One hundred years ago today, on September 1, 1918, as later reported in the Delaware Republican Bovina column, "a number of patriotic citizens of this place observed the first gasless Sunday by driving their horses to church instead of their automobiles." The paper also noted that "few pleasure cars passed through" town and that "most car owners tried to be patriotic and avoided the unnecessary pleasure trip on that day." The first World War still was raging and though there was no official gas rationing, efforts like this were ways people could "do their part."
Deliah Sprague Bailey, wife of Jacob Bailey, died 138 years ago today on September 2, 1870 at the age of 60. She was the mother of six children. Her husband survived her by less than two months, dying October 28, 1870.
Arnold Schneider was born in Bovina on Christmas Day 1909, the first child of Emil and Margaretha (Butler) Schneider. He grew up on the family farm on Coulter Brook Road and was joined by brothers Edward and Carl and his little sister, Lillian (who would later marry Alex Hilson). Arnold was a veteran of World War II, serving from 1942 to 1945. He received the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign medal. This image by Bob Wyer was taken only days after his official discharge in June 1945. Arnold married Mary Rose and settled in Endicott. He died suddenly in 1961 in Elmira as the result of a heart attack. Image courtesy of the Delaware County Historical Association.

Darius Adee, the son of Samuel Adee and Sarah Bloomer, died 173 years ago today, September 4, 1845. Born in Connecticut in 1793, he was married to Harriett Jewell. They would have 11 children. His youngest child, Mary, was just shy of the age of one at his death, the eldest, Samuel, was 25. His widow survived him for 36 years, dying in 1881 at the age of 84.
Seventy-four years ago today, on September 5, 1944, as later reported in the Bovina column of the Delaware Republican-Express, "the trembling of the earth was felt early Tuesday morning by many people."
138 years ago today, on September 6, 1880, as later reported in the Stamford Mirror, J.B. Hastings, T.H. Lee, James Black and W.P. Miller left home to attend Hamilton College…." James Blair Hastings (1860-1920) was the son of Thomas E. Hastings and Jane S. Blair. He eventually settled in Cape May, NJ, where he was the mayor. T.H. Lee likely was the son of Rev. James B. Lee and James Black probably was the son of Rev. John Black. I have yet to determine who W.P. Miller is.
Seventy-nine years ago today, on September 7, 1939, the Bovina column of the Delaware Republican reported that "Mrs. W.J. Storie and daughter, Rae, Mr. Craig Banuat and Miss Mary Banuat, returned last Wednesday from their trip to California. They were away nearly six weeks."
133 years ago, on September 8, 1885, the Stamford Mirror reported that "James Coulter has a squad of men at work rebuilding the mill dam that was carried away by the high-water last spring. Pretty late for the young boys to try their bathing suits."
107 years ago today, the September 9, 1911 Andes Recorder reported in its Bovina column that "The rains of the past week have filled the springs much to the relief of those who have had to draw water for domestic use."
Ferris Todd was born in Delhi in March 1921. He started farming at an early age. In 1945, he was married to Wilhelmina Sellhorn. Together, they purchased a farm in Bovina. For some time, they combined dairy farming with a summer resort. After their barn burned down in 1972, they moved to Perry, NY and farmed there until retirement. They spent their last years in Delhi. This Bob Wyer photo of Ferris was taken a few months before his marriage to Wilhelmina in May 1945. Wilhelmina died in 2001. Ferris died at the age of 85 in 2007. They are both buried in the Bovina cemetery. Image courtesy of the Delaware County Historical Association.

