Saturday, December 7, 2024

December 1924 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"


Here's what life was like in Bovina 100 years ago this month – December 1924

December 5, 1924

James Ackerley is employed at his trade as a carpenter at Delhi.

Hilson Brothers have moved their wagon house across the brook onto the flat.

Wilber Archibald has taken a position as cheese maker in the creamery at Meridale.

Ralph Hillis, the garage man, is on the sick list.  His brother is in charge of the garage.

Mrs. James Monroe has rented the furnished rooms of William F. Boggs in Bovina Center.

Walter G. Coulter, town superintendent of highways, had the town machinery stored Wednesday for the winter.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rockefeller, on the Alex Bryden farm back from Lake Delaware, November 4, a son – Silas T.

Henry Monroe has purchased the farm of his father, the late James Monroe, in upper Bovina, and moved thereto Wednesday.

Miss Caroline Dickson, who has a position with the American Educational Company, as a general agent, is with her mother for a vacation.

Lloyd Strangeway, who now lives in Otsego county, collided with the side of the stone arch bridge just below the village.  His car was damaged to some extent.

Professor Leon Taggart and family of Oneonta, Frank Dickson and family, of Little Delaware, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos C. Strangeway were dinner guests at John Hilson’s on Thanksgiving.

In the estate of James Monroe letters have been issued to Henry F. and James W. Monroe. The estimate is $5,000 real and $6,000 personal. To Julia Monroe, wife, is willed one-third of the property; to Henry Monroe son and Martina Monroe, daughter, each five eighteenths, and to James Monroe one-ninth.

Born in Southern Bovina

William T. Brown, who was born in southern Bovina, died November 7 at his apartments in the Majestic Hotel, Chicago, where he had lived for over 20 years. The deceased was the youngest son of Thomas Brown and Mary Ann McNee, who lived on the Brown homestead, Bovina, later known as the Amos place and now part of the Gerry estate. Mr. Brown was 68 years of age and is survived by one sister, the wife of Rev. David Nicholl of Red Oak, Iowa. He was never married. 

December 12, 1924

James Hilson has had a radio installed.

Elmer Hastings, of Saranac, is visiting his brother, Milton Hastings.

The three Missionary societies held an all day union meeting Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Francisco were Sabbath guests of her brother, George Decker.

Mrs. Decker, who had her hip injured by a fall a few weeks ago, is now improving.

Margaret Austin, of Hawley’s Station, was a week end guest of her cousin, Mrs. James Ackerly.

The neighbors and friends of Alex Burns gave him a post card shower on December 8, on his 76th birthday.

Rev. O. Edgelow, rector of the St. James church, at Lake Delaware, has been visiting his son, Dr. Arthur Edge\low, at Springfield, Mass.

Mrs. John McCune’s Sabbath School class, the Beacon Lights, were entertained at her home last Friday evening. All reported an enjoyable time.

Captain J.E. Billings, superintendent of the Gerry farms at Lake Delaware, was operated on last week in the Roosevelt hospital for appendicitis.

Mrs. John M. Miller and two daughters, of Walton and Mr. and Mrs. William Oliver, of Harpersfield, were here Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. G.D. Miller.

Paul Marvin Burgin, of Bovina and Miss Hazel Maud Shackelton, of Delhi, were married December 1. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Shackelton and has been employed as stenographer in the office of W.S. Oles. Mr. Burgin is employed by the Delhi Motor Sales Co. 

Rigged for Comfort

A.W. Baker, of Bovina, who will spend the winter in Florida, has had his Chevrolet truck rebuilt with a six foot wide body all covered, and will carry a bed and cooking utensils on the trip. 

DEATH CLAIMS BOVINA WOMAN – Mrs. G.D. Miller Passed Away About Noon Saturday

Mrs. Gilbert D. Miller of Bovina Center, died Saturday, December 6, from acute bronchitis, after a three weeks’ illness at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. A.S. Banker, in Andes.

Mrs. Miller was born near Bloomville in the town of Kortright, January 6, 1844, and was the daughter of John and Elizabeth Dickson Banker. On November 16, 1869, she was married to Gilbert D. Miller by the Rev. Gibson of South Kortright.

She is survived by her husband, Gilbert D. Miller; one sister, Mrs. Ellen Newell, of Highland Falls; and one brother, Henry Banker, of Marceline, Missouri.

The funeral was held Tuesday in the Bovina Center United Presbyterian church the Rev. F.N. Crawford officiating. Interment was made in the Bovina Center Cemetery. [Mrs. Miller was the former Mary Jane Banker.]

December 19, 1924

Supervisor W.B. Smith is in Delhi this week attending the sessions of the Board.

Mrs. Ella Telford is moving her household goods from William F. Bogg’s house to Delhi.

From an oyster supper and sale held last week the Women’s Auxiliary of the St. James parish at Lake Delaware cleared $50.

A surprise party was held last Friday evening at the U.P. Church parlors for Rev. and Mrs. F.N. Crawford, and a purse of $55 was presented to them. 

Mrs. G.J. Dickson has received word that her son, Lauren Dickson, who is in a law office at Saratoga, successfully passed the bar examination, which he tried in October.

John Redmond, the seven year old son of William R. Redmond, was hurried off to the hospital at Delhi Monday night and operated upon for appendicitis. The appendix had bursted, but he is doing as well as can be expected. 

December 26, 1924

The students and teachers are home for the holidays.

The community Christmas tree and exercises were held on Tuesday evening.

Misses Kate and Fred Muller are visiting their sister, Mrs. Otis McCumber, in Andes

Mrs. Marshall Thomson, of Long Island, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blair.

Miss Jane Archibald, daughter of Wm Archibald is ill. She retired in good health and all efforts to arouse her from sleep are futile. [She recovered and lived almost another sixty years, dying in September 1986 at the age of 86.]

Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Gladstone celebrated the 56th anniversary of their marriage Dec. 22. His brother, Ed Gladstone and family took dinner with them.

