Saturday, June 10, 2023

June 1923 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"


A lot was happening in Bovina 100 years ago this month. Here's how it was all reported in the pages of the Andes Recorder. 

June 1, 1923


·         Fred Bramley and family were at Andes on Wednesday.

·         John Northrup has been confined to his home the past week.

·         Charles Hafele was at Andes last Thursday on business errands.

·         William Crosier attended Memorial day exercises at Andes on Wednesday.

·         Andrew T. .Doig, who has been ill for several week[s], is able to go out riding.

·         Don Burns has purchased a Ford touring car from Howard Coulter, of Andes.

·         John Aitken Jr. took his sister, Mrs. Flynn, to her home at Pepacton on Monday.

·         Misses Kate and Freda Muller spent over Sabbath at the home of George Cable at Delhi.

·         Mrs. Alex Hilson, Mrs. Jon Hilson and James Hilson were County Seat visitors Tuesday.

·         Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey McFarland, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thomson were Delhi visitors Tuesday.

·         Mrs. William Ruff, of Delhi, is visiting at W.F. Boggs’ and her daughter, Mrs. Chauncey McFarland.

·         Mrs. Gideon Miller and son, Reginald, Lulu Miller and Miss Rose, of Hamden were visitors here Wednesday.

·         Miss Maggie Storie, who has spent the winter with her nephew, Eugene Storie at Delhi, returned home last week.

·         From the entertainment last Friday evening, consisting of Tom Thumb wedding, etc., the Juniors realized about $40.

·         Mrs. Lucy Coulter returned home Friday from New Kingston, where she had been for several weeks helping care for her sister, Mrs. Archibald.

·         Nelson Tompkins, who is 92, and his daughter, Mrs. George Decker, and Mrs. Arthur Decker, motored to Arena on Tuesday and spent the day with his sister.


June 8, 1923


·         Mrs. Ida Burgin has a new Buick car.

·         Mrs. Anthony Banuat is confined to her bed with rheumatism.

·         Alex Myers is at Delhi painting the residence of George Middlemist.

·         G.D. Miller and wife attended the Decoration day exercises at Delhi.

·         Mrs. Jacob Bailey, of Bloomville, is visiting old acquaintances in town.

·         Mrs. Maye E. Johnston went to New York on Tuesday for an extended stay.

·         Colm McNaught and Chauncey McFarland have each purchased new Ford ton trucks.

·         Robert Russell, of Binghamton, has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Russell.

·         Charles Lee and wife, of Hardenburg, were recent guests of his father, John Lee, in Tuttle Hollow.

·         Mrs. Anna Eraczek, of Bovina, and Augustus Van DeBogart, of New Kingston, were married at the latter place May 28.

·         Marshall Thomson and wife, of Glen Spey, N.Y. spent several days the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blair.

·         Fred Bramley and Mrs. John Ackerly of Arena, who has been his house keeper for several years, were married May 29, at Arena.

·         Harvey Seath, who went to California three or four years ago, arrived in town last week, having driven a Ford thru from San Francisco.

·         Floyd Rockefellow has moved onto Alex Bryden farm which he recently purchased. Last week a fire which he started in cleaning up got beyond his control and burned a considerable area before it could be put out.

·         Irving Phinney and family and his mother and sister, who are here from the west, are occupying Mrs. Hamilton Russell’s house for a few weeks. When Mr. Phinney returns to the west he will locate in Idaho and not return to Colorado.

·         Mrs. Annabelle (sic) Barnhart Calhoun and Benson LaFever were married at her home in Bovina Center, May 31, in the presence of the immediate family. The newlyweds are on an auto and camping trip to Finger Lake and will also visit Niagara Falls.


June 15, 1923


·         Fred Bramley and wife were County Seat visitors Tuesday.

·         Andrew T. Doig and wife motored to Walton last Saturday.

·         Archibald Thomson and wife, of Walton, were visitors here last week.

·         Lauren Dickson, who is attending Yale law school, is home for the summer vacation.

·         Leslie Moore and wife, of Hamden, spent Sabbath with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robson.

·         Rev. Charles Lay and family and Elizabeth Miller, of Mundale, were guests at George Miller’s last week.

·         Robert G. Forman and wife and Mrs. John Miller, of Walton, were last week to attend the funeral of Mrs. William Boggs.

·         George Miller and wife and Frank Brown and wife attended the funeral of Douglas Cameron at Bloomville on Saturday.

·         A joint all day meeting of the Women’s and Young Women’s Missionary Societies was held with Mrs. Frank Brown on Thursday.

·         Announcements have been received of the marriage of Ruth Hyatt, daughter of F.W. Hayatt, of this place, and Gottfrid Olson, in New York City on June 2.

·         Charles Hafele sustained an injury to his leg Friday, caused by his team starting while he was unloading milk cans and throwing him from the wagon.

·         Lester T. Hoy and family, of Frasers, have spent the past week with his parents. Mr. Hoy, who recently had an operation for appendicitis, has been suffering from abscesses in his ears.


Jumped to Prevent Electrocution

From Our Bovina Correspondent


Wendall Ormiston, of Goshen, who is a telephone lineman, sustained a broken wrist and several broken ribs last week. While working on the line he encountered live electric wires crossed with the telephone wires, and in order to escape being electrocuted he jumped with the above result. He is a son of Mrs. Thomas Ormiston, of Bovina.


Bovina Boy Honored


David F. Hoy, a former Bovina boy, has been honored by Athletic council of Cornell university, which has named its new baseball field Hoy Field. Mr. Hoy, who has been for many years registrar at the university, has been baseball advisor on the Athletic council and has taken a great interest in the college baseball and athletics.


