December 1, 1922
• Miss Angelica Gerry has spent the past week at the Gerry summer home at Lake Delaware.
• Sloan Archibald is again grandpa – a daughter was born November 22, at Delhi to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Archibald.
• The Farm Bureau will hold a community meeting in Bovina Center on December 19 and at Bovina in the evening.
• Veterinarian Lester Irvine and Harvey Burgin are inspecting cows, barns and milkhouses of patrons of the Bovina Center Co-Op Creamery. They are finding a few diseased cows as usual.
December 8, 1922
• Mrs. Lucy Coulter is ill with the jaundice.
• Mrs. Henry Monroe is giving sewing lessons to the girls of the Bovina Center school.
• Mrs. Joe Ross will move from Mrs. Thos Gordon’s house and will board at John Aitken’s.
• Mrs. Chauncey McFarland entertained her mother, Mrs. Anna Ruff, of Delhi, over Thanksgiving.
• The smokestack on the old boiler at the Bovina Center Co-Op Creamery was blown down by the high wind this week.
• Mrs. Glen Taylor, of Beach, South Dakota, who will be remembered here as Minnie Ruff, has gone to Los Angeles, California, for the benefit of her health. [Minnie spent the rest of her life there, dying in 1945.]
December 15, 1922
• As its share of the dog license money the town of Bovina will receive $224.92.
• Alexander B. Jardine underwent a serious operation at his home at Lake Delaware last week. [He survived this illness, dying 10 years later. Alexander was the grandfather of Marion, Martha and Richard Jardine.]
• Thomas H. Johnson, who has been in a New York hospital for several week with a broken leg, has returned home.
• While Mrs. James Monroe was en-route to Delhi one day last week the car skidded on the ice at Frank Dickson’s and turned around taking off two wheels.
December 22, 1922
• Bovina tax rate, including highway tax, is $25.32.
• Isador Berschevsky is in town looking after the cheese business.
• A. Jones is here putting the machinery in the Dry Milk plant.
• Douglas Davidson, who has been ill since early in the fall, was in the village Tuesday. [Douglass would pass away in October 1923. He was the father of Fletcher Davidson and Vera Storie.]
• There will be no more Sabbath evening meetings at the United Presbyterian church until coal is more plenty.
• A friend of the U.P. church, whose name is not revealed, recently presented the church with stereopticon lantern.
December 29, 1922
• Walter G. Coulter has the job of putting in the ice at the Polley creamery at Frasers.
• Charles F. McPherson, up-town, is having his barn piped for water and is putting in buckets for watering his cows.
• Mr. and Mrs. Parson, who have been employed at Ale Thomson’s, went to Connecticut last week for a visit of a couple of months.
• The Christmas tree and exercises at the U.P. church last Friday evening drew a full house. Following the excellent exercises Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clause distributed the presents.
• All the workmen on the church, chapel and rectory at Lake Delaware, had a vacation from Friday until Wednesday. Superintendent Bell spent over Christmas at his home in New York.
• Professor Baldwin and wife, of New York, Lauren Dickson, from Yale, Marjorie and Anna Dickson, from Cornell, and Caroline Dickson, of Boston, are spending the holidays with their mother, Mrs. G.J. Dickson.
Broke Several Ribs
Andrew Hall, employed by Arthur Bergman, up-town, is at his home in Walton with several broken ribs. One night recently he started from the barn for the hog pen with a pail of swill and walked off the wall of the driveway falling about four feet.
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