Thursday, May 31, 2018

This Day in Bovina for May

107 years ago today, on May 1, 1911, yet another horse was a runaway in Bovina. As later reported in the Andes Recorder, "G.D. Miller's horse got frisky Monday….It was attached to a sled and while left standing worked its head under the end of the thill and this caused it to fall and the sled was upset. The horse managed to get to its feet and freeing itself of the sled ran to Scott's bridge, where it was caught. One thill and the harness was broken."

120 years ago today, on May 2, 1898, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "The boys had a celebration…over the victories achieved by Commodore Dewey’s fleet at the Philippines Islands." The same night, it was noted that the "ringing of bells, booming of the cannon, etc. of the celebration at Andes Monday night over the surrender of Manila, could be plainly heard…" in Bovina.

136 years ago today, the May 3, 1882 Delaware Gazette carried this notice for an interest meeting for a railroad that would have come gone through Bovina. Nothing came of this particular idea - at least as far as Bovina was concerned. 

Seventy-four years ago today, the May 4, 1944 Delaware Republican-Express reported in its Lake Delaware column that "Kermit Forman cut his foot with an axe last Wednesday and it was necessary for Dr. Flint to use seven stitches to close the wound. He will be laid up for some time and, meanwhile, is visiting relatives in Poughkeepsie."

Forty-seven years ago today, on May 5, 1971, Mary Burns Lounsbury died at the age of 57. Born in Bovina in 1913, she was the daughter of John and Elizabeth Burns and the sister of Agnes Burns. She married Harold Lounsbury in 1938. They lived for many years on the Burns family farm.

Sixty-four years ago today, on May 6, 1954, as later reported in the Catskill Mountain News, "The town of Bovina held the regular board meeting last week…Hugh McPherson, road superintendent for many years, handed in his resignation, effective June 1. Clark Lay was appointed to fill out the term."

118 years ago today, on May 7, 1900, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "James L. Ormiston and family started Monday morning for their new home near Philadelphia."

Ellen McBurney was born 192 years ago today, May 8, 1826, the daughter of Francis McBurney and Margaret Boyd. She married Andrew Boyd and would have 11 children, most of whom made it to adulthood. She was widowed in 1879 and died in February 1893. She is buried in the Bovina Cemetery.

121 years ago today, in its May 9, 1897 edition, it was noted by the Andes Recorder that five brothers were seen at the same church in Bovina. What made this so remarkable was that the youngest was over fifty years old. The paper did not note what family this was, though it could be the Miller family. At this time, the six sons of William Miller still were alive and all lived locally.

196 years ago today, on May 10, 1822, a survey was made of a road that went from Thomson Hollow Road to Mountain Brook. Here's the survey document. 

Seventy-eight years ago, on May 11, 1940, the Bovina column of the Delaware Republican-Express reported that "Fred Thomson and James Hilson are the first to have their gardens planted."

107 years ago today, on May 12, 1911, the Bovina column of the Andes Recorder reported that "A child was recently born to Rev. and Mrs. Robb, in China, where he is a missionary. The mother was formerly Jennie J. Campbell of Bovina."

Fifty-three years ago today, Bovina column in the May 13, 1965 Delaware Republican-Express reported that "The prize fisherman of the season is John Robson who caught a six pound-12 ounce trout over the week-end."

Fifty-seven years ago, on May 14, 1961, as later reported in the Bovina column of the Delaware Republican Express, "We were all pleased to see Mrs. Lena Lounsbury at Church Sabbath Day, she has been in Schenectady the past few months helping care for an invalid."

138 years ago today, the May 15, 1880 issue of the Delaware Republican reported on an article they had published called "Woman's Work in the Church," by "Mrs. Knox of New York City. The paper pointed out that the article "will attract especial attention from the fact that Mrs. Knox was a Delaware county woman, daughter of Rev. James Douglas, for many years pastor of the Bovina Associate Reformed Church, (whose doctrines were not in accordance with the views there announced,)…Mrs. Knox has also take a very prominent part in works for temperance reform, and in many other ways practically exemplified the benefits arising from the course she advocates."

