Tuesday, November 10, 2020

November 1920 - 100 Years Ago "in that Thriving Town"

100 years ago this month, the Andes Recorder reported the following activities in the Town of Bovina:

November 5, 1920
An addition is being built onto the Bovina Centre Co-Operative creamery.
James E. Hastings is building an addition to his already large barn, in order to provide room for his produce.
Bovina is building a piece of stone road through the little hamlet known as the Butt End, making use of the auto money.  Residents in that vicinity also subscribed quite a sum.  It is planned to build a stone road the three miles between the Butt End and Bovina Center as rapidly as possible.

October Term Supreme Court
Bovina Woman Wins $500 Verdict in Slander Case
    The case of Jennie B. Doig vs. Elmer Close, for alleged slander, which had been on trial since Thursday, went to the jury and a verdict of $500 was returned for the plaintiff.  This case has been attracting considerable attention in Delaware county, as the parties involved are well known.

Famous Violinist
Ward Baker, Formerly in Bovina, and Daughter in Court
    Nearly everyone in Delaware county probably remembers Ward Baker, violinist, who a few years ago lived in Bovina and delighted audiences with his playing.
    The Chicago Tribune of Oct 1 has the following:  Ward Baker, eccentric violinist, who gained fame in street concerts, and Ellen Cole Baker, his 13 year old daughter, for whose custody he is fighting, are united in Judge Brentono’s court. During Bakers absence in Europe his wife divorced him and later committed suicide. The daughter was transferred from one relative to another until Mrs. Hatch, a sister of Baker, was appointed her guardian and the child is now in the May Wood school at Evanston. The sister is willing that Baker shall have his child if the court decides that he is competent to give her the education that she deserves.  Further hearings will be held.

November 12, 1920
Mrs. John A. Irvine, of Bovina, and Mrs. Wm T. Black of Delhi, expect to start next week for the state of Washington, where Mrs. Irvine has three sons.
Mrs. John Henry went to New York this week to enter a hospital for an operation. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Boggs have gone up to keep house and help with chores.
Last week Bovina taxpayers voted down a proposition to appropriate the sum of $4,680 for the purchase of a steam roller for use on the road.  The vote was a tie – 64 to 64.
A mystery social will be held Friday evening of this week at the home of C.S. Gladstone.  The proceeds are to be used toward the purchase of an organ for the Bovina Center school.

November 19, 1920
Sheffield Smith has purchase[d] a new Ford truck.  He also keeps his White truck.
The skim from the Bovina Center creamery is now being hauled to Andes.
The sum of $23 was realized from a mystery social held last Friday evening at C.S. Gladstone’s.
C.S. Terry, proprietor of the Bovina garage, went to Sullivan county deer hunting and brought back a deer.
Last Saturday the doctors had to fix over Wm. S. Thomson’s leg, which was broken over two weeks ago.  They have now placed the leg in a plaster cast.

Truck Went Thru Bovina Bridge
    Last Friday about dark the White truck of Sheffield Smith went thru a bridge on Miller avenue.  The truck was driven by Floyd Rockafeller and was loaded with 50 hundred of burnt lime for A.P. Lee.  The lime had to be unloaded before the truck could be jacked up and gotten out.  The truck was very little damaged.

November 26, 1920
Mrs. S.R. Seacord and son, Edward, who recently sold the Seacord homestead farm in Bovina, have moved to Delhi village.
William C. Burns, who recently purchased the Jennie Miller house and twelve acres of land below the village, is making numerous improvements about the place.

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