June 22, 1923


·         Mrs. John Blair was a Delhi visitor Thursday.

·         Miss Easch, of Delhi, is a guest of her friend, Miss Grace Hyatt.

·         Communion services will be held at the U.P. church next Sabbath.

·         Rev. and Mrs. F.N. Crawford and Mrs. Frank Brown were Oneonta visitors Monday.

·         Donald Boggs and Lester Henderson were at Delhi on Wednesday trying examinations.

·         William Oliver and family, of Harpersfield, were callers at G.D. Miller’s Tuesday afternoon.

·         Mr. and Mrs. James Ormiston and son, Ralph, and daughter, Mary, of Oneonta, spent Sabbath with his sister, Mrs. Alex Myers.

·         Robert Terry, William Mabon and Mildred Scott, of Lake Delaware, have been here this week trying examinations at the Center school.

·         Colin McNaught and son, Marshall, attended funeral of his brother, Malcolm McNaught, at Delancey last Saturday.

·         Henry Monroe was taken suddenly ill Friday while at work in the cemetery with hemorrhage of the stomach. While improving he is still confined to a diet of cream and ice cream.

·         Mrs. James C. Mabon, of Delhi, spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. William B. Scott. Robert Mabon and wife, of Delancey, spent the day with her mother, Mrs. H.G. Bramley.


Operation for Appendicitis

From Our Bovina Correspondent


Miss Marion Ormiston, one of the twin daughters of Mrs. Thomas Ormiston, was taken with an attack of appendicitis last Thursday and was operated upon Friday. She is now getting along nicely.


Died Suddenly at Delancey


Malcolm C. McNaught died suddenly at his home in Delancey, at about 1:30 Thursday morning, June 14. He had retired in his usual health but at 1 o’clock his wife was awakened by his short breathing and he soon passed away. He was born in Bovina 73 years ago and about 43 years ago moved to a farm above Delancey, a few years ago moved to the village. He is survived by his wife, who was Mary Doig, daughter of the late Walter A. Doig, at Tunis Lake, a son, Dr. McNaught at Hamden, and two daughters, Mrs. John Bostwick, of Delancey and Mrs. Harold Kelley, of Walton.


Auto Bottom Up


Last week while Mrs. James Monroe and daughter, of Bovina, were going up the new road from New Kingston in their auto they turned out to meet a car, and hit a rut turning their car bottom up and imprisoning the occupants. Help arrived and they were gotten out practically uninjured. The car was badly damaged.




Having sold my farm situated in Southern Bovina near Lake Delaware Boys camp, 3 miles from Andes, 9 miles from Delhi, I offer for sale to the highest bidder the following property on Tuesday, June 26, 1923, commencing at 10 o’clock, 60 yearling hens, Rhode Island reds and white leghorns, Milwaukee mower, 2 horse rakes, hay tedder, 1 farm truck and 1 milk wagon, 2 seated buckboard, top buggy, 1 iron shod sled, lumber sleigh, pair bobs, cutter, sulky plow, walking plow, barrow, Pine Tree milker 2 double units, international engine 1 ½ horse power, 6 horse power Z engine, buzz saw, drag saw, grain drill, land rooler, Ohio 9 inch, ensilage cutter and blower, set double harness, set single harness, I.X.L., evaporator 4 x 14 ft, 500 sap buckets, spiles and covers, storage tank and gathering tank, milk cans, quantity of lumber hemlock and hardwood, scales, churns, bee hives, carpenters tool chest and all tools and many other things not mentioned here. Terms of sale under $10 cash, over 30 60 or 90 days credit on approved notes payable at Andes bank. Lunch at Noon. T.A. Raitt. J.B. Gilbert, auctioneer


June 29, 1923


·         David Draffin has had water buckets put in his barn up-town.

·         Judge Bruce and family, of Andes were in town on Monday.

·         Mrs. G.D. Miller and Mrs. Milton Stratton were Delhi visitors Tuesday.

·         Russell Boggs and John Hilson were caller[s] at the County Seat the first of the week.

·         Mr. Redmond, who had been on the Maynard farm, has moved into the Dennis house.

·         Misses Marjorie and Anna Dickson are home from their studies at Cornell University.

·         Mr. Lewis, who has been living in the Johnson house up-town, has moved into the small Dickson house.

·         Communion services were held last Sabbath at the United Presbyterian church. There was one accession to the membership.

·         A home talent entertainment, the last number of the lecture course will be held at the Town Hall, Tuesday evening, July 3.

·         Ruth Coulter, daughter of Walter G. Coulter, was awarded the prize of $5 for the best paper in History at Delaware Academy.

·         Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Flynn, and Miss Ida Hafele, of Pepacton, spent Sabbath with Mrs. Flynn’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Aitkens.

·         Charles A. Lee, of Gt. Barrington, Massachusetts, arrived last week and has commenced the carpenter work on Frank Graham’s new house back of Lake Delaware.

·         Mrs. Kate Barnhart was operated upon Thursday at the Delhi hospital for the removal of a growth from the breast. The operation was performed by Dr. Latcher, with Dr. Schumann and Dr. Goodrich assisting.

·         Rev. and Mrs. Crawford, Walter G. Coulter, Miss Elizabeth Strangeway, Mrs. Thomas Gordon, Charles McPherson were among Bovina people at Delhi on Sabbath evening to hear the baccalaureate sermon preached by Rev Grant Robinson.

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