Thursday, March 31, 2022

This Day in Bovina for March 2022

Ninety-six years ago today, on March 1, 1926, "D.C. Worden, who purchased the Methodist church some time ago commenced tearing it down…."  [Andes Recorder] He had purchased the building in the fall of 1921.  It was used for a time for roller skating before Worden finally demolished it, using the materials to build a barn on his farm. The church was built in 1849 and used until the congregation disbanded around 1915.  It stood across from the community hall.


Elizabeth Archibald Elliott died 167 years ago today on March 2, 1855. Born in 1832, she was the daughter of Robert Archibald and Elizabeth Hamilton. She married Thomas Elliott in February 1854. That November, she gave birth to her only child, a daughter Elizabeth. The child survived her mother by less than a year, dying in January 1856. Mother and daughter are buried next to each other in the Bovina Cemetery. Thomas remarried in 1858 and died in 1910.


Amanda Burgin died 154 years ago today, on March 3, 1868.  The daughter of Stephen Seacord and Abigail Canfield, she was married to Homer C. Burgin in 1849.  She had four children and was 37 years old at her death.  Amanda is buried in the Bovina Cemetery.


Ninety-nine years ago today, on March 4, 1923, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "Miss Margaret Hoy, one of the oldest residents of Bovina, died on Sabbath, March 4, at the home of her nephew, Arthur Hoy, where she had lived since her health failed a year or so ago, so that she could not live alone.  She was the last of her generation and was born in Bovina 85 years ago and had always resided in the town.  The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, from the United Presbyterian church, of which she was one of the oldest members."


144 years ago today, on March 5, 1878, the following letter appeared in the Andes Recorder: "Messrs Editors: - It is some time since I have written to the Recorder, but having good will to all men, I wish to occupy a brief space in your columns to show your readers that Brushland is still in a prosperous condition, owing, first, to the fact that we have no liquor license; second, we can’t get a license; third, we don’t want a license, consequently we are a sober, industrious people."


178 years ago today, March 6, 1844, a letter from Bovina was written to Mr. Gatchell, a temperance lecturer, from "a drunkard's wife."   The letter was later published in the Washingtonian, a temperance newspaper from Hudson, NY. The article published with the letter noted that the letter had "the genuine, unsophisticated feelings of a heart rejoicing because of the disenthrallment of her husband from the iron bondage of alcohol…how encouraging to the friends of temperance to know that such instances are daily occurring." The article went on to say that "many a wife's heart is made to rejoice when the news reaches her that her husband has signed the pledge; a new hope springs up in her bosom, and 'dreams of bright days to come,' when under the influence of temperance, her home, hitherto cheerless and desolate, shall be glad and happy." The letter read as follows: "Dear Sir-I take my pen in hand to inform you that we are in good health at present, hoping by the blessing of God that you are enjoying the same. All those that signed the pledge when you were here have not put on the fetters again. My husband has become truly pious, which is a great comfort to me. I hope that we shall gain our second independence. Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so early beset us. I am sensibly rejoiced at your success in Bovina and Delhi. I hope that you will continue to take pity on the distressed. I have no other way to express my gratitude at present but my hearty thanks."


D.J. Miller held an auction 122 years ago today, March 7, 1900.  The advertisement for the auction appeared in the Andes Recorder as follows: "D.J.Miller will offer for sale at Public Auction at his residence in Bovina at 10 o’clock a.m. on Wednesday March 7th the following property: 29 young Jersey cows, 4 two-year-old heifers, two-year-old bull, pair of mules also some farming and dairying implements and utensils.  Terms, on all sums under $10 cash, over $10 a credit of six months on approved notes." This farm was on Miller Avenue in the Bramley Mountain area and likely was the ancestral farm of his grandfather, also known as David Miller.