Seventy-eight years ago today, the Bovina column of the May 16, 1940 Delaware Republican reported that "Little Nancy Brooks spent the week-end with her great-aunt, Mrs. John Hilson and family.

131 years ago today, on May 17, 1887, the Stamford Mirror reported in its Bovina column that "John Hilson is improving his house by removing the old sash from the windows, and replacing them with a more modern style, each sash containing two large panes of glass." Here's the house in the late 1930s/early 1940s when Bob and Gerry Boggs lived there.

138 years ago today, the Bovina column in the May 18, 1880 Stamford Mirror reported that "A horse belonging to J.W. Bramley ran away a few days ago, destroying a seed sower which Mr. Bramley was using."

The Andes Recorder reported 107 years ago today in its May 19, 1911 Bovina column that "There is some talk of putting in a pond on John Blair's farm on the Oliver brook and stocking it with trout."

Sixty nine years ago today, on May 20, 1949, as later reported in the Catskill Mountain News Bovina column, "The latest to buy a new car is George Storie with a Dodge sedan. Vincent Rosa is taking over the car recently owned by Storie."

Seventy years ago today, on May 21, 1948, the Bovina column of the Catskill Mountain News reported that Mrs. Mary Gordon, who received a bad fall down a flight of stairs at her home last week, is slowly recovering. She is still lame and sore." Mary was the widow of Thomas Gordon, who died in 1921, and the mother of Delhi social studies teacher Margaret Gordon.

122 years ago today, May 22, 1896, the Otsego Farmer (Cooperstown) carried the following item: "An exchange has it that in the town of Bovina, Delaware county, there are more abandoned farms than there were in all Delaware County ten years ago. This fact is interesting for the reason that Bovina has been called the leading dairy town in the county."

Sixty years ago today, the May 23, 1958 issue of the Catskill Mountain News published an article under the headline "Bovina WAC Earns Recruiting Citation." The WAC was "Sgt/1c Helen I. Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. George Johnston of Bovina Center." She was enrolled in a "Women's Army Corps enlisted recruiting course at For Benjamin Harrison, Ind." The paper went on to report "Sgt Johnston was in competition with 38 of the recruiters stationed through the United States. She earned the award by achieving an average of 85 percent for the course."

125 years ago today, the May 24, 1893 Delaware Gazette reported that "Work has commenced for the foundation for the new school house in Bovina Centre." This is the building that is now the Bovina Public Library.

Eighty years ago today, on May 25, 1938, as later reported in the Delaware Republican, "Mrs. George Miller died…at her home [in Bovina]." Born Ida Kinch, she was married to George Miller and had three children, daughters Maude and Nellie and son Clark. Clark was killed in World War I. She was survived by her husband and two daughters. Ida is the maternal grandmother of Clark Lay.

The Andes Recorder reported 125 years ago today in its May 26, 1893 issue that " Richard Johnson of Bovina this season made 318 gallons of heavy maple syrup from 700 trees. This is equal to 2,544 pounds of sugar."

Sixty-nine years ago today, the Bovina column in the May 27, 1949 Catskill Mountain News reported that "Paul Rosa is moving this week to his new home on Pink street road which he recently purchased of Gene Vandenbord."

Seventy-six years ago today, the Bovina column in the May 28, 1942 Delaware Republican reported that "Guy Hafele of Coulter Brook is having his house painted. Fred Thomson and Fred Henderson are doing the job."

Angelica D. Gerry, the daughter of Elbridge Gerry and Louisa Livingston, was born 147 years ago today on May 29, 1871. She built a summer home at Lake Delaware known as Ancrum. She also was instrumental in the building of St. James Church. 

113 years ago, on May 30, 1905, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, baseball teams from "Lake Delaware and the Hook battled for supremacy on diamond Tuesday at the Centre and the score was 12 to 4 in favor of the former."