Miss Maggie Storie has gone to Hobart to spend the winter with her nephew, Eugene Storie. A couple of days before her departure about forty of her [friends paid her] a surprise visit.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

This Day in Bovina for November 2024


139 years ago today, November 1, 1884, this bill from Paine & Smith, Delhi, was sent to the Town of Bovina for several print jobs: 

Eighty years ago today, the Bovina column in the November 2, 1944 Delaware Republican-Express reported that "Cpl. Clark G. Lay of the 79th A.A.A. Hq. Btry. writes his parents that on Oct. 22nd he was transferred from Camp Stewart, where he has been since August 1st, to Camp Gordon. This camp is fifteen miles from Augusta in Georgia." The same column had another report on the Lay family, reporting that "recent dinner guests of Miss Evelyn Lay at her home here were the Misses Vesta Norwood and Ada Bliss of Norwich."

200 years ago today, on November 3, 1824, this "true canvass and estimate of the votes taken at an election held in the town of Bovina" on November 1, 1824 was issued. The votes were for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, senator and member of congress and two members for assembly. Note that Erastus Root, who it is claimed named Bovina, received only 45 votes as Lieutenant Governor as opposed to 93 votes cast for his opponent. Root was the running mate of Samuel Young. Young and Root lost statewide to Dewitt Clinton and James Tallmage. 

144 years ago today, the Bovina column for the Stamford Mirror, dated November 4, 1880, reported that "Election day passed off quite lively with us. A great deal of excitement prevailed all day."

161 years ago today, on November 5, 1863, this receipt for a bounty payment made to Charles Wycoff was audited. Wycoff received $140 in bounty payment for volunteering during the Civil War. Wycoff had enlisted in the 72nd NY Excelsior Regiment in December 1861 but was discharged within three months for disability. One source states he later re-enlisted in the NY 144th but no further information about him can be located.

134 years ago, the November 6, 1890 Kingston Weekly Freeman and Journal had the following item under the headline "Rats!" - "C. R. Lee,  of Bovina, Delaware county, was digging potatoes a few days ago and upon opening one hill found, instead of potatoes, one very large rat and 11 young ones.” Charles R. Lee’s farm was on Lee Hollow. 

Eighty-four years ago today, the Bovina Centre column of the November 7, 1940 Delaware Republican reported that "Miss Marjorie Ormiston accompanied Miss Helen Winter, Mrs. Henry Schall and John Raitt of Delhi to New Concord, Ohio, last Friday. This occasion was home coming week at Muskingum College. They returned Monday."

142 years ago today, on November 8, 1882, as later reported in the Stamford Mirror Bovina column, "A night-cap party was held in Hasting's Hall, on Wednesday evening, for the purpose of raising money to lay sidewalks through Brushland. The result was about $11 in cash and a splendid assortment of night-caps."

Eighty-five years ago today, the November 9, 1939 Delaware Republican, in its Bovina column, reported that "Mrs. Clinton Marks a former resident of this town is visiting Mrs. Fred Thomson." The same column also reported that "Mr. and Mrs. Claude Erkson have moved into Miss Calla Bogg's house at the turn onto the Bramley Mountain Road." This is the residence of the late Hugh and Pat Lee and now the home of Taylor Foster.

126 years ago today, on November 10, 1898, Alex Hilson presented this bill to the Town of Bovina for his services as Bovina Town Clerk, using his store's bill head.

212 years ago today, on November 11, 1812, Deborah Maynard died. She was the daughter of one of Bovina's first settlers, Elisha B. Maynard. She is buried in the Brush Cemetery. 

113 years ago today, November 12, 1907, "The second number of the Bovina Entertainment Course" was a lecture by Judge George C. Alden.  The judge was promoted as "an interesting speaker."  Alden was a lecturer of national prominence.  In an article about his upcoming appearance in Hobart during his 1907 lecture circuit, the Hobart Independent noted a review from the Unadilla Times: "We haven't time for particulars, but [his lecture] amused, entertained, instructed, leavened, inspired, and best of all prompted consideration and left something for thought - it was worth the price of the course. In accord with one expression heard, 'It was a Corker.'" He died in 1941 at the age of 75. 

Seventy-three years ago today, the Bovina column of the November 13, 1951 Delaware Republican-Express reported that "Mrs. Agnes Draffin, who has been assisting her brother, John Burns, since early summer, has returned to her home in town for the winter." Her home is now the residence of the Pelletier family.

Thirty-eight years ago today, the November 14, 1986 Binghamton Press carried this article about a fundraiser for Ed Finkenberg, who had been serious injured when he was hit by a car in Manhattan. 

Eighty-four years ago today, the following ad appeared in the November 15, 1940 Catskill Mountain News: "STRAYED-From Mary Weber pasture, Bovina, 8 heifers. Liberal reward for information. E.L. Foote & Son, Inc., Hobart, N.Y."

136 years ago today, on November 16, 1888, as later reported in the Stamford Mirror's Bovina column, "A small company of young people assembled at the Hall….and had a good time, all on account of Harrison's election, with 'Tommy' as 'chief mourner,' instead of 'actor,' as before election." The same article in the Mirror went on to report "We have heard, through our village gossips, that one of our young men has won the hand of a fair damsel by the result of election. 'Rats,' who is the lucky gent?" Harrison is Benjamin Harrison, who won the 1888 election when he defeated Grover Cleveland.

Eighty-five years ago today, on November 17, 1939, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Myers celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary in the Bovina U.P. Church parlor. As later reported in the Delaware Republican, "those from out of town were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Myers and their daughter, Mrs. Anna Thomson and Mrs. Myers' brother, John Laing all from Binghamton. Mr. and Mrs. James Laing of Hotaling Hollow also Lynn Dickson, Misses Kate and Freda Muller of Andes and Miss Mary Ormiston of Oneonta." Photo by Bob Wyer.

Seventy-two years ago today, in an article dated November 18, 1952, the Catskill Mountain News reported that "Bovina Center Hunters Shoot Several Deer." The report went on to note that lucky deer hunters in the Bovina area were Vincent Thimbell (sic), Jr., Herby Parsons, Ronnie Oelsner, Roy VanBuren's hired man, Charles Robinson, and a city visitor at the VanBuren home. Several deer were taken from this area by out-of-town hunters."

Seventy-one years ago today, the November 19, 1953 edition of the New York Times published the obituary for Sylvanus W. Bramley, who had died in White Plains hospital the previous day. He was the founder in 1926 of Bramley & Co, Inc, a White Plains jewelry firm. Sylvanus was born in Bovina in 1865, the son of Stephen G. Bramley and Mary S. Lull.  