127 years ago today, March 8, 1895, the Bovina correspondent for the Andes Recorder reported what he felt was disturbing news:  "We understand that W.T. Black is talking of selling his farm, we hope it is a false report.  The town of Bovina cannot afford to lose such a man.  He is an honor to the town. Lives an honest, honorable life, respected by everyone.  The best Supervisor we have had in office for years and hope to have him hold the office for the next fifteen years if he lives to see that day.  The echo of the whole town of Bovina." Black went on later that year to build a new barn on the property and continued to farm but gave up being town supervisor.  He ran in 1900 successfully for Delaware County Clerk and sold his farm to John Irvine, the father of Isabell Russell.  Black and his wife settled in Delhi after he became County Clerk.


Seventy-seven years ago today, the March 9, 1945, edition of the Catskill Mountain News reported that "Local Farmers Win Top Milk Production Honors." The Dairy Herd Improvement association awarded “honor roll diplomas” for the year ending June 30, 1944, to farmers whose herds averaged more than 350 pounds of butterfat per cow per year. In third place was Bovina’s Benson LaFever, with 415 pounds of butterfat from his Jersey herd.  Two other Bovina farmers who had more than 350 pounds average were James Briggs and Millard Russell.


The Bovina United Presbyterian Church Session met 154 years ago today, March 10, 1868.  The main topic of discussion was “The subject of promiscuous dancing…"  The pastor was instructed by the session "to warn the Congregation that intelligence has reached Session that a violation of the rules of the church in this matter has been made, and that hereafter Session will deal with offenders for said violation."


Eighty-four years ago, the Andes Recorder in its March 11, 1938, issue, reported that "Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gerry, Jr of New York and Lake Delaware, have gone to Aiken, South Carolina, to occupy Green Shingles for the season."


Ninety-nine years ago, as later reported in the Andes Recorder "Sloan Archibald and his wife and Mrs. Douglas Davidson spent Monday [March 12, 1923] with their aunt, Miss Jennie Miller who is a ‘shut in’ at the Butt End.”  Sloan's wife was the former Jennette Hoy (1859-1942).  Her sister was Margaret Jane Hoy (1866-1936), the wife of Douglass Davidson.  Margaret would be widowed about seven months later.  Jennette's and Margaret's aunt would live another two years, dying in 1925.


107 years ago, "Mrs. Margaret Palmer, who has been visiting her brother, George Gladstone, returned Saturday (March 13, 1915) to her home in Andes.” Mrs. Palmer was the widow of Roman Palmer of Bovina, who was killed in the Civil War in 1864.


One hundred and nine years ago today, the March 14, 1913, issue of the Andes Recorder reported in its Bovina column that "The roads are in very bad condition, the bottom, so to speak, having dropped out in many places."


One hundred and ten years ago, the Andes Recorder Lake Delaware correspondent reported in its March 15, 1912 edition that "The superintendent at the Lake is very good to his help, even letting them take the farm teams to dances, parties and even other things. It is tough on the horses, however, to be out all night and then have to draw a load from Delhi the next day, and it has told on some of them."


John B. Dunn was born 190 years ago today, March 16, 1832, the son of John Dunn and Elizabeth Doig.  He became a minister, serving as pastor in East Greenwich, New York.  He died at the age of 29 in 1862 and is buried in the old Associate Presbyterian Church Cemetery at Reinertsen Hill Road.


Ninety-four years ago, as later reported in the Andes Recorder: “The team of Harold Campbell took fright at the creamery Saturday morning [March 17, 1928] and ran away.  They collided with the bridge before reaching the street and left the wagon.  The team continued to run and went up the steep embankment at the Hilson house and into the fields and stopped.  The damage was not great.”


Vera Lillian Davidson was born 131 years ago today, March 18, 1891.  She was the daughter of Douglass Davidson and Margaret Hoy.  She would be joined by two brothers, John George (1893-96) and Howard Fletcher (1895-1987).  Vera later went to Cornell and Stanford Universities and married Bill Storie in 1915.  Vera was widowed in 1963 and passed away in 1967. 