123 years ago today, the May 31, 1895 issue of the Andes Recorder in its Bovina column included the following item: "Sylvester McFarland, who left this town over twenty years ago, and who had not been heard from since, suddenly made his appearance in town a few days ago." McFarland was born in Wisconsin in 1843 and died in Somerville, Massachusetts in 1914. He was a prison officer when in Massachusetts. It is not clear when he lived in Bovina. His father, James McFarland, was a Bovina native.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Grandma's First Husband - "I hope to get a nice long letter from you in a few days"

The sporadic steam of letters written by James Calhoun to his wife, Anna Bell Barnhart, continued in May. Again, these letters on average were taking a month to get to her

Anna received the following letter on May 28

Somewhere in France
May 2, 1918 (May 5 postmark)

My dear Anna;
I am writing you another brief note to tell you that I am well and all O.K.
I am anxiously awaiting a letter from you and feel that I shall hear from you now before so very long a time.
I am bearing the work well and feel as good as any time in my life.
I am sending a letter to those on the old homestead, one to mother and one to Cora.  They will begin to feel that I am very tardy in writing to them.
It seems hard to realize that time is passing so rapidly yet time seems to have passed slowed when I cast my mind in the past and take account of happenings. 
I expect that my car is sold.  The car season will be on in earnest.  I am wondering who is operating “Jerusha.”
This is all for today. You perhaps think I write but little but you know that there is but little to write at this time.  I will make up for lost time when I see you.
Your most loving husband, James
F.S. Long, 1st Lt, 7 Inf [name of censor]

The following letter was written over two days and received June 4.  It had a part II, dated May 5, which wasn’t received until June 7. 

Somewhere in France
May 4, 1918 (postmark May 8)
Chap I

My dear Anna;
Have received your two most welcome letters written but a short time after I came away.  It surely was a real treat to get them.  The contents of this letter will be mainly in answer to the two received from you.  The majority of my letters will be brief I expect; we can call them ‘Hooverized” letters quite fittingly.
At this writing I am feeling as fine as at any time of my life which is surely worth a good deal and it does me a host of good to know that you are very well but am sorry you cannot stop that worry.  You better rest assured as I feel there is no reason for feeling uneasy.

May 5
Here I am at the Y again awaiting the beginning of services; will write as I wait.
I think you realized nearly my feelings as I wrote my last letter from there and judging from your answer think your feelings were very similar. 
It was very fortunate under the present circumstances that you did not continue beyond the city of K[ingston]. with me.  I surely would not have urged you to go back had I not thought it better that way. 
You will find the continuation of this in another Hooverized letter.  Your most loving husband James. 

Somewhere in France
May 5, 1918 (postmarked May 19)
Chap II

My dear Anna;
Services are over so I will write again.  You said the harder you work the better you thought it would be for you.  Perhaps work will help to keep your mind occupied but please take my advice and do not become over ambitious.
I am very grateful indeed to you for writing to mother.  I know she was very disappointed because we could not get to visit her; she could not but realize that such a visit was utterly impossible however, I wish you were nearer to her so you could see her often.  Father’s death was very hard for her.
I know you did not feel at all like going to the social but I sometimes think it better if you could go out oftener and enjoy social gatherings.
Your people surely have a bountiful supply of maple syrup which will bring a goodly sum at the price you are to receive for it.
I am glad that our faith is strong.  It does help so much doesn’t it.
There is but little to write today.  I am well and hope this may find you as well.
Your most loving husband, James
F.S. Long [censor]

The following letter came the same day as the May 5 and Apr 29 letters.

