Sunday, December 10, 2023

December 1923 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

From the pages of the Andes Recorder 100 years ago

December 7, 1923

James Hilson and John McCune are attending court at Delhi this week.

Mrs. G.D. Miller has been under the doctor’s care for the past two weeks.

Miss Grace Erickson, of Frasers, was at Elliott Thomson’s the first of the week.

David Currie moved Saturday from the Strangeway store building to the Cable house. 

Miss Emily Archibald was home over Thanksgiving from Witney’s Point, where she is teaching.

Florence Strangeway spent over Thanksgiving with her aunt Mrs. C.A. McPherson and other relatives.

Albert Seaber and sister, Mrs. A. Heyart have moved from the Russell house to the Hilson house adjoining the store. 

Rev. and Mrs. F.N. Crawford were at Oneonta last week and Mrs. Crawford had an operation for the removal of her tonsils.

Professor and Mrs. Leon Taggart and children, of Oneonta, attended a family gathering at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Strangeway on Thanksgiving. 

A daughter was born recently to Rev. and Mrs. Thomas E. Graham, at their home near Pittsburg. Their two sons have scarlet fever. Rev. Graham was a former pastor of the Church of the Covenanters in Bovina.

The Junior Missionary Society and Whitcomb Circle met in the United Presbyterian church on Saturday for dinner and in the afternoon had a program and business meeting, when Ruth Gladstone, Grace Coulter and Isabell Raitt were received into the Whitcomb Circle from the Junior Society. 

December 14, 1923

Alex Myers visited his sister at Andes the first of the week.

Miss Mary Bonton, of Lake Delaware, spent Wednesday here.

Saturday afternoon a Home Bureau meeting was held with Mrs. Fred Thomson.

Bovina real estate transfers recorded are Margaret J. Davidson and another to Fletcher Davidson, $1.

Mary Davis has finished her work at John Hilson’s and returned to her home in Andes. Hamman Coulter has taken her place.

Bovina Dairymen have received notice that they must put in three ton of ice per cow.  Must want the milk made into ice cream.

A surprise party was held at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown’s last Saturday in honor of the birthday of their dauter, Mary, which occurred on Sabbath.

The A.T. Strangeway store property has been sold to a Mr. Hillis, of South Worcester, who has taken possession.  He will open a garage and has taken out the store front and put in wide doors.

Mueller Must Pay

Before adjourning court at Cooperstown last week Justice Rhodes imposed a suspended sentence upon Jean Herman Mueller, extradited from New Jersey, who pleaded guilty through his attorney to an indictment charging perjury.  It was the condition of the suspension of sentence that Mueller make restitution of $900 to Attorney Charles O’Connor. Mueller for several years lived on the S.G. Bramley farm in Bovina.

December 21, 1923

Hilson Bros. have purchased a new Franklin Sedan.

G.D. Miller was a visitor at the County Seat on Wednesday.

Ledger Myers and Marion Ormiston have been on the sick list.

A number of the lady friends of Mrs. Julia McPherson made her a surprise visit on Wednesday.

Edward Gladstone and family, from Andes spent Sabbath with his brother Robert R. Gladstone.

F.W. Hyatt, his housekeeper, Mrs. Hull, and Mrs. Milton Stratton were Walton visitors Tuesday.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fisk, of Lake Delaware, at the Delhi hospital December 9.

C.H. Dayton, son-in-law of James W. .Thomson, of this place died recently at his home at Peekskill from shock.

Hugh McPherson, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard McPherson, has been ill the past week with grip poisoning.

Supervisor Thos C. Strangeway is in Delhi this week attending the closing sessions of the Board of Supervisors for the year.

The Women’s and Young Women’s Missionary Societies joined with the up-town Willing Workers in an all day meeting with Mrs. Chauncey McFarland.

Bovina real estate transfers recorded are Andrew T. Doig and wife to Arthur Hillis, $1; Alex Hilson, executors of to Arthur Hillis, $1. This is the A.T. Strangeway store property. 

The team of Mr. Arnold, on the S.G. Bramley farm ran away Tuesday. The milk had just been loaded when being left alone they started and ran to John Blair’s where they were stopped by Frank Brown. No damage was done and the milk was not even spilled. 

December 28, 1923

William Gordon has been installing a radio.

William Thomson and wife, of Endicott, are visiting their parents here.

William T. Russell was in New York recently and purchased a seven passenger car.

IN Bovina twenty-two years ago the general tax rate was only $9.11 and there was no road tax.

A community Christmas tree and exercises were held at the United Presbyterian church Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gow, of Elmhurst, Long Island, have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gow.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Joslin have gone to New York City to spend two weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Chas Hyatt.

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Mabon and son, Mrs. Hull, F.W. Hyatt and Gordon Stratton were at Andes on Thursday.

Rev. W.N. Hawkins and family, of Hobart, spent Christmas as the guests of Re. and Mrs. Edgelaw at Lake Delaware.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Myers of Endicott, were over Christmas guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Myers.

Large trees of several varieties are being hauled considerable distance and set out on the grounds about the new church and rectory at Lake Delaware.

Notice – The Bovina Center Co-Operative Fire Insurance Co., will hold their annual meeting on the 8th day of January, 1924, at 1 o’clock p.m. at the Town Hall, Bovina Center, for the purpose of electing directors and transacting any other business that may come before the meeting. 


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