Photo by Bob Wyer, dated November 1943


Drusella Clauson was born 208 years ago today on March 19, 1814, the daughter of James Clauson and Sarah Eldridge.  Born in Maine, she married Benjamin Tuttle (1811-1891) in Bovina around 1834.  They had six children.  Drusella died in 1879 and is buried in Bovina.


109 years ago today, on March 20, 1913, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "many streams were overflowing their banks and two bridges on the road above John Blair’s are under water." The road above John Blair's probably was the Miller Avenue area on Bramley Mountain.


109 years ago, the March 21, 1913, issue of the Andes Recorder reported in its Bovina column two challenges facing the town.  The first involved the main road through town, now County Route 6:  "The frost heaved the State road in several places."  The other challenge involved the Bovina creamery. The Recorder’s correspondent also noted that because of the lack of an extra boiler, "the Dry Milk plant is being run night and day."


139 years ago today, on March 22, 1883, the Bovina Town Board met to deal with the fact that David Black, who had been elected Supervisor the previous month had refused the accept the office.  The minutes of that meeting reported how the issue was resolved:  "We the undersigned Justices of Peace of said town pursuant to section 61 and 57 article 3 Title 3 Chapter 11 Vol. 1 of the Revised Statutes of the State of New York hereby appoint Alexander F. Storie of said town to be supervisor of said town.”


154 years ago today, March 23, 1868, Jane Maynard died in Bovina at the age of 70.  Born in New York City, she married Isaac F. Maynard, the son of one of Bovina's earliest settlers, Elisha B. Maynard.  Jane would have five children, including Judge Isaac H. Maynard.  Her husband survived her by eight years, dying in 1876. Both are buried in Bovina.


Sixty-nine years ago, the Catskill Mountain News reported in its Bovina column in the March 24, 1953 edition that "Robert Burns, Robert Boggs and Cedric Kittle all had televisions installed in their homes the past week."


Eighty-four years ago, the Andes Recorder for March 25, 1938, reported that "Alex Hilson, a student at University of Minnesota, is home for a vacation. His uncle, James Hilson, met him at Utica."


232 years ago today, on March 26, 1790, Thomas Winter was born in Northumberland, England, the son of John Winter and Betty Allen.  He married Isabella Turnbull in Northumberland.  They settled in New Kingston, and both died the same year, 1857.  Isabella died in June and Thomas in December.  Thomas was 67 at his death and is buried in the Bovina Cemetery.


Sixty years ago today, on March 27, 1962, Bob Wyer took this passport photo of Sophie Reinertsen. She had this photo taken in preparation for a trip to Norway she took in May 1962 to visit relatives.


Eighty-two years ago today, the Lake Delaware column of the Delaware Republican for March 28, 1940, reported that "Peggy Mabon has recovered from Scarlet Fever and her sister Vallory, who became sick with the disease last week, is also recovering, having had the disease lightly." Valarie and Margaret were the daughters of William Mabon and Elizabeth McDivitt Mabon.


110 years ago today, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "J.B. Gordon, who has the contract to build the State road from Thomas C. Strangeway’s to the Center, was here Friday, March 29, 1912, to make arrangements to begin work. He has hired the barn on the Jennie Miller place below the village of Henry Campbell, and the foreman will be here next Monday and fit it up with bunks for the Italians. Work on the road will be begun about May 1." The state road in question is present County Route 6. Thomas Strangeway's place was on present Route 28, about where Bread Fellows is now located.


Eighty-two years ago, on March 30, 1940, Marjorie Russell and Rae Storie arrived in Bovina to spend the spring recess with their parents.  Marjorie and Rae were students at Muskingum College in New Concord, Ohio.  Marjorie was a junior and Rae a freshman. They returned to Ohio on April 7.


111 years ago today, the Andes Recorder in its March 31, 1911, issue, noted that "John A. Irvine and James E. Hastings, two of Bovina's progressive farmers, have had acetylene gas plants installed and will light their farm-houses with gas.  They will also use the light [for their] barns."  The Irvine farm was on Coulter Brook (later known as the Elms Farms) and Hastings was on County Route 6, the farm that later became the Damgaard place. 