May 12, 1918
Somewhere in France

My dear Anna;
I will take this opportunity to write another letter.  This leaves me quite O.K. as are all of the boys.
This is a cool cloudy day.  Yesterday was warm but a thunder shower has cooled the air.
I am waiting for dinner as I write.  Came down from my billet thinking that dinner would be ready to serve but since it was not I am making good use of my time.
We enjoyed a fine church service at the Y.M.C.A. this a.m. led by our Y manager the Rev Metcalf.  These services are surely a great privilege to us although a few of the boys are careless of their spiritual welfare.  This is Mother’s day and the boys were urged to each write a letter to their mother or at least ones home.  I am going to write to mother. 
I presume that you are at church today as is your usual custome.  I love to think of our services over there if I cannot be there.  I can picture in my mind just how everything is there and can recall so many faces of those I knew.  I have many sweet memories of past times in our good old Bovina Center.  Everyone was very nice to me there so how could I help but think of them.  Certain people up Pink Street were especially kind and some little body with whom you are intimately acquainted has my heart there right now.  Don’t forget to look into the future with fond hopes and you may rest assured that I shall not forget.
You will have gotten the fifteen I sent you and hope to soon be able to send more in a short time.  You know I like to save as much I can so we can have it to use as I fondly hope we will have the opportunity.
This is all I can write today but you can gather from this that I am alright.  Please write.  Your most loving husband, James.

The next letter was received June 25.

Somewhere in France
May 18, 1918

My dear Anna;
Your most welcome letter regarding the sale of the car is here and has been thoroughly enjoyed.
The sugar crop (if it can be thus named) has been a good one indeed.  Your mother was very thoughtful of us in doing as she did; I hope we shall not be obliged to disappoint her.  One of the boys from up state said his people were getting almost a two spot per for their sweet.
You did right in making an investment of our spare cash.  Although it is not much it will help some and the interest is sufficient.
Did you not over do the matter a little on that bucket job?  It evidently brought no bad results.  I think your medicine is a wonderful cure all.  I am envious of your ambitions.
Helen Thomson knows very well who to pick when she wants a good teacher. It is well that what you told me of Cora has proved to be a false alarm.
I am very glad that mother and Peter were able to come.  Am glad to know she is well.  Peter surely made a good sale of the car.  If I could be there I should collect those notes as they become due and put them out at an increased rate.  Does Charley get as good use of the horse as he did earlier in the year?
I should have enjoyed hearing Rev. Galloway’s series of sermons.  He choose peculiar titles for his talks but they sound interesting. [Galloway was the pastor of the Bovina U.P. Church.]
I know not where the boys of my acquaintance are located but is a possible that I may know more of them someday.
I hope you attended the party at Miller’s although I doubt if you did.  You need to represent our family but I know just how you feel about the whole affair. [This is a reference to a family squabble involving Anna's uncle John Miller.]
The new tester has too much nerve for the good of himself.  I cannot see how he could have the face to ask Harold for the use of a horse.  Doesn’t he have a horse?
I am quite O.K. at this writing.  We are having some warm weather.
I scarcely know what to write and feel that my letters are not interesting. You have a perfect right to be disappointed with them.  I cannot tell you how well you told me the news from home.
Although you are far away I can rest assured as long as your letters bring me as good news as they have to date.  That early to bed plan is a good one.  I use that method myself.
You will have had several communications from me by now.  Give my best regards to all of our people and acquaintances.
Your most loving husband, James.

James May 30th letter also was received on June 25.

