Life in Bovina 125 years ago, as reported in the pages of the Andes Recorder.
March 2, 1900
• John S. Hobbie arrived home Saturday.
• O.S. Nichols, of Delhi, was in town Friday.
• Joseph Raitt, of Walton is visiting in town.
• Frank Graham was in town from Andes Friday.
• A concert on the lecture course is to be given March 14.
• Alex Hilson and Albert Butts were at Delhi Saturday.
• Miss Mina Cooke came home from Colchester Saturday.
• Early Eckart has moved from W.A. Hoy’s house to Bloomville.
• William H. Maynard was at Binghamton the first of the week.
• Miss Anna More has bene visiting her sister, Mrs. John P. Dennis.
• Rev. A.M. Milligan will preach in the United Presbyterian church.
• William Richardson and wife contemplate a trip to Scotland next summer.
• W.L. White, M.A. Doig, John Hewitt and R.A. Thompson were at Delhi Saturday.
• Robert A. Thompson purchased a span of horses at the auction at Delhi Saturday.
• John C. Oliver has rented his farm to Wallace Smith and he takes possession March 1.
• John Thompson and family visited his brother, Elliott Thompson, the first of the week.
• Mrs. Thomas Gordon and Miss Nellie McNee were at William B. Scott’s Wautauga Falls Friday.
• March 16, 17 “Confidential Clerk” is to be rendered by home talent, under the management of Ed Hanlon.
• David J. Miller has decided that he needs a rest and next week will sell his dairy of cows. He will run young stock.
• E.C. Dean, Lizzie Blake, Hellen Dickson and Lillian Gemmel of Delhi were here Tuesday evening with Reb. A.E. Lord.
• Miss Lulu Jackson of Margaretville has been secured as teacher in the Primary department of the Centre school. School opened Monday.
• The lecture Tuesday evening on “With Scots, Soldiers and Indians of the Northwest” by Rev. A.E. Lord, of Delhi was a fine one and was listened to by a crowded house.
• Forsythe J. Campbell, son of James M. Campbell formerly a resident of this town and Miss Tressa M. Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Parker, were married at Burlington Flats, Otsego county, on Sunday February 11th.
Auction – D.J.Miller will offer for sale at Public Auction at his residence in Bovina at 10 o’clock a.m. on Wednesday March 7th the following property: 29 young Jersey cows, 4 two year old heifers, two year old bull, pair of mules also some farming and dairying implements and utensils. Terms, on all sums under $10 cash, over $10 a credit of six months on approved notes.
March 9, 1900
• Remember Confidential Clerk.
• John Hewitt was at Delhi Saturday.
• James Hastings was at Delhi Tuesday.
• George McNair arrived home Saturday.
• John Blair and wife visited at Delhi Saturday.
• G.D. Miller was at Roses Brook on Saturday.
• Barton Jackson was here Saturday from Andes.
• Rev. A.M. Milligan departed from town Thursday.
• O.S. Nichols was in town Wednesday from Delhi.
• James Robson and Peter McNair have traded horses.
• Miss Emma Campbell was a guest at Hamden last week.
• Joshua Hobbie and Fred Bramley were at Delhi Thursday.
• Douglas Davidson and family visited at Delancey last week.
• John and Peter Robson moved onto Thomas Hoy’s farm Friday.
• At David J. Miller’s auction Wednesday, cows averaged $28.
• David Liddle and Frank Gowanlock were at Andes Wednesday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Otis McCumber were at Mrs. Muller’s over Sabbath.
• Frank Kinch of Berry Brook, moved onto the old Soper farm Thursday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Elisha B. Maynard, of Hobart, were visitors here Tuesday.
• D.A. Oliver and daughter, Pearl, of Delancey were visitors here Saturday.
• Alex. Hilson is suffering with a severe cold an is unable to speak out loud.
• Edward Hall has moved from the old Soper farm to the Redmond hotel building at the Hook.
• George Miller, of Andes, was a guest of his brother, Gideon Miller, here on Sabbath.
• The Swedish Ladies’ Quartette will be at Strangeway’s Hall, Wednesday evening, March 14.
• Among those at Delhi Monday were G.D. Miller and wife, Walter McDivitt, Frank Miller and W.A. Hoy.
• Rev. A.M. Milligan preached an excellent sermon in the United Presbyterian church Sabbath morning.
• March 16, 17 “Confidential Clerk” is to be rendered by home talent, under the management of Ed Hanlon.
• Robert Aitken, who has been living on Thomas Hoy’s farm, has purchased George Salton’s farm in Terry Clove, and took possession March 1.
• James L. Coulter was at New York city last week and returned home on Saturday. He was there to meet Mr. Gerry in regard to building a hennery at Lake Delaware.
Confidential Clerk March 16 and 17. Benefit Bovina Ball Team.
Notice of Dissolution – Notice is here by given, that the partnership heretofore existing between James A. Gow and Lancelot Thompson, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent.
Dated, Bovina Centre, March 5, 1900. James A. Gow. Lancelot Thompson.
March 16, 1900
• Remember Confidential Clerk.
• Dr. Seacord was at Delhi Monday.
• Arthur Hoy was over at Andes Saturday.
• Orrin Reynolds went to Andes on Wednesday.
• W.T. Black was at the County Seat Wednesday.
• Barton Jackson was in town from Andes Monday.
• Peter and George McNair were over at Arena Monday.
• A.T. Strangeway purchased a cow at the Biggar sale.
• William Crosier and son, Harry, visited Delhi Tuesday.
• Abram Northrup, of Pepacton, was in town Wednesday.
• H. Johnson and James G. Seath were at Andes Monday.