Sunday, March 20, 2022

Bovina Celebrates the Bicentennial of the United States, II

In July 2016, I posted on this blog some photos from July 24, 1976 when Bovina celebrated the nation's Bicentennial. 

I've recently 're-discovered' some prints that Hugh Lee's family gave me and realized I had never shared them. So here are some great black and white shots from that day forty-six years ago this summer.

Isabell and Cecil Russell on John Mueller's truck.

Jonathan Lee (I think)

Left to right: Abby Brannen, Ira McIntosh, Molly Brannen in the carriage, Carol Brannen, Kim McIntosh, Shana McIntosh being held by Carol McIntosh.

Bovina Fire Department

Bovina Fire Department

Ron Russell and, I think, Peter Haran

Thursday, March 10, 2022

March 1922 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"

Here's what was happening in Bovina 100 years ago this month, as reported in the Andes Recorder:

March 3, 1922

A Hamden home talent play is to be given here Friday evening.

Robert Smith has moved to Delhi, and has a position at the County Sanitarium

Lee Lent, the cheese maker, is at his home in Treadwell for a few days.  Walter Wilson commenced work at the cheese room Wednesday.

Clarence Lee, son of John B. Lee of this town, was operated upon in the hospital at Oneonta last week.  While serving overseas in the world he was gassed and instead of affecting the lungs it caused troubles of the bowels and the operation was undertaken as a last resort. [Sadly, Clarence died on April 28.]

Bovina Farm House Damaged

The farmhouse of Christopher S. Gladstone was damaged by fire Tuesday afternoon.  During the forenoon the chimney had burned out.  Soon afternoon while the men folks were at work a short distanced from the house they saw fire coming through the roof around the chimney.  By prompt use of water and with the aid of neighbors summoned by telephone, the fire was put out before the much damage was done.  Had the wind been in the opposite direction nothing could have saved the house.

March 10, 1922

Mrs. William Armstrong is ill with tonsillitis.

Daniel Franklin was in town the first of the week.

Alex Myers is redecorating the ceiling in Hilson Bros store.

Mrs. Lancelot Thomson has been ill the past week with the grip.

Homer Burgin is now attending the Agricultural School at Delhi.

Fletcher Davidson is installing electric lights in the United Presbyterian church.

Hilson Brothers have their Brockaway truck in running order again after a thorough overhauling.

John Van Valkenburg, of Roxbury, was here the last of the week plastering the cheese room at the creamery.

Two men from Bainbridge were here this week, crating up some of the stuff in the Dry Milk plant and shipping it.

March 17, 1922

The concert of musical held here last Friday evening, bringing to a close the series of singing lessons, was largely attended.

Bovina leads the county on the roll of honor in membership in the Farm Bureau with 102 members.  Last year there were only 23 members in town.

Jean Muller has sold what is known as the S.G. Bramley farm on the Bloomville road to a Mr. Arnold form Pennsylvania, and the new owners are now there.

March 24, 1922

Miss Hannah Coulter has moved from the small house on the former Lauren hotel property, to one of Will Hoy’s tenant house.

Nelson Reynolds commenced work on the re-modeling of the house of Fred Thomson, on the old Methodist parsonage lot, this week.

Nelson Siring is building the cellar and foundation walls under James Ackerley’s house, which he recently purchased and is re-modeling.

Thomas C. Strangeway, who recently completed a new house on the former Lauren property, has torn down the house, which was one of the old landmarks of the village. [This was once the Secord hotel, active in the mid-19th century.]

March 31, 1922

Sloan Archibald has been on the sick list the past week.

Thomas C. Strangeway was on a business trip to Dayton, Ohio, the past week.

Douglas Davison was called to Franklin this week by the death of his brother.

John Northrup has rented the Margaret Hoy farm and will soon move to it from the village.