Tuesday, January 23, 2024

A Week with Bovina People - January 1899 - 125 Years ago from the Andes Recorder


I’m starting a new series in this blog to report on what was happening in Bovina 125 years ago. As with the 100 years ago series, these items are coming from the Andes Recorder. You’ll notice that many of the shorter items in particular are just report on where people were visiting or people coming to Bovina. As the entries get longer, they get a bit more interesting. The editor of the Andes Recorder was a Miller originally from Bovina. 

January 6, 1899

David Oliver was over at Andes on Monday.

Joseph L. Hughes, of Andes, was [in] town Friday and Saturday.

Frank Gowanlock and Peter McNair were at Roses Brook Friday.

David Draffen and wife have hired to John Ganoung in Roses Brook.

Robert A. Thomson was over at Andes on Wednesday of this week.

T.W. Miller of the Andes Recorder visited his father on Sabbath.

William Coulter was at Delhi the first of the week on surrogate business.

Archie F. Maynard has been elected a director of the National Bank at Hobart. 

Elmer Hastings had the misfortune to have one his bay team die the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Russell are happy over the arrival of a son, born December 28. [This was a son named Millard. His mother was the former Adalaid Coulter. Millard died in 1981 at the age of 83. His son, also named Millard, was better known as Stub.]

Some young people from Andes were at Mrs. A.D. Thomson’s on last Thursday night.

Elmer Hastings was at Delhi Friday after a load of trout fry to put in Livingston’s Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hoy have gone to Oil City, Pennsylvania, to visit their son William.

The Week of Prayer is being observed this week by holding union services in the United Presbyterian church.

Professor and Mrs. John P. Mabon are guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mabon. He is teaching in Steuben County.

John A. Irvine, of Lake Delaware, is a candidate for the nomination of Supervisor on the Republican ticket at the coming caucus.

We understand that Fine Hunt has rented William J. Doig’s farm on the Turnpike, and that Mr. Doig will remove to the Centre.

Rev. and Mrs. T.M. Slater have returned from their holiday vacation and there was preaching in the Reformed Presbyterian church on Sabbath.

Albert Butts commenced his job of drawing milk, which the Pink street farmers are selling, to the Almeda [now South Kortright] creamery.  He receives $1.50 a trip.

During the year 1898 the collections in the United Presbyterian Sabbath School amounted to $500. Is there a school in this part of the State that can beat it?

There was no preaching in the Methodist Episcopal church on Sabbath, but Rev. H.F. Brown arrived home from his visit at Newark, N.J., the first of the week.

B.S. Miller sustained a severe injury to his right arm last week by falling on the ice.  The arm was badly sprained and some of the muscles torn from their fastenings to the bone.

The annual meeting of the United Presbyterian congregation was held on Monday, and Michael Miller, James A. Gow and Robert Doig were chosen as trustees. James A. Gow was awarded the office of sexton and usher.

The session of the United Presbyterian church held a meeting last week and chose the following officers for Sabbath School for 1899: William Maynard, superintendent; James W. Thompson, assistant superintendent; James L. Coulter, secretary and treasurer. The school will take a vote to see if it is desirable to change the house of Sabbath School and hold it after the preaching service. It appears to us that there are many things to consider against a change. Ponder it well. 

January 13, 1899

Thomas Bouton was in town Monday.

Thomas Hilson lost a horse one day last week.

Frank C. Armstrong was at Delhi on Thursday.

Milton Hoy has gone to Oil City, Pennsylvania. [You can read more about Milton in this blog at Bovina (NY) History: Bovina Ex-pats: The Hoy Brothers (bovinanyhistory.blogspot.com)]

Dennis Brothers are building quite a large hen house.

Fine Hunt and family went to Union Grove Monday.

Mrs. James Russell has returned from a visit at Oneonta.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith returned from Walton Monday.

Albert Butts and James L. Coulter have been on the sick list.

Our village school commenced again Monday after a two weeks’ vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Thomson and children visited relatives at Walton last week.

Miss Ella Lee has returned from Newark, N.J., where she has been visiting for sometime.

Among the recent real estate transfers in this town is, Stephen G. Bramley to Mary S. Bramley, $4,000, December 31.

The meeting of the Bovina Cooperative Insurance Company was held on Tuesday and David J. Miller and John M. Miller were elected directors. 

Robert Hoy, formerly of this town, now of Tottenville, Staten Island, won second prize, a history of Delaware county, in the Express measuring contest. [I do not know what a measuring contest was. The Express likely was the Delaware Express.]

Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Andabell Doig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Doig, to Grant Maxwell, of Delhi, Wednesday, January 18 at the home of the bride. 

