From the Andes Recorder
Three Bovina residents died in early November, two in Bovina and one in New York City. The gentleman who died in New York City, where he had gone for cancer treatment, was my great grandfather Jeremy Barnhart.
November 3, 1916
• J.T. Barnhart underwent an operation for a cancerous growth at a New York hospital last week.
• William Oliver and family and G.D. Miller and wife motored to Oneonta on Thursday in the former’s car.
• Mrs. Clark Hogaboom has sold her house at Lake Delaware to Charles A. Lee and will go to live with her sister in Greene County.
November 10, 1916
• William H. Maynard has leased his farm in upper Bovina to Chas Mauer, of Kortright.
• Miss Bessie Kinch, dauter of F.J. Kinch, on the Soper farm, was operated upon at 2 o’clock Thursday morning for appendicitis. She had been complaining for some time and when Dr. Whitcomb was called Wednesday he hurried her to the Neal hospital at Delhi.
• William R. Miller died at his home in Bovina Center, Thursday morning, November 9th, aged 62 years. He was born and had always resided in the town and had been in failing health for some time. He leaves a wife, a son, Frank T. Miller and a daughter, Mrs. Charles McPherson, both by a former marriage. Funeral will be held Saturday at one o’clock.
• Mrs. George Gladstone died early Monday morning, November 6, at the home of her son, C.S. Gladstone, on the homestead farm. She had been in failing health for two or three years. She was a daughter of the late Christopher Strangeway and was born in Bovina 74years ago. She leaves her husband and three sons. The youngest son died several years ago. The funeral was held Wednesday with the interment in the Center cemetery.
• Jeremy T. Barnhart died at the Post Graduate hospital in New York City on Monday, November 6, at the age of 49 years. He underwent an operation for cancer about two weeks previous to his death. He is survived by his wife who was Kate Miller, daughter of the late Michael Miller, and two sons and two daughters. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon from the United Presbyterian church with interment in the Center cemetery.
November 17, 1916
• The Bovina Center Co-Operative Creamery is now receiving milk four days a week.
November 24, 1916
• Thomas C. Strangeway has a new Dodge automobile.
• Oscar Felton is putting up a garage in which to house a new auto.
• Miss Shirley Miller has returned from visiting her brother at St. Paul, Minnesota.
• During the past year it cost Bovina $154.66 for support of its poor at the County Farm.
• Erastus Bramley has completed his work for Alex Hilson and is now employed at Ted Fuller’s.
• The first number of the entertainment course, a male quartet, was given last Thursday evening.
• Mrs. Robert A. Thomson, accompanied by Miss Calla Boggs, has spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Shaw, in Albany.
• Arthur Neish has resigned as herdsman on the Gerry estate and accepted a similar position on the Gayhead Gurensey Farms at Freehold, Greene county.
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