134 years ago today, on September 11, 1884, the Stamford Mirror reported that "Quite a number of our citizens went to the Delhi fair today…" The paper also noted that "those who remained at home were favored with a fine view of the balloon as it passed over the town, north of Brushland about 4 p.m."
Ninety-nine years ago today, the September 12, 1919 Bovina column of the Andes Recorder reported that "the weeds and brush is being cut in the old cemetery above the Center." This probably is referring to the old Associate Presbyterian Church at Reinertsen Hill Road.
117 years ago today, the September 13, 1901 Andes Recorder reported on the attempt to make the new 'uptown' creamery in Bovina one that would operate only six days a week: "'Six days shalt thou labor and do all they work' to be exemplified by the new co-operative creamery company of Bovina (the upper one) a majority of the stockholders having signed an agreement to make the plant a six day creamery. Bovina is noted for its strong Sabbath observance sentiment and practice, but such a rule as has been adopted at the 'Butt-end' creamery is the first on record so far as our knowledge goes and is to be commended. Of course some will sneer and wag their heads but these people believe that they can care for the Saturday night’s and Sunday morning’s milk to their own advantage at their homes on Monday, and they are going to risk it anyway may success attend them." Ultimately, they were unable to do this and operated seven days a week.
Ninety years ago today, on September 14, 1928, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "The gross receipts of the hot dog roast … under auspices of the V.I.S. were $35."
Fifty-two years ago today, September 15, 1966, the Bovina column of the Delaware Republican-Express reported that "Arthur Russell attended the State Exposition at Syracuse and spent some time in the Adirondacks during his vacation." This photo of Art was taken by Bob Wyer in May 1951. Photo courtesy of the Delaware County Historical Association.

This photograph of Rev. Stanley McMaster was taken in September 1951 by Bob Wyer. He was the pastor of the Bovina United Presbyterian Church when this picture was taken. Born in 1922 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, McMaster served in the British Army in World War II. In 1948, he emigrated to the United States. For over three years, he was the pastor in Bovina. He left the Bovina church in 1953 to become a US Army chaplain. Stanley served as a chaplain for thirty years, serving at army bases in the U.S. and overseas. Stanley died in 2012 at the age of 90 in California. Image courtesy of the Delaware County Historical Association.

105 years ago today, on September 17, 1913, Helen Dennis died at her home in Bovina Center. The Andes Recorder reported that "death was due to chronic myocarditis…" She had lived in Bovina all her life, the daughter of Thomas Dennis.
Ninety-two years ago today, September 18, 1926, as later reported in the Arena column of the Stamford Mirror, "The young ladies of Arena crossed bats with the young ladies of Bovina….. Unfortunately, Arena was defeated."
122 years ago today, on September 19, 1896, Lois Jane and Lloyd Boggs Ormiston were born, twins of Thomas J. Ormiston and Margaret E. Boggs. Lois married Fletcher Davidson in 1921 and would have seven children, of whom four made it to adulthood - Jane (1922-1955), Ed (born 1923), Alan (1925-2004), and Richard (born 1930). Lois died in 1976 at the age of 79. Lloyd never married and predeceased his sister, dying in Walton in 1971. Lois and Lloyd are both buried in Bovina.
Paul Furhmann arrived in Bovina ninety-seven years ago today, September 20, 1921. He had recently purchased the farm of W.G. McDivitt on Coulter Brook Road. The house was on a side road off Coulter Brook not far from Seedorf Road. The house was destroyed in a fire in the 1960s.
100 years ago today, the September 21, 1918 issue of the New Berlin Gazette reported that "The Bovina Dry Milk Company is loading several cars of milk to be consigned to the British government. This company has leased the Bovina Center Co-operative creamery for a year."
Fifty-two years ago today, the Bovina column of the September 22, 1966 Delaware Republican-Express reported that "Many of our young people have left or will be leaving in a few days for college. Lee Archibald is at Rocky Mountain College; Miss Jean Damgaard at Susquehanna University; Miss Joan Damgaard, Keuka College; Miss Louise Wilkens, Russell Sage College; Walter Wilkens, old Dominion College; Miss Judy Chase, State University College at Potsdam; Byron Trimbell, G.E. Technical Training School; Lynell (sic) Trimbell, Alfred Technical Institute; Howard B. LaFever, Clarkson College; John LaFever, New York State Agricultural and Technical Institute at Canton; Thomas Hoy, Cornell University; Jack Robson, Auburn Community College; Miss Clair Easley, Ulster County Community College; Miss Dorothy Bolduc, Central City Business Institute; Miss Christine Hilson, Culver-Stockton College; Miss Norma Reinertsen, State University College at Oneonta; Robert McIntosh, Albany Business College; Edward Hall, Orange County Community College."
155 years ago today, on September 23, 1863, Esther Lull was paid as a teacher in Bovina District Number 11 (Coulter Brook). Here's the receipt for the payment. Esther was born in 1847, the daughter of William Lull and Martha M. Bell. She never married but was a teacher for some time, living with various siblings. In 1880 she was living in New Jersey with her brother Andrew. In the 1905 census she back in Bovina, living with her sister Mary Bramley but by 1910 was back in New Jersey, residing with her nephew Herbert Hoffman. In 1920 she was living with her sister Martha Hoffman in Camden, NJ.