Eighty-three years ago today, the November 20, 1941 Delaware Republican reported in its Bovina column this item: "While skating on roller skates on the sidewalk in front of the post office Friday afternoon, Thelma Hotchkin fell and broke her leg between the knee and the ankle. She was taken to the Delhi hospital where Dr. Thomson attended her."

Two hundred and three years ago today, on November 21, 1821, the following notice was posted in the Delaware Gazette: "Public notice is hereby given, that the personal property of Adam Kezie, late of the town of Bovina deceased consisting of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Farming Utensils, will be exposed to sale at public auction for cash, on Thursday the 6th day of December next, at the house formerly occupied by the said Adam Kedzie deceased. Mary Kedzie, administratrix; James Kedzie, William Kedzie, Administrators.”

147 years ago today, the Andes Recorder for November 22, 1877 reported that "John Steele, formerly of Bovina, is one of the five Protestants missionaries in the territory of New Mexico."

241 years ago today, on November 23, 1783, Jennett Graham was born in the Scottish Borders, the daughter of John Graham and Jane Grey. She married William Ormiston in Scotland in 1801. Shortly after the marriage, William and Jenett emigrated to America and settled in Bovina. They had eight children. Jennett died in Bovina in 1856 and is buried in the old Associate Presbyterian Church cemetery on Reinertsen Hill Road. 

150 years ago today, the Stamford Mirror for November 24, 1874, reported that "Henry Hogaboom, of Bovina, has bought and is picking some six hundred barrels of apples in the vicinity of this village. He intends to take them to Europe for sale."

139 years ago today, the November 25, 1885 Delaware Gazette reported that "Circulars from N.Y. city state that the butter from the towns of Roxbury and Bovina this year is inferior in quality to that from the same towns in former years."

146 years ago today, the November 26, 1878 Stamford Mirror reported in its Bovina column that "John G. Bramley, who has been engaged on the State Survey during the past summer, will spend the winter at home and teach the school in which he was formerly a pupil." He was the son of John W. Bramley and Margaret McCune. He left Bovina in the 1880s and settled in Onondaga County, NY.

141 years ago today, the Bovina column in the November 27, 1883 Stamford Mirror reported that "D.L. Thomson has finished his job of tinning the roof of the R.P. Church." This is the church that stood about where the playground and fire house now stand. 

184 years ago today, on November 28, 1840, Alexander Storie was deemed to be "well qualified in respect to moral character learning and ability to teach a common school in this town…." (document courtesy of the Delaware County Historical Association). 

147 years ago today, the November 29, 1877 issue of the Andes Recorder in its Bovina New reported that "A literary society has been organized here.  President, Russell Stevens; Secretary, Thomas Gordon.  It numbers eighty five members and supports two papers, 'The Star,' and 'The Meteor' edited by gentlemen and ladies respectively. Orations, debates, select readings, etc. are also given."

104 years ago today, as later reported in the Bovina column of the November 30, 1920 Andes Recorder, "Robert G. Thompson was at Delhi…and traded his Buick roadster for a five passenger 1921 Buick."

Thursday, November 21, 2024

A Week with Bovina People - November 1899 - 125 Years ago from the Andes Recorder


Here’s what was happening in Bovina 125 years ago, November 1899, from the pages of the Andes Recorder.

November 3, 1899

Election November 7.

Vote for James A. Gow.

A.T. Strangeway is in New York city this week.

Hay sold at the Aitkin farm on the 26th for about $5 a ton.

William S. Boggs is building a new house for himself at Alemda (now South Kortright).

The benefit to Bovina from the new Raines law during the past certificate year is $363.27

We understand that Miss Maggie Sloan has secured a position in the hospital at Matteawan.

Robert A. Thompson is making extensive repairs in his cow stables.  Thomas and Michael Miller are doing the job.

Bovina will uphold McKinley and cast her full party vote.  She realizes that to vote for Warner is a bid for Tammany methods at Albany.

Professor Duncan C. Lee, of Cornell, and a son of Rev J.B. Lee, formerly of this place, is now the editor of the Ithaca Daily News, which has lately come out as a Bryanite organ.

We understand that William Barlow who recently sold his farm below Hobart to Talcott Gould, including stock, for $12,000, will move to this town and reside with his daughter, Mrs. W.B. Smith.

The widow of the late John W. Bramley was found dead in bed Thursday morning.  She had not been feeling well for a few days and had complained of her stomach.  The doctor was there Wednesday but it was thought she would be better in a few days.  Thursday morning her son Fred, went to her room about 4 o’clock and spoke to her and receiving no answer, thought she was asleep.  About an hour later he went back and found her dead.  She was cold and must have been dead when he was in the first time.  She was 72 years old.  Her husband died just two weeks ago.  

November 10, 1899

Dr. Schurman was in town Wednesday from Delhi.

Archie Elliott, of Andes, was in this place on Friday.

George McNair arrived home Friday.

Albert McPherson was home Friday and Saturday from Utica.

G.D. Miller and Thomas Gordon and wife were at Delhi Saturday.

Orrin Carman, wife and daughter have been visiting in town.

Dr. Ormiston and wife, of Delhi, were in this place on Sabbath.

Merritt Reynolds was in town Monday selling patent neckyokes.

F.R. Coulter will soon have a new furnace in working order in his house.

Hector Cowan, son of James Cowan, who kept store in the centre many years ago, was in town Saturday.  It is 41 years since he was here.

Mrs. Fred Bramley died Saturday afternoon with consumption, aged 31 years.  She has been suffering for several years with the disease and for the past year she has been very poorly.  She was a daughter of Thomas Hoy.  The funeral was held Tuesday, Rev. W. L.C. Samson, officiating. [Note, she died the day of her mother in law’s funeral]

Word has been received that David Laidlaw, of Auburn, Washington, who left this place about ten years ago, had been drowned in the White Horse rapids in the Yukon river, Alaska, October 8.  With a party he was on his way to Dawson City and they attempted to shoot the rapids without a pilot and their scow was wrecked on a boulder.  Laidlaw and another man lost their lives.

