Life in Bovina 125 years ago, January 1900, from the Bovina correspondent for the Andes Recorder.
January 5, 1900
• Thomas H. Liddle was in town Friday.
• G.D. Miller was at Andes the first of the week.
• Simeon Goodman was here Friday from Andes.
• James A. Gow is sexton of the United Presbyterian church.
• William C. Black and Thomas Miller were at Delhi Friday.
• The truant officer has commenced going the rounds of schools.
• Rev. T.M. Slater and wife have returned from Sterling Valley.
• Mrs. D.J. Miller and Jennie Campbell were at Walton Saturday. [Mrs. Miller was the former Elizabeth Campbell and was the sister of Jennie.]
• Mrs. Malcolm McNaught, of Hamden, has been visiting relatives here. [I think this is Mary Alice Doig, who was born in 1856 and died in 1945.]
• Mrs. Andrew Anderson, of Andes, has been visiting relatives recently.
• William S. Thomson and Fred Bramley were at the County Seat Saturday.
• Mrs. Nettie Donnally, of Davenport, has been visiting her father, D.L. Thompson. [Nettie was born Agnes Janet Thompson, daughter of David Lowe Thompson and Eliza Murray. She was married in 1884 and widowed 4 years later. She survived her husband by over 50 years, dying in 1951 at the age of 96.]
• The offering in the United Presbyterian church for the last quarter of 1899 were $194.17.
• Frank Liddle was here on Thursday with a load of lumber for James A. Gow’s new barn.
• At the annual meeting of the United Presbyterian congregation, Robert Doig and W.B. Smith were elected trustees.
• Monday, James L. Ormiston and his mother, Mrs. James Ormiston, started for Glencoe, Maryland, where Mrs. Ormiston will remain all winter with her son, Thomas.
• Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson entertained the G.A.R.’s and their wives last Friday evening in a right royal manner. The culinary part under the supervision of Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Charles Boggs, from the turkey down through the bill of fare, made the veterans look happy, and the host and hostess have the tanks of the participants.
The annual meeting of the Bovina Co-operative Fire Insurance Company will be held at Strangeway’s Hall, Bovina Centre on Tuesday, January 9, 1900 at 1 o’clock for the election of directors and such other business as may come before the meeting.
R.F. Thomson, Sec. Bovina Centre, Dec 20, 1899
January 12, 1900
• Peter McNair was at Andes Saturday.
• William T. Black was down at Delhi Saturday.
• W.L. White was at the County Seat Thursday.
• Frank Gowanlock visited Delhi on Wednesday.
• John W. Blair and wife were at Delhi on Monday.
• William B. Scott and wife were here on Sabbath.
• John E. Gladstone has been visiting in town recently.
• James Taylor and daughter were in town Wednesday.
• Colfax Livingstone has been a guest at Rev. Samson’s.
• Putting in ice has been the order of the day the past week.
• There was a checker play at James Gow’s Wednesday evening.
• Mrs. Maggie Palmer, of Walton has been visiting relatives here.
• John Irvine has been drawing lumber for an addition to his barn.
• Born in Walton, January 2, to Mr. and MRs. John Doig, a daughter.
• F.R. Coulter, Fred Bramley and Herman Coulter were at Andes Tuesday.
• Miss Nellie Butts, a former teacher in the Centre school, has been visiting in town.
• William More and wife and W.J. Doig and wife visited Margaretville on Saturday.
• The next lecture in the course will be given by J. Williams Macy, January 16th. Admission 25 cents.
• Alex. Hilson and Thomas Hastings were at the County Seat Wednesday evening attending a railroad meeting.
• J.L. Coulter and E. George Gladstone have the job of putting up Commissioner Gow’s and John Irvine’s new barns.
• Rev. R.T. Doig, who is a native of this town, has been pastor of the West Kortright United Presbyterian congregation for 31 years and has taken few vacations. He now finds that he must take a little rest or quit entirely.
• At the meeting of the Town Insurance Company Tuesday, William Richardson was chosen chairman, and Alex Burns, secretary. Michael Miller was elected president and Robert F. Thomson secretary. John R. Hoy, James W. Coulter and B.S. Miller were reelected directors.
• Mrs. John Downie was buried here Saturday. She died at the home of her sone, James, near Oneonta, last Tuesday. She was 67 years old and was stricken with paralysis several weeks ago. Her maiden name was Mary A. Scott, and she was the daughter of Jas Scott who lived on Roses Brook. It is over twenty years since she resided in this town.
Death Record for 1899
The following are the deaths in the town of Bovina during the past year:
Anna Burgin, age 7
Violet Johnson, age 67
Thomas H. Smith, age 81
Angia Robson, age 2 ½
Thomas H. Luddington, age 72
Ettie Archibald, age 28
Jane Stott, age 65
John W. Bramley, age 81
Margaret Bramley, age 74
Margaret A. Bramley, age 30
Nancy Erkson, age 80
There has been 15 births and 5 marriages during the year.
