Sunday, March 10, 2019

March 1919 - 100 Years Ago "in That Thriving Town"

In March 1919, a Bovina boy dies in Kansas and Thomas C. Strangeway sells his farm, moving into the Bovina Center hamlet.

March 7, 1919
  • The town of Bovina will receive $852.56 as its share of the automobile money.
  • George Cable, who had his foot injured several weeks ago with a cake of ice, is still unable to walk.
  • James Monroe is having his home up-town equipped with electric lights and will also run his milking machine by electricity.

Fine Bovina Farm Sold
            Thomas C. Strangeway has sold his 150-acre farm located on the state road in Bovina, to Charles A. McPherson, who will take possession April 1.  The sale includes 50 heard of stock and all the other personal property.  The farm is an excellent one and in a high state of cultivation.  The farm has been in the Strangeway family for 62 years, being purchased by Mr. Strangeway’s father in 1857.  Mr. Strangeway has not yet decided where he will locate.

Bovina Boy Dies in West
            Floyd Ruff, son of the late William L. Ruff, of Bovina, died in Kansas City this week and the remains arrived here Thursday evening.  He had been ill for several weeks and it is reported had been afflicted with influenza and measles and typhoid fever.  He had lived with his sister, Mrs. Chauncey McFarland, and only went west last fall. 

March 14, 1919
  • Patrolman Wm. Armsrong is cleaning out the ditches on the Bovina state road.
  • Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Boggs have gone to their son’s farm to assist in sugar making.
  • Albert Shuits has moved from the Dickson house in the Center ot the Jennie Miller place below the village.
  • Leon VanDusen, who has been with the 27th Division in France, arrived home Wednesday for a brief furlough.
  • Harvey Hafele has moved from the John Blair farm to the George Stott farm in Fall Clove, which he purchased last fall.  J.F. Brown has moved his family from Bloomville, to the Blair farm and will conduct it for Mr. Blair.
Bovina Property Sold
            Thos C. Strangeway, who recently sold his farm to Charles A. McPherson, has purchased the hotel property in Bovina Center, from William J. Crosier.  The consideration is $2,000.  This was formerly the Loughren property and is one of the landmarks of the village.  Mr. Strangeway will soon build a new modern house.

March 21, 1919
  • George Johnson and bride, who have been visiting his parents in upper Bovina, returned to Alberta, Canada the past week.
  • The Town engine, which has not been used in two years, was gotten out Monday and is undergoing necessary repairs.
March 28, 1919
  • The village school is to be closed for a vacation of two weeks.
  • William J. Crosier, who recently sold his hotel property , has rented the McCune house and will conduct his barber shop in the McCune store building.
  • About 60 neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Strangeway made them a surprise visit at their home last Wednesday evening, as a farewell before there removal to the village.
Gives Up Horse Shoeing

Elliott Thomson has rented his blacksmith shop building in Bovina Center to George Terry, who will use it for a garage.  Mr. Thomson will give up horse shoeing, but will continue to do repair work.  He has worked in the same shop for nearly 39 years.

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