The following is the vote in Bovina: The whole number of votes cast were 224. For supreme court judge Albert H. Sewell 207; member of assembly Delos Axtel, 165, Charles Warner 45; county treasurer, Hugh Adair, 138, Charles Herring, 75; superintendent of poor, George Smith, 169, William Hubbell 40; coroner, Dr. Hillis 167, Dr. Palmerton 42; school commissioner 2d district, James A. Gow, 200, George Baker 20. There were about 10 prohibition votes and 15 blank. 

A Former Bovina Pastor

The New York Journal of Wednesday contains an account of attempted suicide of Rev. A.T. Civill, pastor of the Methodist church at Mount Kisco. He stood on the track Tuesday in front of an approaching train at Chappaqua, and was only saved by his friend Walter Lyman pushing him to the ditch. He is said to be insane and had acted strangely for some time. He had sent his resignation to the presiding Elder, giving as his reason that he was not firm in the faith and he had doubts.

He was great esteemed and is about 30 years old. 

November 17, 1899

Fred Bramley was at Andes Tuesday.

William L. White was down at Delhi Saturday.

William M. Lee was up from Delhi on Sabbath.

Jashua K. Hobbie was at the County Seat Friday. 

Mr. and Mrs. David Oliver were over at Andes, Friday.

Alex Hilson and A.D. Seacord were at Delhi Wednesday.

Alex Archibald of Delhi, passed through town on Sabbath.

Miss Alice Oliver has been visiting relatives in Pennsylvania.

James L. Coulter started for Monmouth, Ill., Wednesday last.

Misses Emma Campbell and Jennett Ellen Hoy visited Delhi Saturday.

Born on Saturday November 11 to Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lee, a son.

William J. Doig and Robert A. Thompson were at Bloomville Monday.

Mrs. D.H. Coulter and son visited her brother, John Ward, at Treadwell last week. 

The Town Board has appointed B. S. Miller as truant officer for the schools in this town.

Chas. Dart and family from Meredith have moved to the Bell farm on the Little Delaware.

John A. Irvine is at Delhi this week attending the annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors.

Walter Liddle, who has been living here the past summer, moved his household furniture to Andes Friday.

Miss Kate Muller expects to go to Denver, Colorado in about two weeks, where she has a brother and sister residing.

The Reformed Presbyterian people have been grading around the church and everthing is assuming a tasty[?] appearance.

B.S. and G.D. Miller attended the funeral of James S. Adee last Thursday [Nov 9].  He was a veteran of the rebellion serving in Co. E, 144th Regt., was 64 years old and was a native of Bovina.  He was buried with G.A.R. ceremonies.

The lecture course under the auspices of the Fortnightly club is arranged as follows:  November 28, readings by Miss Dean; December 12, lecture by Colonel Copeland; January 16, entertainment by J. Williams Macy; March 14, concert by Swedish Ladies Quartette.

An entertainment by local talent is also arranged for to be given sometime in February, date to be announced later.  Season tickets, including reserved seats for the entire course, are offered for $1.  Single admission 25 cents.  Tickets will be put on sale at Strangeway’s store on Thursday, November 23.

November 24, 1899

Bovina Justice only cost $34 last year.

William Bramley was up from Delhi Saturday.

W.L. Ruff was over at Andes on Saturday.

John Storie is at Delhi this week as a trial juror.

William Hastings was at the County Seat Saturday.

Henry S. Murry was in town from Andes Friday.

Peter McNair, wife and son were at Delhi Monday.

Lou Cooper and family were visitors in town Friday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Ruff, November 16, a son.

James L. Coulter returned home from Monmouth Friday.

Mrs. William Wight, of Delhi, has been visiting relatives in town.

F.R. Coulter, James Boyd and Chas Thomson were at Delhi Monday.

Andrew Coulter has purchased a new St. Johnsville engine and thresher.

Misses Kate and Emma Deitrich, of Roxbury, have been guests at Mrs. Muller’s. 

Thomas Gordon is at Delhi assisting R.P. McIntosh in making out the tax rates.

E.C. Smyth, the Delhi Marbleman, was up Thursday placing the base for the Dr. Telford monument.

Alex Fenton has completed his engagement at Mrs. Andrew Thomson’s where he has worked for about eight years.

The C.F. Smith hotel property in this village was sold last week at auction at Delhi and was bid off by Mrs. Lance Thomson for $1,000.

The new furnace has been placed in Reformed Presbyterian church this week.  F.R. Coulter has also been putting a new one in his house.

The weight of the mail originating at the Bovina Centre office from October 3 to November 6, was 379 pounds.  The outgoing mail is light, but the mail received is very large.  

Quite a number from New Kingston passed through town Monday to attend William Dumond’s suit against the town of Middletown, for injuries sustained by falling through a bridge.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

November 1924 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

Here's what life was like in Bovina 100 years ago this month – November 1924

November 7, 1924

Colin McNaught is having concrete stable put in his barn.

Rema Hobbie, up-town, will have a furnace oinstalled in his residence.

Mary Little, of Andes, spent over the week end with her aunt, Mrs. Geo Russell.

Mrs. Hazel Flynn, of Pepacton, is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Aitkens.

Lauren Dickson, who is in a law office at Saratoga, came home to vote and is remaining for a few days.

William S. Gordon, who is a student at Pratt’s Institute, Brooklyn, was home from Friday until Tuesday.

The Margaretville Chorus gave an entertainment here last Friday night under the auspices of Willing Workers.

Mrs. and Mrs. Wilbur Archibald motored to Ithaca last Friday and on Saturday attended a football game there.

Miss Elizabeth Jay, of Jefferson, Iowa, visiting in town. Her maiden name was Downie and she left Bovina 48 years ago.

The Woman’s Missionary Society served an India tea at the home of Rev and Mrs. F.N. Crawford on Tuesday afternoon. The sun of $20 was realized.

Rev. Boyd White, of Walton, preached in the Church of the Covenanters last Sabbath, exchanging pulpits with the pastor, Rev. A.M. Thomson.

The operation of Mrs. D.C. Worden at Delhi last Thursday morning for the removal of a goitre was a success, and she expects to be able to come home in a short time.

Mrs. James Burnett, of Syracuse, who will be remembered as Bell Thomson, is in the hospital at Oneonta. She was taken ill while on a visit with relatives at South Kortright, and was taken to the hospital.