102 years ago today, on September 24, 1916, Mrs. John Elliott died. As later reported in the Andes Recorder, she had been in New York city the previous month for a cancer operation "but with no beneficial results." She was brought back to Bovina the evening before she died. She was born Ella Squires in New Kingston and was 55 years old. She was survived by four children - William (1883-1956), James (1888-1969), Hale (1890-1980), and Emily (1887-1966).
107 years ago day, on September 25, 1911, Miss Henrietta McPherson died at the home of Elmer Harrington near Dunraven. A native of Bovina, the Andes Recorder noted that "last spring she was injured by a fall and never fully recovered." The daughter of Alexander and Eliza McPherson, she was 87 (though the Recorder reported her age as 90). Her funeral was held in the Bovina Methodist Church, with burial in the Bovina Cemetery.
135 years ago today, on September 26, 1883, as later reported in the Stamford Mirror, "A valuable horse, belonging to John Hilson, was found dead in the stable…."
G.D. Miller was showing off a good-sized cluster of black raspberries of unusual size ninety-nine years ago today, on September 27, 1919.
The girls got the upper hand over the boys in a ball game played in Bovina 123 years ago today on September 28, 1895. The girls won by a score of 32 to 27.
Tom and Helen Wallis lived on the Gerry estate, where Tom was the estate manager for a number of years. Mr. Wallis was born in 1901 in Clarksburg, West Virginia. Mrs. Wallis was born Helen Corcoran in Brooklyn in 1903. They had a son, Tom Jr in 1924. Tom's photo was taken by Bob Wyer in November 1942. Helen's picture was taken in December 1943. Tom died in 1980, his wife the following year. Images courtesy of Delaware County Historical Association.

Civil War Veteran John R. Hoy died 117 years ago today, on September 30, 1901. The son of James Hoy and Elizabeth Robertson Hoy, he married Isabella Wilson Miller in 1854. They had eight children, including David Fletcher Hoy (1863-1930), who was the registrar at Cornell University and created the Bovina Families genealogy files that I still use today in researching families in Bovina. Two of John's daughters, Mary Isabella and, after her death, Margaret Jane would marry Douglass Davidson. Margaret was the mother of Fletcher Davidson.
Deliah Sprague Bailey, wife of Jacob Bailey, died 138 years ago today on September 2, 1870 at the age of 60. She was the mother of six children. Her husband survived her by less than two months, dying October 28, 1870.
Arnold Schneider was born in Bovina on Christmas Day 1909, the first child of Emil and Margaretha (Butler) Schneider. He grew up on the family farm on Coulter Brook Road and was joined by brothers Edward and Carl and his little sister, Lillian (who would later marry Alex Hilson). Arnold was a veteran of World War II, serving from 1942 to 1945. He received the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign medal. This image by Bob Wyer was taken only days after his official discharge in June 1945. Arnold married Mary Rose and settled in Endicott. He died suddenly in 1961 in Elmira as the result of a heart attack. Image courtesy of the Delaware County Historical Association.

Darius Adee, the son of Samuel Adee and Sarah Bloomer, died 173 years ago today, September 4, 1845. Born in Connecticut in 1793, he was married to Harriett Jewell. They would have 11 children. His youngest child, Mary, was just shy of the age of one at his death, the eldest, Samuel, was 25. His widow survived him for 36 years, dying in 1881 at the age of 84.
Seventy-four years ago today, on September 5, 1944, as later reported in the Bovina column of the Delaware Republican-Express, "the trembling of the earth was felt early Tuesday morning by many people."
138 years ago today, on September 6, 1880, as later reported in the Stamford Mirror, J.B. Hastings, T.H. Lee, James Black and W.P. Miller left home to attend Hamilton College…." James Blair Hastings (1860-1920) was the son of Thomas E. Hastings and Jane S. Blair. He eventually settled in Cape May, NJ, where he was the mayor. T.H. Lee likely was the son of Rev. James B. Lee and James Black probably was the son of Rev. John Black. I have yet to determine who W.P. Miller is.
Seventy-nine years ago today, on September 7, 1939, the Bovina column of the Delaware Republican reported that "Mrs. W.J. Storie and daughter, Rae, Mr. Craig Banuat and Miss Mary Banuat, returned last Wednesday from their trip to California. They were away nearly six weeks."
133 years ago, on September 8, 1885, the Stamford Mirror reported that "James Coulter has a squad of men at work rebuilding the mill dam that was carried away by the high-water last spring. Pretty late for the young boys to try their bathing suits."
107 years ago today, the September 9, 1911 Andes Recorder reported in its Bovina column that "The rains of the past week have filled the springs much to the relief of those who have had to draw water for domestic use."
Ferris Todd was born in Delhi in March 1921. He started farming at an early age. In 1945, he was married to Wilhelmina Sellhorn. Together, they purchased a farm in Bovina. For some time, they combined dairy farming with a summer resort. After their barn burned down in 1972, they moved to Perry, NY and farmed there until retirement. They spent their last years in Delhi. This Bob Wyer photo of Ferris was taken a few months before his marriage to Wilhelmina in May 1945. Wilhelmina died in 2001. Ferris died at the age of 85 in 2007. They are both buried in the Bovina cemetery. Image courtesy of the Delaware County Historical Association.

