Friday, November 10, 2023

November 1923 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"


From the pages of the Andes Recorder:

November 2, 1923


·         Mrs. George McNair, of Andes, was a guest at John McCune’s on Wednesday.

·         A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee at Lake Delaware, October 23.

·         Homer R. Burgin, of this town, and Miss Helen Knox, of Walton, were married October 20 at Andes.

·         Mrs. Alex Myers, Mrs. Geo Decker and Mrs. Arthur Decker were at Andes on Wednesday on shopping errands.

·         The town of Bovina will receive the sum of $2,700 as a result of a judgment just awarded against the state by the Court of Claims. This was the amount contributed by the town of Bovina for the building of the Andes-Delhi State road, which should have been paid by the state.

·         Douglas Davidson died at his home at the foot of Russell hill on Sabbath morning, October 27, after a long illness from kidney trouble. He was born near West Delhi 72 years ago, but the greater part of his life had been passed in Bovina. He was twice married, his first wife being Mary Hoy and his second wife was a younger sister, Margaret Hoy, who survives him with a son Fletcher Davidson, and one daughter, Mrs. William J. Storie, both of Bovina. He was an elder of the United Presbyterian church.


November 9, 1923


·         Martina Monroe was in town on election day to vote.

·         Clarence LaFever, who has been in Delhi, is again in town.

·         Mrs. Ella Telford was home from Delhi the first of the week.

·         Leslie Fowler, of Andes, was thru town last week with fine cabbage.

·         Mrs. William Thomson, of Binghamton, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Myers.

·         The sum of $56 was realized from the supper held last Wednesday in the Community Hall at Lake Delaware.

·         Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robinson, and Mrs. Elliot Thomson spent over the week end with Binghamton relatives.

·         Last Sabbath the W.G.M.S. thank offering was $108; Y.M.S. $94.96, the Whitcomb Circle $48, and the Juniors $57.

·         Registrar David F. Hoy of Cornell University and Mrs. Hoy returned to their home on Monday after spending a week with relatives in town.

·         John Blair and Arthur Decker went to Glen Spey to get the household goods of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Thomson, and they are with her parents.

·         The Willing Workers M.S. sold oyster stew, sandwiches and coffee on election day, for the purpose of raising money to help pay for painting the U.P. church.


Election Results in Bovina


Wallace Smith, Democrat, defeats Thos. C. Strangeway for Supervisor


There was a large vote out Tuesday in Bovina and the result was election of Wallace Smith as supervisor over Thomas C. Strangeway, the present incumbent, by 28 majority. Below is the vote, first named being the Republican and the last the Democrat.

For Supervisor – Thos C. Strangeway, 163; Wallace Smith, 191, giving Smith a majority of 28.

Town Clerk – David Currie, 205 and John McCune, 185. Currie’s majority 70.

Justices of Peace – A.T. Doig; 134; Frank Miller, 212. Doig’s majority 13. John S. Burns, 161; James Boggs’ 135. Burns’ majority 26.

For Collector – Mary Gordon, 224; Kate Muller, 114. Gordon’s majority 110.

Town Superintendent Highways – Walter G. Coulter, 221; Harold Campbell, 118. Coulter’s majority 103

School Director – Benson LaFever, 201; Arthur Decker, 106. LaFevers’ majority 95. 


November 16, 1923


·         Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Russell on Friday, November 9, a son.

·         Rev. F.N. Crawford and family are absent on a two weeks’ vacation.

·         John Aitkens, who owns the former Kennedy house, is preparing to install a furnace.

·         Thos C. Strangeway and wife attended church services in Andes on last Sabbath.

·         Jas W. Thomson and wife and Harvey Burgin and wife were Andes visitors Friday.

·         Mrs. Burnett, of Roxbury, was here the first of the week canvassing for a student’s reference book.

·         Gaile Hafele and wife spent the past week with her brother A. Ralph Thomson at Watertown.

·         Mrs. Cora Tripp, of Oneonta, is visiting her sisters, and Mrs. Frank Brown and Mrs. C.S. Gladstone.

·         Howard McPherson, patrolman on the Andes-Delhi State road, completed his work for the season last Saturday.

·         Supervisor Thos C. Strangeway is in Delhi this week attending the annual session of the board of supervisors.

·         Harry Martin, of Charlotteville, was a recent caller here and it is reported may move back to Bovina and open a garage.