Bovina Team Located - Horses of Fritz Burger Found at Gilboa by State Troopers

Some three weeks ago Ed York, who had hired to work for Fritz Burger on the Armstrong farm in Bovina, hitched Mr. Burger’s heavy black team to a rubber tire wagon and stated that he was going to Harpersfield after his wife.  He failed to reach his destination and there was no trace of him.  After a few days the case was put in the hands of the state troopers and this week the team and outfit(?) was located at Gilboa, where the team had been sold for about $200.  No trace of the man has been found.

November 14, 1924

Ed Henderson is spending the week in New York City.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Archibald, of Franklin, are visiting relatives in town.

Supervisor Wallace B. Smith is in Delhi attending the sessions of the board.

Arthur Coulter, son of Frank A. Coulter, has been compelled to quit school on account of illness.

Mrs. James Lunn, of Lake Delaware and grandson, Frank Hoag, are visiting her son, John Lunn, at Ithaca.

Frank Kaufman, of Kingston, is a guest of his sisters, Mrs. Dixon Thomson, and Mrs. William Armstrong.

Mrs. Charles Hafele and Mrs. Alex Jardine are visiting Dr. Jardine Hafele son of the first named, at Dutton, Canada.

Cows brought low prices Wednesday at A.W. Baker’s auction, on the Fred Johnson farm.  Mr. Baker and family expect to spend the winter in Florida, going by auto.

Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burgin, to the number of about 70, made them a surprise visit on Monday evening, November 10 on their 15th anniversary of their marriage.

Was Native of Bovina – from our Bovina correspondent

Mrs. James Burnett, formerly of Bovina, died in the Oneonta hospital Friday morning, November 7, from a cancer. Her maiden name was Bell Thomson, being a daughter of the late David Low Thomson. Her age was about 62 years. Burial was at Delhi.

Bovina Farmer Shoots Self – James Monroe Committed Suicide on Monday in Bedroom of home

James Monroe, a farmer living on the former James Russell place a short distance above the Butt End in upper Bovina, committed suicide about noon on Monday, November 10, by shooting himself through the head with a rifle.

Mr. Monroe had been putting concrete floor in the basement of his barn and was being assisted by his son, Henry Monroe. He had appeared to worry over the matter. Another thing that seemed to have a depressing effect and weigh on his mind was taxes. He had paid his school tax and had expressed a fear that he would not have money enough to pay his town taxes. 

After finishing his dinner Monday he went to his bedroom on the ground floor. Soon afterwards the report of a gun was heard. The family rushed to the room and found Mr. Monroe lying apparently dead. He had raised the window and set the gun with the butt on the ground and placing the muzzle against his head had fired it by means of a stick pressed agains the trigger. The bullet entered the left side of his head near the eye but was not instantly fatal, and he did not die until 5 o’clock that afternoon. He never regained consciousness.

Deceased was about 59 years of age and his early life was spent with the “Stone House” Thomson’s. He was twice married, his first wife being a Coulter. By this union four children survive, viz: Henry, in Bovina; James Wilson, in Schenectady; Martena in Delhi, and Mrs. Lou Joslin in Bovina. A few years ago he married Mrs. Yager of Catskill. 

November 21, 1924

William S. Redmond was a Stamford caller Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. James Mabon were at Andes on Thursday.

Mrs. Alex Hilson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Russell moved into their new houses Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hoy and children, of Frasers, visited his parents here Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Slan Archibald spent over the week end with his son, Russell Archibald, at Delhi.

Misses Mary Keeley and Alice Frayer, of Delhi, spent Saturday as the guests of Margaret Gordon.

Mrs. D.C. Worden, who recently underwent an operation at Delhi for goiter, returned home last Wednesday.

The Whitcomb Circle held an oyster supper in the U.P. church parlor last Friday night and the receipts were $40.

A number of the entertainment course was held Tuesday evening. The entertainer was Miss Plume McIntosh.

Miss Louise Dennis, who is with her brother, John P. Dennis, in Virginia, was given a postal shower on her 80th birthday, which was November 16.

Courtney Currie, who a few weeks ago had an operation for appendicitis, was out for the first Wednesday.  He was given a post card shower November 14, on his 18th birthday.

Dr. Thomson Coming to Bovina

Dr. William Thomson, who recently located at Delhi, has leased a room in the former John Hastings house and commencing December 1, will be in Bovina Center one day in each week.

Bovina Woman Injured

Mrs. George Decker fell Friday evening while going to Alex Myers’ who lives across the street, and had the misfortune to dislocated her hip.  Dr. Goodrich is in charge of the case and Mrs. Lucy Coulter is the nurse.

Ministers Meet in Bovina

The Catskill Mountain Clerical Association held their November meeting in the U.P. church on Monday. Only seven out-of-town ministers were present. Rev. W.C. Robinson, of Delhi, conducted the question box. Other speakers were Rev North of Walton, and Rev. R.L. Mauterstock, of Pine Hill.

Bovina’s Tax Budget

The Delaware County Supervisors have ordered the following sums levied against the taxable property of the town of Bovina;-

Town audits……………$1,400.56

Cert of Indebtedness No. 4……..1,100.00

Interest on same……66.00

Cert. of Ind. No. 6 and Int…..836.00

Library fund………..100.00

The sum of $105 was levied against the taxable property of the Bovina Center Fire District

November 28, 1924

Students are home for the Thanksgiving vacation.

Union Thanksgiving services were held in the U.P. church.

Rev. F.N. Crawford was at South Kortright on Wednesday attending an installation.

The thank offering of the various missionary societies of the United Presbyterian church amounted to $540 this year.

Edward Charles Parsons, of Bovina, and Miss Esther Agnes Tweedie, of Walton, were married by Rev. F.C. Davidson, November 17.

