Monday, December 10, 2018

December 2018 - 100 Years Ago "in That Thriving Town"

The first full month of peace in Bovina saw the continuing routine of life. People changed houses, had surgery and cases of influenza continued.

December 6, 1918
·   A concrete floor has been laid in the sugar plant.
·   George Barnes has moved into the house with his brother-in-law, Henry Haynes, on the Thos Hoy farm.
·   John Elliott moved last Friday to the Thomas Miller house.  Mrs. John Irvine moved Monday to the Elliott house, which she recently purchased.
·   Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Ayres, accompanied by Cora Hennings as nurse, went to Ithaca on Tuesday, where Mrs. Ayres will undergo an operation.  Mr. Ayres has given up his position with the government.

Supporting the Right - Bovina Boys Who Are In France and In Camp

Killed in action.

Miller, Clark G., Bovina Center. 

Men Overseas.

Ayers, Webb W., Bovina Center.
Blair, Millard, Bovina Center.
Burgin, Homer C., Bovina Center.
Davidson, Fletcher, Bovina Center.
Gow, Millard, Bovina.
Irvine, Clifton, Bovina Center.
Lee, Donald H., Lake Delaware.
Lee, Clarence, Lake Delaware.
Miller, John C., Bovina.
Myers, John L., naval aviation.
Schabloski, Frank A., Bovina.
Starley, Ernest C., Bovina.
Thomson, Howard, Bovina.
Van Duesen, Leon, Bovina Center.

Army in U.S. and Navy

Aitkens, Wm., navy
Archibald, Lieut. Laughran, army.
Archibald, Wilbur T., army.
Gow, Willard A, Bovina.
Hyatt, Wallace H., navy.
Munroe, James H., navy.
Rogers, Scott, army.
Rockefeller, Henry, merchang marine
Russell, Alfred, merchant marine.
Russell, Everett, army.
Russell, Robert, army.
Schabloski, Frank A., army
Robinson, Harold, army.
Rockefeller, Silas, army.

Total, 28.  Killed in action, 1. Men overseas, 14.

[James Calhoun was on the Andes list]

December 13, 1918
·   Mrs. Alex Crosier has gone to Stamford to spend the winter.
·   A party was held at A.P. Lee’s last Friday evening.  Dancing was indulged in.
·   Mrs. Marshall Thomson and her mother, Mrs. John Blair are both quite ill.
·   The primary department of the village school is closed on account of the illness of the teacher, Miss Ruth Ormiston.
·   Word has been received from Mrs. H.A. Ayers that she was operated on last Thursday at Ithaca.  The operation was successful and she is doing nicely.
·   On account of the great amount of sickness prevailing here, there no services at the United Presbyterian church Sabbath evening.  The attendance at the mid-day service was very light.

Where Drifts Lie Deep

Ralph Barnhart and sister, Mrs. Anna B. Calhoun, and G.D. Miller and wife, of Bovina Center, were in Oneonta on Thursday.  The ride to this city in the early morning was not devoid of incidents, one of them being that their vehicle passed through snow drifts four feet deep on the Swart Hollow road between this city and the Ouleout valley. – Oneonta Star

December 20, 1918
·   The latest word from Mrs. Ayers states that she continues to improve.
·   Fred Whitehead is on the sick list with influenza.  The others who have had it are all on the gain.
·   Miss Jane Hilson is home from Long Island, her school being closed for four weeks on account of influenza.
·   The final settlement of the estate of J.W. Coulter at Delhi on Monday was attended by several of the legatees from Bovina and Andes.
·   George H. Russell, who for several years has been employed by Mrs. Ada Russell on her farm on Russell Hill, will move to Bovina Center and occupy part of Harvey Burgin’s house.

December 27, 1918
·   Mrs. Mary C. Forrest was the first to pay her taxes this year in Bovina.
·   Elliott Thomson has been having a new shingle roof put on his residence.
·   Hugh Gillispie, who has spent three months at Lake Delaware for his health, returned to his home in New York city this week.

Will Erect Church at Lake Delaware

Miss Angelica L. Gerry will erect an Episcopal church at Lake Delaware on the plot of ground lying between the state road and the road leading to the Lake.  The edifice will be built of imported stone.  A house will also be erected for the use of the rector.

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