134 years ago today, on September 11, 1884, the Stamford Mirror reported that "Quite a number of our citizens went to the Delhi fair today…" The paper also noted that "those who remained at home were favored with a fine view of the balloon as it passed over the town, north of Brushland about 4 p.m."
Ninety-nine years ago today, the September 12, 1919 Bovina column of the Andes Recorder reported that "the weeds and brush is being cut in the old cemetery above the Center." This probably is referring to the old Associate Presbyterian Church at Reinertsen Hill Road.
117 years ago today, the September 13, 1901 Andes Recorder reported on the attempt to make the new 'uptown' creamery in Bovina one that would operate only six days a week: "'Six days shalt thou labor and do all they work' to be exemplified by the new co-operative creamery company of Bovina (the upper one) a majority of the stockholders having signed an agreement to make the plant a six day creamery. Bovina is noted for its strong Sabbath observance sentiment and practice, but such a rule as has been adopted at the 'Butt-end' creamery is the first on record so far as our knowledge goes and is to be commended. Of course some will sneer and wag their heads but these people believe that they can care for the Saturday night’s and Sunday morning’s milk to their own advantage at their homes on Monday, and they are going to risk it anyway may success attend them." Ultimately, they were unable to do this and operated seven days a week.
Ninety years ago today, on September 14, 1928, as later reported in the Andes Recorder, "The gross receipts of the hot dog roast … under auspices of the V.I.S. were $35."
Fifty-two years ago today, September 15, 1966, the Bovina column of the Delaware Republican-Express reported that "Arthur Russell attended the State Exposition at Syracuse and spent some time in the Adirondacks during his vacation." This photo of Art was taken by Bob Wyer in May 1951. Photo courtesy of the Delaware County Historical Association.

This photograph of Rev. Stanley McMaster was taken in September 1951 by Bob Wyer. He was the pastor of the Bovina United Presbyterian Church when this picture was taken. Born in 1922 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, McMaster served in the British Army in World War II. In 1948, he emigrated to the United States. For over three years, he was the pastor in Bovina. He left the Bovina church in 1953 to become a US Army chaplain. Stanley served as a chaplain for thirty years, serving at army bases in the U.S. and overseas. Stanley died in 2012 at the age of 90 in California. Image courtesy of the Delaware County Historical Association.