The case of Edward Lifgren, which came up Justice T.C. Strangeway’s court Monday, was adjourned to Friday.  Young Lifgren is charged with maltreating a five months calf by pounding it with stones and it died later.  Lifgren is said to have been angry because the calf is alleged to strayed onto his father’s lawn from farm of Mr. Hadley across the road on the former Andrew Thomson farm.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

This Day in Bovina for October 2024


Here's the compilation of the Town of Bovina Historian Facebook page entries for October 2024:

103 years ago today, on October 1, 1921, Jennet Isabella Doig died. She was born in 1867 in Gladstone Hollow and spent her entire life in the area. She was the daughter of William S. Doig and Margaret Miller. About a year earlier, according to the Andes Recorder, she had gone to Albany and "submitted to an operation and a portion of the stomach was removed." She had gone back to Albany a few weeks before her death, but they determined nothing further could be done. She had gotten as far as her sister's house (Mrs. Milton McFarland) in Delhi where she died. She is buried in the Bovina Cemetery.

Fifty years ago today, the October 2, 1974 Stamford Mirror Recorder carried this article listing new books at the Bovina Public Library: 

142 years ago today, on the evening of October 3, 1882, as later reported in the Stamford Mirror's Bovina column, "Some of our young men amused themselves by running horses through Brushland…." The action was "severely condemned by people generally…," partly because it was done "while people were on their way to Miss Meade's entertainment…" There also was damage to Dr. Telford's fence and several people were injured. "It is to be hoped that such a thing may not occur again."

176 years ago today, the October 4, 1848 issue of the Delaware Gazette carried this ad for Cement Pipes, noting that two Bovina farmers, James Coulter and Isaac Aitkins, were using such pipes.  

144 years ago today, the Bovina column of the October 5, 1880 Stamford Mirror reported that "Dr. Dickson purchased a building lot of Rev. J. Kennedy, adjoining A.F. McPherson. Which of the fair ones are interested in that transaction?" This lot is where within the next year the building that is now the Brushland Eating House was constructed.

203 years ago today, on October 6, 1821, Nancy Armstrong Miller was born, the daughter of John Armstrong and Isabella Coulter. She married John Thomas Miller in 1849. They would have six children, one of whom died in infancy. Nancy died in 1868, leaving five children, ranging from 14 to 2 years old. Her last surviving child was Elizabeth, known later in life as Lib Blair. Lib died in 1965 when she was just shy of 99 years old. And in the interest of full disclosure, Nancy Miller is my three greats grandmother. This picture is of her four daughters, Nancy Belle, Mary Alice, Helen Jane and Elizabeth Janette. Nancy is on the right and is the ancestor of some of the Burns in Bovina (as well as my great great grandmother). I think Lib Blair is on the left, with Mary Alice at the bottom and Helen Jane at the top.   

126 years ago, the October 6, 1898 Andes Recorder Bovina column reported that "George Forman, who lives at Abram Brandow’s, while out hunting recently, found Alex. Hilson’s money drawer which was taken from his safe when his store was robbed." It was found in the area of East Bramley Mountain Road. The robbery had taken place over a year and a half earlier in March 1897.

Sixty years ago today, the Bovina column of the October 8, 1964 Delaware Republican-Express reported that "Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ryder of the Bronx spent the weekend at their summer home here." This is now the home of Dario and Briana Riera. Here's a picture taken by Russ Ryder of his wife Dot with Eleanor Archibald and Mary Archibald, watching the Bovina Sesquicentennial parade: 

136 years ago today, the October 9, 1888 Stamford Mirror reported that "D.J. Miller, of Bovina, has filled a 70-ton silo, the first one in that town."

195 years ago today, on October 10, 1829, Andrew Archibald, the ancestor of the Archibalds in Bovina, died at the age of 83. He was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland in 1745. He married Grace Hart in Scotland in 1778 where their children were born. Andrew is buried in Bovina in the Associate Presbyterian Church cemetery at Reinertsen Hill Road.

119 years ago today, the Delaware Gazette for October 11, 1905, reported that "Dr. Young of New York has purchased the practice of Dr. Rabuck, Bovina Centre, and taken possession. He will occupy Dr. Rabuck's furnished apartments in J.W. Coulter's house for the present. Dr. Rabuck will not practice for a time on account of nervous trouble." For more information on Drs. Rabuck and Young, visit the Bovina History Blog at

204 years ago today, on October 12, 1820, this bill was submitted for the surveying of the town of Bovina. The total was $67, though it appears that there is a math error, since the total written looks like $77. The bill includes $2.25 for rum for the surveyors.

Fifty-three years ago today, the Bovina column of the October 13, 1971 Stamford Mirror Recorder, written by Beatrice Thomson, noted that "The Women's Discussion Group will meet Wednesday, Oct 20 at 8 pm at Linda Kulaski's home. The topic for discussion will be Planning-As It Relates to Our Community. All women in the community are welcome to attend."

161 years ago today, on October 14, 1863, Robert Dysart died on Folly Island, South Carolina of typhoid fever while serving in the 144th NY Infantry. More information about Robert can be found at the Bovina NY History Blog at

150 years ago today, on October 15, 1874, as later reported in the Delaware Gazette, "Mr. Alexander Liddle, of Bovina, was using his new horsepower thresher at the barn of Mr. John O. Liddle, of Andes, in feeding the machine his right hand came in contact with the knives of the revolving cylinder, and was instantly torn into shreds, as high as and above the wrist. Amputation of the arm was rendered necessary, and was performed the same evening by Drs. Wight and Crawford, while the patient was narcotized by ether. - Mr. Liddle was able to ride home the next day, and at last accounts was doing as well as could be expected." This Alexander Liddle likely was the son of John O. Liddle. Alexander was a Civil War veteran. He would survive this accident 44 years, dying in 1918 at the age of 78.

Ninety-three years ago today, the Bovina column in the October 16, 1941 Delaware Republican included this item: "Mr. and Mrs. Alex Myers are spending the week in Endicott, N.Y. and Mrs. Arthur Decker [is] the "Hello" at the telephone office here."

Edward O'Connor was born 205 years ago today, October 17, 1819, on what is now Russell Hill. The family farm was located in the town of Delhi when O'Connor was born but a few months later would become part of the newly created town of Bovina. He was the son of Francis O'Connor and Fanny Calder. Edward was involved in the Anti-Rent War and was convicted and sentenced to hang for the shooting of Undersheriff Osman Steele in Andes in 1845. His sentence was commuted to life in prison and within a couple of years he was pardoned by the governor. O'Connor left New York in 1862 and died in Michigan in May 4, 1863. More on O'Connor may be found in the Bovina NY History Blog at

204 years ago today, on October 18, 1820, Adam Kedzie died in Bovina at age 31.  On December 6, his wife Mary, administratrix of his estate, along with his two brothers, James and William auctioned off Adam's horses, cattle, sheep and farming utensils at a public auction.  Mary died in 1830.

