Saturday, July 15, 2017

July 1917 - 100 Years Ago "In That Thriving Town"

Over the next few months, the Bovina column regularly reported on the health of Mrs. Robert G. Thomson. Mrs. Thomson, born Nelle Moore in Andes in 1884, was suffering from uterine cancer. As you will see through the rest of 1917, her health would not improve and she died in December.

July 6, 1917
·         The celebration of the Fourth commenced here Tuesday evening.
·         The R.P. church will hold a social at the Town Hall Friday evening.
·         Charles A. McPherson, on Bramley mountain, has purchased a Saxon six automobile.
·         Hale Elliott has purchased the Robert Hoy house and lot in the upper part of the village. [This is  now the home of Leonard and Ann Cairns.]
·         Robert Hunt and wife and Frank Miller and wife attended a picnic Tuesday at Eugene Storie’s.
·         Frank Kinch and family attended the Kinch family reunion held Wednesday at Oneonta, making  the trip in his new Ford car.

July 13, 1917
·         Thos Hoag had a good horse die Monday morning.
·         Ellsworth Tuttle has a new Ford car and will use it to haul his milk.
·         William S. Gordon has gone to James Mabon’s for the haying season.
·         Mrs. R.G. Thompson has been quite ill the past week but is improving.
·         Miss Bessie Kinch was in the village Tuesday with her new car. It is a Ford.
·         Mrs. Hale Elliott left today to spend a few days with her parents, Supt. And Mrs. L.R. Long, in  New Kingston.
·         John Benjamin spent the Fourth at Kingston and brought back several men to work for the  farmers in haying.
·         Dr. Whitcomb took Miss Freda Muller to New York Monday for medical treatment and perhaps  an operation on the throat for goiter.
·         Fred Govern, the little son of Mr. J.L. and Mrs. Govern, of New York, who are visiting here, fell  out of bed Saturday and cracked his collar bone.

Bovina Library Trustees
            At a meeting held at Firemans hall this week, Thomas Gordon, Andrew T. Doig and Walter G. Coulter, were appointed trustees of the Bovina Library Association.

July 20, 1917
·         H.A. Ayres has a new Ford auto.
·         Rev. Thomas E. Graham drives a new Ford car.
·         Mrs. Dickson, who has been quite ill, is improving.
·         Mrs. William Storie who has been quite ill, is gaining slowly [This is Vera Davidson Storie, who  lived until 1967].
·         J.J.K. Russell is hauling some big stone from Delhi for the cemetery vault.  They were shipped  from Walton.
·        Word has been received that Miss Freda Muller, who went to New York last week, had undergone  a successful operation for goiter. [Freda would live until 1951, dying at the age of 75.]
·         Dr. Latcher, of Oneonta, was here Saturday night to see Mrs. Jane Doig, who is ill at the home of  her son, Milton, up Coulter Brook.  An operation is contemplated on her neck. [Jane would only  survive about another six months, dying in January 1918 at the age of 78.]

July 27, 1917
·         Miss Nellie Miller has been ill from an ulcerated tooth.
·         Frank Dickson, on the Little Delaware, now drives a Ford.
·         Dog owners should hurry up getting their licenses - $10 fine after July 31st.
·         Mrs. Robert G. Thomson is still confined to her bed and shows little improvement.
·         William J. Crosier was taken quite ill Sabbath night but is a little more comfortable at this writing. (Crosier recovered, dying in 1931.)

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