Anna, little daughter of Edwin C. Burgin, died January 6, and the funeral was held Monday, Rev. Samson, officiating.  Her death was a particularly sad one, as she die[d] under the influence of ether, which had been given her to perform an operation on her leg. [Anna was the oldest child of Edwin by his second marriage to Ida Liddle. They had seven children, their youngest being Edwin ‘Ted’ Burgin.]

The following are the officers of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Reformed Presbyterian church for the next six months: Mrs. T.M. Slater, president; W.T. Russell, vice president; Libbie Thomson, recording secretary; M.B. Russell, corresponding secretary; Elmer Russell, treasurer.

On the vote whether to hold the United Presbyterian Sabbath School before or after the sermon it was pretty clear that before was thought to be the proper time. The vote stood 198 in favor of hold the school before the sermon and nine in favor of holding it after, and it will be held at the same hour as heretofore.

January 20, 1899

John Blair was at Andes Wednesday.

John Oliver was at Delhi Thursday last.

Harvey Miller was here from Andes Friday.

Jennie Campbell was home from Hobart on Sabbath.

Alex. Golden, an old veteran, was in town on Sabbath.

Everett McPherson was in town the first of the week.

Warren Dean and family visited at the Tollgate Friday.

Andrew T. Doig, of Bellefontaine, Ohio, has been in town on business. [This is the Andrew Doig who owned what is now Russell’s Store. He turned the store over to his brother Milton and moved west in 1896, but returned a little over two years later to take over the store again. He kept it until 1919 when he sold it to Cecil Russell.] 

Milton A. Doig has sold the stock of goods in his store to his brother, Andrew.

Mr. Newel and Mrs. Milton Cook, of Walton were guests at G.D. Miller’s Tuesday.

Frank Dickson, mother and sister, of the Little Delaware, were guests in town Friday.

A lecture on Cuba illustrated with 50 views is to be given here Monday evening, January 23.

Mrs. John Loughren died recently at her home in New York city with pneumonia, aged 68 years.

Fine Hunt moved onto W.J. Doig’s farm this week. Mr. Doig has moved into Mr. Hoy’s house in this village.

Politics are very quiet in this town at present. Perhaps the ring is not raising h___l over there the way it is in Andes. – Ed.

In the last issue of the Delaware Express England Post is put down as having only 18 members, when it ought to have been credited with 60.

Communion services were held in the United Presbyterian church last Sabbath, with preparatory services on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon.

Miss Andabell Doig and Grant Maxwell were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s [parents at Tunis Lake Wednesday evening, Rev. W.L. C. Samson tying the knot.

Mrs. Elizabeth McFarland died last Wednesday at the home of her brother, Joseph Dean, at Stamford, aged about 83 years. The funeral was held Thursday and the remains were brought to Bovina for interment, she being a native of this town. [Elizabeth was the widow of Thomas S. McFarland, who died in 1890. She died in Stamford.]

January 27, 1899

John Boyd was in town Saturday.

Alex. Hilson was at Delhi Thursday.

Edgar Hall has rented his farm to Charles Halflee (sic).

J. Kennedy McDivitt was over from Andes Monday.

Republican caucus Saturday, January 28, at 1 o’clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller visited at Walton this week.

D.L. Thomson went to Walton on Saturday and returned Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Strong were in this place on Sabbath from Delhi.

Mrs. David Finkle and daughter have been visiting in town recently. [Mrs. Finkle was born Mary Hilson in 1863 in Bovina. The daughter was Myrtle, aged about 9 at this visit.]

Charles Telford was in town Friday delivering the history of Delaware County. [This likely is the Centennial History of the County, written for the 1897 celebration of the county’s 100th birthday.]

A haggiss eat was held at William Forrest’s Wednesday evening, in honor Robert Burns.

Robert F. Thomson was at Albany this week to attend an insurance meeting held the 25th.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Johnson and Mrs. Charles Boggs were visitors at Delhi Monday.

John Blair was down at Delhi Friday evening and attended Christopher Jr., and reported it as well rendered. [I really have no idea to what this refers – it’s possible the newspaper dropped a word or two.]

Sherman Redmund has oved his household goods, to Brock Hollow, Colchester, where he has rented a farm.

Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Doig and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson, of Walton, were guests at John G. Russell’s last week.

It is reported that S.A. LaFever has purchased the farm recently occupied by William Hunt in the upper part of the town. [This is Sylvan LaFever, my great grandfather. He didn’t have the farm for very long, losing it in a foreclosure less than a year later.]

William Reynolds and family, of Downsville, were at William Cooke’s on Saturday. John Reynolds was here on Tuesday.

Grant Maxwell and bride, and William McNee and Maggie Bell Strangeway went to Binghamton last Thursday and returned to Ad. Maxwell’s on Friday. 

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