112 years ago today on October 19, 1912, as later reported in the Catskill Mountain News, "'Billy Reed of Bovina was arrested on the charge of public intoxication and sentenced … to 30 days in Delhi jail…" The paper went on to note that this "must seem like going home to Billy." Reed appeared in the 1910 census for Bovina, listed as a servant in the home of Frank and Agnes Coulter.

109 years ago today, the October 20, 1915 Delaware Gazette reported the following: "The body of James D. Boyd, late of Bovina was brought here from New York last Friday for interment. He went to New York four weeks ago and was operated on for gall stones and seemed to be recovering until last week when he died, Thursday. A widow and three grown daughters survive, also four sisters, Mrs. Albert Strickland and Miss Flora Boyd of Delhi, Mrs. E. Coan of Bloomville, and a brother F. M. Boyd of East Meredith. His age was 63 years. The remains were taken to Bovina Center Saturday where the funeral and burial took place." James was 62 years old at his passing.

Eighty-one years ago today, the Bovina column in the October 21, 1943 Delaware Republican-Express carried this item: "Pfc. Clark G. Lay of the 79th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Command, Manchester, Conn., is spending a 13-day furlough at his home here."

135 years ago today, the October 22, 1889 Stamford Mirror had the following item: "Alexander White, an extensive farmer at Belle Plaine, Iowa, has been visiting friends in Bovina, it being nineteen years since he was home last. He expects to bid his aged mother a last farewell. She is the oldest lady in Bovina, being upwards of ninety years of age. In return home, he expects to visit, in Chicago, his cousins, the Rev. John Graham's sons." Mrs. White, born Anna Graham in Scotland in 1799, survived her son's visit by almost 4 years, dying in 1893 when she was 94.

147 years ago today on October 23, 1877, “the Hogaboom Bros., of Bovina, started a drove of cattle, sheep and calves … through to Rondout.”

Ninety-five years ago today, on October 24, 1929, as later reported in the Bovina Center column of the Delaware Republican, "Adam Laidlaw and family, Mr. and Mrs. Humbert of New York were at Howe Caverns on Thursday."

115 years ago today, on October 25, 1909, as later reported in the Catskill Mountain News, "Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Gladstone and Mr. and Mrs. William J. Doig of Bovina Centre were guests at the home of James Coulter on Wednesday [in Margaretville] while enroute to Colorado where they will reside hereafter."

130 years ago today, the October 26, 1884 issue of the Andes Recorder reported in its Bovina column that "R.A. Thompson has had his house painted in colors. Alex. Myers and William Sloan were the artists."

An ad dated October 27, 1877, 147 years ago today, was created announcing a Cider press at Johnsons mill. It appeared in the November 22, 1877, Andes Recorder.  

Seventy years ago today, the October 28, 1954 Delaware Republican-Express reported that "Former Bovina Pastor Dies." Rev. W.L.C. Samson, who had been pastor of the Bovina UP Church from 1895 to 1906, died "in Pittsburg, Pa., where he had preached until he was past 90." After he left Bovina, he was in California until 1914 then moved on to Pittsburgh. 

104 years ago today, October 29, 1920, William J. Storie hosted a Halloween Party. This is the invitation received by my grandmother, Anna Bell Calhoun.  

189 years ago today, a notice dated October 30, 1835 was posted in the Delaware Gazetter: "Application will be made to the next Legislature of the State of New York, by the Directors of the Bovina Subscription Library, for an act of incorporation." It was signed by Adam Scott, Samuel Gordon and Andrew McFarland.

113 years ago today, on October 31, 1911, as later reported in the Andes Recorder "The Hallowe'en pranks were not as numerous as usual.  Will Thomson's livery sign appeared at Wm. Crosiers' and one of his wagons found its way to the platform at Wat Coulter's mill."

Monday, October 21, 2024

A Week with Bovina People - October 1899 - 125 Years ago from the Andes Recorder

Here’s what was happening in Bovina 125 years ago, October 1899, from the pages of the Andes Recorder.

October 6, 1899

A number are going to sell milk.

Anson Barnhart was in town Monday.

Monday night apples were frozen hard.

Alex. Hilson started Monday for New York city.

Irving Phinney was home from Walton over Sabbath.

Porter Dean was in town last week looking after cows.

William Crosier has hired Robert A. Thomson to draw milk.

Thomas Ormiston and family started Tuesday for Maryland.

John Coulter and wife, of Davenport, were here Monday.

William Bramley and family were up from Delhi Thursday.

Frank Miller and sister, Carrie, visited at Delancey last week.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Worden on Friday, September 29, a son.

“Champ” Worden has quit threshing as his cleaner was entirely spoiled.

Ferris McPherson had a cow killed by lightning last week while in the pasture.

Rev. Walter Strangeway preached on the United Presbyterian church on Sabbath evening.

Next Sabbath communion services will be held in the United Presbyterian church, and Rev. E.M. Milligan will assist.

The Reform Presbyterian congregation think of discarding their old stoves and putting in a furnace to heat their church.

Dr. Seacord went to Washington, D.C., last week and was accompanied by Fred Arbuckle and Delos Landon who will enter the veterinary college.

James Hastings and wife returned last Thursday from a months’ visit in Minnesota.  Mr. Hastings enjoyed his first trip out of his native county.

Some of those were at Delhi Friday were, William Maynard and wife, Mrs. Alex. Myers, Mrs. Robert Thomson, Mrs. Edwin Scott, son and daughter, Mrs. Sloan Archibald and son Russell, Mrs. Andrew Thomson and family.

The Andes & Delhi Telephone Company have finally allowed Alex. Hilson to go onto the main wire direct without having to be switched on, and we understand Mr. Hilson is to answer all calls on the line when Mr. Strangeway is not in the main office.

Last week’s Gazette contained a letter stating the great change in things as compared to what they were sixty or seventy years ago.  In the item in which the writer states that in the fall butter buyers came around and bought the butter his memory must have played him tricks.  In those days butter buyers were as “scarce as hens teeth”, and butter had to be hauled to Catskill and they had to take just what they could get for it, perhaps 10 or 11 cents and if left unsold some got six cents per pound, and yet those are the good days that are gone and we hope they may never return.

