Thursday, August 10, 2023

August 1923 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"


August 3, 1923

Albert Seaber has gone to Connecticut where he has business interests.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Davidson on July 31st, a son – Edwin Douglas.

Miss Jane Hilson spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. James A. Gow at Charlotteville.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Myers arrived home Monday from a two weeks vacation spent with their two sons and daughter at Endicott.

Andrew J. Nicol, of Delhi, were in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Nicol was on business errands and his wife came to see her aunt, Mrs. Scott. 

The milk from the large dairy of Arthur Bergman, on the Alex Liddle farm up-town, is now being hauled by truck to the Polley creamery at Frasers.

Rev. F.N. Crawford and wife, Mrs. John Blair, Mrs. C.S. Gladstone and Mrs. George Decker attended a missionary meeting at picnic at Andes last Thursday. 

August 10, 1923

A young deer was seen up Miller avenue Saturday evening.

Miss Angelica Gerry is at the Gerry summer home at Lake Delaware.

Rev. and Mrs. Edgelow moved into the new rectory at Lake Delaware this week.

The Juniors held a picnic last Saturday at C.S. Gladstone’s and 25 were in attendance.

Mrs. Alex Crosier is enjoying a visit from her daughter, Mrs. Jackson, of Washington, D.C.

Wendell Ormiston, of Goshen, spent a few days the past week with his mother, Mrs. Thos Ormiston.

The annual town picnic will be held this year on August 23. Congressman John D. Clarke will speak. 

Mrs. Georgie More, of New York, and Mrs. Ella Benjamin, of Liberty, are guests at Harry Robinson’s. 

Dr. Jardine Hafele, who is a veterinary in Canada, and his wife, are visiting his parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Hafele.

Mrs. Charles Hyatt has returned to her home in New York and her mother, Mrs. Everett Joslin, accompanied her for a visit.

Bovina real estate transfers recorded are James Monroe to Alex Hilson, $1; Alex Hilson and wife to John Hilson and another, $1.

Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Mary Isabelle Hoag, near Lake Delaware, to Harold Campbell, of Bovina, on August 15.

Wednesday evening the Rev. F.N. Crawford gave an address on Life and Work in the Punjab. The talk was illustrated with about sixty colored lantern slides.

Mrs. S.K. Ferris and child and her mother, Mrs. M.M. Boggs, of Philadelphia, Penn. And Mrs. Jack Archibald, of Kelly Corners, were callers in town last Thursday. 

Paul Shimmon, field representative of the Near East Relief, will give a three reel moving picture illustrating the work in the Near East, at the U.P. church on the evening of August 15. 

James A. Gow and wife, of Charlotteville, and County Superintendent of the Poor Jas F. Forman and family, of Delhi, were here last Thursday to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law, Alex Hilson. 

Mr. and Mrs. Hale Elliott, who moved to Charlotte, Michigan, a few years ago, have been visiting his sister, Mrs. William Burns and his father, John Elliott. They will not return to Michigan, and have been looking for rooms in Delhi. 

Bovina Has Severe Storm – Cloudburst on Russell Hill on Friday Does Some Damage

Bovina was visited by a severe thunderstorm and heavy downpour of rain late last Friday afternoon. Russell hill and the ridge toward Tunis Lake received the worst of the storm and the indications are that there was a cloudburst. The hillsides were covered with rushing waters and the road leading from the state road to Russell’s was washed out the dirt deposited some distance along the state road to depth of about a foot. In other parts of the town while there was a heavy downpour for over an hour there was no special damage from water. 

Lightning struck at Fred Henderson’s and hit the barn. Following down the lightning rod it knocked down a horse standing in the stable, stunning it, but the animal soon recovered. Near the water trough at Oscar Felton’s a hemlock tree was hit and shattered. 

August 17, 1923

John Blair was an Oneonta visitor Tuesday.

Miss Wilmot Ormiston, of Delhi, was in town on Monday.

Miss Mary Ormiston, of Oneonta, is a guest of Bovina relatives.

Miss Marjorie Forman, of Delhi, is spending the week with relatives in town.

Peter Robson and family were recent guests of her brother, James Meeker, at Roxbury.

George Middlemist and wife, of Delhi, were guests of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Myers, on Monday.

Courtney Currie has purchased a new Ford which he will use in going back and forth to school at Delhi. 

Mrs. William Huber, of Delhi, and Mrs. Thomas S. Miller, of Andes, visited their brother Alex Myers, this week.

Jenet Laidlaw, who underwent an operation of appendicitis at the Delhi hospital July 15, returned to her home last Thursday.

A reunion of the Miller clan is scheduled to be held in the grove of Miss Bell Miller, adjoining the U.P. church, on August 24.

The Beacon Light Sunday School class to the number of about twenty enjoyed a supper at Wautauga Falls on Friday evening. Mrs. Fred Thomson is the teacher. 

August 24, 1923

Robert Low and wife of Brooklyn, are guests at Lancelot Thomson’s.

Mrs. Heyart and children are visiting relatives at Hackensack, N.J.

