Thursday, August 22, 2024

A Week with Bovina People - August 1899 - 125 Years ago from the Andes Recorder

Here’s what was happening in Bovina 125 years ago, August 1899, from the pages of the Andes Recorder.

August 4, 1899

John Muir was in town Thursday.

William Ruff was at Delhi Monday.

John E. Gladstone arrived in town Monday.

Miss Mae Hall has returned from a visit at Stamford.

Hugh Rose, of Roses Brook, was in this place Thursday.

Bert McNair and lady were here on Monday from Andes.

John G. Bramley, of Jordon, N.Y., is visiting his parents.

Tuesday parties from Hobart picnicked at Livingston’s Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert D. Miller visited at Andes on Wednesday.

Alexander Myers is busy painting Albert McPherson’s new house.

Robert King and wife, of Unadilla, were guests in town over Sabbath.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tuttle, of Andes, were visitors here on Monday.

Frank Myers visited his son Alexander here last Thursday and Friday.

Edwin and James L. Coulter were among those at Delhi Tuesday.

William Mabon and cousin, Miss Clara Mabon, were in town on Monday.

David A. Oliver and wife, of Delancey, visited in town last Thursday and Friday.

Robert Thompson and Marion Robertson are selling their milk.  William Armstrong is drawing it.

Mrs. Charles Arbuckle, son and daughter, of Newark, New Jersey, arrived in town Thursday for a few weeks visit.

It is expected that Charlie Arbuckle of Newark, New Jersey, will preach at Lake Delaware next Sabbath evening.

Rev. W.L.C. Samson started Tuesday morning for his vacation and will be absent three Sabbaths. There will be preaching each Sabbath. 

Peter McNair got somewhat bruised and cut about the face by being thrown out of the wagon and striking on his head and shoulders recently.

At the school meeting in this village Tuesday evening Thomas Gordon was elected trustee, E. George Gladstone, clerk, and B.S. Miller, collector.

Mr. Greenberg, Missionary for the Reformed Presbyterian church of the Covenant to Israel, lectured in the United Presbyterian church Sabbath evening. 

August 10, 1899

Marshall Scott was at Delhi Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Thomson were at Delhi on Tuesday.

George Hughes and family were visitors in this place on Tuesday.

Robert R. and Ed Gladstone of Andes, were in town on Saturday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hoy, Tuesday, August 8, a son.

Albert Scutt and daughter Clara visited friends in town over Sabbath.

G.D. Miller and wife started for Cleveland, Ohio, Monday for a visit.

Rev. W.P. Miller and family, of Dayton, Ohio, are visiting relatives in this vicinity.

Adam Scott and wife, of Garrattsville, were guests at Thomas Miller’s over Sabbath.

Among those in town Thursday were James Gladstone, of Andes, and Frank Dickson of Little Delaware.

Thomas Lee and family, of Haverstraw, arrived in town Saturday and are stopping at Thomas Miller’s.

Rev. Marvin Thomson preached in the United Presbyterian church last Sabbath. Next Sabbath Rev. W.P. Miller will preach there.

There was a lawsuit in town Thursday, plaintiff George Fuller and defendant Robert Hazelett, of Meredith.  It was over some horse deal.

Judd Boice, of Lake Delaware, was arrested Monday evening and sent to jail.  It appears that he felt wronged in a horse deal, and being somewhat noisy he was taken up.

Another Bovina Boy Getting Up the Ladder of Fame.

Rev. J. Beveridge Lee, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Bloomfield, N.J., returned form the Adirondacks for Sunday and preached morning and evening in the Madison Avenue Presbyterian church. After morning service he was waited upon by a committee from the Immanuel Presbyterian church of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who was presented a call from that congregation. Immanuel church desires Mr. Lee’s ministrations, has over 700 members and pays a salary of $5,000 and is the foremost Presbyterian church in the State. Mr. Lee has many friends in this city having been once sought as pastor of the Madison avenue Presbyterian church where for eight years he has been on the list of summer supplies. When questioned by the Argus reporter regarding his intentions Mr. Lee said he had not attempted to form a judgment as yet, and it would be impossible to forecast his decision. He returned yesterday to the Adirondacks. – Albany Argus.

August 18, 1899

William T. Black was down at Delhi Thursday.

Willliam Cummings was in this place Thursday.

David Oliver and B.S. Miller were at Andes Monday.

Thomas H. Liddle was in town recently from Andes.

George Miller, of Andes, visited his brother Gideon, here Saturday.

Alexander Hilson returned Saturday from a business trip to Scranton.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Bramley Wednesday, August 9, a son.

Andrew Seacord and William Armstrong were at Delhi Friday last.

At the auction of Thomas H. Luddington’s effects things sold readily and at reasonable prices.

Miss Margaret Gilchrist will teach Primary department of the village school the ensuing year.

Owing to the absence of Rev. H.F. Brown there was no preaching in the Methodist church on Sabbath.

Mrs. William Dennis and son, Joseph Dennis and wife, of Walton, were guests at John P. Dennis’ the past week. 

Carrie Scott has hired in the Maynard district; Elizabeth Strangeway on Pink street; William Hastings at Lake Delaware.

Rev. W.P. Miller preached, Sabbath in the United Presbyterian church from 1 Chronicle 21:22 and 28. Rev. Gordon will preach next Sabbath.

Mrs. Agnes Telford has purchased a granite sarcophagus monument of Woodburn & Smyth to be erected in the cemetery here in memory of her husband, the late Dr. Telford.

The Republican caucus Saturday did not last over fifteen minutes. William T. Black was chosen chairman and John A. Irvine, secretary. James A. Gow was given power to name the delegates and elected James Forman and Peter McNair as delegates to Hobart, and William Archibald and Edwin C. Burgin to the County Convention. 

August 25, 1899

Hugh Adair was in town Friday.

David Liddle was at Delhi Thursday.

Ward Coulter was over at Andes on Thursday.

James Gladstone was over from Andes Thursday.

Cora McFadden was a guest at John R. Hoy’s this week.

Quite a number in town have sold their dairies of butter.

William Liddle and wife, of Andes, were visitors here Monday.

Gideon Miller has traded his horse with W.A. Hoy for a black.

Frank Chamberlain and Alexander Liddle were here on Thursday.

Andrew Anderson of Andes, was in this place Saturday.

Rev. Gordon preached on Sabbath from Psalm 73 and 25 and 26 verses.

Mrs. Thomas Scott and daughter, of Walton, have been visiting in town.

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Scott, of Hobart, have been visiting relatives here.

Miss Jane Stott arrived in town Saturday from Hamden.  She is in poor health.

Mrs. Alfred Strong and Miss Anna Bell Thomson were up from Delhi on Saturday.

Dennis Brothers took their poultry to Margaretville fair.  New week they go to Shavertown.

Thomas Gordon is putting an addition on his house.  John R. Hoy is doing the carpenter work.

At the ball game Saturday between Bovina and Arena the score stood 13 to one in favor of Bovina.

Rev. Samson returned home Monday evening. William Hastings also arrived home the same evening.

Last week the John W. Aitkin farm was sold to J.M. Olmstead, of Hobart; the mortgagee, who has since sold the farm to William Ward, of New Kingston.

We learn that Thomas Ormiston has rented his farm for a year and will go to Baltimore County, Maryland, to have charge of a herd of 300 registered Jerseys.

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