Sunday, February 20, 2022

Bovina Sesquicentennial Parade - 1970

Donna Weber recently gave me some documents she found related to the Bovina Sesquicentennial Celebration, which took place August 29, 1970. I'm including two items of interest concerning the parade. One is the program announcing the celebration, with some additional notes in handwriting we don't quite recognize (if anyone does, let me know). 

One item that isn't quite right is the note at the bottom. The parade ended up assembling on Coulter Brook Road, not next to the library. 

And here is the list of the parade units. 

Here's a transcript (this was obviously a copy and it's a bit fuzzy):

1. Delhi Community Band

2. Andes Fire Department

3. Andes Ladies Auxiliary

4. Andes Fire Equipment

5. Bloomville Fire Department

6. Bloomville Ladies Auxiliary

7. South Kortright School Drill Team

8. Hobart Fire Department

9. Bovina Forum Float

10. Bovina Library Float

11. 1934 Chevy - Howard LaFever

12. 1932 Pontiac - Glen Meyer

13. Bovina Co-op Dairy Float

14. St. James Church Float

15. Go-Cart - Denise Lay

16. Bovina Our Heritage Float (Inman)

17. Mountain Brook Float

18. Bovina Ski Club Float

19. 1932 Ford - Florence Thomas

20. 1918 Premier - Clayton Thomas

21. 1927 Ford - George Duphily

22. 1910 Reo - Karl Allmer

23. 1926 Chryser - Bruce Armer

24. 1928 Reo - Bill Chattin

25. Burn-Lou Century Farm Float

26. Pre-school Float

27. Jack and June Burns Float

28. Gas Engine - Ron Russell

29. Don Drum Buggy

30. Dairy Princess - Fred Holcomb Team

31. John Hilson and Mary Beth Float

32. Delaware Pleasure Riders

33. Donna and Maryann Parsons

34. Hilltop Stables

35. Inman Horses

36. Timbertrail Ranch

37. Debbie Bellino

38. Howard Hughes - Pony and Cart

If you want to see what some of these looked like, I have pictures from the 1970 celebration on Flickr: 

Bovina's Sesquicentennial | Flickr

And on July 30, we will have the Belated Bovina Bicentennial celebration, including a parade, which we expect will repeat the route of the parade from 1970. Start thinking about what you would like entered in the parade. We'll be posting more information in the next couple of months.  

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