Here's what was happening 100 years ago this month in Bovina. There was a lot of visiting going on in town....
July 6, 1923
• Miss Nellie Bretz, of Andes, spent Saturday in town.
• Mrs. Low, of Brooklyn, is a guest at Lancelot Thomson’s.
• Katheryn Martin, of Charlotteville, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Fred Thomson.
• Mrs. John Burns was called to Kingston last week by the death of her sister.
• William Archibald, on the Robert C. Scott farm, is having his large barn reshingled.
• Editor Robert P. McIntosh and family, of Delhi, were callers in town on Wednesday.
• Thomas C. Strangeway had the bad misfortune to fall Saturday and break two or three ribs.
• Edward Russell, wife and daughter, Eunice, of Delhi, were visitors here Tuesday evening.
• Lester Hoy and wife, of Frasers, and Harold Robinson and wife, of Delhi, were here Wednesday.
• Mrs. Fred Thomson took her Sabbath School class on an auto trip to Ashokan dam on Thursday.
• Mrs. Bertha Miller and two daughters, Shirley and Lelia, of Walton, are visiting Bovina relatives.
• Miss Jane Hilson is home from South Orange, N.J., where she has been teaching the past year.
• Mrs. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and children, of Stamford, Connecticut, are visiting her mother, Mrs. F.W. Hyatt.
• Mrs. and Mrs. Robert E. Thomson and Mrs. and Mrs. Robert R. Gladstone visited Andes relatives on Thursday.
• There was a large attendance at the home talent entertainment given Tuesday evening as the last number of the lecture course.
• Charles Hafele and wife, James C. Mabon and family, and F.W. Hyatt, wife and daughter, Grace, were at Andes on the Fourth.
• Mrs. Lester and daughter, of Long Island, spent the past week with her brother, Charles A. McPherson. Her niece, Marion McPherson, returned home with her for a visit.
• Those who attended the convention of the missionary societies of Delaware Presbytery at Davenport last Friday were, Rev. and Mrs. F.N. Crawford, Mrs. Arthur Decker, Mrs. Fred Thomson, Mary Brown and Helen Gladstone.
July 13, 1923
• Mrs. John Oliver, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Thomson.
• William Hastings, of Walton, was a business caller here Tuesday.
• Harry Martin and family, of Charlotteville, were here Saturday evening.
• Miss Margaret Gordon has gone to the Scott homestead in Fall Clove for two months.
• Mr. and Mrs. James Barnhart were callers at the County Seat on Wednesday.
• Mrs. Milton Stratton has been seriously ill the past week, but is now improving.
• Mrs. Joseph Govern, of New York, has been a guest at Elliott Thomson’s this week.
• Pat Fay is the new fireman at the Bovina Center Co-operative Creamery succeeding Mr. Joslin.
• Janet Laidlaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Laidlaw, was operated upon Monday at the Delhi hospital for appendicitis. Dr. Latcher was the surgeon.
• Bovina real estate transfers recorded are Martha H. Kelly to Mary Weber, $487.13; Martha H. Kelly to Calvin Russell, $272.71; Martha H. Kelly to Colin McNaught, $432.39.
• Alice Gillespie, of New York, who came to Lake Delaware to spend the summer, was operated upon Saturday for an attack of appendicitis. She is a granddaughter of the late William Rogers.
• James Hastings, an aged citizen of Bovina, became deranged this week and insisted on leaving home. He was taken to Delhi on Tuesday and is staying with Mrs. Marshall Arbuckle, who is a niece of Mrs. Hastings.
July 20, 1923
• Millard and Arthur Russell have purchased a Jewett automobile.
• Miss Nettie Doig, of Delhi, is visiting her sister, Mrs. T.C. Strangeway.
• Mrs. William Tuttle, of East Delhi, spent the week-end at Milton Stratton’s.
• Otis McCumber and wife, of Andes, called on her sister, the Misses Muller, on Sabbath.
• Mr. Kelly and family from Syracuse have moved onto the William H. Maynard farm uptown.
• William Rogers and family, of New York, are occupying the Roger cottage at Lake Delaware.
• Robert G. Graham, of Gladstone, New Jersey, has been calling on friends in this vicinity.
• Work on the church, rectory and community hall being erected by Miss Angelica Gerry at Lake Delaware, is nearing completion.
• Alfred Seager and sister, Mrs. Hyatt, who have been employed by Mr. Berger on the Armstrong farm, have moved into the house adjoining Elliott Thompson’s shop.
July 27, 1923
• Mrs. A.S. Banker, of Andes, spent Saturday at G.D. Miller’s.
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, of Endicott, were recent guests of his parents here.
• Mrs. James Boggs and Mrs. Benson LaFever were visitors at the County Seat on Wednesday.
• Mrs. Howard Miller and little daughter, and Mrs. Elderly, are visiting at Fine Hunt’s.
• Mrs. Gattfrit Olson and Miss Emily Hyatt, of New York, are visiting their father, F.W. Hyatt.
• Mr. Todd has moved from the Dickson house and gone to work for Mr. Berger on the old Armstrong farm.
• Walter Clague, who had been working for Eli Felton, was operated on at the Delhi hospital last week for appendicitis.
• Mrs. Fred Thomson spent the past week with her brother, William Oliver, at Harpersfield Center and her sister at Charlotteville.
• A nine pound daughter, Margaret Frances, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monroe on July 20. Miss Woods is the nurse in charge.
• David Little and family, who moved last year from Lake Delaware to near Binghamton, are visiting her father, David Finkle, in Glenburnie.
• Lester T. Hoy, son of William A. Hoy of this place, who is employed in the creamery at Frasers, has purchased of W.J. Carpenter his double house on Franklin street in Delhi village.
• Mr. and Mrs. Alex Myers and grandson, Ledger, are spending two weeks with their sons and daughter in Endicott. Mrs. Arthur Decker is in charge of the telephone office during Mrs. Myers’ absence.
• Misses Bertha and Ada Scovel, of Long Island, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Decker. Mrs. Arthur Decker, Mrs. George Decker and her father Nelson Tompkins, motored to Walton on Tuesday to meet them.
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