• Richard Smith went to Walton on Monday to visit his sons.
• Confidential Clerk March 16 and 1. Benefit Bovina Ball Team.
• Wesley Miller and wife were at G.D. Miller’s this week from Oneonta.
• Fred Scheller has moved from John R. Hoy’s tenement house to Oxford.
• Alex. Hilson is still unable to speak out loud and appears to get no better.
• John Irvine, Alex. Thomson, W.G. McNee and F.R. Coulter were at the County Seat Tuesday.
• A great many are suffering with colds. One feature of the them seems to be severe hoarseness.
• Mr. Thomas and wife, of Walton, have been visiting John R. Hoy’s and other relatives in town.
• Next Tuesday Commissioners Gow and Ostrander will begin the apportionment of the school monies.
• March 16, 17 “Confidential Clerk” is to be rendered by home talent, under the management of Ed Hanlon.
• A crowded house greeted the Swedish Ladies Quartette Wednesday night and only words of praise are heard in regard to it.
• William T. Black, John Blair, James Forman and Elliott Thompson attended the meeting of the Republican County Committee at Delhi last Friday evening.
Following their Father’s Footsteps
Bovina, March 12, 1900
In memory of the teachings and enterprise of their father, who made the woolen mills a success, Thomas and H. Johnson keep the wheels arolling. They have just had placed in their mills a new feed mill and a cob crusher purchased of Munson Brothers of Utica and is doing as good work if not better than any mill in the county. James G. Seath, traveler, was the millwright. S.
March 23, 1900
• Stanley Bishop was here on Sabbath from Delhi.
• Edwin J. Scott is at Delhi this week as ajuryman.
• Mr. and Mrs. G.D. Miller were at Delhi Monday.
• John Elliott, of Glenburnie, was in this place Tuesday.
• J.K.P. Jackson, of Margaretville, was seen in town Tuesday.
• Dr. Schumann was up from Delhi on professional business Wednesday.
• Alex Hilson is now unable to speak on account of continued hoarseness.
• Mrs. Richard Thompson and Miss Mayme Liddle, of Andes, were here over Sabbath.
• Commissioner Gow is at Delhi this week making the apportionment of the school monies.
• S.G. Bramley, George McNair, Ward Coulter, George Robinson and James D. Mitchell were among those at the County Seat Monday.
• A good house greeted the Confidential Clerk at Strangeway’s Hall, Friday and Saturday evenings and all were pleased with the play. Hanlen’s Irish songs took well. The receipts were over $50.
• Some of our young people will work as follows this season: Leslie McNee at W.B. Thomson’s, Nellie McNee for J.W. Coulter, Nellie Myers at Jeremy Barnhart’s, and Gertie Robertson for William T. Miller.
• James Coulter, son of Francis Coulter Coulter Brook, died Tuesday with pneumonia, aged 26 years. He was at Margaretville Saturday and Saturday night he and his wife were at the Centre. On the way home he was taken with a chill and when they reached home he was unconscious. The disease has a fast hold on him and death came after an illness of less than three days. The funeral was held Thursday, at 11 o’clock. He was married five years ago March 20, on which anniversary he died.
March 30, 1900
• G.D. Miller was at Bloomville Friday.
• Thomas Archibald was at Delhi Saturday.
• David Oliver made a trip to Andes Friday.
• David Bekin, of Kortright, was here Saturday.
• Dr. Barnard was here Tuesday yanking teeth.
• Isaac Samuels was here on Tuesday from Andes.
• Marion Robertson visited the County Seat Friday.
• W.L. White and Peter Robson were at Delhi Friday.
• School Commissioner Gow was over at Andes Wednesday.
• Blair Hoy, of Walton, has been visiting relatives in town.
• O.S. Nichols was in town Tuesday on insurance business.
• Wednesday cows at J.D. Mitchell’s sale averaged about $28.
• William L. White and Elmer Close were over at Andes Saturday.
• Wesley Miller and wife have been here from Oneonta this week.
• Richard Smith returned from visiting his sons at Walton on Friday.
• Mort Case is moving from the Aitkin house into the old Stott coopershop.
• Robert Biggar was at Andes Saturday. Joshua Hobbie was there on Monday.
• John Muir, of Stamford, and Daniel Ceas, of Bloomville, were in town on Tuesday.
• Drs. Wight, Schuman and Scott were in town on Sabbath, on professional business.
• Elmer E. Hastings and E.G. Gladstone and their wives visited the County Seat last Thursday.
• William Mungle, Sr., has been here on a visit. He was one of the boys who wore the blue from ’61 to ’65.
• Everett McPherson, of this town, and Martha Wood, of Livingston Manor, were married at Albany, March 14.
• Madison McFarland, who has been living in Delhi, has engaged with Chas Gorsch at Margaretville to run his mill.
• Saturday Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson returned from Margaretville, where they have been for some time.
• Mr. and Mrs. G.D. Miller have received an invitation to attend the marriage of a daughter of Thomas Downie at Cleveland, Oh.
• The widow of James Coulter, who died last week with pneumonia, is very low with the same disease, as is also his brother, Walter.
• At a meeting of the directors of the Hobart bank, John Olmstead was elected director to succeed the late Archie Maynard of this town.
• William Winter died Friday with bright’s disease, in the Platekill, aged about 70 years. Rev. W.L.C. Samson officiated at the funeral which was held Monday. Interment in the Bovina Centre cemetery.
• While on his way to Almeda Friday R.A. Thompson upset with a load of milk. Just as he went out of the woods on Leech mountain the wagon slewed around on a piece of ice and landed in the ditch, spilling 10 or 11 cans of milk and smashing one wheel of almost a new wagon.