Sunday, September 10, 2023

September 1923 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

Here's what was happening in Bovina 100 years ago this month, as reported in the pages of the Andes Recorder.

September 7, 1923

Mrs. Marjorie Lee returned to her duties as teacher on Long Island this week.

The United Presbyterian church is receiving a new dress of paint. Alex Myers is the artist.

Miss Grace Hyatt left Tuesday for New York, where she expects to remain for an indefinite period.

R. Eston Phyfe, of Hartford, Conn., was a recent guest of his brother, A. B. Phyfe and his sister, Miss Sarah Phyfe.

Harold Campbell and bride will begin housekeeping on the old Post place, which is now a part of his father’s farm.

Superintendent Walter Coulter and his force of men have put in a concrete bridge near the Butt End and also one at Lake Delaware.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Hadley August 13, a daughter, and on August 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rockafeller, a daughter.

Nevin Hoy, who for the past two years, has been making his home with Mr. and Mrs. William Storie, has gone to his one in Oil City, Penn. to enter high school.


Miss Linda Ormiston of Oneonta, and Gordon Davidson, of Delhi, were married August 28. The bride is a daughter of James L. Ormiston, formerly of Bovina.

Tunis Lake Camp Closed

The first season of the Boy’s Camp at Tunis Lake closed Friday night with a banquet at which there were about fifty guests, among them being Congressman John D. Clarke. The boys left Saturday morning for their homes in New York. Additional building will be done in order that more boys may be accommodated next year. 

September 14, 1923

Miss Mary Chase, of Binghamton, is visiting at James Mabon’s.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Titsworth, September 4, a daughter.

Where there was not a fog the frost did some damage Tuesday morning. 

Hugh Adair and son, Lawrence, of Delhi, were Bovina callers on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Littlejohn, of New York, are stopping at William A. Hoy’s. 

Wallace Smith and Ray Thomson have each purchased a new Durant automobile.

Ruth Coulter and Marion McPherson have entered the teachers training class at Delhi.

A rook party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hilson on Wednesday evening.

The town of Bovina is represented by 22 students in Delaware Academy at Delhi and three go to Walton.

J. Douglas Burns recently had his dairy of Guernsey cows tuberculin tested and 28 out of the 28 reacted.

Millard Gow and wife, of East orange, N.J., and Mrs. Willard Gow, of New York , are spending their vacation in Bovina.

About 75 of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lancelot Thomson made them a surprise visit on the occasion of their golden wedding.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, Mr. and Mrs. James Bogs, William Gordon and Pat Fay are attending the State Fair at Syracuse this week. 

Gilbert D. Miller and wife are visiting at Walton this week and will probably go to Highland Falls and visit her sister before her return. 

Mr. and [Mrs.] James A. Gow, who have returned from Charlotteville to their home in Bovina Center, are having a bathroom fitted up in their residence.

Rev. John H. Lee and family, from Germanton, Pennsylvania, were recent visitors in the town of his nativity. He was the youngest son of the late Rev. J.B. Lee. 

September 21, 1923

Mrs. Peter McNair, of Binghamton, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. John McCune.

John Storie and wife and their son George, were callers at the County Seat on Wednesday.

The interior of the Church of the Covenanters has been redecorated by Mr. Hill, of Delhi.

Little interest was shown in Primary election Tuesday. The total vote was only 21-15 Republicans and 6 Democrats. 

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rogers and son, of New York City, arrived at Lake Delaware on Sabbath to spend a few days.

Services were held in the old St. James chapel at Lake Delaware for the last time on Sabbath last and on next Sabbath they will be held in the new church. 

John Mason and Miss Lily Harvey were married in New York on September 5, and have been spending their honeymoon with his parents in southern Bovina. 

September 28, 1923

George Gladstone is visiting his son, Walter, at Delhi.

Rev. and Mrs. F.N. Crawford were Oneonta visitors on Monday.

Margaret Archibald, of the County Clerks’ office force is spending her vacation here.

Mr. Berger, of New York, who purchased the Armstrong farm, is in town for a few days.

Bovina real estate transfers recorded are Martha H. Kelley to William B. Smith, $754.05.

Mrs. A.P. Lee is suffering from erysipelas in her face and is under the care of Dr. Goodrich.

Miss Calla Boggs has been spending some time with her sister, MRs. Robert Forman, at Walton.

James Rutherford and wife, of Pepacton, spent Tuesday with her parents, and Mr. J.D. Burns.

Donald Burns, of Bovina Center, and Miss Emma Geckle, of Delhi, were married at the latter place September 14.

Mr. and Mrs. G.D. Miller returned Monday after an absence of two weeks which was spent at Walton, Highland Falls and Andes.

James Mabon had two finger[s] injured by getting them caught in the fan of the blower on the ensilage cutter. The finger nails were torn off. 

Hilson Brother are having their farm buildings treated to a new dress of paint. The work is being done by Alex Myers and Mr. Sackrider.

Sheffield Smith, Fletcher Davidson, John Aitkens jr., Edwin Burgin and David Hoy were at Oneonta on Tuesday taking examinations for chauffeur license.

Miss Jenet Laidlaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Laidlaw, who was operated upon at the Delhi hospital on July 9, for appendicitis, had a teacup of pus removed from her side on Tuesday. 

Harvey Burgin and wife, Mrs. Abigail Fuller and son, Charles, Mrs. Ida Burgin and son, Paul, and Willard Frisbee and wife attended the funeral of Charles Bell at Garrattsville, last Sabbath.

The schools of the town of Bovina held a school fair at the school house in Bovina Center on Tuesday. In a 10 inning ball game between Bovina Center and Bovina teams the former won by a score of 12 to 10. 

Has Relatives in Bovina

Ralph Dean, age 51 years, a son of Rev. John Dean, a native of Bovina, died in Bellevue hospital, New York, September 15.  He was an actor, stage manager and motion picture director of considerable prominence.

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