Friday, January 25, 2019

Bovina Bicentennial Celebration, Update 1

This is the start of a monthly series about the upcoming Bovina Bicentennial Celebration in 2020. Here’s where we are at:

  • An ad-hoc committee met last year to brainstorm ideas for how to celebration our town’s 200th birthday.
  • The town of Bovina has put $1000 in my budget specifically as seed money to fund the 2020 celebration.
  • In the fall we launched a logo contest. Wendy Buerge, Rick Mills and Jack Burns served as judges and chose a design by Samantha Misa (design on top). We’ll be using it on anything related to the celebration. The judges also chose two other designs by Steve Burnett and Alexis Rockefeller (Chuck and Betty McIntosh’s granddaughter) to be used in other venues. Thanks to all who submitted designs. These will be displayed next summer on Bovina day (July 20).
  • I am working on having a poster made of the 1888 painting of Bovina Center to promote the celebration and as a fundraiser. Torkil Stavdal has graciously donated his time to photograph the painting for the poster. I will be applying for a Delaware County Tourism Promotion and Development Grant in February to help pay for the poster.
  • Chuck McIntosh has offered his auction skills to hold a pie auction to raise funds for the celebration. It will be on Bovina Day, July 20, 2019. A committee is being formed – if you are interested in being involved let me know.
  • Purple Mountain Press is going to publish my history of Bovina this year. Proceeds from the sales will go to the celebration.

The big celebration will take place the weekend of August 1 and 2, 2020. Details still need to be worked out, but I hope we can include a parade, town picnic and maybe fireworks. So mark your calendars and stay tuned for further developments.

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