105 years ago today, on September 17, 1913, Helen Dennis died at her home in Bovina Center. The Andes Recorder reported that "death was due to chronic myocarditis…" She had lived in Bovina all her life, the daughter of Thomas Dennis.
Ninety-two years ago today, September 18, 1926, as later reported in the Arena column of the Stamford Mirror, "The young ladies of Arena crossed bats with the young ladies of Bovina….. Unfortunately, Arena was defeated."
122 years ago today, on September 19, 1896, Lois Jane and Lloyd Boggs Ormiston were born, twins of Thomas J. Ormiston and Margaret E. Boggs. Lois married Fletcher Davidson in 1921 and would have seven children, of whom four made it to adulthood - Jane (1922-1955), Ed (born 1923), Alan (1925-2004), and Richard (born 1930). Lois died in 1976 at the age of 79. Lloyd never married and predeceased his sister, dying in Walton in 1971. Lois and Lloyd are both buried in Bovina.
Paul Furhmann arrived in Bovina ninety-seven years ago today, September 20, 1921. He had recently purchased the farm of W.G. McDivitt on Coulter Brook Road. The house was on a side road off Coulter Brook not far from Seedorf Road. The house was destroyed in a fire in the 1960s.
100 years ago today, the September 21, 1918 issue of the New Berlin Gazette reported that "The Bovina Dry Milk Company is loading several cars of milk to be consigned to the British government. This company has leased the Bovina Center Co-operative creamery for a year."
Fifty-two years ago today, the Bovina column of the September 22, 1966 Delaware Republican-Express reported that "Many of our young people have left or will be leaving in a few days for college. Lee Archibald is at Rocky Mountain College; Miss Jean Damgaard at Susquehanna University; Miss Joan Damgaard, Keuka College; Miss Louise Wilkens, Russell Sage College; Walter Wilkens, old Dominion College; Miss Judy Chase, State University College at Potsdam; Byron Trimbell, G.E. Technical Training School; Lynell (sic) Trimbell, Alfred Technical Institute; Howard B. LaFever, Clarkson College; John LaFever, New York State Agricultural and Technical Institute at Canton; Thomas Hoy, Cornell University; Jack Robson, Auburn Community College; Miss Clair Easley, Ulster County Community College; Miss Dorothy Bolduc, Central City Business Institute; Miss Christine Hilson, Culver-Stockton College; Miss Norma Reinertsen, State University College at Oneonta; Robert McIntosh, Albany Business College; Edward Hall, Orange County Community College."
155 years ago today, on September 23, 1863, Esther Lull was paid as a teacher in Bovina District Number 11 (Coulter Brook). Here's the receipt for the payment. Esther was born in 1847, the daughter of William Lull and Martha M. Bell. She never married but was a teacher for some time, living with various siblings. In 1880 she was living in New Jersey with her brother Andrew. In the 1905 census she back in Bovina, living with her sister Mary Bramley but by 1910 was back in New Jersey, residing with her nephew Herbert Hoffman. In 1920 she was living with her sister Martha Hoffman in Camden, NJ.

102 years ago today, on September 24, 1916, Mrs. John Elliott died. As later reported in the Andes Recorder, she had been in New York city the previous month for a cancer operation "but with no beneficial results." She was brought back to Bovina the evening before she died. She was born Ella Squires in New Kingston and was 55 years old. She was survived by four children - William (1883-1956), James (1888-1969), Hale (1890-1980), and Emily (1887-1966).
107 years ago day, on September 25, 1911, Miss Henrietta McPherson died at the home of Elmer Harrington near Dunraven. A native of Bovina, the Andes Recorder noted that "last spring she was injured by a fall and never fully recovered." The daughter of Alexander and Eliza McPherson, she was 87 (though the Recorder reported her age as 90). Her funeral was held in the Bovina Methodist Church, with burial in the Bovina Cemetery.
135 years ago today, on September 26, 1883, as later reported in the Stamford Mirror, "A valuable horse, belonging to John Hilson, was found dead in the stable…."
G.D. Miller was showing off a good-sized cluster of black raspberries of unusual size ninety-nine years ago today, on September 27, 1919.
The girls got the upper hand over the boys in a ball game played in Bovina 123 years ago today on September 28, 1895. The girls won by a score of 32 to 27.
Tom and Helen Wallis lived on the Gerry estate, where Tom was the estate manager for a number of years. Mr. Wallis was born in 1901 in Clarksburg, West Virginia. Mrs. Wallis was born Helen Corcoran in Brooklyn in 1903. They had a son, Tom Jr in 1924. Tom's photo was taken by Bob Wyer in November 1942. Helen's picture was taken in December 1943. Tom died in 1980, his wife the following year. Images courtesy of Delaware County Historical Association.

Civil War Veteran John R. Hoy died 117 years ago today, on September 30, 1901. The son of James Hoy and Elizabeth Robertson Hoy, he married Isabella Wilson Miller in 1854. They had eight children, including David Fletcher Hoy (1863-1930), who was the registrar at Cornell University and created the Bovina Families genealogy files that I still use today in researching families in Bovina. Two of John's daughters, Mary Isabella and, after her death, Margaret Jane would marry Douglass Davidson. Margaret was the mother of Fletcher Davidson.