Somewhere in France
May 30, 1918

My dear Anna;
I have been thinking of you very much today and wondering what you were doing on this Memorial Day.  How much I should have liked to have been with would be hard to express indeed.  No doubt the day was fittingly observed back in good old Delaware.  There is plenty of memories to make me realize what this day stands for.
I have had no word from you for sometime and I surely am anxiously awaiting a message.  I hope you are all very well and as O.K. as I am.  Mother or the others of our people have not written a word; expect maybe they would rather receive than write letters.  I had hoped to get a letter from Mother but you are the only one that has sent me a line and you can never know how much I appreciated your letter.
The weather is nice and pleasant.  The country is beautiful with growing plans and trees.
We are all feeling fine and surely have no reason to complain.  I have been doing a different line of work for a few days but will soon be at my old job again.
I thought perhaps you could use a little change so I sent you all I could spare which was $15.  It was started a short time ago.  You should have the first I sent by this time.  You see I have no use for it and love to be able to give it to you and hope it may bring you many joys.  Do not scrimp yourself but use as much as you need.  I should pay my fees for Rev Forbes salary for the coming year.  I usually gave $10 or $12 besides missionary fees.  There is not hurry but I should be pleased if you would pay it for me.  You will think I am giving you too many duties but it is hard for me to attend to those things from here. 
I can imagine very much how things are looking in good old Bovina.  This is about the time of year I went fishing for eels when at your home.  It was later in the season the time I came down from Gene’s, Harold C- and I used to go fishing when I was up there.  How well I remember when Ralph, Wilfred and I caught eels or rather when they caught the eels and I was along with them.  Bryson and I talked of going but we never did get to go. 
What do you hear from Hugh’s - I understood he was planning to perform his work without help this year and that Mae would be without help in the house.  Mother will be a great help to her especially in caring for the children.  It was good of Hugh to be so prompt in sending the interest [piece torn off].  I wish they would all do that way don’t you?
The YMCA manager held communion services [piece torn off] sabbath and I expected to take part but [piece torn off] not as I was called out that morning and was unable to be present.  How often does Rev Galloway hold communion services?
I can see in my mind just how Mr. Davison looks driving the car.  I think when he first commenced driving that he would think ‘Jerusha’ to be of an unruly spirit.  I felt that way at first myself but I soon became accustomed to her gait and actions.  Perhaps you would have to show him how to operate her for a few drives.  I should have liked the job of putting him wise.  Has many new cars come to town?  You said Mrs. Thomson was afraid to ride with Bryson.  I never thought that he would make a fast and furious speedshark.  How nice for the young ladies to go driving with him and enjoy a swift ride.
Give my best regards to mother B, Edith, Ralph and Wilfred and all of our people and wish I might see you all.
I hope to get a nice long letter from you in a few days and will send one in reply very soon.  Your most loving husband, James.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Bovina's First World War One Fatality - Clark G. Miller

Many of you probably remember Clark Lay and his Indian Motorcycle. Clark use to get it out for parades and such events. The motorcycle originally belonged to his uncle, Clark G. Miller. Miller was killed in action in France 100 years ago today on May 10, 1918. 

Clark was the son of George Miller and Ida E. Kinch. He was born in August 1894 and had two older sisters, including Maude, who married Rev. Charles Lay and was the mother of Clark Lay. He grew up in the house that was later the home of his nephew Clark. 

In December 1912, he made the local papers when he was shot in the leg while rabbit hunting. The December 6, 1912 Bovina column of the Andes Recorder reported the story:

Last Thursday Clarke Miller...was shot in the leg by a companion while hunting. Miller, in company with John Blair, Frank Myers and a Mr. Weeks went rabbit hunting. They found a hole and Mr. Rabbit was routed out by the use of a ferret, and three of the hunters fired. Weeks fired a minute later and from his position made a crossfire and fourteen shot from the charge struck Miller – 11 shot entered the leg just above the knee, one struck him in the arm and another struck him on the chin and taking a downward course lodged in the neck. Miller was taken home and altho still confined to the house is improving. He will always carry the shot in his leg.

Miller bought the Indian Motorcycle in 1914. On June 2, 1917, Clark enlisted in the army in Newburgh, NY. When he went off to war, he asked his father to take good care of his motorcycle. 

Miller arrived in France in November 1917 as part of the 16th Infantry Regiment. Miller was killed in action during the defense of Paris. The family received word at the end of May of Clark's death. A memorial service was held in Bovina. The Andes Recorder noted that "a large number from Delhi and other villages attended the memorial services...Forty of Sheldon Rifles from Delhi, and our firemen attended in a body." In July, Mrs. Miller received a check for $1,000 as payment on her son's insurance policy. 