October 13, 1899

Hugh Adair was in town Friday.

Dr. Houyck was in town Tuesday.

James Seath arrived in town Thursday.

Abram Northrup was in town Monday.

William Cooke is at Delhi as a juryman.

Walter McDivitt was down at Delhi Monday.

Thomas Gordon has commenced housekeeping.

Thomas H. Liddle was here from Andes Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Close were over at Andes Thursday.

Whooping cough has made its appearance in this locality.

Rev. E.M. Milligan left Monday for his home in Sewickley, Pa.

Caleb Monroe and Andrew Close were in town from Andes Thursday.

Communion services were held in the Reformed Presbyterian church on Sabbath.

Mrs. Otis McCumber and daughter, of Andes, were guests at Mrs. Muller’s on Thursday.

Thomas Hoy has rented his farm to John and Peter Robson and gives possession March 1, 1900.

George Hughes and wife and Charles White and wife were guests at John R. Hoy’s Monday evening.

J.L. Hughes is at S.G. Bramley’s touching up his fine residence where it needs a new dress of paint.

Miss Louisa Dennis and Mrs. G.J. Dickson were in New York last week purchasing millinery goods.

Among those in town Friday were Andrew Franklin and John K. Russell, of Delhi, and William D. Thompson, of Rondout.

Four new members were admitted to the United Presbyterian church last Sabbath, two by certificate and two by profession.

Leonard Sloan has moved from the rooms in Strangeway’s store building to the rooms in the Gow house recently vacated by David Draffen.

Rev. Milligan preached an excellent sermon Sabbath evening on the four anchors cast out of the ship when Paul was shipwrecked; they were faith, repentance, thankfulness and obedience.

The Reform Presbyterian congregation continue to push the improvements about their church, relaying the walk, ditching , etc., and when they get their new furnace in running order will have everything in good shape.  They will also raise up the church in order to get better drainage.

James, son of Alex. Bryden near Lake Delaware, died in Fall Clove last Friday of spinal meningitis.  He had ridden his bicycle over there and was quite warm and this may have had something to do with his illness.  The funeral was held from his home Monday at 11 o’clock, Rev. W.L.C. Samson, officiating, and the interment made here.

October 20, 1899

E.J. Turnbull was in town last Wednesday.

E.C. Dean was up from Delhi on Sabbath.

Ira Worden was see in town on Monday.

G.D. Miller was at the County Seat Saturday.

John K. Russell, of Delhi, was here on Thursday.

John Blair started Tuesday for Kingston with stock.

Miss Jennie Miller has been visiting relatives at Hobart.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gordon were at Delhi on Monday.

Register or you cannot vote. Saturday is your last chance.

Henry Rice and son were in town Wednesday from Delhi.

Richard Smith arrived home Monday from a visit to Walton.

David Ballantine and wife, of Andes were in this place Monday.

Rev. T.M. Slater started Monday for Sterling Valley, this state.

Mrs. Elizabeth Hewitt has been visiting her son Hamilton J., at Delhi.

Hamilton J. Hewitt and wife were in this place from Delhi on Sabbath.

Monday J.L. Hughes began painting Dr. G.J. Dickson’s drug store in colors.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brandow at Bloomville, October 7.

Mrs. Frank Gowanlock and Mrs. Alex Myers were over at Andes on Wednesday.

Among those at Delhi last Wednesday were, John Oliver, wife and son, James A. Gow, and A.C. Seacord.

Henry S. Murray and Frank Crispell were at W.C. Russell’s Monday, where they have had a big job of putting in water pipe.  

John W. Bramley died early Thursday morning with diabetes, age 81 years.  He was born and always lived in this town and was one of our most extensive and best farmers.  He leaves a widow and four children – three sons John G, William and Fred and one daughter, Mrs. E.C. Dean.  The funeral will take place on Saturday at 11 o’clock from his late residence.

October 27, 1899

F.R. Coulter was at Andes Thursday.

Miss Ida Glendening was in town Sabbath.

Elmer Close and wife were at Andes Tuesday.

Elliott Thompson was at Andes last Thursday.

Robert A. Thompson visited Delhi Thursday.

E.S. Washburn and wife visited at Union Grove.

G.D. Miller was at Walton Friday and Saturday.

Ed Hanlon and Charles Spiers were in town Friday.

Frank Myers has been visiting his son, Alex Myers.

Bert Gladstone, of Andes, was in this place Friday.

Miss Lillian Miller, of Andes, was in town over Sabbath.

James Muir, of Andes, was seen in this place Wednesday.

T.W. Miller, of the Andes Recorder, was in town Saturday.

William Aitkins and family visited at John G. Russell’s Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Miles Bramley, of Walton were in town over Sabbath.

B. Shaw Miller and Charles Hilton, of Andes, were in town Tuesday.

Robert R. Gladstone and Ed Gladstone were in town Tuesday from Andes.

Mrs. J.L. Hughes, of Andes, was a guest at Mrs. Amos Northrup’s Saturday.

Work on the stone work on Reformed Presbyterian church is progressing rapidly.

Rev. Alex Bramley was here the past week, called her by the death of his brother, John W. Bramley.

John G. Laing and bride visited in town from Wednesday to Saturday when they left for their home in Madison, N.J.

Frank R. Coulter has sold the steam heater in his residence to Mr. Chamberlain, of Margaretville, who has removed the same.

Peter McNair, with a gang of men, is employed at grading and leveling up the grounds in the cemetery at North Kortright.

John G. Laing and Miss Laura Reynolds, of Hurleyville, Sullivan county, were married at that place Wednesday, October 18.

There was no preaching in the Reformed Presbyterian church on Sabbath owing the absence of Rev. T.M. Slater and the repairs on the church.

Mr. Halsey, the creamery man is anxious to locate a skimming station at the Centre, and has made Wilson Scott an offer for land near the proposed railroad track.

The total registration this year is 321, the same as last year. The board appointed James A. Gow and John W. McCune poll clerks, and Robert E. Thompson and Arthur D. Hoy ballot clerks.