139 years ago today, on May 1, 1882, 13-year-old Jane Isabell Boggs died. She was the daughter of Thomas R. Boggs and Jane Archibald.
Monday, May 31, 2021
This Day in Bovina for May 2021
139 years ago today, on May 1, 1882, 13-year-old Jane Isabell Boggs died. She was the daughter of Thomas R. Boggs and Jane Archibald.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
The Burns' Farm in Pictures
Back in the early 1990s, Agnes Burns donated a set of glass plate negatives to the Delaware County Historical Association. The images likely were taken by her grandfather, Alexander Burns or her grandmother, Nancy Miller Burns. It's possible her father, John also took these. None of the images are dated, but a couple of clues point to the first decade of the 20th century.
Most of the images were taken on the Burns family farm at the end of Crescent Valley Road and now the home of Mike and Heidi Gogins. Alex was the third generation Burns to have the farm. His grandfather, Moses Burns, was the first settler on the farm, coming at the start of the 19th century. Moses died young. He was 31 when he killed while helping to build a house in Bovina. The farm went to his son John, who, unlike his father, lived to a ripe old age, dying in 1896 at the age of 89.
Some of these images have been shared before in other venues. One of the best known is this shot of Alex and Nancy's daughter, Aggie, feeding various fowl:
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And here are two images of them with a cow. In the lower image, my grandfather told me that they were pretending the cow is a telephone |
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I don't know all the people in this shot, but the gentleman to the left with a pipe in his mouth likely is Alex Burns. |
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Here's the tractor being used to put hay in a silo. Before electricity came to rural areas, farmers in the early 20th century often used tractors to supply power for functions like this. |
The Burns continued to use more traditional methods however, including this horse drawn reaper. That's Alex to the left and his son John sitting on the reaper.
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Monday, May 10, 2021
May 1921 - 100 Years Ago in "That Thriving Town"
A century ago in Bovina, the Andes Recorder reported on farms being sold (at least once incorrectly) and common school district election for trustees.
May 6, 1921
• Lancelot Thomson has resigned the office of town assessor.
• David G. Currie has been appointed town clerk for Bovina to succeed the late Thomas Gordon.
• William S. Thomson has sold his farm on Coulter Brook and the new owner is already in possession.
• The name of the party to whom Wm. M. Johnston sold his farm, located in the upper part of Bovina, is R.E. Parsons, and he says “we are good old Connecticut Yankees.”
Bovina School Officials
Elected at Annual Meetings Held on Tuesday Evening
Below is the result of school meetings held Tuesday evening in the town of Bovina, so far as heard from:
• Bovina Center – John Hilson, trustee; John McCune, clerk; David Currie collector.
• Coulter Brook – Fine Hunt, trustee, Milton Doig, clerk, Robert E. Thomson, collector.
• Butt End – Thos Archibald, trustee; Charles McPherson, clerk; Walter Wilson, collector.
• Maynard district – John Burns, trustee; Rema Hobbie, clerk; Alex Thomson, collector.
• Dist No 9 – Harry McCumber, trustee; Alex Kelsey, clerk
• Armstrong district – George Forman, trustee; Ted Fuller, collector
• Pink Street – John Storie, trustee; John Thomson, clerk; Wm. T. Miller, collector.
• E.L. Coulter district – C.B. Hoolihan, trustee
May 13, 1921
• Mrs. Lucy Coulter has had her lawn graded.
• James Ackerly is moving to Harry Robson’s house.
• Mrs. Thomas Gordon was a County Seat visitor Tuesday.
• Mrs. Ida Burgin is ill with rheumatism and under doctor’s care.
• Harry Robson took the Dry Milk truck to Bainbridge this week.
• John McCune is at Delhi in charge of the grading of the new high school grounds.
• Mrs. A.H. Russell is in Oneonta hospital taking treatment for an abscess back of her eye.
• Fred Thomson has moved from part of G.D. Miller’s house to the Hilson house adjoining the store.
• Mr. and Mrs. Herman Joslin have moved into the Lake cottage and will board the Gerry farm help.
• Roscoe Brown is the newly elected trustee at the “Hook”. Earl Fisk is clerk and John Quinn, collector.
• Elmer Thomson, who is cashier of a bank on Long Island, spent a few days the past week with his father, John G. Thomson.
• Miss Louise Dennis was taken ill Tuesday with intestinal indigestion and altho a little improved is under the doctor’s care.
• Frank Rupert, who last week bid in John M. Miller farm, has moved back to it from Delhi. John Miller, who failed to make a go of it, has moved to the tenant house on the former Albert McPherson farm, and will work for Ted Fuller.
Bovina Blacksmith to Leave
B.C. Morrison, who for the past year has rented the blacksmith shop of Elliott Thomson, has purchased the blacksmith business of Charles Gregory at Bloomville, and will move there next week. He was an excellent workman and Bovina is sorry to lose him.
Select School for Bovina
It a movement is on foot in Bovina to start a select school for student who are advanced enough to take high school work. About ten pupils can be secured.
May 20, 1921
• Ripe strawberries have been found the past week.
• It is now expected that Bovina may soon have a doctor.
• This place was visited by a severe frost Tuesday morning.
• Mr. Barnes has moved onto the Dickson place up Pink street.
• The reported sale of William S. Thomson’s farm proves to be untrue.
• Mrs. J. Kennedy Russell saw a deer last week just above their house near Lake Delaware.
• Mrs. Herman Sanford, of New Kingston, who has been caring for Louise Dennis, was taken ill and was taken home Wednesday. Mrs. Joseph Dennis, of Walton, is now caring for Miss Dennis.
• In order to provide more room for the choir at the United Presbyterian church the pulpit will be extended further into the body of the church and the front and probably the second row of pews removed.
May 27, 1921
• F.W. Hyatt has had a DeLaval Milking Machine installed.
• Wiliam McDivitt and wife have moved into William A. Hoy’s tenant house.
• Mrs. William T. Miller, Mrs. James Boggs and Mrs. James Calhoun were Oneonta visitors Tuesday.
• Mrs. Joseph Dennis returned to her home in Walton on Monday. Mrs. George Cable is caring for Miss Louise Dennis.
• David Liddle’s horse took fright at the creamery a few mornings since and ran to his home in the upper part of the village. [Note, Liddle's home was what is now my house.]
• Laurie Terry, who has been employed by his brother the past year in the garage, has gone to work on the Gerry estate at the Lake.
• Miss Nettie Doig has moved her household goods from a room at the old Doig farm at Tunis Lake and stored in the old Strangeway store.
• Mr. Wilson, of Delhi, has commenced making concrete blocks for Thos C. Strangeway. It is reported that Mr. Strangeway will build a new house.
• Miss Edith Liddle, who for a number of years has taught up Coulter Brook, has hired to teach for next school year in the Ed Coulter district.
• Sloan Archibald has had the Jennie Miller house, which he recently purchased, modernized by having a bath room fitted up and putting in stationary tubs and hot and cold water. [This is now the Dario and Briana Dario house.]
Bovina Man Takes a Wife
James Monroe, of upper Bovina, and Mrs. Julia Morrison, of Catskill, were married at Catskill, May 20. The newlyweds arrived at his home Monday and the boys gave them an old fashioned skimmelton.