Sunday, April 21, 2024

A Week with Bovina People - April 1899 - 125 Years ago from the Andes Recorder

Here’s what was happening in Bovina 125 years ago, April 1899, from the pages of the Andes Recorder.

April 7, 1899

Albert Butts was over at Bloomville Saturday.
Rev. H.F. Brown started for conference Monday.
John S. Hobbie was at the County Seat Thursday.
David A. Oliver, of Delancey, was in town Monday.
Rev. Slater expects to be absent two or three months.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Hastings visited Delhi Friday.
Arthur Hoy smiles all over these days. It is a boy. [The boy was Clarence Hoy, born March 22. His mother was Janet Currie. Clarence died in 1981.]
Last Thursday John Roney was in town from Andes.
J.K. McDivitt, of Andes, was in this place Tuesday evening.
Henry Thomson and daughter were up from Delhi Monday.
Earley Eckart has hired to William L. White for the season.
Misses Jennie and Emma Campbell were home over Sabbath.
Dr. Huyck, of Treadwell, passed through this place on Sabbath.
J. Barker, the new mail carrier, commenced to carry the mail Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Miller were at G.D. Miller’s last week from Oneonta.
Rev. W.L.C. Samson attended the meeting of Presbytery at Rock Rift on Tuesday.
Rev. and Mrs. J.B. Pollock, of New Kingston, were visitors here the fore part of the week.
A Missionary sociable was held on Wednesday evening in the United Presbyterian church parlors. The features of the sociable were addresses, recitations, singing, etc., and an enjoyable evening was spent. A collection was taken and the receipts amounted about $37.
The United Presbyterian church in this place probably stands at the head in the amount of money given for missions. From the envelopes sent out to the members in which to return their offerings, $679 was received. Besides this some was raised last fall and the Sabbath School raised far more than do many churches.

April 14, 1899

David Oliver was at Delancey Friday.
John Ferguson, of Delhi, was in this place Monday.
Alfred Strong and wife were in town Friday from Delhi.
Mr. [Charles] Archer, the ex mail carrier is going to move into the village.
Alex. Hilson has sold his cream separator and engine to Frank Graham.
Henry Irvine is seriously ill at the home of his son in law, W.T. Black.
Thomas C. Strangeway was a guest at Malcolm McNaught’s at Delancey last week.
D.L. Thompson fell on the sidewalk Friday night and put his shoulder out of joint.
Mrs. John G. Russell, Mrs. Duncan Campbell and Mrs. Richard Smith have been visiting at Walton.
William A. Liddle, wife and daughter, of Andes, renewed old acquaintances in town last Friday.
During this season John B. Lee will draw the milk from the Ludington hollow and vicinity to Delhi.
Andrew Doig moved his family and household goods back to this place last week from Bellefontaine, Ohio.
We are informed that the Reformed Presbyterian church is to undergo repairs during the next two months.
Miss Louise Dennis and Mrs. G.D. Miller went to New York city Monday on the Ontario & Western excursion.
Mrs. David Ferguson was buried in Bovina cemetery Wednesday.  She formerly lived at Livingston’s Lake, where her husband ran a grist mill. 
Mrs. Rachael Rutherford, widow of the late William Rutherford, who lived in the upper part of this town, died last week at the home of her brother, Jonathan White, in Bettys Brook.
The selection of Frank McPherson, of this town, as bookkeeper in the bank at Delhi is a deserved compliment and shows the wisdom of those in charge.

April 21, 1899

Thomas Dennis was at Delhi on Friday.
Monday, William L. Ruff was down at Delhi.
Everett McPherson visited Delhi on Tuesday.
Robert Biggar was over at Andes on Thursday.
Thomas Gordon was at the County Seat on Saturday.
Rev. Brown arrived home the latter part of last week.
The school in the Centre re-opened again on Monday.
Mrs. Richard Smith arrived home on Saturday from Walton.
There will be preaching at Lake Delaware Sabbath evening.
Miss Jennie E. Miller has returned from a visit to Oil City, Pa.
School Commissioner Hugh Adair was in this place last Wednesday.
Francis Graham was guest of Captain Hymers at Delancey recently.
George Elliott and Clifford Benjamin were in town Saturday from Andes.
Miss Louisa Dennis and Mrs. G.D. Miller returned from New York City Friday.
David Sloan, who went West about eight years ago, arrived home again on Saturday.
William C. Russell arrived home last Friday from court. He was the one of the jurors on the Meredith suit.
M.V. Teller, who instructed the Bovina Band when it was organized, has been taken to the Binghamton asylum. [Martin V. Teller was active organizing the band in the early 1890s, but started having mental issues later in the decade. He first went to the asylum in 1897. It seems the problem was related, in part, to alcohol. He likely stayed in the asylum the rest of his life – he died in Binghamton in 1904.]
By the will of the late Mrs. William Rutherford, Mrs. William Ruff receives $1,000 and the two children, Minnie and Lula Ruff, $500 each. [Mrs. Rutherford was the former Rachel White. Mrs. Ruff was the former Anna M. White. If the two women were related, I haven’t yet worked out how.]
William Mason has been appointed [sentence missing] E.T. Gerry will pay him $50 extra, or that much more than the office yields, out of his own pocket. 

April 28, 1899

James Monroe was at Delhi on Monday.
William L. White was at Walton on Friday.
John Dennis was down at Delhi on Friday.
Thomas Rich was in this vicinity last Thursday.
David Ballantine, of Andes was in town on Friday.
Walter McDivitt and Charles Thomson visited Andes on Sabbath.
Bert Armstrong and sister were in this place last Thursday from Andes.
David Oliver, Albert Butts and William J. Doig were all at Andes Tuesday.
William T. Black and Dr. Andrew C. Seacord were over at Andes the first of the week.
Among those over at Andes on Saturday were, James Russell, James A. Liddle and William Palmer.
John Lunn, of Margaretville, arrived in town Friday to visit his daughters, Mrs. Forrest and Mrs. Storie. 
The carpenters are pushing the work right along on John McCune’s new house and will soon have it completed.
The Misses Chisholm are having some alterations made to their house.  E. George Gladstone and Thomas Miller are doing the job. [This is now the home of Roger Robson in the hamlet, next to Brushland Eating House.]
Archie Maynard has been staking out the ground for his new carriage house, which is be built next fall and James. L. Coulter will be the boss carpenter.
David Finkle, of Lake Delaware, has been suffering for several months with sciatic rheumatism and through the kindness of Mr. Gerry he will receive treatment in a New York hospital.
The annual convention of the W.C.T.U. [Woman’s Christian Temperance Union] of Delaware county will be held at Bovina Centre, May 8 and 9. Mrs. Ella Boole, state president, will be the speaker of the convention. Mrs. Thos. Miller is chairman of the entertainment committee. [Mrs. Boole was a major player in the temperance movement. She later became head of the National W.C.T.U., serving from 1931 until 1947. She also ran on the Prohibition Party line for the U.S. Senate seat from New York in 1920, getting 7% of the vote. She died at the age of 93 in 1952. Mrs. Miller likely was Jane Elliott, the third wife of Thomas Miller (1826-1911).]

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