January 19, 1900
• John G. Russell was at Delhi Friday.
• David Oliver visited Andes Saturday.
• Alex Anderson has been visiting in town.
• Joseph Raitt has been in town this week.
• D.C. Worden now drives a span of mules.
• David Muir, of Andes, was seen in town Monday.
• Three foxes were shot in town Monday by our hunters.
• E.J. Graham and sister were here Saturday from Andes.
• Alex. Hilson and Albert Butts were at Bloomville Monday.
• Jackson & Mason’s team was here Tuesday with furniture.
• Mrs. Newal and daughters have been visiting at G.D. Miller’s
• William Crosier and G.D. Miller were at Roses Brook Saturday.
• William Armstrong and Douglas McCune were at Delhi Saturday.
• Mrs. Otis McCumber and Serena Connor were at Mrs. Muller’s Tuesday.
• It is stated that John McCune will teach the Centre school next term.
• William L. White and Orrin Reynolds visited the County Seat Saturday.
• F.C. Armstrong and William Richardson were down at the County Seat Monday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Crosier and William S. Thomson were among those at Delhi Monday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson, of Walton, were visitors in town the first of the week.
• John Blair and wife, Adam Laidlaw and Emma Campbell attended the entertainment at Delhi last week. [In 1902, Adam and Emma would be married. They were the parents of Margaret Laidlaw Hoy, who was the Bovina town clerk in the 40s-70s.]
• The road down the mountain has been repaired recently by the commissioner of the town of Stamford.
• Rose and Walter Barrett and Margaret Archibald attended the teachers’ examinations at Stamford last week.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doig, of Walton, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Russell, Saturday. [Mrs. Doig was Alice Russell. She married Robert Doig in 1897.]
• The session has appointed William Maynard, superintendent and James L. Coulter, secretary and treasurer of the United Presbyterian Sabbath School.
• Last Thursday and Friday Commissioner Gow held his first examinations at Stamford, and 88 teachers were in attendance. This week he is at Margaretville holding training class examinations.
• The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be dispensed in the United Presbyterian church on the next Sabbath, the 21st Preparatory services will be held on Thursday and Friday evenings and on Saturday at 1:30.
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gowanlock entertained the old soldiers Wednesday evening. The inner man was satisfied by a fine lay out, cooked and served in a right royal manner by Mrs. Gowanlock and Mrs. Charles Boggs.
January 26, 1900
• Frank Myers arrived in town Tuesday.
• Wilson Raitt went to Walton Monday.
• Miss Alice Oliver visited at Delhi on Tuesday.
• Oliver Dickson was up from Delhi on Tuesday.
• Ad Maxwell and Mr. Hagadorn were in town Friday.
• Considerable of the taxes remain uncollected in town.
• Fred Young, of Kortright, arrived in this place Thursday.
• G.D. Miller went to Pennsylvania Monday on a business trip.
• Bertha Phyfe went to Delhi the first of the week to attend regents’.
• William D. Thompson, the hardware agent, was in town Wednesday.
• John P. Dennis and William J. Doig were at the County Seat Monday.
• Thomas Barrett is moving from Alex Hoy’s house to a farm in Kortright.
• A young people’s party was held at Marion Robertson’s Wednesday evening.
• John G. Russell, John W. Storie and William Russell were at Delhi on Tuesday.
• Everett McPherson arrived in town Friday. His horse died on Saturday night.
• Colfax Livingstone, of Chicago, who has been visiting in town, left for his home Monday.
• A number of students from this town were at Andes this week trying Regents’ examinations.
• School in the Coulter Brook district will finish Monday. In the Centre school will close on Tuesday.
• Among those at Delhi on Saturday were William L. White, Charles Palmer, William Russell and William S. Thomson.
• Harrison A. Gladstone of Andes, who worked for John M. Campbell last season, has hired to work for him again this season.
• John S. Hobbie is in Delhi, having returned from his western trip. He was ill with typhoid fever at Binghamton for two months. [John, born in 1838, the son of Joshua Knapp Hobbie and Sara Reynolds, died in Fulton, NY in 1908.]
• Five members were added to the United Presbyterian church at the communion services on Sabbath; three by certificate and two by profession of faith.
• We learn that Rev. Acton Civill formerly pastor of Bovina M.E. church has entirely recovered from a serious mental difficulty the result of overwork and is now engaged in his former work at Mt. Kisco, Westchester Co. [It was reported in the November 10, 1899 Andes Recorder that Rev. Civill had attempted suicide by throwing himself on the railroad tracks in Mount Kisco. He was sent to the Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane for about 2 months.]
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