. Miller was chosen president and Fred J. Henderson, secretary and treasurer.
Buried in Delhi
Wallace Arbuckle died in Oneonta, January 27, and burial was made in Delhi on Tuesday. He was the son of Hon. James N. Arbuckle, who was born in Glenburnie on the farm adjoining the Soper farm, in Bovina. He was employed n a bank in Newark, N.J. for 25 years until his health failed a few years ago.
February 8, 1924
• Miss Jane Archibald is pending the week with friends at Andes.
• Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burgin were at Andes last Friday evening.
• Andrew T. Doig has been confined to his home with sciatica rheumatism.
• A son was born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle at their home on Robert Gerry’s estate in southern Bovina.
• Born to Mr. and Mrs Harold Cole, on the Chas Tuttle farm on the Turnpike in Bovina, February 6, a son.
• Mrs. Douglas Davidson and daughter, Mrs. William J. Storie, and Mrs. John Storie were shoppers at Delhi on Wednesday last.
• At United Presbyterian church Sabbath morning, the pastor, Rev. F.N. Crawford, preached a sermon especially for the children.
• George Travis, who has been making his home with his aunt, Mrs. Wallace Smith, up-town, has entered a boy’s school through the kindness of Miss Gerry.
• William C. Russell is preparing to build a new house on the lot adjoining the residence of T.C. Strangeway in Bovina Center. We understand that Jas. T. Aitken and son of Andes, will be the carpenters.
• The Bovina Co-Operative Creamery Company had their ice house filled this week with 14 inch ice from Howard Coulter’s pond near Andes. Other ice houses have been filled from the same source and from the Gerry Lake.
Have a Son
A son was born February 4, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Glen Harper, of Delhi at the Brady Maternity hospital in Albany. The mother is a daughter of E.C. Dean and a granddaughter of the late John Bramley of Bovina.
February 15, 1924
• Harvey Burgin has been under the doctor’s care the past week.
• Andrew T. Doig, while improving from his illness, is still confined to his home.
• Owing to the furnace being out of order there was no preaching at the U.P. church last Sabbath.
• G.D. Miller, the only surviving veteran of the civil war, who has been confined to his home, able to be around again.
• The former Methodist church, that was purchased a couple of years ago by D.C. Worden, is being used for roller skating.
• Supervisor Wallace B. Smith was at Delhi the first of the week attending the organization meeting of the Board of supervisors.
• John Henry, who lives up-town, was quite severely injured last week by his wagon slewing around on the ice and throwing him out.
• Miss Mary Thomson, of Hobart, spent a few days last week with her brother, Elliott Thomson, and sister, Mrs. Jas A. Liddle.
• Mrs. Alex Crosier, who is spending the winter with her son in Philadelphia, recently underwent a successful operation for removal of gall stones.
• Miss Mary Belle Scott, daughter of John Scott at Lake Delaware, has graduated from the Oneonta Normal and has entered the State College at Albany.
February 22, 1924
• William Coyert, of Unadilla, was in town Saturday.
• Hugh Garland has been working in the creamery during the illness of Harvey Burgin.
• Nelson Tompkins, our oldest resident, has been confined to his bed part of the time for the past few days.
• William J. Storie was at Delhi on Tuesday attending the first quarterly meeting of the Junior Extension Board.
• Wallace B. Smith was at Delhi on Monday evening attending a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors.
• “Ted” Burgin, son of Mrs. Ida T. Burgin, while cranking a [car] Saturday at Delhi had the misfortune to break his arm.
• Captain Billings, superintendent of the Gerry farms at Lake Delaware, was at Dehi on Tuesday and gave an account before Kiwanis club of his recent visit to Europe.
• The Bovina Center Co-Operative Creamery Company are making extensive improvements. The big boiler will be moved over beside the other two and a new pan put in. A. Jones and his assistants, of Roxbury, are on the job.
• William C. Russell, who will erect a new house here this spring, has been hauling hemlock logs to “Wat” Couter’s mill from the Russell homestead farm in southern Bovina. Some of the logs were over three feet in diameter.
Fell a Few Feet and Broke His Leg
Elmer Doig had the misfortune to break his leg between the knee and ankle last week while working on the new garage of Gaylie Hafele on the Thomson farm up Coulter Brook. He and Mr. Hafele were on a scaffold putting on the roof and the scaffold swung sideways and went down carrying Mr. Doig with it. Mr. Hafele managed to grasp the roof and save himself. Mr. Doig only fell some five or six feet but struck among some stones.
Bovina Man Falls on Ice
Thomas R. Boggs, who lives in upper Bovina, and is one of the oldest residents of the town, had a narrow escape one day last week. Mr. Boggs was going out into the orchard to cut some wood and was carrying an axe and a saw. He slipped on the ice and in falling a gash was cut in his hand by the axe and the saw cut his neck.
Was Native of Bovina
Rev Joseph P. Dysart, a native of Bovina, passed away recently at his home in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, having lived more than four score years.
Dr. Dysart was a son of the late Peter Dysart and was born on the farm now owned by William T. Russell in Bovina. In his early ministry he was pastor of churches at Troy and Albany and thirty-two years ago located in Wisconsin and found the Children’s Home society of that state, which has cared for more than 4,000 children by adopting them into good families. He was also at one time president of the National Children’s Home Body. He was proud of his works.
Lake Delaware Infant Dies
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Loton Doolittle, who live in a house on the estate of Robert L. Gerry in southern Bovina, died February 19, aged 28 days. Rev. Edgelow conducted the funeral service and the body was placed in the vault at Delhi.
February 29, 1924
• Mrs. E. Thomson, of Walton, is at Andrew T. Doig’s.
• The town board has purchased a new Ames road grader.
• Charles Hafele had one of his team or horses die the past week.
• Town Clerk David G. Currie has been re-appointed notary public.
• Andrew T. Doig continues critically ill at his home in Bovina Center.
• From a bake sale the Whitcomb circle of the United Presbyterian church realized $10.
• Eli Felton, who lives uptown has sold his entire dairy of cows to Will Ceas, the Bloomville cattle dealer.
• Miss Alice Joslin, of Cabin Hill, spent from Friday until Monday with her sister, Mrs. Alex Thomson in upper Bovina.
• Mrs. Kate Muller was taken with an attack of appendicitis the first of the week but it is now hoped that an operation can be avoided.
• The Junior class of Delaware Academy enjoyed a sleigh ride an spent the evening with their class mate, Miss Helen Gladstone.
• Mrs. Alex Hilson is preparing to build a new house the coming summer on the site of the present residence opposite Hilson Bros store.
• Ruth, the 8-year-old daughter of Mrs. Hull, housekeeper for Floyd W. Hyatt, was taken ill on Monday with what proved to be appendicitis and she was taken to Delhi on Tuesday and operated upon.
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