Monday, May 15, 2017

May 1917 - 100 Years Ago "In That Thriving Town"

The Andes Recorder 100 years ago this month reported yet another runaway team of horses, while William Sloan and Mary Ackerly were facing health issues. Harold Smith and Joshua Hafele both purchased vehicles.

May 4, 1917
·         James E. Hastings has purchased a Globe silo.
·         Harold Smith has purchased an International truck.
·         William O. Sloan was operated upon Thursday at his home at Hamden for appendicitis.  He is a son of David Sloan, formerly of Bovina.

May 11, 1917
·         Estate of John Ruff, late of Bovina, estimated at $2,000 personal and $200 real.  Property goes to his daughter and at her death to her children.
·         The team of Frank Graham took fright Tuesday morning at the Bovina Center Creamery and ran away.  At Elliott Thomson’s blacksmith shop they collided with a buckboard wagon but continued on their way and ran in back of Alex Myer’s residence and then tried to climb the steep bank but could not make it and were caught.

May 18, 1917
·         Mrs. Eliza Barnhart is under the doctor’s care at the home of John Quinn, Lake Delaware.
·         William Rogers, who has spent the winter at his home in New York City, has returned to Lake Delaware.
·         Miss Jane Hilson has been re-elected principal and Miss Kathryn Reynolds primary teacher in the Center school.
·         Hale Elliott, of New Kingston, has rented rooms in Harvey C. Burgin’s house and will soon move thereto. He is a carpenter.
·         Mary, daughter of Mrs. Ackerly, who is employed at Fred Bramley’s, and who has been taking treatment for spinal trouble, has been taken to New York for further treatment and for a serious operation.

May 25, 1917
·         Joshua Hafele, on the Andrew G. Thomson farm, now drives a Ford car.
·         Mrs. Douglas Davdison and dauter, Mrs. William Storie, attended the pageant at Cornell the past week.

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