·         Fourteen cows and a bull belonging to Russell Boggs, which were recently condemned for tuberculosis, were taken away Friday.

·         Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Thomson, of South Kortright, and Mr. and Mrs. A.V. Baldwon, of Oneonta, were callers here on Sabbath.

·         Mrs. Douglas Davidson moved this week from her home at the foot of theRussell hill to rooms in Sloan Archibald’s house in the village.

·         A box social was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening for the benefit of school district No. 9 – Yankeetown district – in upper Bovina, whose school house was burned Hallowe’en  night.


November 23, 1923


·         William A. Hoy has a new Studebaker car. 

·         A.P. Lee and wife spent Sabbath at Dunraven.

·         F.W. Hyatt was a caller at Oneonta on Tuesday.

·         The Bovina town audits this year amount to $888.31.

·         Miss Alice Frayer, of Delhi, was a caller in town on Sabbath.

·         Elmers Hastings, of Saranac, is visiting his brother, Milton Hastings.

·         A furnace has been installed for the heating of the Church of the Covenanters.

·         Frank Graham has moved into his new house on his farm back of Lake Delaware.

·         Misses Kate and Freda Muller spent over the weekend with their sister in Andes.

·         Rev. Thomson was installed as pastor of the Church of the Covenanters, last Thursday.

·         Mrs. Marion Crosier left Friday for Philadelphia, to spend the winter with her son, Dr. James Crosler.

·         Marshall Thomson, who recently moved back to Bovina from Glen Spey, is visiting his sisters in Pittsburg, Penn.

·         Fletcher Davidson moved Wednesday (November 21, 1923) from the Cable house to the house of his mother situated at the foot of Russell Hill.

·         Mrs. Elizabeth McNair, who ahs spent several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. John McCune, returned to her home in Binghamton last Friday.

·         Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Boggs are contemplating moving from their farm in upper Bovina, where they have lived for over 60 years, to Bovina Center.

·         Mr. and Mrs. Archie Coulter spent over Sabbath with his mother, Mrs. Lucy Coulter.  Mr. Coulter is in the employ of the Dairyman’s League and his headquarters is in New York city.

·         The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fancher, near Bloomville, died at the home of its grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Miller in Bovina Center, Saturday morning, November 17, after an illness of a few hours. The funeral was held at 2 o’clock Sabbath afternoon, Rev. Charles Lay, of Mundale, officiating. Burial was in the Center cemetery. [The infant was named Candice Irene and was born in October 1923.]


Levied on Bovina


The following sums have been ordered levied against the town of Bovina by the Board of Supervisors, viz:

Library fund - $100

Certificate of Indebtedness - $1100

Interest on same - $66

Interested on certificate - $66

The sum of $105 was also ordered levied against the Bovina Center Fire District


November 30, 1923


·         Mrs. George Cable, of Delhi, called on friends in town last Thursday.

·         In the case of Wm. H. Maynard agst Mr. Redmond, tried last week at Delhi the jury failed to agree.

·         Rev. and Mrs. F.N. Crawford have returned home and services were resumed at the U.P. church last Sabbath.

·         Robert H. Laing, who has been spending a few days at Frank Miller’s returned to his home in Andes on Wednesday.

·         Students who are attending Delaware Academy are enjoying a vacation which commenced at noon on Wednesday and will close next Tuesday.

·         David G. Currie will move from rooms in the former Strangeway store building to the house of George Cable adjoining the fire department hall.

·         Union Thanksgiving services will be held at the Reformed Presbyterian church at 10:45 Thursday morning. Rev. A.M. Thomson will preach the sermon.

·         Town Superintendent Walter Coulter and a force of men have commenced the erection of a building in which to store the machinery of the town.  The building is located on what is known as the Burns lot in the lower part of Bovina Center. 

·         Town Superintendent Walter Coulter and a force of men have commenced the erection of a building in which to store the road machinery of the town. The building is located on what is known as the Burns lot in the lower part of Bovina Center.


Will Spend Six Weeks in Europe


Captain J.E. Billings superintendent of the Gerry estate at Lake Delaware, and Mrs. Billings went to New York City on Tuesday and on December 1, will sail on the Leviathan for a six wees vacation in Europe, visiting France, England and possibly Germany. Former Superintendent Zimmer will be in charge during the absence of Mr. Billings.


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