G.D. Miller and wife spent Wednesday with her brother, A.S. Banker, in Andes.

John Lunn and wife, of Ithaca, have spent the past week with his mother at Lake Delaware. 

Mrs. Scovel and son, of Long Island, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Decker.

Mrs. John McCune spent over the week end with her brother, George R. McNair, in Andes.

Bovina real estate transfers recorded are Margaret Hoy, administrator of, to Jennie Biggar, $500. 

A.J. Kaufman, wife and daughter, of Kingston, are visiting his sister, Mrs. William Armstrong.

Mrs. David F. Hoy and son, Fletcher Hoy and his wife, of Ithaca, have been visiting at Douglas Davidson’s. 

John Blair and wife and Mrs. David Currie and son attended the Blair reunion held Tuesday at Wataugua Falls.

James Crosier, who is a dentist in Philadelphia, was a recent guest of his mother, Mrs. Alex Crosier, in upper Bovina.

James Mabon, wife and son attended the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of his brother, John Mabon near Oneonta last week.

Frank Brown and wife, Frank Coulter and wife, and C.S. Gladstone and wife attended the Coulter Reunion near Walton last Wednesday. 

William Archibald and family, and Mrs. Alex Hilson and son and daughter attended the Archibald reunion in New Kingston on Wednesday.

Mrs. Gideon Miller, of Hamden, and sister, Mrs. Leonard Sloan, and her daughter, Miss Dorothy, of New York, were callers in town for a short time Tuesday.

Mrs. James Burnet, who was a dauter of the late D.L. Thomson of Bovina, had her right arm broken last week when her husband’s car was crowded off a bank on the state road near Syracuse.

At the County picnic at Delhi last Thursday, Ledger Myers was 2d in the 50 yard dash for boys under 12 years, and was 1st in the orange race. Carl Hadley was 1st in Jersey sack race, three legged Holstein race and 50 yard dash for boys over 12 years, and 2d in the 100 yard dash. 

Lake Delaware Wedding

A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hoag, near Lake Delawre, Wednesday evening, August 15th, when their daughter, Mary Isabelle, was united in marriage to Harold Colin Campbell of Bovina, by the bridge’s pastor, Rev. Octavius Edgelow. About 40 friends and relatives were present.

The bridgesmaid was Miss Aileen Fairbairn of Seager, and Frank Hoag, brother of the bride, was best man. The bride wore white beaded georgette and carried white roses. The bridesmaid wore yellow silk and carried yellow roses. The room was decorated with yellow and white flowers. 

August 31, 1923

Miss Helen Knox, of Walton, is a visitor in town.

Mrs. Eugene Storie and daughter, of Hobart, were recent visitors in town.

Mrs. Seaber and daughter, of Jersey City, are visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Heyart.

George Storie has a new Star, Dixson (sic) Thomson a Buick, and A.M. Thomson a Durant. 

Thos C. Strangeway and wife attended the Elder’s picnic held Friday last at Wataugua Falls.

Mrs. Fred More and daughter, from Hobart, visited her sister, Mrs. John Blair, the last weeke end.

Charles A. McPherson wife and two sons have been visiting his sister, Mrs. Lester, on the Hudson.

Miss Mary Flamsbury, of South Hampton, Long Island, is a guest of her friend, Miss Jane Hilson.

Dr. and Mrs. Trader and children, of Sonyeea, N.Y., have been visiting her father, James W. Thompson.

Mrs. Marshall Thomson, of Glen Spey, N.Y., spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blair, last week.

Alex Thomson and family, in upper Bovina, have spent the past week with friends at Corry, Penn., making the trip by auto.

William Aitken and wife, of Richmond Hill, Long Island, have spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Aitkens.

James Downie, wife and son and daughter, of Oneonta, and Miss Margaret Downie of Cleveland, Ohio, were guests at G.D. Miller’s last Friday.

Lloyd Hall, the eldest son of Harrison Hall, who lives on the Soper farm, broke his arm at the wrist Wednesday by falling from a lumber wagon. The lad was unloading cinders and slpped on the edge of the box.

The town picnic held last Thursday was largely attended. Congressman Clarke spoke and there was an exciting ball game between the Uptown and GBovina Center girls, which was won by the latter – score 22 to 21.

Saturday as James Hilson was going down the State road near William Burns’ he stopped his car suddenly to take in three young ladies and the car went into the guard fence damaging the radiator, etc. and smashing the fence. 

Miller Clan Meets

A reunion of the Miller clan was held at the home of Miss Bell Miller in Bovina Center last Friday and 93 were present, representing four generations, and enjoyed the social fellowship and sumptuous repast. As a bit of history, three brothers, David, Shaw and William, came to America from the highlands of Scotland, one of them as early as 1816. David and William settled in Bovina and Shaw in Andes. The next generation numbered 18 and the family tree has continued to spread until it now numbers about 200, scattered all over the United States. One brother remained in Scotland. A committee was appointed to have charge a reunion in 1924. 

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