Miller originally was buried in France. Three years later, his body was disinterred and shipped back to the United States. He was buried in the Bovina Cemetery at the end of March 1921.

Clark's grave in France. Thanks to Ken Wilson for supplying this postcard.

The August 4, 1918 New York Tribune had a page remembering a number of New York soldiers who had been killed in the War. Clark Miller's picture was included (second row far right) as well as that of Quentin Roosevelt, the son of former President Theodore Roosevelt. 

Clark Lay in 1976 with his Uncle Clark Miller's Indian Motorcycle.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

May 1918 - 100 Years Ago "in That Thriving Town"

Issues with several spring storms caused the loss of one barn and several cows, as well as problems with spring planting. The Andes Recorder reported on this and noted that several people were ill with German measles, rechristened for the war to Liberty measles.

May 3, 1918
·       There have been several cases of the Liberty measles in town.
·       A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Russell on April 29.
·       Homer Burgin left Thursday to enlist.  John Myers has enlisted in the navy.
·       Guy Rockafeller is now employed by Dennis Hughes to buy second hand bags.

May 10, 1918
·       Frank Miller has moved into their house, which they recently purchased of Mrs. W.T. Forrest. Herman Johnson moves to the rooms vacated by Mr. Miller in H.C. Burgin’s house.

Bovina Far Above Loan Quota

Bovina’s total subscriptions to the Third Liberty Loan, including Lake Delaware, was $46,450.

Lightning Caused Big Fire in Bovina

Large Barn of John M. Miller and 10 Heifers Burned Monday Night

The large barn of John M. Miller up Pink street, about two miles from Bovina Center, on what is known as the John R. Thomson farm, was struck by lightning about 8 o’clock Monday evening and entirely destroyed. …

The loss is a heavy one and will far exceed the insurance….He will prepare to build at once.  At present part of the stock is kept at W.T.  Miller’s and some at Mrs. Kate Barnhart’s.

May 17, 1918
·       The Dry Milk company’s truck is now being used.
·       The Lake Delaware school has been closed because of the measles.
·       Hazel Aitken is assisting at Wm. S. Thomson’s through house cleaning.
·       In the list of men who have qualified at the third series of Officer’s Training schools at Camp Dix and eligible for appointment as second lieutenants, appears the name of Lauren Archibald of Bovina.

Will Re-Build at Once

John M. Miller, up Pink street, whose barn was burned last week, will re-build at once.  Mr. Miller will get the timber for the frame from his own woods and W.G. Coulter will move his mill up to do the sawing.

May 24, 1918
·       Frequent heavy rains cause delay in getting in crops.  Many oats are still unsown.
·       A heavy storm passed over Bovina Sabbath afternoon.  In some parts of the town there was considerable hail.
·       For the month of April the patrons of the Bovina Center Co-operative Creamery received 62 cents per pound for butter fat.

Bovina Feed Dealer Breaks Leg

Milton Hastings, who conducts a feed business in Bovina Center, met with an accident on Sabbath which resulted in a broken leg.  His sister, Miss Jennie Hastings, who is a teacher, came to visit him.  In order to make room for her in the barn he went to start his large auto truck ahead.  The truck in some way had been left in gear and when he cranked it the machine leaped forward and knocked Mr. Hastings down and ran onto him breaking his leg just below the thigh.

May 31, 1918
·       Miss Jane Archibald is home from Cornell University.
·       Jas. W. Archibald and wife are here from Ilion getting ready for their sale Saturday.
·       Harold Robson and Wilber Archibald left for training camp Wednesday.

Lightning Kills Seven Cows

During the severe thunder storm of Sabbath night, lightning struck and killed seven cows belonging to Robert E. Thomson, a well known farmer residing on Coulter Brook.

Bovina Men Breaks Finger

Robert Hunt had his little finger broken in two places, while cranking the auto truck belonging to the Dry Milk Company.